Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Yeah.  The venom addiction is easily shaken by the PC in 8 days straight with no substance.  The PC with the hyperadaptive self mutating nanites meant to maintain their sanity and allow them to shift drastically dynamically and get years worth of exercise in a month.   I don't know what stat losses happen sense I've never been a slut but saying that just cause the PC shook it with his god tier medical suite means that other people can easy in dumb.  Especially when the first dose can induce strong submissive feelings. And prolonged application makes it increasingly impossible to shake it off.

I wouldn't really say the PC has any advantage with this stuff, I mean time and time again the PC gets effected by lust drugs(and the creatures effecting you never imply that your resistance is greater than normal), so as long as it's not dangerous(aka simply causes lust), I do not think the PC is immune to it. Also your character throws themselves at a red soldier if you rest at the air-strip a few times while suffering from withdrawal, and the soldier is very shocked that you're suffering from addiction, saying that they didn't think(or had never heard of, I can't remember) any spacer had ever gotten addicted.(implying everyone else has at least enough immunity that there isn't spacers all over the place with addiction)

That room is weird. I've read KQ2's code and it seems there was supposed to be a thing where you could rescue them, but it's cut content. The whole room should really be removed, as it seems out of place without any other content to say "this is why this is here". But in any case, I never got the impression that the golds had a hand in their capture or confinement; I just figured they got captured by the Black Void.

Frankly, I'd like to know how the Black Void is building a pirate base and flying ships in and out on a planet with a UGC fleet presence. You'd think somebody would've noticed. The fleet deters smugglers from using a hollowed out asteroid floating around a distant moon, but pirates can go ahead and set up shop planetside?

Nah, golds that are in the base flat out say they gave the reds to the slavers(though they say they did not know they were slavers, as the golds too ended up enslaved, that they just thought they were gonna be doing science stuff), which isn't as bad as if they knowingly gave slave reds, but nevertheless it means that golds are capable of just "using" red prisoners for whatever. And yeah, Kara flat out says she wants to save them(I think), but then you're not allowed to. Which, in hindsight it's lucky you can't save them, because they gave me pause about blowing the base up, so I looked it up and happened to find out that blowing the base up causes the UGC to wipe out the planet.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
I wouldn't really say the PC has any advantage with this stuff, I mean time and time again the PC gets effected by lust drugs(and the creatures effecting you never imply that your resistance is greater than normal), so as long as it's not dangerous(aka simply causes lust), I do not think the PC is immune to it. Also your character throws themselves at a red soldier if you rest at the air-strip a few times while suffering from withdrawal, and the soldier is very shocked that you're suffering from addiction, saying that they didn't think(or had never heard of, I can't remember) any spacer had ever gotten addicted.(implying everyone else has at least enough immunity that there isn't spacers all over the place with addiction)

Those are spacers. They say gold addiction is a problem. And if you throw yourself at someone desperate for a hit of venom because your withdrawing that suggests even you are suffering significantly because of it. Just because you can rest for 8 days to get rid of it doesn't mean those 8 days aren't going to be hell. That's how addiction works. The PC can suffer through it because they are being controlled by someone who ISN'T addicted. The same is not true of all the gold's. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Nah, golds that are in the base flat out say they gave the reds to the slavers(though they say they did not know they were slavers, as the golds too ended up enslaved, that they just thought they were gonna be doing science stuff), which isn't as bad as if they knowingly gave slave reds, but nevertheless it means that golds are capable of just "using" red prisoners for whatever. And yeah, Kara flat out says she wants to save them(I think), but then you're not allowed to. Which, in hindsight it's lucky you can't save them, because they gave me pause about blowing the base up, so I looked it up and happened to find out that blowing the base up causes the UGC to wipe out the planet.

