More beast-ey scenes?


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
And consent isn't the reason why "beast-ey" scenes are in general verboten in Fen's games. Most generic NPCs neither ask for nor give consent. The non-sentient cockvines and cuntsnakes aren't capable of it. So that might be where the line should be drawn, but it isn't. It's drawn at the exact point Fen's penis wilts reading something. And everybody asking about this particular issue just has to come to terms with that.

Okay. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I'm gonna come out here and say it anyway. TiTS is and should cater to the players, not to the creator. Yes, I am grateful to Fenoxo, Savin, Gedan, and all the other people that have worked on this project, as well as all those who backed it. I also enjoyed CoC as well. But, in some ways, CoC seems to in fact have been better than TiTS.

See, I didn't like the idea of worms being anywhere near my genitalia (CoC thing), but seems like somebody got a boner for it and it ended up in the game. So, did I complain about it? No. Had I been anybody that could have removed the scene, would I have removed the scene simply because it was not my taste? No.

I simply ignored it, and luckily there was an option to disable such scenes ingame, so I took it. But, had no such option been there, I'd have simply skipped the scene instead.

If Fenoxo doesn't have a fetish for it, I can understand and empathize with the fact he shouldn't be forced to write said scenes. Yes, but that shouldn't matter if someone else who did have a fetish for it, wrote a scene. This, like the worms scene, can simply be avoided by a simple yes/no question ingame whether you would like to see such scenes, preventing the scene from occurring if you said no.

Sure, I can also understand every single fetish under the Sun cannot be catered for and implemented. If someone had a toenail fetish, and said person wrote a scene for it, I'm not saying it should, without question, be implemented immediately. I'm saying that, If said fetish has a large enough visible fanbase amongst the players/backers. whether it's what Fenoxo gets a boner for shouldn't be a factor. And if the fetish is relatively unknown and you don't know whether there is enough players who would find it a turnon (basically to see if profit would exceed the effort in implementing it - a breakeven point as it were), why not hold a public poll for it in the forums or something before entirely disregarding it?


Aug 26, 2015
Questions of entitlement aside, it's really irrelevant because the writers output so much more content than Fen and Gedan can code that I now have content that has been in the pipe for a year.  Being approved isn't enough, it has to grab Fen enough that he shoots it to the top of the to-do list because otherwise it's just going to get buried under the mountain of other things that he just wants to do more.

While I am not entirely satisfied with this state of affairs, and have lobbied for the addition of a coder to focus solely on community content in the past, it is what it is.  If the scene turns Fen off, even if he approves it you'll be lucky if he ever actually gets around to doing it, not because he's lazy but because there's so much other shit to do.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Set a Patreon goal to make Gedan full time or get another part timer/full timer?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Agreed.  I would think Jacques would make an ideal fifth hire.

Yes definitely, especially seeing as he's generally there whenever I've  pointed out a bug jumps right on it. Got nothing but love for him so far.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Questions of entitlement aside, it's really irrelevant because the writers output so much more content than Fen and Gedan can code that I now have content that has been in the pipe for a year.  Being approved isn't enough, it has to grab Fen enough that he shoots it to the top of the to-do list because otherwise it's just going to get buried under the mountain of other things that he just wants to do more.

While I am not entirely satisfied with this state of affairs, and have lobbied for the addition of a coder to focus solely on community content in the past, it is what it is.  If the scene turns Fen off, even if he approves it you'll be lucky if he ever actually gets around to doing it, not because he's lazy but because there's so much other shit to do.

This is a big part of why I was doing less and less work for the game over time.  I still have several things I wrote for CoC long before TiTS development started that haven't been implemented.  They probably never will be.  A lot of the authors get tired of working on Fen's stuff when they've built up a big backlog and the devs just can't keep up.  This probably an inherent problem with any sufficiently popular game that has community submissions for the main game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This is a big part of why I was doing less and less work for the game over time.  I still have several things I wrote for CoC long before TiTS development started that haven't been implemented.  They probably never will be.  A lot of the authors get tired of working on Fen's stuff when they've built up a big backlog and the devs just can't keep up.  This probably an inherent problem with any sufficiently popular game that has community submissions for the main game.

And now they never will be implemented, as development on CoC is going to end after the final dungeon is completed. :/

Well, it might be bad to mention it, but I wrote the Huntsman's hounds in CoC as intentionally open to interpretation. If you wanna see beast men, the descriptors fit, and if you like things more feral, nothing's stopping you from seeing them that way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah, I remember being pretty confused by the Cuntsnakes given fenFen's stance on zoophilia and the thread about things forbidden in CoC. The Cockvines and Mimbranes only added to this confusion.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, I remember being pretty confused by the Cuntsnakes given fenFen's stance on zoophilia and the thread about things forbidden in CoC. The Cockvines and Mimbranes only added to this confusion.


