Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
So the implications aren't terrible if the red myr are fully capable of freeing their trench wives and simply choosing not to?  It seems like the issue of permanence ought to be secondary to the keeping drug-addled sex slaves issue.

Even if it's not permanent, recovering from the addiction is indicated to be a torturous feat.

Jim actually made it worse by invalidating the only positive aspect that system used to have.  You could argue that sending all of POW to be bed warmers is slightly better than conventional camps. But if it's set in addition to usual atrocities and riddled with abuse, as Anzhela claims...  


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jim actually made it worse by invalidating the only positive aspect that system used to have

To be fair (if I recall correctly), Jim went with the original intent and also with the hindsight of the outcome from other writers whom just ran with the lust-venom without considering the other possibly doing it as well so we get this excess of venom users.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
 All the the other individual scarlet Federation members we meet seem to be somewhat decent, to genuinely nice people though.

I dunno. The amount of reds who have absolutely no problem with trench wives is significant. They act nice to you because they have no reason not to. If you did something to piss them off, I wonder how fast you'd be turned into a nice trophy for some higher ranking officer?

I haven't run into any of them that actually spoke out or offered even the slightest hesitation with the entire sex slave idea, though I thought I read on the forums that there was someone somewhere? They take over the golds city, enslave a huge number of them and then get all mopey when, surprise surprise, the golds don't like them very much. 


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
Jim actually made it worse by invalidating the only positive aspect that system used to have.  You could argue that sending all of POW to be bed warmers is slightly better than conventional camps. But if it's set in addition to usual atrocities and riddled with abuse, as Anzhela claims...  

Wasn't there an NPC in the game before Jim who was against Trench Wives and basically spelled out how it was basically sex-slavery as well?  


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
I don't know if this has been answered before but when you get the Myrellion probe and certain facts about a certain NPC come to light, shouldn't they head to Uveto and not want to have sex with Steele? because I have and they're still there and still open for business.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I dunno. The amount of reds who have absolutely no problem with trench wives is significant. They act nice to you because they have no reason not to. If you did something to piss them off, I wonder how fast you'd be turned into a nice trophy for some higher ranking officer?

I haven't run into any of them that actually spoke out or offered even the slightest hesitation with the entire sex slave idea, though I thought I read on the forums that there was someone somewhere? They take over the golds city, enslave a huge number of them and then get all mopey when, surprise surprise, the golds don't like them very much. 

If anybody ever found out a Red soldier tried to enslave the PC (or anybody other than a Republic soldier), they'd get court-martial'd so fast your head would spin. Doing that to a non-POW is a huge no-no, and its important to remember the Reds only implemented the Trench Wife policy because they have nowhere else for their prisoners to go, and having to provide supplies and security for tens of thousands of POWs would have crippled their war effort. It's basically that or start executing people.

Also some Reds (like Anzhela) speak out against Trench Wives. Hell, even Lieve (the only person to keep them the PC actually meets) says its kinda shitty, and took her two to save them from Worse Fates.

Also I don't think anybody's "mopey" the Golds don't like the Reds. At worst, the city's command structure is frustrated because the citizens keep blowing things up and being a nuisance.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
But, and here's the thing: So is like, I dunno, say 70% of pretty much everything Steele does. Much of it being, after all, beating the snot out of and subsequently raping things.

To be fair, 99% of those things were trying to have sex with Steele in the first place and still want to after Steele defeats them. On the other hand I'm guessing that most peoples Steeles are probably slave owners themselves and or at least used someone elses sex-slave for their own pleasure at various times.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
If anybody ever found out a Red soldier tried to enslave the PC (or anybody other than a Republic soldier), they'd get court-martial'd so fast your head would spin. Doing that to a non-POW is a huge no-no, and its important to remember the Reds only implemented the Trench Wife policy because they have nowhere else for their prisoners to go, and having to provide supplies and security for tens of thousands of POWs would have crippled their war effort. It's basically that or start executing people.

Also some Reds (like Anzhela) speak out against Trench Wives. Hell, even Lieve (the only person to keep them the PC actually meets) says its kinda shitty, and took her two to save them from Worse Fates.

Also I don't think anybody's "mopey" the Golds don't like the Reds. At worst, the city's command structure is frustrated because the citizens keep blowing things up and being a nuisance.

The trench wife policy being implemented because of lack of supplies doesn't make sense to me. Being a slave doesn't make you eat or drink less unless those in charge of you demand it. They should still be taking up exactly the same amount of resources as they would otherwise. The difference would be that the reds that are in charge of them would be the ones requiring more supplies to cover the extra bodies. And if it's just more people needed to watch over them I can't see how that is fixed either. You'd still need the same amount of guards, they would just be guarding them in their homes. But that doesn't require the charges to be made into drug addled sex slaves.  Though, I've only really talked about it with Leive, so it may have been covered in more detail from someone else. 

