Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
So I just finished Fazian's quest and was wondering (spoiler alert)........

What happens to the Red Myr general? And that whole operation? I mean, you bust Fazian out, and he complains to a whole bunch of people, but they never really said what happened to the people responsible. 


Aug 27, 2015
What happens to the Red Myr general?

Deliberately left uncertain so I could maybe bring her back at a later date.

And that whole operation?

Busted, but anybody but Ehstraffe can say they were simply following orders, and the slavers certainly aren't going to be hanging around.

I appreciate it's not a hugely satisfying conclusion. By the time I'd done what was there, I was well over the 15k bounty asked for and wanted to move on. Ideally I wanted you to be able to talk to Lieve or Nehzara about the aftermath. Maybe in the future.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Ideally I wanted you to be able to talk to Lieve or Nehzara about the aftermath. Maybe in the future.

That'd be cool if you ever have time!  :D  I'm sure you guys have a lot more on your plates, but it would be cool to know what the impact of something like this was and have someone acknowledge and respond to it. It seems something like that would be a pretty big deal considering the scale of it and the fact that an officer and a bunch of soldiers were involved. Might even impact the stand off between the Golds and Reds since Fazian told pretty much everyone. 

I appreciate it's not a hugely satisfying conclusion. By the time I'd done what was there, I was well over the 15k bounty asked for and wanted to move on. 

Yeah, I totally understand! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Maybe not really important to comment on this stuff anymore, since Myrellion is basically over?(I'm not sure to what extent things may change or be added at a later time) but I just finished up most of the Myrellion stuff, and given that I just read all 17 of these pages, I felt like commenting.
(disclaimer: it is possible for me to have missed some stuff that might contradict what I say, so if that's the case then just say)
For one thing, on the note of the war, supposedly the reds were just minding their own business until threatened with genocide from the golds, I mean they had no reason to expand their territory or anything given the population problems. They only did so because the golds evidently were never going to stop pushing them.(which, as something against the queens, it is apparently the queens that got their race into that losing war, simply because they didn't like the mere existence of the reds, so good job queens)

And then onto the subject of the venom, I see it brought up time and time again about how they freely use their venom on the player, but ....does it matter? I mean they have to drug you a TON to get you addicted, which while it is a pretty harsh side-effect, it's your fault if you just can't keep yourself from doing every venom using red you see for like a week straight. But basically what I'm saying is, ONE encounter isn't going to get you addicted, they simply use the venom to make the sex better, like not really different than if they were to put something up your butt while you were going at it. Also I couldn't get Lieve to drug me without my consent, so I'm not sure where that's coming from.(edit: apparently Lieve kisses you without permission if you turn her down after the tour, but it DOES NOT give you venom status, so she does NOT drug you without consent) Nehzara does it, but Sellera flat out says that she is kind of corrupt(so was she a bad choice for that position? yes, but it's not like Sellera knew off-worlders would try to do her)

As for the trench wives, it seems kinda like people are thinking of it like "drug them or let them be not drugged", so drugging them seems bad, but no, it's drug them, or kill them. Period. Whether you BELIEVE it or not, the reds say they CAN'T take prisoners the traditional way, so you have to accept that that is true. But even if they could, forced happiness is still happiness+freedom(ish) vs miserable POW camps. And the reds not giving up their trench wives could be attributed to a kind of reverse stockholm syndrome, the red soldiers were more or less given the option of "kill this gold or take responsibility for her", and given the nature of keeping them, of course they'd get attached.(obviously giving them venom is mandatory if you keep them, whether you want to or not, otherwise they'd be dangerous)

All that said, I don't MIND if the situation stays as is, it lets you just imagine about how it'll turn out, but if resolutions are to be had, I hope enough choice is involved(as I'm team red, personally)
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Aug 26, 2015
(disclaimer: it is possible for me to have missed some stuff that might contradict what I say, so if that's the case then just say)

The golds give an entirely different version of the story where the reds struck first.  There is no way of telling which is correct.

And then onto the subject of the venom, I see it brought up time and time again about how they freely use their venom on the player, but ....does it matter?

It matters immensely.  If you produce a chemical that makes people your slave with enough exposure, you have a responsibility to be careful in its use: arguably you have a responsibility to outright neuter your production of it, temporarily or permanently, if said chemical isn't vital to your ability to reproduce and you want to interact with society as a whole.  Allegedly, the red myr are responsible with its use and chaste about kissing; in practice, the opposite is true, indicating that they have ceased to be responsible with their venom and therefore have become a danger to other species they come in contact with.  The same applies to the dzaan, though a dzaan needs to be far more intimate with someone to enslave them.

