Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
What do you mean this makes them the lesser of two evils? People don't consider them evil because they are worried that after the war the venom will be a problem. They consider them evil because of what the are doing with the venom RIGHT NOW. They are basically sex slavers in all but name. And worse, they are the kind of sex slavers who use addictive drugs to keep their slaves in line. Originally they claimed it was just a way to keep watch on POW but its not. It's just flat out sex slavery at this point.

Your right it is sex slavery, just like what that Kui-Tan scientist does later in the story. I do not agree with forced slavery, (but someone agreeing to it of their own free will, doesnt bother me). I also went back and re-read the Codex about how harsh the red Myr Venom is, and yeah I agree with the point that is should be tamed down so it isnt addictive, and that the Myr can completely stop producing it if they want to. For some reason I was remembering the venom as being MUCH less invasive than it is. As for the Red Myr being the lesser of 2 evils.... Its simple, being a survivor from a chemical bomb in Iraq (LUCKILY for me it wasnt Mustard gas, my unit got hit with 3 Chem bombs, 2 Mustard gas, and 1 Chlorine gas bomb (I got the last one) ), I will NEVER support any group that thinks that the use of NBC weapons is ok, so yeah burn the golds responsible to the ground in my opinion.

No one knows who started the war. Pretty sure it has been deliberately left ambiguous. Reds say Golds Golds say Reds. I doubt it will ever be known who started it.

As I understand it, it was the reds who were gonna nuke the gold city because they didnt want to loose any more people. The golds only developed counter nukes after the space dudes stopped the reds from vaporising the golds. 

Yeah your right, I went back and double checked about the nukes, and so yeah my view of the reds leadership went down to the level of the queens of the gold atm. As for Lieve / Leave I remember the name, but not remembering exactly who she was.

You think the golds deserve a talking to because one of their groups might rape you? That happened once by one group of golds. Thats par for the course every night over in red territory. And not just one isolated group of them.

They were the ones who were going to bomb a city full of innocent people so they could finish off what was, at the time, a basically defeated enemy without further casualties to themselves. 

Actually I have never been raped by a Red, even the Col doesnt rape you, she just drugs you (I know I know, still screwed up, but you did kind of consent to sex with her). But one of the examples of how screwed up the golds are. In the red city (sorry bad with names due to TBI and PTSD), there is a red / gold couple, and they were together long before the war, and the gold became a citizen of the red federation. Also in my first post I forgot that the Gold queen who rapes you is in the red city. And yes your right, the red command is seriously screwed up for being willing to kill everyone with nukes, but sadly I can see their point about not wanting to lose anyone else to Chemical weapons.

Really? They don't come off that way to me at all. If they were just defending their way of life, they wouldn't need to push into gold territory as far as they did. They wouldn't need to push their champain so far that they needed to resourt to sex slavery as a way to keep it going.

We'll just have to have different views on the red's / gold's here. For me, being a former soldier (maybe I learned different lessons than some), but I learned that in war there can be NO restrictions if you want to win. (The 2 exceptions to this I make are A: No WMD's / NBC, and B: do NOT harm children, period, no tolerance for that shit). But the objective in war (except those 2 things) is about being as nasty, dirty, and scaring your opponent so badly that they do not EVER want to get into a conflict with you again. So you win the first fight, as well as all that would come after if you try to use the RULES of war (read the book enders game, the way the author phrases it is much more eloquent than I can do)...... That is how I can understand the red push into gold territory they are trying to win this fight, and all the future fights. But when the golds decided to use Chem weapons on them, and press civilians into the army, it changed the entire nature of the conflict, and in my mind I can see them going *well shit they were willing to do these things, what ELSE are they capable of, they need to be extreminated to protect us, and the planet* So they decided to use the nukes (which YES I am still against). So I do not see them as raiders, but more as a nation terrified of what their enemies are capable of, and terror can make people do some horribly stupid shit.

Even after the cease fire they are still getting up to gross unethical shit. 

They were the ones who were going to bomb a city full of innocent people so they could finish off what was, at the time, a basically defeated enemy without further casualties to themselves. 

I also feel that the gold queens that authorized the chem weapons should be executed, no second chances (unless that was all of them, then I would be willing to allow life in prison until other queens were born to take their place), and the same goes for the red commanders that decided to allow the nuke option. They should be put in front of a firing squad and executed. (I know a lot harsh by probably almost everyones opinion, and I apologize if I offend anyone, NOT my intent. Just trying to express myself in a clear manner about how I feel about the situation / view it. (I mean go and ask any of the survivors of 9/11, ask them how they felt when the Mayor of New York wanted to allow Muslims to create a Mosque at ground zero, or ask any of the france terror attack survivors how they feel about terrorists, ask anyone whos ever been hit with a WMD how they feel about it. You'll probably get close to the same reaction)

Also No I do not think that the golds deserve a talking to.... I personally believe that any group that allows rape needs some serious punishment. If I had lived that situation, I would have gone to the Ambassador, dropped the photos of him and the gold having sex. Then informed him about what had happened, then had the soldiers that raped me executed, as well as the commanding officer for not having better control of their troops. (I think I remember Fen or Sav posting that it was a backer request that someone payed for, but we should have been given a way out if it isnt out thing). The point in being a soldier is CONTROL, you can not allow your troops to run rampant like that. If you do then they fall apart and lose their ability to function as soldiers, the red's understand this, the golds do not.

