Hilda's Misadventures (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
By the time Hilda finally runs out of cum to pump for this load, Tamara has a fair cum belly on her. With a happy sigh Hilda grabs Tamara and brings her down onto the mattress with her, snuggling with the cuddly puppy. "Thank you Tamara, that was exactly what I neded."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"No problem," she replied. "So, I guess we're officially friends with benefits now, right?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda laughed and gave her a squeeze. "Oh yes, very much so. Together we can hopefully brave this place and make it through unscathed yea?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"We can only hope," replied Tamara, as the two drifted off to sleep.

The next few weeks were a bit of a blur to Hilda. Aside from her new piercings itching incessantly for a couple of days, the rest of it was a seemingly endless ordeal of training and lectures on how to be a submissive sex slave. Hera always seemed to find something wrong with Hilda's performance. If she wasn't acting submissive enough, she got a hand or cane across her backside to remind her. If she didn't move fast enough, she got a hand or cane across her backside to remind her. And if she ever slouched or stooped, she was forced to wear her posture hook for a day. She was also routinely pulled aside by guards or servants to provide them with sexual relief. The one time she attempted to voice her concerns about it, Hera just told her to appreciate the practice for when she would be doing it full time.

If it weren't for Tamara and Beatrix, Hilda was sure that she would have lost her mind. Each night, Tamara was eager to cuddle up and try to make her feel better in any way she could, particularly if it involved suckling from her breasts. And, every now and then, she could feel Beatrix moving inside her, letting her know that she wasn't alone.

Eventually, finally, the day came when she was not called upon for training. She was allowed to bath and eat, but the rest of the day was spent confined to her room. It wasn't until the sun began to set that Hera entered the room. "Get up," she barked. "Today's you're big day. The prince has ordered you brought to his chambers." she said, with mock excitement, as she pulled a small key from her pocket. "You won't be needing this anymore," she said, as she knelt in front of Hilda and unlocked her chastity gate, and pulled the gold chain out of the rings. She stood and made for the door, pausing to look over her shoulder. "Well, come on. Your price awaits."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Using perfect posture and grace, she follows Hera out of the room. The removal of her chastity gate could only mean one thing...the prince was going to take her tonight or have someone else do it. She had already discussed this with Beatrix on the rare moments of alone time she had. Any time she had to use her vagina to please someone, Beatrix was going to block her cervix and devour the cum. It would both prevent pregnancy and help her gooey friend grow.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Hera lead her through the maze of corridors, that she had actually become quite familiar with, until they reached a staircase. Heading up, Hilda found herself in a part of the ziggurat she had never seen before. The floor was still a jumble of hallways and rooms, but they were much more spacious, and the few open doors she passed looked more like they lead into apartments than cells. There were also far fewer slaves running around, and it dawned on Hilda that this was most likely where the free servants of the villa lived.

Eventually, they came to another staircase, and then another after that. With each floor they went up, the place looked more grand, more decorated, and more ostentatious. Until, after about six floors, Hilda was pretty sure they were in the actual living area of the royal family. Statuary was everywhere, as were tapestries, and finely crafted furniture. There were also very few other people. Beyond a few servants, Hilda had not seen any one that looked like they lived in this part of the ziggurat. They soon came to a set of large double doors, and Hera stopped her. "Prince Eros is bathing right now, you are to go in and attend to him," she said. "His whim is now your command. If he tells you to fetch something, fetch it. If her tells you to clean something, make it sparkle. And if her tells you to pleasure him, you had best be upon him in an instant, with more enthusiasm than you'd show your own husband. Remember, your performance reflects upon me, so if you disappoint him he will likely punish me. But, rest assured, I will punish you far, far, worse."