As for the trench wives, it seems kinda like people are thinking of it like "drug them or let them be not drugged", so drugging them seems bad, but no, it's drug them, or kill them. Period. Whether you BELIEVE it or not, the reds say they CAN'T take prisoners the traditional way, so you have to accept that that is true.

I've been in the situation of needing medications on a regular basis before.  I would gladly suffer the pain of withdrawal than do it again.  If it meant slavery on top of that, I'd take the firing squad.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
And the reds not giving up their trench wives could be attributed to a kind of reverse stockholm syndrome, the red soldiers were more or less given the option of "kill this gold or take responsibility for her", and given the nature of keeping them, of course they'd get attached.(obviously giving them venom is mandatory if you keep them, whether you want to or not, otherwise they'd be dangerous)

Reverse Stockholm Syndrome is called Lima Syndrome for future reference.

Anyway, its a little morally ambiguous what is the right choice here, but that stems more from the two major writers backing opposing sides in this little war than a purposeful attempt at grey vs. grey morality. Honestly I just want some resolution and closure and to move on from Myrellion, we've been here much too long already and could do with a change of scenery.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Anyway, its a little morally ambiguous what is the right choice here, but that stems more from the two major writers backing opposing sides in this little war than a purposeful attempt at grey vs. grey morality. Honestly I just want some resolution and closure and to move on from Myrellion, we've been here much too long already and could do with a change of scenery.

Best way to have gone about it I think. Otherwise strawman EvilMcEvilant would rear its head. The forum's pretty well divided, which shows their success in that regard.

Wearing my Steele shoes, I'd probably go non-intervention or help separate the brats. Neither is fully content with the resolution, but they don't annihilate themselves. Getting on a soapbox and forcing your moral code down their throats at gunpoint is hella arrogant though. They're an underdeveloped race. Don't interfere unless absolutely necessary, don't interfere more than necessary. Consider a super-advanced race interfering with humanity, telling us "you aren't living right, and you aren't thinking right. Change to our way of thinking or die."

And yes, I look forward to snow. And madmax planet (can't remember the name) seems like it'll be a more humorous, light-hearted adventure. It might end up being dark as well, but I doubt it'll be as serious in its attempt.

...I want my floppy-eared huskar.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The golds give an entirely different version of the story where the reds struck first.  There is no way of telling which is correct.

This is my guess and I might be grasping at straws but, I think there could be a secret third party who instigated the whole war.


Aug 27, 2015
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
It's a little unlikely for there to be a third party, given that no other race has technology on the planet that anyone is aware of, and the golds don't dispute that the pilots that started the war WERE golds(so like, they weren't hijacked planes)
And yes, I know there is a term for reverse stockholm, but even if I looked it up and said it instead, I'd worry about not everyone knowing what it meant.

And yeah, I very much would not mind leaving the planet behind, just that while it's old news by now, I had JUST done it myself, so wanted to comment /o/ It especially seems like we should move on since I didn't much care for any single character on Myrellion like on previous planets(which is a little odd), like Tarkus had Anno, the sexbot girl, and Aurora(who while not available for romance, I would have liked as a companion at least), Mhen'ga has Syri and Penny, but who does Myrellion have? ...I guess Embry? maybe? I dunno.(I mean I do admit it's quite personal pref about who you consider to be a "stand out" character, but there's no denying that none of them have long lasting interaction besides Embry)

The Illumi-gnat-i, perhaps.

how dare you.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's a little unlikely for there to be a third party, given that no other race has technology on the planet that anyone is aware of

Given the nature of the game (text-based with addons) this is very well possible. It also doesn't have to be another race, just another faction.

Blackwater Syn

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Evil fungal queen playing ants against each other. When ant are all kill, they can possess the nyrea without fear of the ant war machine destroying their homes. For the Undercity, fungal lady watch over you.

Note, the previous statement was a joke. It is also something that should never happen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Evil fungal queen playing ants against each other. When ant are all kill, they can possess the nyrea without fear of the ant war machine destroying their homes. For the Undercity, fungal lady watch over you.

Note, the previous statement was a joke. It is also something that should never happen.