Edit: And even if that does ease some of the burden, it's still pretty far from a justification. The golds aren't treated like necessary tamed charges. They are treated like toys, as far as I've seen. 

I haven't talked to Anzhela yet, but I have Lieve and I don't remember her ever saying anything about trench wives being shitty. If anything, she always seems rather pleased with hers. And even if she does, it doesn't mean much if you speak out against something while partaking in it yourself. Either way, the number of reds that are against it seem to be in the minority. At the very least, Anzhela is the only one we have met so far that has outright demonized it. So my point still stands. Most red myr I have run into support it. 

Fair enough on the mopey point. I suppose you would know better than I would about that. I could have been misreading it. I just got that vibe from Leive's tour of the city, though the main one would be the red in the bathhouse sitting all by herself. I think it mentioned she looked lonely and has some line about a place so full of people feeling so empty, or something like that. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
It's not a lack of resources in terms of food. It's a lack of resources in terms of having to have personnel tied up guarding POWs,  making sure they don't escape, handling attempts at riots or the like, building facilities additional facilities and equipment to hold the POWs,  preparing food (as opposed to having trench wives that will prepare their own food), and so on. POWs are a hundred times more resource intensive than willing people that will help feed themselves and that you don't have to worry about escaping or rioting en masse. Even if they're rendered pliant and "willing" via drug addiction, that's just as good or nearly so. As illustrated with Lieve and her trench wives, her trench wives can be let out on their own, completely unguarded to roam around - that's something that would require guards if they were POWs.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Most red myr I have run into support it.

Arent't there only 2 red Myr we actualy meet that support it? Lieve does support it and has two trench wives of her own. Then the Red Myr officer in the Bathhouse has trench wives as well. But if I remember that's about all of them that actively are supporters.

Anzhela is very much against it. The red Myr Shopkeeper seems to be against it to, since she get's outright insulted if you ask her wether her Gold Myr wife is a Trench wife. Sellara pretty much says that she'd prefer to kill all captured Gold Myr soldiers, and personally never makes prisoners (not that that is better). All the other red Myr like Renvra, Briha and Nezhara never give their opionons about it. Please correct me if I'm wrong or missed something.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Arent't there only 2 red Myr we actualy meet that support it? Lieve does support it and has two trench wives of her own. Then the Red Myr officer in the Bathhouse has trench wives as well. But if I remember that's about all of them that actively are supporters.

Anzhela is very much against it. The red Myr Shopkeeper seems to be against it to, since she get's outright insulted if you ask her wether her Gold Myr wife is a Trench wife. Sellara pretty much says that she'd prefer to kill all captured Gold Myr soldiers, and personally never makes prisoners (not that that is better). All the other red Myr like Renvra, Briha and Nezhara never give their opionons about it. Please correct me if I'm wrong or missed something.

I think Nezara, if that's her name, has a scene when you first meet her where she mentions something about not being allowed her trench wifes. It was a passing comment. I can't remember exactly when she says it and my save is long past that point. If someone has a save around there and could check that would be appriciated.

The shop keeper is annoyed that people automatically assume that gold red relationships normally are not possible. She never says anything about not liking the practice. Besides that, much of the small talk or area descriptions has tons of talk of trench wives. They seem to be very common. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think Nezara, if that's her name, has a scene when you first meet her where she mentions something abput not being allowed her trench wifes. It was a passing comment. I can't remember exactly when she says it and my save is long past that point. If someone has a dave around there and could check that would be appriciated.
    output("\n\n<i>“Oh, I didn’t listen. She called me stubborn, said that a headstrong attitude and a strong arm might win some battles but would mean certain death in others. You would think I’d listen to one of the greatest commanders in our nation, but something in me just refused to accept it.”</i> She shakes her head.\n\n<i>“So when the ceasefire was forced on us by the alien fleet that appeared above our world, Colonel Kalayna made it quite clear that someone as decorated as I would be the best choice to assist the Scarlet Federation ambassador. Of course, while being an ambassador is a prestigious position, being the assistant of one is practically a career death sentence for a war hero. So now, while the generals and their toadies are busy arguing over which of the brass gets assigned as the head honcho here, I’m stuck doing all of their work with practically no support structure in place. Kalayna is leading my old regiment now, sitting comfortably in Kressia and probably raiding some Gold stashes of that disgusting tit-sap of theirs. That swill sure would suit her perfectly. I couldn’t even bring my trench wives along. Was told the practice of keeping them wouldn’t appeal to your people, and that I’d be better off not flaunting it at you.”</i>");