Hera's last words sounded like a knife being drawn from its sheath, and Hilda felt a chill run down her spine. "Now take off that dress," Hera commanded. "From now on, you will wear only what he deigns to give you."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes ma'am. i understand completely." She removes her dress and hands it to Hera. 'Oh if I could i would just bad mouth this prince left, right and center if it meant seeing you slapped around for a while Hera, you cruel evil little woman.' She thought to herself. With a deep breath to calm her nerves, she nods to Hera, ready to serve the prince.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Stepping through the door, Hilda was hit by a wall of steam. The white marble floors were wet with condensation, making them slippery to walk on. The walls were covered in mosaics depiction depicting waterfalls, rivers, and nubile histarans bathing.  Throughout the room were wooden benches and stools, not to mention glass cabinets filled with bathing supplies. Finally, built into a raised section of the floor at the other side of the room, was a large circular tub big enough to fit ten people in. Lounging in the water, partially hidden by a cloud of steam, was a young histaran man, who could only be the prince that Hilda had been purchased by. He did not seem to have noticed her yet.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda slowly walked through the bath and approached the young man, her hooves clicking off the tiles as she went. She kneeled down and bowed her head in respect to the prince waiting to be adressed by the one who purchased her.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
At the sound of hooves clacking on the floor, the young man sat up and opened his eyes. Upon seeing Hilda, his face lit up and he stood from the water, giving her a decent look at hi for the first time. It as immediately obvious that Eros was different from other histarans. Unlike the various shades of green and tan that Hilda had grown used to seeing, his scales were colored in alternating bands to black, red, and yellow. One of the black stripes fell perfectly across his eyes like a mask, causing the golden irises to stand out in stark contrast. Physically, he was trim, almost skinny, though he clearly got enough exercise to keep himself fit. His facial features were incredibly fine and youthful, making him look almost girlish. His tail was far slimmer and more whip-like that the typical histaran, and it writhed behind him now, clearly excited. He was naked, but his manhood was currently retracted.

"Ah, finally, you're here." His voice was golden, and had a sweetness to it most males lacked. "Come in, come in, let me see you." He gestured to the tub.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda nods her head and obeys, stepping into the water and standing before him. Her cock is not erect right now, but still she displays herself to the young prince. 'Oh my gosh...he is really cute! If I wasn't his slave I would be snuggling him right now! He almost looks like a girl!' She thought to herself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
:By the gods, you even more gorgeous than I remember," he said, breathlessly, as he slowly walked around her. taking in the sight. While he was behind her, she felt the lightest of touches caress her ass, and when he came back around she could clearly see the very tip of one of his phalluses beginning to poke from his slit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles at the young princes and bows her head. "Thank you for the compliment my prince, I am at your command."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, first lets get you cleaned up. Go ahead and wet yourself down," he said.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda again nods and kneels down in the water before wetting herself down from head to hoof, in seconds she is all wet and waiting for orders.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
A hand on her shoulder kept Hilda from standing up, and she felt something cold being poured into her hair, before Eros began slowly massaging his fingers into Hilda's scalp, working the shampoo into a thick lather that smelled of roses. Grabbing a golden bowl from the edge of the tub, he slowly rinsed the foam from her head. "Alright, stand up now, so I can get the rest of you," he said, gently.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
'What? He is washing my hair?! Why is the prince doing a slaves job?! Oh...ooooh, but it does feel rather nice.' She relaxed and let the prince do as he please. On his command she stands up and faces him, her body still on display for him to do as he pleases. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The difference in their size became readily apparent as Hilda stood. Eros, still barely more than a boy, only just reached the undersides of her breasts with the top of his head. Still, that was hardly a deterrent for the energetic young man. Grabbing a bar of soap and a soft sponge, he circled around Hilda and stepped onto the edge of the tub; bringing him up to about even height with her. He then went to work with the soap, lathering up the sponge, and then, starting at her shoulders, applied a generous layer of suds to her. He made his way down slowly, washing down each arm before lifting them up to get underneath them. He then made his way down her back and sides, until finally coming to her ass. He lingered there for a time, running his soap covered hands over, and between, her rear cheeks several times more than was necessary to get it clean, before finally making his way down the backs of her thighs. When he reached her knees, he stopped and grabbed the gold rinsing before running his hands down her body one last time as he rinsed the suds from her.

