Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Yeah, I get that. What I meant by what I said was: At least it's not a constant pain in your butt while you're questing on Myrellion. Though, I think a fight in the streets of Gildenmere would be a bad idea, considering you're under the jurisdiction of Gildenmere's laws while inside the city. Still, getting into a fight and having to hightail it out of Gildenmere is probably preferable to getting hooked on Myr venom and gangraped.

Yeah I thought of that, of course, but if we're being realistic, the doomed race that is fully relying on off-worlders to save their skin would probably have an open ear if you explained yourself(especially since you're quite influential at that point)


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Yeah I thought of that, of course, but if we're being realistic, the doomed race that is fully relying on off-worlders to save their skin would probably have an open ear if you explained yourself(especially since you're quite influential at that point)

Well, they seem to think you're some kind of prostitute that's been provided for them, and so they go into the interaction thinking you're some kind of plaything they get to enjoy, and if Dally's dialogue is any indication, females grabbing a male to have her way with, whether he likes it or not, isn't uncommon. So they're of the mentality that "this is normal and ok" even when it comes to an offworlder. It would probably take a show of force to shock them out of that mentality and get them to see you as something to be taken seriously, but I guess Steele figures it's better to avoid a confrontation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
Well, they seem to think you're some kind of prostitute that's been provided for them, and so they go into the interaction thinking you're some kind of plaything they get to enjoy, and if Dally's dialogue is any indication, females grabbing a male to have her way with, whether he likes it or not, isn't uncommon. So they're of the mentality that "this is normal and ok" even when it comes to an offworlder. It would probably take a show of force to shock them out of that mentality and get them to see you as something to be taken seriously, but I guess Steele figures it's better to avoid a confrontation.

I would like to get a option that allows us to complain to someone about that "rape" (especially if you tried to run but failed). I mean they should know that a offworlder that at least TRIED to run away can't be some hired prostitute for them, you would imagine that the people got told "be nice to those offworlders and don't do anything against their will".

Also they don't just rape, they also drug you and you aren't just any normal offworlder you are the heir of Steele Tech. I think at least a diplomat/military person would care or maybe even a queen ESPECIALLY if you would drop that you are a heir to one of the MegaCorps.

"You know I just got raped by some of your soldiers who thought I was a prostitute for them even after I told them I'm not and tried to run" "Oh sorry that happens..." "They also drugged me with Red Myr Venom" "...Oh, erm..." "That reminds me I never fully introduced myself: My name is X Steele, heir to the Steele Tech MegaCorp..." "....Ohhhhhhhh f...."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I would like to get a option that allows us to complain to someone about that "rape" (especially if you tried to run but failed). I mean they should know that a offworlder that at least TRIED to run away can't be some hired prostitute for them, you would imagine that the people got told "be nice to those offworlders and don't do anything against their will".

Also they don't just rape, they also drug you and you aren't just any normal offworlder you are the heir of Steele Tech. I think at least a diplomat/military person would care or maybe even a queen ESPECIALLY if you would drop that you are a heir to one of the MegaCorps.

"You know I just got raped by some of your soldiers who thought I was a prostitute for them even after I told them I'm not and tried to run" "Oh sorry that happens..." "They also drugged me with Red Myr Venom" "...Oh, erm..." "That reminds me I never fully introduced myself: My name is X Steele, heir to the Steele Tech MegaCorp..." "....Ohhhhhhhh f...."

From what Dally says, males are treated as second-class citizens; almost property. He's been raped many times walking the streets of Gildenmere. Therefore, the Gold women (or at least, these ones) probably figure "anything with a dick is fair game".and don't even consider the possibility that what they're doing is wrong; that anything with a dick is theirs to use, whether they like it or not.

Not to say that this is a good idea; after all, they have no idea who you are, you're armed, they're risking a diplomatic incident, etc etc, but all that matters to them is that they think you're the person who's been 'given to them', and by gum they're going to have their duly appointed fun.

The fact that the same soldiers keep approaching you with an invitation after the first time, and don't seem to recognize you, should tell you something about the cognitive capabilities these soldiers possess.