Anyways, again I REALLY hope I didnt offend people to badly even though I am pretty sure I did. If you have any problems with me for what I said and want to abuse me(please use personal messages so it doesnt distract from the actual thread), and if Fen or any of the bosses dislike what I had to say, please let me know and I will tone my comments to less controversial ones. I dont want to cause problems, just trying to share views, and make it so what I see can either be confirmed, clarified, or what not. And please understand, I am NOT trying to change anyones opinion or views, just sharing my own.

(And ugh this post took like 2 hours to freaking type up due to actually researching before posting LOL)


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
The goal of the Allies in 1945 was not to exterminate the Germans.

If I recall correctly, the Reds don't want to eradicate the Golds. They want to free them from the tyranny of their queens (and win the war and thus getting spoils ofc), which would most probably end the Golds, true. But if you give the Reds a method to kill the Golden Queens without dooming the Golds, then I'm pretty sure they would use it.

Neither of the groups actually strikes me as truly genocidal, they just have completly uncompatible philosophies.

Also, as a german I have to say that the allies where not invading Germany by 45, but liberating it. The agressor is the one who started it, not neccessarily the victor, which was -in WW2- definitly the germans (the aggressor that is..).

Also, incompetence does not make you a peaceloving group of people, so unless there is some proof that the Reds are to blame, I personally think it was a WW1 kind of thing. AKA too many people want war and the ones who don't are not competent/effective enough to stop it. (to oversimplify it)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
About something NOT related to my previous post.

I do have a question about something in the red city. I vaguely remember that they were suffering terror attacks like the golds were. But I can not find anything more than Sellara talking about it atm. Did I miss the event while running through this play through, or did it get taken out?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I vaguely remember that they were suffering terror attacks like the golds were. But I can not find anything more than Sellara talking about it atm. Did I miss the event while running through this play through, or did it get taken out?

Those were never added to begin with.


[...] in the red city occupied gold city. [...]
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
But their highest ranking officer, Field Marshal Sellara, who is in charge sure does.

Isn't she just in charge of the siege of Gildenmeere as well as keeping hte conquered city under control? I somehow got the feeling that she was just on of the military leaders, but that may be just my mistake ^^'

About something NOT related to my previous post.

I do have a question about something in the red city. I vaguely remember that they were suffering terror attacks like the golds were. But I can not find anything more than Sellara talking about it atm. Did I miss the event while running through this play through, or did it get taken out?

I'm pretty sure it is not in yet, Sellara is one of the last npcs added to Myrellion after all. I *think* this terrorist attacks tie in into Myrellion endgame..


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
If I recall correctly, the Reds don't want to eradicate the Golds. They want to free them from the tyranny of their queens (and win the war and thus getting spoils ofc), which would most probably end the Golds, true. But if you give the Reds a method to kill the Golden Queens without dooming the Golds, then I'm pretty sure they would use it.

Neither of the groups actually strikes me as truly genocidal, they just have completly uncompatible philosophies.

Most of the red's dont seem to want to kill them all. Even the Col Ambassador has a certain kind of respect for them. I completely agree that their ideologies, are completely incompatible. But if the different leaderships were punished, and a new training program established where the young of BOTH kinds were educated together, away from the racist natures of their elders..... There would be a chance of a future of both races on the planet. Otherwise 1 of the 2 dominant species would need to depart. As a best case scenario (again my personal opinion)

As for who is the true aggressor, I used to think it was the gold's, but after this last play through, and the other people talking. I do not know, I just know that I feel more empathy for the red's than the gold's. I do not respect either group of commanders, but at least the red's in general I like. Where the gold's seem to be almost Roman in their debauchery, and lack of control. With only a VERY small group of them, that I feel any kind of positive feelings for (the girl that works in the school house, the deserter gold up at the bar, and pretty much no one else.)

But speaking of the bar, who ever wrote the Monkey Trap up there. Did a freaking fantastic job, talk about feeling the feels. ))) That character I got as attached to as Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy in ME 1, 2, and 3.

Edited - to remove a post somehow getting added into this one.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But speaking of the bar, who ever wrote the Monkey Trap up there. Did a freaking fantastic job, talk about feeling the feels. ))) That character I got as attached to as Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy in ME 1, 2, and 3.