Um. Where do they say that?

output("You turn your attention from the debilitatingly swollen kui-tan to the ex-harem around him. Between angry glances at their captor, many of them are buttoning up what’s left of their lab coats or recovering bits of clothing scattered across the lab. When you approach them, they set aside whatever it is they’re doing and give you their full attention, saying <i>“thank you”</i> in every way imaginable.")



output("\n\nWhen they finally let you get a word in edgewise, you ask a few of them how they managed to end up in a pirate lab in the middle of nowhere. Shamefacedly, one of them answers, <i>“We were all scientists working for a big firm in Gildenmere. We worked in chemical weapons, gases mostly. These... people... approached us just after you offworlders first appeared and made a deal we couldn’t refuse: they offered to share their technology with us if we would help them reproduce our company’s gases. Imagine what we could have done with offworlder weapons - lasers and cannons and new types of armor! All they wanted were some of our formulas, help setting up the facility...”</i>");


output("\n\n<i>“You’re weapons engineers?”</i> Kara asks, cocking an eyebrow. <i>“And you came here willingly?”</i>");


output("\n\nThe ant-girl nervously presses her four sets of fingers together. <i>“We... we did. But we didn’t know what kind of people they were! Especially him,”</i> she says, pointing towards Khan. <i>“They had us work with him. The pirates’ leader, the woman with red hair and big ears, she made us work for Khan, making these collars of his spray gas under the skin. Hypo-collars, he called them. We’d never seen anything like them before. As soon as we had the gas release just the way he wanted it, though, he collared us all in our sleep.”</i>");


output("\n\n<i>“Bastard!”</i> a few of the other girls chime in.");


output("\n\nTheir leader nods. <i>“It’s hard to remember what happened since, but I know we’ve done little more than be forced to worship his manhood day in and day out. You have our thanks for freeing us. We’ll not be duped by offworlders’ honeyed words again.”</i>");


output("\n\n<i>“What are you going to do now?”</i> you ask them.");


output("\n\nThe looks they give you say that they don’t really know. <i>“Escape, somehow,”</i> the leader says. <i>“You don’t need to worry about us. We’ll find a way out. I imagine you’ve created more than enough confusion for us to slip away without too much trouble.”</i>");


output("\n\nAs the gold myr go back to collecting themselves, Kara puts a hand on your shoulder and says, <i>“We did a good thing here. I’ve been where they were... it’s not something I’d wish on anyone. Except maybe that fuzzy bastard in the corner.”</i>");

Not seeing anything there about the Reds. And actually, the UGC don't wipe out the planet - they back off and leave. The Reds then nuke Gildenmere (and, I guess, much of the planet with them?)
Yeah, I felt really bad leaving them there. I wonder why that content was cut. 

output("As you and Kara rush toward the helipad");

// This is cutteroni


if ()


output(", followed quickly by");

if () output(" your new harem of red myr");

else output(" the group of freed red myr");



Because "Cutteroni". :p


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Um. Where do they say that?

I think that might be like the general stuff they say automatically(or not, but either way I know what they told me), it's possible that you're not seeing what is said when you actually prompt them with a few optional questions. Idk though, that is the scene, I did it like just yesterday so I still remember it perfectly fine. Even remember it well enough that I know the golds said like "we thought it would be better for them than leaving them to rot in POW camps".
I didn't actually do the whole blowing up the facility thing though, so Idk about what actually happens, I just know the wiki said "the UGC glass the planet"


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I think that might be like the general stuff they say automatically(or not, but either way I know what they told me), it's possible that you're not seeing what is said when you actually prompt them with a few optional questions. Idk though, that is the scene, I did it like just yesterday so I still remember it perfectly fine. Even remember it well enough that I know the golds said like "we thought it would be better for them than leaving them to rot in POW camps".

Oh, I found it.

public function kq2KhanLeave():void





output("<i>“Alright. Let’s get out of here,”</i> you say. <i>“Still have work to do.”</i>");


output("\n\n<i>“Yeah,”</i> Kara says, drawing her pistol again. <i>“This wasn’t what I expected the Void to be working on, but it’s just as bad as them getting more WMDs. Better destroy the research before the Void turns into the galaxy’s next biggest slaver ring.”</i>");


output("\n\nJust as you’re turning to go, you feel a tug on your arm. One of the youngest-looking golden myr is standing behind you, her eyes big as she stares");

if (pc.tallness >= 72) output(" up");

else if (pc.tallness <= 60) output(" down");

output(" at you. Nervously, she says, <i>“Um... speaking of slaves. I thought you should know, we brought several red myr prisoners of war with us. It... it was better than letting them rot in camps, we thought. They’re down the hall, to the west. They deserve better than what we’ve done to them.”</i>");


output("\n\n<i>“Slaves taking slaves,”</i> Kara grunts, picking the remote back up from the floor and pressing it into your hand. <i>“");

if (kara.isMischievous() || kara.isAss()) output("And I was just starting to feel good about freeing them. ");

output("Your turn, []. Let’s go find us some red bugs.”</i>\n\n");




I don't remember this part. Did you fuck Khan or just leave him? I'm wondering whether this scene plays if you fuck him.