    output("\n\nSo the Reds would take prisoners as sex slaves in all but name, but doing so allowed them to be better protected and keep up the morale of the troops?");

    output("\n\n<i>“Essentially,”</i> Nehzara agrees. <i>“And it’s not as though it’s as inhumane as other alternatives. Would you rather the prisoners be rotting in a jail, waiting to be traded with their original government like chattel for some of ours? Ha. The Golds use gas and bombs; they hardly ever take any prisoners that way. Any of ours they take are going to be traded for officers and important personnel, not some infantrywoman who surrendered when her machine-gun nest was stormed. A good portion of the wives are reasonably happy, and I’ve heard of genuine bonds of affection forming between soldier and trench wife... though I’ll fully admit that it’s quite rare, even if it does truly exist.”</i>");

    output("\n\nThe colonel shrugs and sits back in her chair. <i>“What can I tell you, Steele? Soldiers have a tendency to take trophies. It’s a coping mechanism, well-documented by psychs at home. Would you rather they simply shoot prisoners who surrender, or lock them in a jail cell for years and years while they’re forgotten by their own people? If some soldiers see Gold women as nothing more than potential spoils of war to be taken and sexually conquered, then that’s an unfortunate price to pay for the general welfare of prisoners on the whole.”</i>");

As for me, sides are on par. Mindbreak and sex slavery from reds, WMDs and hive ideology from golds...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Gold queens don't really care about non-queen golds.

That's not a Hive ideology. That's just pretty much every societly that ever existed: The ruling class cares for the ruling class first and foremost while at best being somewhat concerned about the needs of their subjects. The red Myr also don't really care for non-military reds.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
@Etis Ah. Thanks! I remembered the passing comment but turns out there was more as well. 

So it's even seen by reds as beneficial to the victims. 

Gold queens don't really care about non-queen golds.

Do the higher up reds care more than the golds?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
There are difference between social and biological caste systems.

 As Savin pointed out in the last preg shot thread, the emergence of new Gold Queens has more to do with various social factor than biological ones. The procedure used for finding out new potential queens is very inefficient: they essentially allow recently matured females to get a taste of drone's D and see if it 'sticks'. Nepotism is quite prevalent there, I recon.

But the Reds aren't better in that regard, since they too have the ruling elite and the system that perpetuate itself and is ridden with squabbles for power.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
I'm wondering - Briha has been pregnant for ages now, aren't Myr supposed to be fast breeders? I want my ant baby!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'm wondering - Briha has been pregnant for ages now, aren't Myr supposed to be fast breeders? I want my ant baby!

Briha's pregnancy is already above average in terms of speed. Normally a red myr's pregnancy last for six months, her pregnancy last only 4.

It takes her 90 days to give birth to the egg, and further 30 days for it to hatch.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
Briha's pregnancy is already above average in terms of speed. Normally a red myr's pregnancy last for six months, her pregnancy last only 4.

It takes her 90 days to give birth to the egg, and further 30 days for it to hatch.

Huh, I never knew that.

Gold Myr Queens are.

Nobody else on Myrellion is.

Thanks for the clarification! I assumed both races of Myr would breed pretty fast.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
So, the reds venom suppressants. Does anyone go into any detail on those? Like, are they a pill or a shot? How fast do they work? Etc etc.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
How do you defeat amara faell as tech with everything maxed out ,most expense wepons , the best armor and on easy mode because for some reason I can't .


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So, the reds venom suppressants. Does anyone go into any detail on those? Like, are they a pill or a shot? How fast do they work? Etc etc.

Suppository ;)

Yes but it's not that high

Tis an rpg. Grind it up. Your character is otherwise maxed out, so take 'em to the starter planet, get in some Zil's face, and expose yourself. Takes all of 10 minutes (if that) to get from 0 to 100.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes but it's not that high
Suppository ;)

Tis an rpg. Grind it up. Your character is otherwise maxed out, so take 'em to the starter planet, get in some Zil's face, and expose yourself. Takes all of 10 minutes (if that) to get from 0 to 100.

Oh, also new Fazian NPC. If you're masculine (aka not got curves) go to the strip club where Dally is in Gildenmere in the evening and you can learn dance moves that may or may not give tease boost. It was in the character document but may not have been implemented.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Oh, also new Fazian NPC. If you're masculine (aka not got curves) go to the strip club where Dally is in Gildenmere in the evening and you can learn dance moves that may or may not give tease boost. It was in the character document but may not have been implemented.

Hasn't been implemented yet. Gedan wants to test out some stuff with it in the combat system before implementing it.