Eh. I don't know fungal queens can go covert and are sophisticated enough to fuck with our nanites. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
And then onto the subject of the venom, I see it brought up time and time again about how they freely use their venom on the player, but ....does it matter? I mean they have to drug you a TON to get you addicted, which while it is a pretty harsh side-effect, it's your fault if you just can't keep yourself from doing every venom using red you see for like a week straight. But basically what I'm saying is, ONE encounter isn't going to get you addicted, they simply use the venom to make the sex better, like not really different than if they were to put something up your butt while you were going at it. Also I couldn't get Lieve to drug me without my consent, so I'm not sure where that's coming from.(edit: apparently Lieve kisses you without permission if you turn her down after the tour, but it DOES NOT give you venom status, so she does NOT drug you without consent) Nehzara does it, but Sellera flat out says that she is kind of corrupt(so was she a bad choice for that position? yes, but it's not like Sellera knew off-worlders would try to do her)

It doesn't really matter if you cannot get adicted with one dose. If you have an addictive drug you don't force it on people. Plain and simple. They don't know how much of it you have had before hand nor how much of it other red myr are going to use on you. Obviously yo cannot get addicted through Leave's kiss, because there is literally no way to avoid it(if you go that path), so gameplay wise it would kinda suck. That doesn't change what's going on story wise, though. She is still completely drugging you even though you don't get game play effects.

As for the trench wives, it seems kinda like people are thinking of it like "drug them or let them be not drugged", so drugging them seems bad, but no, it's drug them, or kill them. Period. 

 They could have camps to hold them, it would just take more resources and personal than they want to deal with and would have hurt the war effort. They could also trade at least some of them to aid that too, but they don't. So they decided to prioritize winning the war over acting like actually mildly decent sentient beings.  They also have some sort of twisted idea that this is better for them than a camp would be.  

Personally, if it were between going to a camp or being turned into a drug addicted sex slave, I would choose the camp without even giving it a second thought.  Don't get it twisted thinking it's just red myr trying to do the golds a favor (Though some seem to see it that way, which is even more twisted). They don't just take care of those they spare, some of them are actually given to officers like gifts. It's completely and fully slavery in every way except name. 

 But even if they could, forced happiness is still happiness+freedom(ish) vs miserable POW camps. 

You've got to be kidding. Most people would absolutely prefer a camp to being forcibly addicted to a drug that makes them a slave for potentially the rest of their lives, and being reduced to an object for other people to play with. At least the camps allow them to be treated like actual people. Which everyone deserves.
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
You've got to be kidding. Most people would absolutely prefer a camp to being forcibly addicted to a drug that makes them a slave for potentially the rest of their lives, and being reduced to an object for other people to play with. At least the camps allow them to be treated like actual people. Which everyone deserves.

That's just personal opinion, as is my argument for it.(I mean it's not like you can find an irl comparison to see what choice people would make) And they could still be sexually used, but would in addition, likely be abused, in camps, and they'd just have worse food, beds/etc. and lack freedom. But that was just a side-note anyway, there IS NO camps, and yet you treated it like they were an option that the reds simply didn't choose.(I mean you CAN assume that if you want, but I don't see much point in disregarding things said in game, if you're gonna do that you might as well disregard anything you want to) Also, while not the most important thing, you have to remember that gold myr are not humans, or even any other race in this game, they're sex fiends(you get raped by them just for walking in their city), so while you bring it up as a point against reds, them using gold wives for sex, due to your own moral opinion on it, the golds do not share your moral reservations about sex. Not a single gold I met in the game had an emotional opinion of sex, as it being any more than a fun pastime, if they weren't on venom, but were still prisoners, they'd likely try to get sex from the reds anyway.

P.S. I just checked, and the venom addiction is actually EASILY gotten over just by sleeping for a few days(8 days), so why WOULD any red really care about it?(which, again though, only the bad one really forces it on you) and mind you, to get addicted to it in the first place takes at least 8 days of non-stop venom. So if you're dumb enough to spend 8 days overdosing on something you know gets addictive, then 8 days of time to get rid of it is not so bad.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
there IS NO camps, and you disregarded what I said about the camps not being an option, and treated it like they were an option that the reds simply didn't choose.(I mean you CAN assume that if you want, but I don't see much point in disregarding things said in game, if you're gonna do that you might as well disregard anything you want to

Wrong. There are camps. Not many that we've heard of, but there are camps. Fazian quest is one instance of a PoW camp. The trench wives system is an ease on the camp system and that's why it's so prevalent.
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Wrong. There are camps. Not many that we've heard of, but there are camps. Fazian quest is one instance of a PoW camp. The trench wives system is an ease on the camp system and that's why it's so prevalent.