Edit: Just tested. The scene does NOT play if you fuck Khan. Might open an issue over this...? Then again, if rescuing them is cutteroni, maybe they should just be removed.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Edit: Just tested. The scene does NOT play if you fuck Khan. Might open an issue over this...? Then again, if rescuing them is cutteroni, maybe they should just be removed.

I never got this as well, and I just did this part a few days ago. 

Maybe they were suppose to be completely cut but the room accidentally got left in there? There isn't anything that draws you to it or requires you to go there. And the room doesn't have a special symbol on the map. If you don't accidentally wander into it you would never even know they were there. And no one says anything about it. The tail end of a room description is the only time they are ever mentioned at all, that I ran into. 


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Oh, I found it.

I don't remember this part. Did you fuck Khan or just leave him? I'm wondering whether this scene plays if you fuck him.

Edit: Just tested. The scene does NOT play if you fuck Khan. Might open an issue over this...? Then again, if rescuing them is cutteroni, maybe they should just be removed.

Maybe it has to do with what game version you're using.(I'm using an older ver by 1 update) But no I didn't do Khan(you tested anyway tho). It should def be removed though, if they're not gonna let you save them.(but saving them would be fairly easy, it'd simply have to trigger a scene when you enter their room and be done with it) As far as that whole place goes though, I'm still more concerned about them giving you no warning about what blowing up the facility will do, when it urges you so strongly TO blow up the facility.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I'm still more concerned about them giving you no warning about what blowing up the facility will do, when it urges you so strongly TO blow up the facility.

Er, should be pretty obvious if you've been paying attention to everything else going on on Myrellion.

  • The Red Myr were just about to nuke Gildenmere when the UGC arrived.
  • The UGC fleet remained in orbit to ensure that if either side attacks the other, the fleet will obliterate the aggressor.
  • The fact that a nuclear bomb goes off on Myrellion is interpreted by the fleet as an act of war; the UGC fleet is apparently crewed by morons who have no idea that pirates are building a base on Myrellion, so they assume the Myr did it.
  • However, instead of making good on their promise, or perhaps because they can't tell WHICH Myr set off the bomb, the fleet decides to just quit the field and leave Myrellion (and everyone on Myrellion) to their own devices.
  • Now that the fleet is gone and there's nothing to stop them, the Reds nuke Gildenmere and the surrounding area.

And if anything, they urge you away from nuking the facility; Watson straight up tells you that he's already trasnferred the research data off-site and that the value of the base and its personnel is a drop in the bucket, so it's no big loss for the Void and therefore pointless for you to spend time setting up the bomb when you really should be high-tailing it out of there.

If there's anything to be concerned about here, it's the fact that you could have all saved yourselves a lot of trouble if Chow just told the UGC about the base. They could have sent in the big guns or just flattened it from space. Considering you went in there ostensibly just to destroy whatever was going on anyway, and how things turned out, it would've been a much better call than sending in two people to neutralize a base full of dozens of pirates, armored vehicles, and automated security.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Now that the fleet is gone and there's nothing to stop them, the Reds nuke Gildenmere and the surrounding area.

They nuke Kressia too?


I had figured they nuked each other, since I thought it was said Gildemere had nukes of their own now. 

And if anything, they urge you away from nuking the facility;

There is actually a choice before you do it that basically says "Hey, remember how they were gonna bombard the planet if a nuke goes off? You sure you wanna risk that?" So it was pretty clear that wasn't going to end well. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I had figured they nuked each other, since I thought it was said Gildemere had nukes of their own now. 


Decent odds the Federation homeland/nyrean city-states might only get a little nuclear winter, but the entire area the PC could travel around with is host to a full nuclear exchange between the two factions when the Damocles Fleet's bluff gets called.


Active Member
Sep 14, 2015
Btw..  would have loved to be able to give Kara over to Shade during KQ2 - kinda as a delayed apology..

"You remember the time I cost you your prey? I just fought through a Black Void base to give her to you.."