More like a transgirl than a "trap" but meh. :p

Embry is written by JimThermic who left this community to concentrate more on his career as a professional writer. So, unfortunately there will be nothing further added to her.  :(  


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
More like a transgirl than a "trap" but meh. :p

Embry is written by JimThermic who left this community to concentrate more on his career as a professional writer. So, unfortunately there will be nothing further added to her.  :(  

Hahaha LOL, yeah with treatment I would say Transgirl, just Trap felt more appropriate to me with her in the beginning. With her progressing to full Female by the end. It shouldnt matter what someone was born as, but how they feel inside combined with what state their body is in (Or how they want to be considered, and I know she felt she was a girl in a boys body, until we helped her shift over).

That sucks for us, since his stuff was pretty fantastic. As for his reasons.... Hopefully he drops by sometime to let us know what he writes so we can check it out, and support him in the process. Because any author who writes that well, just deserve respect and support.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
Embry is written by JimThermic who left this community to concentrate more on his career as a professional writer. So, unfortunately there will be nothing further added to her.  :(  

I'm sorry if it is a stupid question, but can't someone else continue her character? I understand it wouldn't be the same quality, but at least it could be continued instead of dropped altogether.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Anyone can certainly try.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm sorry if it is a stupid question, but can't someone else continue her character? I understand it wouldn't be the same quality, but at least it could be continued instead of dropped altogether.

the problem with that is it wouldn't be the same quality and we already lost someone trying to make an expansion for Embry.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
the problem with that is it wouldn't be the same quality and we already lost someone trying to make an expansion for Embry.

Maybe... But hopefully one day it could be done


Aug 26, 2015
I'm sorry if it is a stupid question, but can't someone else continue her character? I understand it wouldn't be the same quality, but at least it could be continued instead of dropped altogether.

Writing for someone else's character is extremely difficult and often ends in the writer who tries burning out.  It takes more time for less quality than if the writer had told their own story with their own character instead.  It's not worth it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
Why imitate when you can innovate? I'd very much rather see an aspiring author come up with their own ideas rather than attempt to revive abandoned ones. At best, reviving a dead project will give the audience a zombie. In my opinion, at least. It's better to just let some things go, as endearing and beloved as they might be. It's how we move on to even better things.

I guess you're right, it's just a shame to see a good character go


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
will NEVER support any group that thinks that the use of NBC weapons is ok, so yeah burn the golds responsible to the ground in my opinion.

The golds chemical weapons put you to sleep as far as I know, unless they had more than one.

The reds use chemical warfare as well. They turned their venom into a chemical weapon and they also use it to torture information out of captive soldiers. That sounds worse to me than the golds weapons.

As for Lieve / Leave I remember the name, but not remembering exactly who she was.

4 hours ago, StainlessSteele said:

She's the scout chick with the trenchwives. Also she's awful.?

Actually I have never been raped by a Red,

I wasn't talking about Steele. I mean all the captive golds the reds routinely drug and rape. 

But one of the examples of how screwed up the golds are. In the red city (sorry bad with names due to TBI and PTSD), there is a red / gold couple, and they were together long before the war, and the gold became a citizen of the red federation. 

I don't know what you mean. How does that show that the golds are screwed up?

but sadly I can see their point about not wanting to lose anyone else to Chemical weapons

No, you see, that's the thing. They weren't loosing anyone to chemical weapons. They already countered the chemical weapons. They just didn't want to loose more people charging the city. The golds had nothing left. They had basocally lost the war. It was over, as I understood it. They were gonna nuke a city full of civillians anyway.

The 2 exceptions to this I make are A: No WMD's / NBC, and B: do NOT harm children, period, no tolerance for that shit)

Well, the reds hit every one of those. They were going to use weapons of mass destruction on a city full of civillians who were basically no real threat to them. Which would have resulted in a bunch of children dying and they use their venom as a weapon. 

And its a little worrysome that those are your only hangups. In a real world example, besides hurting kids, ISIS hasn't done any of that that I know of. You're cool with rape and slavery if it helps win a war? 

personally believe that any group that allows rape needs some serious punishment. 

Well, the red army is basically one massive rape machine at the moment. And they arent just raping they are enslaving. You agree then that the reds should be punished for that?

then had the soldiers that raped me executed, 

Then you think a huge part of the red military should be executed then? Because that is a huge part of their military at the moment, andcwhile it was illegal concerning the golds, I beleave, its fully legal and welcomed to the reds. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Myrellion was a mistake.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
So were you, but I guess we're stuck with you both.

Err, not sure if genuinely angry at what I said. I was just joking about how controversial it is on the forum.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Usually a good idea to end posts like that with an emoticon to take some of the edge off.



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
I need to invent a sexy sarcasm font.

Why dont you just add a bit of text in your Sig. With a description, each color has a certain meaning. Then when people read your messages, they know how you feel......

And we can call you the Rainbow writer. (Yes joke, bad I know, Sorry to closet I will go)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Gay as fuck.

I would change this to something else if it weren't so difficult.
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