Frick, the one person I didn't bother talking to... still, despite saying it that way, I meant it more as referring to the camp system as a whole, rather than meaning there's literally 0 places for prisoners.(it wouldn't be surprising if they had camps for males, at the very least, after all)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Even without Fazian, various NPCs still mention that camps are a thing but the TW system is a relief system to it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
That's just personal opinion, as is my argument for it.(I mean it's not like you can find an irl comparison to see what choice people would make) And they could still be sexually used, but would in addition, likely be abused, in camps, and they'd just have worse food, beds/etc. and lack freedom. But that was just a side-note anyway, there IS NO camps, and yet you treated it like they were an option that the reds simply didn't choose.(I mean you CAN assume that if you want, but I don't see much point in disregarding things said in game, if you're gonna do that you might as well disregard anything you want to) Also, while not the most important thing, you have to remember that gold myr are not humans, or even any other race in this game, they're sex fiends(you get raped by them just for walking in their city), so while you bring it up as a point against reds, them using gold wives for sex, due to your own moral opinion on it, the golds do not share your moral reservations about sex. Not a single gold I met in the game had an emotional opinion of sex, as it being any more than a fun pastime, if they weren't on venom, but were still prisoners, they'd likely try to get sex from the reds anyway.

P.S. I just checked, and the venom addiction is actually EASILY gotten over just by sleeping for a few days(8 days), so why WOULD any red really care about it?(which, again though, only the bad one really forces it on you) and mind you, to get addicted to it in the first place takes at least 8 days of non-stop venom. So if you're dumb enough to spend 8 days overdosing on something you know gets addictive, then 8 days of time to get rid of it is not so bad.

Yeah.  The venom addiction is easily shaken by the PC in 8 days straight with no substance.  The PC with the hyperadaptive self mutating nanites meant to maintain their sanity and allow them to shift drastically dynamically and get years worth of exercise in a month.   I don't know what stat losses happen sense I've never been a slut but saying that just cause the PC shook it with his god tier medical suite means that other people can easy in dumb.  Especially when the first dose can induce strong submissive feelings. And prolonged application makes it increasingly impossible to shake it off.

EDIT: And it's eight days at base. that is 2% a day without a hit. At thirty percent it's 15 at 50 25 days. at 60 a month and at a 100 50 day on our chassis. 

Also earlier the chain was third party race provoked the war. The rebuttal was no one had the tech. The Joke was the fungal queens did it.  The rebuttal is they probably could. They can be subtle and the spore can interface with nanites a little jiggery here and there could make things go boom. 
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
That's just personal opinion, as is my argument for it.(I mean it's not like you can find an irl comparison to see what choice people would make) And they could still be sexually used, but would in addition, likely be abused, in camps, and they'd just have worse food, beds/etc. and lack freedom. 

But that abuse would at least be illegal and would likely result in disciplinary action if it were ever found out. Also, you would likely get less addiction going on. 

Though, if they DID have huge addiction rape camps it would only speak even less to the reds character than the trench wives situation already does. If you're defending them by saying "It's fine that they do this horrible thing, cuz they would do an even more horrible thing if you didn't let them do this one." Maybe you need to rethink your opinion of them. Cuz that sounds pretty crappy of them. 

Oh, by the way. There are plenty of irl examples of sex slaves choosing to die instead of being a sex slave. Suicide is pretty common among human traffic victims. In this example it's a prison or a sex slave, so the choice isn't even as bad. 

 But that was just a side-note anyway, there IS NO camps, and yet you treated it like they were an option that the reds simply didn't choose.(I mean you CAN assume that if you want, but I don't see much point in disregarding things said in game, if you're gonna do that you might as well disregard anything you want to) 

This has been responded to. Camps are certainly a thing. And you don't only learn about them from Fazian. Anzhela talks about them to. They just didn't want to infringe on the war effort, so they decided sex slavery was a better way to go. They value the war over basic human/alien rights. And then have the nerve to act like they've done something morally good to their victims.

 Also, while not the most important thing, you have to remember that gold myr are not humans, or even any other race in this game, they're sex fiends(you get raped by them just for walking in their city), so while you bring it up as a point against reds, them using gold wives for sex, due to your own moral opinion on it, the golds do not share your moral reservations about sex. Not a single gold I met in the game had an emotional opinion of sex, as it being any more than a fun pastime, if they weren't on venom, but were still prisoners, they'd likely try to get sex from the reds anyway.

Did you seriously just try to say sex slavery is less bad if your slave is sexually open and enjoys sex? Seriously? Not even touching on the drug addicted part. And that last bit about the golds trying to get sex from the reds is unlikely. I'm sure it would happen some times, but they don't really like each other all that much. The golds would probably more likely enjoy sleeping with each other than with their red captors. Which is easy shown by the situation in Kressia. The golds have no problem banging each other, but they don't want anything to do with the reds if they can avoid it.  And these are civilians. You think it would be different with actual prisoners? Not likely.