But she doesn't even seem to acknowledge that you gave her over to the BV at the climax =/


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
So, I've just managed to trigger the Gold Myr Gangbang scene aka 'Military Police?Nah, never heard of it'. At first all was well and good. My suspension of disbelief wasn't even too taxed by the fact that Officer Rapely and her crew either honestly assumed that a (female-looking in my case) off-worlder is a breeder sent by Republican Command, or was horny enough to try BSing their way into said off-worlder's pants and forcibly abduct them when all else had failed. 

But then this happened:

Light nearly blinds your eyes when the squirming harlot is pulled off your face, revealing the severe-looking visage of this barrack’s commander. <i>“You’re contracted to serve until my soldiers are satisfied, and serve you shall.”</i> She produces a vial of bubbling, pink-hued liquid. <i>“Wartime authorization 647 sanctions the use of enhancement chemicals in times of extreme need, determined by the unit commander.”</i> Looking over soldiers, she bellows out, <i>“I think this qualifies as extreme need. What do my fine soldiers think?”</i>");

output("\n\nA chorus of cheers and moans answers her, and nodding to herself, she holds the vial to your [pc.lipsChaste], tipping the frothy liquid in your panting maw. <i>“Drink up.”</i>");

output("\n\nEven if you wanted to resist it, you couldn’t. The moment it makes contact with your [pc.lipChaste], the red myr venom’s insidious effects make themselves known, lighting up your nerves like a Christmas tree. Your mouth feels almost like it’s buzzing, like the press of your tongue is a lover’s frantic caress. You open wide to moan, too late realizing that you’ve given the commander ample opportunity to fill your mouth with the drugged sludge. Briefly, you make an effort not to swallow, but it just leaves your mouth feeling like one of those needfully dripping pussies, so hollow and aching for sensation.");

output("\n\nYou swallow, feeling [pc.eachCock] instantly leap back to full hardness, feeling warmth course through your body, buzzing in your fingers and [pc.toes]. Running your arms over your cunt-slicked body, you can’t help but feel like you’re melting - like your body is heating up and dissolving into the pooling sex-juices. Everything feels so good too. Is this how a galotian feels all the time? Gooey and good, like any part of your body could become the most sensuous thing in the world in a nanosecond?");

output("\n\nYou moan like a slut, not caring at all how it sounds to the assembled myr. You’re just like them, sweet and wet, waiting to be taken and fucked. They’ve gone so long without pleasure, and you can think of nothing but giving it back to them, however long it takes.");



We can assume that the regulation they cite is either bullshit or a relatively new addition and thus doesn't contradict Lieve's story. But Gold Myr soldiers casually using Red Myr Venom, the thing they are taught to loathe and fear, the main representation of their opponents' crimes and an illegal drug to boot... That just doesn't sit right with me, and unlike several people here I have nothing against the concept of the Venom itself.
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Jan 8, 2016
You don't think a military will have weaponized chemical compounds (noting that they just got done fighting World War I) and that an officer might seek to abuse it for fun? It's pretty realistic, actually - I take it you don't keep up with news about UN peacekeepers and abuse of power.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Fenoxo got a Patreon obligation to fulfill, he ain't gotta explain shit.

Yeah, except the request was for "covered in squirt by army of female aliens", not specified what or where. This was from Offbeater so you can't say the "army" bit was referring to the myr. Fen (or whatever author) is completely responsible for the content within. It's but another case of inconsistency common to Myrellion as a whole


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
You don't think a military will have weaponized chemical compounds (noting that they just got done fighting World War I) and that an officer might seek to abuse it for fun? It's pretty realistic, actually - I take it you don't keep up with news about UN peacekeepers and abuse of power.

I heard and read about numerous cases of crimes committed by groups of soldiers, sometimes led by their CO, during peacetime and on their home soil, which IMO is a slightly different can of worms to ones committed by a contingent stationed abroad. And it would be logical to assume that Golds harvesting some Red Myr Venom from their captives is a distinct possibility, although it would be a scarce and valuable resource all things considered.

That's why I only questioned those Golds' willingness to cause an incident by harassing an off-worlder, as well as the use of Red Venom - as opposed to any other illegal substance that would be less valuable and wouldn't have such significant negative connotations.