As far as reporting them.. well, good luck. What evidence do you have? Would you even know which soldiers to report? And even if you did have evidence or witnesses, there's no gurantee the Queens would even recognize that a crime has been committed. They might just look at you funny and be like "Uh, so?"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
From what Dally says, males are treated as second-class citizens; almost property. He's been raped many times walking the streets of Gildenmere. Therefore, the Gold women (or at least, these ones) probably figure "anything with a dick is fair game".and don't even consider the possibility that what they're doing is wrong; that anything with a dick is theirs to use, whether they like it or not.

Not to say that this is a good idea; after all, they have no idea who you are, you're armed, they're risking a diplomatic incident, etc etc, but all that matters to them is that they think you're the person who's been 'given to them', and by gum they're going to have their duly appointed fun.

The fact that the same soldiers keep approaching you with an invitation after the first time, and don't seem to recognize you, should tell you something about the cognitive capabilities these soldiers possess.

As far as reporting them.. well, good luck. What evidence do you have? Would you even know which soldiers to report? And even if you did have evidence or witnesses, there's no gurantee the Queens would even recognize that a crime has been committed. They might just look at you funny and be like "Uh, so?"

I think they would at least try to get those soldiers (their soldiers in general) better under control, also I highly doubt that the queens would try and risk and problems with the offworlders ESPECIALLY a person that has (potentially) enough power to simply tip the scales in favour for the Red Myr/get the fleet in orbit to gtfo/ruin their reputation for other offworlders so they never visit.

Also: The queens know that they need protection or they get overrun by the Red Myr and that they can't rely on their scientist friend forever (he will surely get pulled/replaced by a scientist that isn't that friendly to the golds). They need a more permanent supporter and that would be a DIRECT support from a MegaCorp (and not just one person that can't really do much) or from other races/Galactic Gevernment, but if it gets out that some SOLDIERS raped a HEIR of a MegaCorp AND drugged them... Well I imagine that not many will try and support them then.

What could they even offer? Resources? The Red sit on nearly the whole planet, so THEY would get support for that.

Culture/Tourism? Pfffff, yeah as if someone wants to visit a race which is know to have raped and drugged a VIP, so why should a normal person ever visit if even a heir to a MegaCorp isn't save?

Beeing a colony for another race? Smart move selling your race to another race as breeding stock just to survive. Nobody would really complain if the Kui-Tan would do that, if your story would get out.

To make it short: The Queens wouldn't really try and gamble with the odds that this one incident screws them over completely, because they need a good reputation to get out of the mess they are in but having a Heir of a MegaCorp going around and telling ppl that they got raped and drugged by Gold Soldiers will (nearly) kill any positive opinion regarding them.

"Let us get this clear: Some of your soldiers raped the heir of Steele Tech? And drugged them? Even though s/he is cleary a offworlder?" "It isn't that unlikely that a male..." "Gets captured by soldiers and raped and drugged by them?..." "Well..."


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Though this is possibly something that could be written off as a technicality, as the game is normally meant to include any character with a dick in scenes that are for "males", it miiiiiiight be worth noting that you still get raped if you're just a girl with a dick(so I mean, unless they like sense the D, the "males are property" rule doesn't save them since they had no way of even knowing that)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Though this is possibly something that could be written off as a technicality, as the game is normally meant to include any character with a dick in scenes that are for "males", it miiiiiiight be worth noting that you still get raped if you're just a girl with a dick(so I mean, unless they like sense the D, the "males are property" rule doesn't save them since they had no way of even knowing that)

Didn't you know? Most species have magical dick sensing powers, they might not know how much you're packing, but they know you're packing!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Didn't you know? Most species have magical dick sensing powers, they might not know how much you're packing, but they know you're packing!