P.S. I just checked, and the venom addiction is actually EASILY gotten over just by sleeping for a few days(8 days), so why WOULD any red really care about it?(which, again though, only the bad one really forces it on you) and mind you, to get addicted to it in the first place takes at least 8 days of non-stop venom. So if you're dumb enough to spend 8 days overdosing on something you know gets addictive, then 8 days of time to get rid of it is not so bad.

As has been said, the PC is different from gold myr. Also, are those 8 days peaceful or are you suffering withdrawal symptoms? Because 8 days of withdrawal is no light matter, but obviously the PC can do it because they are the PC. It's already revealed that red myr venom addiction is a problem in Gildemere, I think. You really think it would be considered a problem worth noting if they could just get over it with a nap and a chuckle? I'm pretty sure Anzhela in Kressia also tells tales about the addiction and the abuse going on with trench wives and does not paint a pretty picture about it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Both sides are pretty fucking grey. The Golds use physical torture, were the first to use chemical weapons (which they are now supplying to the Black Void), and are selling prisoners to offworld criminal cartels. The Reds keep drug-addled slaves themselves, are run by a ruthless military junta, and developed the first nuclear weapons. Neither of these are good factions!

The difference is, interestingly, that while the writers are divided on who writes for which side... the audience seems to have largely split down the middle, too! Which, honestly, I like. I'd rather everyone really like or hate one of the groups than just be "meh" about the whole scenario. The point is to invoke an emotional reaction, positive or negative.

I realize these posts are a month old but, meh. You could argue that the Reds were the first to use chemical weapons, since their bodies PRODUCE chemical weapons. Not lethal chemical weapons, but weapons nonetheless; they've leveraged their spit into a means of controlling prisoners, which allows them to avoid spending as many resources housing, feeding, guarding, and policing them. And meanwhile, the Golds DID have this resource drain. Over a years-long planet-wide war where the Golds were losing right from the start, that's probably quite significant.

I also don't believe for one minute that the Golds started the war. Despite Nehzara's claim of "oh we've been fighting them throughout history", she then undermines her own argument by stating that the Golds didn't have "a proper military" when the war started. It seems unlikely that the Golds would underestimate their enemy like that.

And so, faced with an enemy that almost certainly started the war the Golds were unprepared for, that has been winning from the start, that was arguably the first to use chemical weapons, and was about to use nuclear weapons, I can't blame the Golds for developing chemical weapons of their own, or using torture, or conscripting, or any of the other lame excuses the Reds come up with to justify their actions.

Even now, with no war going on, and the UGC and private haulers showing up to hand out aid, and having control over most of the planet, the Reds are STILL doing shady things. Meanwhile, while the golds agreeing to work with the Void (albeit without knowing much about what they were getting themselves into) is reprehensible... you have to keep in mind that the Golds are on the brink of being wiped out, here. Even with the stay of execution afforded them by the arrival of the UGC, their situation is still desperate.

and are selling prisoners to offworld criminal cartels.

That's the Reds doing that, not the Golds. Unless I missed something?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
or using torture,

The reds use torture too, just not physical. Drugging someone and then withholding the thing they need to relieve that is fully torture just as much as a whip is, if not potentially a worse form of it. 

That's the Reds doing that, not the Golds. Unless I missed something?

I think they were talking about the black void base. Which seemed more like a one off thing that only a few of them were involved in.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I think they were talking about the black void base. Which seemed more like a one off thing that only a few of them were involved in.

That room is weird. I've read KQ2's code and it seems there was supposed to be a thing where you could rescue them, but it's cut content. The whole room should really be removed, as it seems out of place without any other content to say "this is why this is here". But in any case, I never got the impression that the golds had a hand in their capture or confinement; I just figured they got captured by the Black Void.

Frankly, I'd like to know how the Black Void is building a pirate base and flying ships in and out on a planet with a UGC fleet presence. You'd think somebody would've noticed. The fleet deters smugglers from using a hollowed out asteroid floating around a distant moon, but pirates can go ahead and set up shop planetside?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
That room is weird. I've read KQ2's code and it seems there was supposed to be a thing where you could rescue them, but it's cut content. The whole room should really be removed, as it seems out of place without any other content to say "this is why this is here". But in any case, I never got the impression that the golds had a hand in their capture or confinement; I just figured they got captured by the Black Void.

Frankly, I'd like to know how the Black Void is building a pirate base and flying ships in and out on a planet with a UGC fleet presence. You'd think somebody would've noticed. The fleet deters smugglers from using a hollowed out asteroid floating around a distant moon, but pirates can go ahead and set up shop planetside?

Yeah, I felt really bad leaving them there. I wonder why that content was cut.