@Nonesuch what Karretch said.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
In response to the gold myr red venom inconsistency:

Desperate times (a sexually frustrated battallion) calls for desperate measures (An easy to come by drug that can let them enjoy their "entertainment" for a good while longer)

And I believe that even though they may be trained to loathe it, it's not a given that they will. I mean in human society we're kinda constantly being told not to use drugs...but not everybody listens. I can easily imagine some gold myrs getting a kick out of trying some red myr venom or using it on their partners to spice things up a bit in bed.

Stuff like that happening in their army may occur rarely, but as long as their superiors doesn't find out...


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
It's mentioned in a few places, actually, that red venom addiction is a serious and spreading problem in Gold society (especially with Gildenmere probably suffering a huge refugee crisis from Red-occupied territory). It's not really surprising that troops would have access to venom, and maybe even be hooked on it themselves.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016

Decent odds the Federation homeland/nyrean city-states might only get a little nuclear winter, but the entire area the PC could travel around with is host to a full nuclear exchange between the two factions when the Damocles Fleet's bluff gets called.

Where is it ever mentioned that the Golds also have nuclear weapons now? On the contrary, the Reds (specifically Lieve's dialogue) states that if Gildenmere gets nuked, Kressia is going with it because they're so close to each other. So that's what I figured happened. Plus the fact that.. I mean, they were going to get a nuke into Gildenmere by drilling a big hole and dropping it in. How are the golds going to manage that with Kressia, or any other Myr city on the continent for that matter, when the Reds are the ones with the big army and territory advantage and all the cities are underground? Just launching nukes with missiles and having it blow up on the surface isn't really going to do much.

Side note: The pyorples want to know what happened with the Red Myr you find in KQ2. Why was rescuing them cut, can it be restored, and if not, can all mention of them be removed?

Btw..  would have loved to be able to give Kara over to Shade during KQ2 - kinda as a delayed apology..

"You remember the time I cost you your prey? I just fought through a Black Void base to give her to you.."

But she doesn't even seem to acknowledge that you gave her over to the BV at the climax =/

Why would you do that for Shade's sake? She's WORKING FOR THE PIRATES you've just been fighting through.

So, I've just managed to trigger the Gold Myr Gangbang scene aka 'Military Police?Nah, never heard of it'. At first all was well and good. My suspension of disbelief wasn't even too taxed by the fact that Officer Rapely and her crew either honestly assumed that a (female-looking in my case) off-worlder is a breeder sent by Republican Command, or was horny enough to try BSing their way into said off-worlder's pants and forcibly abduct them when all else had failed. 

But then this happened:

We can assume that the regulation they cite is either bullshit or a relatively new addition and thus doesn't contradict Lieve's story. But Gold Myr soldiers casually using Red Myr Venom, the thing they are taught to loathe and fear, the main representation of their opponents' crimes and an illegal drug to boot... That just doesn't sit right with me, and unlike several people here I have nothing against the concept of the Venom itself.

Meh. Fortunately, you can decline that scene every time. It's pretty clear from how that officer speaks to you that she's corrupt as hell, so it really shouldn't come as much of a surprise when bad things happen to you if you go along with it. The smart thing to do in this situation is to say "why, no, I would not like to be aggressively gangbanged by a whole bunch of soldiers, thank you and good day." And if that doesn't work... out comes the Secure MP!
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Where is it ever mentioned that the Golds also have nuclear weapons now?

Pretty sure it's mentioned in their Codex, at least the version I wrote, that the Golds pushed their nuclear program to completion during the international panic caused by First Contact.

If that got cut, then "meh." Still probably have 'em.

Side note: The pyorples want to know what happened with the Red Myr you find in KQ2. Why was rescuing them cut, can it be restored, and if not, can all mention of them be removed?

Cut: because I'd been sitting on KQ2 for over a year and wanted done with it.

Restored: Sure if somebody writes a thing for it.

Cut Mention: No?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Okay what the fuck, I only just heard of and then found this gangbang scene. It was in roomFunctions of all places.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Meh. Fortunately, you can decline that scene every time. It's pretty clear from how that officer speaks to you that she's corrupt as hell, so it really shouldn't come as much of a surprise when bad things happen to you if you go along with it. The smart thing to do in this situation is to say "why, no, I would not like to be aggressively gangbanged by a whole bunch of soldiers, thank you and good day." And if that doesn't work... out comes the Secure MP!