I know the frogs back on the first planet have that.(like "smell man?" or something like that) But I doooouuubt the Myr have that.(walking around NAKED with a dick I think increases your rape chance, meaning that seeing it does matter to them)

P.S. I forgot to ever question this once I got done with the city, but why do the reds have a breast secretion too? I mean up until that came up, I thought I had it all figured out that the golds were actually a bee species, and the reds are just red ants(hence venom and different body shape), but then all of a sudden there's a taboo about drinking from reds... it's, as of yet, not even an important thing? it just serves to make you feel bad for a moment in Lieve's scene(which you can't prevent), and confuse you as to why reds have a constant leak too despite not being bee-like, and I think it's not relevant to anyone else.(Renvra just says "it's fine with me")
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
@Skiren Reds 'lactate' for the same reason Golds do - to feed their young and/or store nutrients. The same principles as with fertility apply: Golds get fewer individuals capable of it but those few have insane productivity, while Reds have more but each of them is much less productive. 

Their outlook on the act of feeding pretty much mirrors each group's attitude towards sex in general. Libertine hedonists vs. uptight and self-suppressing culture that suffered massive value degradation due to the whole trench wives thing.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Reds 'lactate' for the same reason Golds do - to feed their young and/or store nutrients. The same principles as with fertility apply: Golds get fewer individuals capable of it but those few have insane productivity, while Reds have more but each of them is much less productive.

Yeah but I mean, assuming you're not pregnant, lactating isn't "normal"(even in this game it's not super common, except to specific races), my issue is that the reason the golds produce was SEEMINGLY because they're bees, they produce HONEY(they themselves even call it honey), so it was like "oh, yeah, I get it, it's just like the zil", but then the reds have it too? despite not being bee-like at all? and theirs isn't honey I don't think? which means the producing has nothing to do with bee-ness at all...(why honey then? @_@)
(I mean this ISN'T an issue, it's just confusing to me, since the golds didn't need any resemblance to bees if it's irrelevant)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I thought I had it all figured out that the golds were actually a bee species...

Yeah but I mean, assuming you're not pregnant, lactating isn't "normal"(even in this game it's not super common, except to specific races), my issue is that the reason the golds produce was SEEMINGLY because they're bees, they produce HONEY(they themselves even call it honey), so it was like "oh, yeah, I get it, it's just like the zil",

So... Have you ever heard of "honeypot ants" 

Golds are kinda inspired by those...

P.S. Zil are more like wasps than bees.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah but I mean, assuming you're not pregnant, lactating isn't "normal"(even in this game it's not super common, except to specific races), my issue is that the reason the golds produce was SEEMINGLY because they're bees, they produce HONEY(they themselves even call it honey), so it was like "oh, yeah, I get it, it's just like the zil", but then the reds have it too? despite not being bee-like at all? and theirs isn't honey I don't think? which means the producing has nothing to do with bee-ness at all...(why honey then? @_@)
(I mean this ISN'T an issue, it's just confusing to me, since the golds didn't need any resemblance to bees if it's irrelevant)
So... Have you ever heard of "honeypot ants"

Golds are kinda inspired by those...

P.S. Zil are more like wasps than bees.

And to expand on the above post, bees and ants are related very closely. The idea of ants making honey isn't that far-fetched.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
So... Have you ever heard of "honeypot ants" 

Well. That would explain why their breasts also look bloated/transparent.(whereas the Zil just have normal figures, meaning honey production doesn't = that) And why I think they(or a place, I forget) was called something to do with the word "honeypot"....

And to expand on the above post, bees and ants are related very closely. The idea of ants making honey isn't that far-fetched.

Well that's a little redundant now, when there IS apparently honey ants.
....."When the liquid stored inside a honeypot ant is needed, the worker ants stroke the antennae of the honeypot ant " am I reading info on ants? or a line from this game, jeez >.>;
P.S. I bet anything people eat those ants. Totally seems like something people would try to say is like a delicacy.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well that's a little redundant now, when there IS apparently honey ants.

Let me break my post down:

"To expand on" was to give more information as to the connections between ants an bees to help explain why there's a species of ant that has honey. "The idea of ants" is saying that without the knowledge of the honeypot ant, in a vacuum of information, knowing just that bees and ants are related is enough to infer that ants could have the ability to make honey like bees. The two sentences go hand in hand, the second is dependent on the first, the first was to help guide the logic.