Once he was finished, Hilda felt a firm pat on her backside. "Alright, turn around. It's time for the front," he said, happily. Upon turning around, Hilda's eyes immediately fell to Eros crotch, where his manhood had finished emerging from his slit. Each of the twin penises had to measure at least twelve inches long, and two inches thick, although they looked even bigger on his small frame, and Eros made no effort to hide his erection.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She could not stop her eyes from widening at the sight of his huge twin members. Sure, he wasn't as big a she was, but for someone of his size they looked almost out of place, especially on someone with such a slender and lithe frame. Despite her surprise, she smiled at the young prince, happy to have made him so hard simply from rubbing. She takes a step foward so the young man can reach her better and let him work as he pleases.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Eros went to work right away, lathering up the sponge and starting at Hilda's shoulders. Having already gotten her arm, however, he was free to get right to the good stuff on her front, and his hands quickly fell to her breasts. The prince's breath seemed to catch in throat as he laid his hands upon Hilda's massive tits, and let them sink into the soft flesh. He stood there for a moment, just fondling her, seemingly stunned by the sight in front of him. Eventually he shook his head regaining his composure, and began to actually wash them. He left not an inch of them unattended to, beginning at the tops, curving down over her nipples, and finally working his way underneath them. As with her ass, he went over them several times before finally having his fill and working his way down her stomach.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda couldn't restrain her breathing and all the attention to her breasts got her milk slowly dripping from her tender nipples. She kept her eyes down cast and feared what he would think once he got to her not so feminine parts, but remained still none the less.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
It was hard for her to see just what Eros was doing, her breasts blocked her view, but she could feel it well enough. Dispensing with the sponge, Eros pressed the soap directly into Hilda's bush, before using her mons as a makeshift loofah to work up a good lather. Once he had a sizable ball of suds, he began working it down her shaft. Slowly his hands worked their way down her shaft in soft circular motions, past her ring, down to her flared tip, before making their way back up to her base and starting all over again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A warm, soapy hand job in the bath... yea, there was no resisting that. It only took two cycles of up and down before she was at her full mast of 16 inches long and four inches thick. Her breathing was getting much harder at the princes tender touch, but she still remembers her place and doesn't move.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Eros admired his handy work, and gave the tip of Hilda's dick a light flick, sending it bobbing. Confident that it wasn't going anywhere, he grabbed the sponge and turned his attention to her balls. Hefting them up for a moment, he let them fall one by one back into their hanging position. Then, to Hilda's utter surprise, he leaned forward and pressed his face against the front two, taking a deep inhale through the nose, and rubbing his face between them the way most men preferred to do with her tits.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gasped audibly as he pressed his face into her balls and took in a big wiff. Even though they were soaking in hot water, there was still a tinge of her natural earthy musk that flooded Eros' nose when he breathed in. Her balls are very warm, borderline hot to the touch, smooth as polished marble and fairly heavy due to their large size. Over all, very pleased to just play with and touch.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Having gotten his whiff, Eros began working the suds over the giant testes, rolling them over in his hands until they were nice and slick, before reaching behind them to her vulva. He softly caressed her womanhood, listening to the many gold rings jingle as he cleaned them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A shudder runs through her body as her vulva is gently rubbed and cleaned to a shine, her own lubricant leaking out and onto his hands which is promptly washed away in the bath. At this point she is having issues holding it together as every sensitive part of her body has been toyed with.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Just as she felt the first tinglings of an orgasm coming, Eros removed his hand and began to rinse her front until it was clear of suds. He then stepped back and admired his work before speaking. "Alright, now it's your turn." He tossed her the soap and sponge. "Go ahead and start at the bottom," he said, giving his hips a small thrust for emphasis.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She whined every so slightly but obeyed is command. She lathered up the sponge and got on her knees to reach him better. With delicate and tender hands she worked the sponge on his feet, getting between the toes and around the ankles before sliding up his shins and getting the backs up to his knees. She stopped to resoap the sponge before moving higher up until she was scrubbing his thighs. He face was now level with his twin cocks and his balls. She wanted to suck them, to lick his balls, to roll them in her hand and it showed. But with all her will she gently reached out and scrubbed them with the sponge before moving to carefully wash both his penises and his rump.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Eros groaned under the gentle touch, and placed his hand on Hilda's head, keeping her from rising any further. "I fear I'm going to climax soon," he warned. "Would you like to catch it on you tongue? Or would you rather I plant my seed someplace else?" he asked, easing his twin members forward until they were less than an inch from Hilda's lips.
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