If you're talking about the scene that happens when you're walking around Gildenmere, refusing the soldier when she confronts you only gives you a CHANCE to get away from her. Personally for me, I had to reload every time it happened because 10/10 times it happened me refusing her had me chased and caught.(I'm pretty sure a certain stat helps you escape, but I don't remember, if it does tho, I evidently don't have it)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you're talking about the scene that happens when you're walking around Gildenmere, refusing the soldier when she confronts you only gives you a CHANCE to get away from her. Personally for me, I had to reload every time it happened because 10/10 times it happened me refusing her had me chased and caught.(I'm pretty sure a certain stat helps you escape, but I don't remember, if it does tho, I evidently don't have it)

It's reflex If I'm correct.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
Pretty sure it's mentioned in their Codex, at least the version I wrote, that the Golds pushed their nuclear program to completion during the international panic caused by First Contact.

I'm not 100% sure WHERE I seen it, but I do think that during the initial stages of the Myr stuff there was mention of both the reds AND golds being about to nuke each other(I believe it was said that the reds would definitely win, but that tons of reds would be lost too, so for them to be lost it makes sense that it'd be from retaliation nukes)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm not 100% sure WHERE I seen it, but I do think that during the initial stages of the Myr stuff there was mention of both the reds AND golds being about to nuke each other(I believe it was said that the reds would definitely win, but that tons of reds would be lost too, so for them to be lost it makes sense that it'd be from retaliation nukes)

Nope, the Golds didn't have nukes prior to first contact, although I think that was only ever established on the old TiTS forums. I can't seem to find a mention of it anywhere in game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Pretty sure it's mentioned in their Codex, at least the version I wrote, that the Golds pushed their nuclear program to completion during the international panic caused by First Contact.

If that got cut, then "meh." Still probably have 'em.

Cut: because I'd been sitting on KQ2 for over a year and wanted done with it.

Restored: Sure if somebody writes a thing for it.

Cut Mention: No?
Due to the appearance of the ausar expedition to Myrellion, thermonuclear war has been temporarily averted, which has since given the gold myr the opportunity to fashion their own WMDs in response.

The presence of the alien expedition is assumed to be the only preventative factor keeping the world war from escalating to a nuclear inferno. Due to the surprisingly advanced nature of the race, and their “honeypot” biology (which is seen as highly promising by Xenogen), U.G.C. diplomats have arrived on the planet and are working with both hierarchies to achieve a cease fire in the seven years’ war.

Meh. "WMDs" is often used elsewhere to describe chemical weapons, as well.

As for the Reds in KQ2: Having them there in that room, and mentioned by the Gold Myr if you don't fuck Khan, is awkward if you're not able to do anything about it. It's even more awkward if you do fuck Khan and the reason for their being there is never explained.

"Hey there's captured Reds in a room down the hall."

"Okay lets go save them!"

Get to the room

"Yup, those are Red myr sex slaves alright."

Turn around and leave

If you can't do anything to save them, wouldn't it be better for them to not exist?

If you're talking about the scene that happens when you're walking around Gildenmere, refusing the soldier when she confronts you only gives you a CHANCE to get away from her. Personally for me, I had to reload every time it happened because 10/10 times it happened me refusing her had me chased and caught.(I'm pretty sure a certain stat helps you escape, but I don't remember, if it does tho, I evidently don't have it)

It's only the first time that a 'chance to run away' is rolled. On subsequent encounters, they simply take no for an answer, iirc.
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2016
It's only the first time that a 'chance to run away' is rolled. On subsequent encounters, they simply take no for an answer, iirc.

Well it doesn't matter the 2nd time though, if you have a problem with it the first time, that's the time they should take no for an answer every time, or let you fight them, because if you let them do it the first time, then you're likely not the type of player who cares about stuff like that happening. (despite what type of game this is, I wouldn't be surprised if a fair amount of people are not huge fans of the sex scenes where you're forced into it, rather than choosing to do it, unless I'm just the odd one out)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Well it doesn't matter the 2nd time though, if you have a problem with it the first time, that's the time they should take no for an answer every time, or let you fight them

Yeah, I get that. What I meant by what I said was: At least it's not a constant pain in your butt while you're questing on Myrellion. Though, I think a fight in the streets of Gildenmere would be a bad idea, considering you're under the jurisdiction of Gildenmere's laws while inside the city. Still, getting into a fight and having to hightail it out of Gildenmere is probably preferable to getting hooked on Myr venom and gangraped.