Oh, dang.

arrot: That's definitely an improvement and meshes well with the theme for the dialogue/text boxes. It's a lot sleeker and looks more manageable now too! Either the inventory/armor slots are new, or I just didn't notice them before but that's definitely interesting.
Edit: I don't know how I feel about the font being used though. Not sure if it's a placeholder or not, but it just throws me off to see "Rolf" written out that way when I'm used to seeing it the other way, y'know? It's literally just the name's font bothering me.
If you don't mind my asking, where on the list of things y'all are working on is the MC creation/customization? Are there any plans for the PCs sprite to appear on screen during dialogues? Or is it more for the purpose of battles/inventory management? I noticed there's a more stylized art for the actual battle sprites, so I figure unless there are plans to have certain preset ... character portraits, it would clash with the other characters.