I was contributing to the discussion, as is the nature of forums, and if I felt that my post wasn't necessary I wouldn't have made it.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
And to expand on the above post, bees and ants are related very closely.

Yeah they sort of evolved from Wasps, speaking of honey... Wasps actually eat sweet stuff, meat they really don't eat, they get it for there larva. (sorry I had to throw that tidbit in xD )


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
P.S. I bet anything people eat those ants. Totally seems like something people would try to say is like a delicacy.

As a matter of fact, they do. It's even explained in the wiki link :)  These ants are said to be very sweet ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
ShySquare I've got to ask this, because for 212 posts it's been driving me mad. What is going on in your profile picture?

What do you mean ? 

Edit : I guess I see what you mean, what with the bright, unnatural colors and all... <.< It's a close up of a red-dotted purple skinned,  blue-haired alien's face. The alien is wearing opaque purple shades (similar to Garnet's in Steven Universe) and hiding its mouth (and nose ?) with a pale yellow mask.

I apologize for driving you crazy. It was entirely unintentional ^^' 
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Aug 27, 2015
What do you mean ? 

Edit : I guess I see what you mean, what with the bright, unnatural colors and all... <.< It's a close up of a red-dotted purple skinned,  blue-haired alien's face. The alien is wearing opaque purple shades (similar to Garnet's in Steven Universe) and hiding its mouth (and nose ?) with a pale yellow mask.

I apologize for driving you crazy. It was entirely unintentional ^^' 

Alright, thanks for the explanation. I still can't see it, though. All I can see is a view into Agrobah through framed with some blue curtains. Optical illusion.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Alright, thanks for the explanation. I still can't see it, though. All I can see is a view into Agrobah through framed with some blue curtains. Optical illusion.

Okay, that's... not what I intended when I drew this.... Weird :^/


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Alright, thanks for the explanation. I still can't see it, though. All I can see is a view into Agrobah through framed with some blue curtains. Optical illusion.

Great now I see Agrobah! I understood what the picture represented before hand though, this just helps confirm my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
I'm not going to scroll through 19 pages to find out if this point has been made already, but I love the fact that this war is the way it is. Not the fighting part, but the HISTORY of it. Like so many generational feuds, both sides blame each other for something they may not have done. At this point, it's just here say. Personally, I hope the war is resolved, but again, like many generational feuds, they hardly ever do get resolved.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I'm not going to scroll through 19 pages to find out if this point has been made already, but I love the fact that this war is the way it is. Not the fighting part, but the HISTORY of it. Like so many generational feuds, both sides blame each other for something they may not have done. At this point, it's just here say. Personally, I hope the war is resolved, but again, like many generational feuds, they hardly ever do get resolved.

Oh plenty of feuds do get resolved, when one side dies out completely is the usual way though.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Oh plenty of feuds do get resolved, when one side dies out completely is the usual way though.

usually though people tend to view genocide in a bad light and tend to be wary of those folks to caused it even if it was their ancestors that did it. Basically if they can do it to this race it means they can do it again against another race. Lets take RL examples for a moment, genocide is considered one of the most heinous crimes that can be committed in the world, those that usually are the cause of it do not get off easy. Hell the international community are still going after 80, 90 year old nazi's for crimes they committed nearly a century ago.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
usually though people tend to view genocide in a bad light and tend to be wary of those folks to caused it even if it was their ancestors that did it. Basically if they can do it to this race it means they can do it again against another race. Lets take RL examples for a moment, genocide is considered one of the most heinous crimes that can be committed in the world, those that usually are the cause of it do not get off easy. Hell the international community are still going after 80, 90 year old nazi's for crimes they committed nearly a century ago.

Unless you did it centuries ago, then everyone either forgets about it or thinks its a pretty cool historical tidbit, don't see many people hounding the Mongols for their past genocides for a reason. *cough* or the Jews genocidal rampage on basically everyone in the Land of Canaan *cough*


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
Oh plenty of feuds do get resolved, when one side dies out completely is the usual way though.

Yeah... Like a lot of people, I really don't like focusing on genocide. Though that is one way of ending a long time feud, it is horrible :/