Shhh, don't think about logical inconsistencies.

Cuntsnakes are totally bestiality. But they're parasites so it's fine apparently. >_>

(Just like robo-bestiality with Tamwolf is totally fine too)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015

Cuntsnakes are totally bestiality. But they're parasites so it's fine apparently. >_>

(Just like robo-bestiality with Tamwolf is totally fine too)

Well the answer is obvious, parasites are apparently so dumb they might as well be considered living sex toys! (Or Fen just has a fetish for parasites...)


Just because one of your fetishes isn't prevalent or worse, is out right banned, doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the game. I mean if you didn't like something about it you wouldn't be here in the first place would you?

Now if your fetish is just consistently over looked then a little reminder (most commonly in the form of complaining but creating a thread for the community to talk about X-content would work as well. Read: Manly Content Thread) may be necessary. It is consistantly done with  other fetishes Fen overlooks for his horse hung dick girls. It is also done with crew interactions, ship content and even pregnancy content. That being said this isn't the case for bestiality... because bestiality is out right banned.

The hell hounds aren't bestiality, they're beast men. Similar to Akbal they have a stance where they are on all fours and a stance where they are on two legs. I mean... read the text. They may have beast like characteristics but... this is a furry/scaly/whatever community... they just happen to closer on the beast scale, doesn't make them outright beasts. They are also always more intelligent than animals despite part their minds being unavailable to them. So just because  someone thinks it looks like bestiality doesn't make it bestiality. We had the same problem with the minotaur but they just don't see the need to talk and taunt, they just want to knock you over and fuck. People also said tentacle beasts were bestiality a while ago which i feel is a fair assessment. Although I alos feel they could have human levels of intelligence but their bodies don't need tools (they could easily make tools) and they are incapable of communication... also they're so corrupt all they care about is sex. Plus they're more plant like so if anything Fen's a tree hugger. C.snakes are bestiality there is no getting around that but I think Fen sees them as more of an item despite them obviously not being just an item.

All this semi-bestiality content ^ is skirting the line but is allowed because there are exceptions to every rule. Be happy that your fetish even gets an "Its ok sometimes, with specific restrictions" rating with Fen because you could be with the watersports/scat/loli/shota crowd where your fetish is not only banned but badmouthed and looked upon with disgust (ok that second one happens with bestiality but still). Also consent was never the issue. This is a game about fighting and fucking and in most cases you knock the fight out of something and then fuck it... the issue has always been that Fen just doesn't like it. I feel him having to explain why he doesn't like it or why its banned is unnecessary. Haven't your parents ever said, "Because I said so?" You aren't owed an explanation, you aren't entitled to have your fetish in the game and all this complaining doesn't actually help.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Just because one of your fetishes isn't prevalent or worse, is out right banned, doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the game. I mean if you didn't like something about it you wouldn't be here in the first place would you?

Now if your fetish is just consistently over looked then a little reminder (most commonly in the form of complaining but creating a thread for the community to talk about X-content would work as well. Read: Manly Content Thread) may be necessary. It is consistantly done with  other fetishes Fen overlooks for his horse hung dick girls. It is also done with crew interactions, ship content and even pregnancy content. That being said this isn't the case for bestiality... because bestiality is out right banned.

The hell hounds aren't bestiality, they're beast men. Similar to Akbal they have a stance where they are on all fours and a stance where they are on two legs. I mean... read the text. They may have beast like characteristics but... this is a furry/scaly/whatever community... they just happen to closer on the beast scale, doesn't make them outright beasts. They are also always more intelligent than animals despite part their minds being unavailable to them. So just because  someone thinks it looks like bestiality doesn't make it bestiality. We had the same problem with the minotaur but they just don't see the need to talk and taunt, they just want to knock you over and fuck. People also said tentacle beasts were bestiality a while ago which i feel is a fair assessment. Although I alos feel they could have human levels of intelligence but their bodies don't need tools (they could easily make tools) and they are incapable of communication... also they're so corrupt all they care about is sex. Plus they're more plant like so if anything Fen's a tree hugger. C.snakes are bestiality there is no getting around that but I think Fen sees them as more of an item despite them obviously not being just an item.

All this semi-bestiality content ^ is skirting the line but is allowed because there are exceptions to every rule. Be happy that your fetish even gets an "Its ok sometimes, with specific restrictions" rating with Fen because you could be with the watersports/scat/loli/shota crowd where your fetish is not only banned but badmouthed and looked upon with disgust (ok that second one happens with bestiality but still). Also consent was never the issue. This is a game about fighting and fucking and in most cases you knock the fight out of something and then fuck it... the issue has always been that Fen just doesn't like it. I feel him having to explain why he doesn't like it or why its banned is unnecessary. Haven't your parents ever said, "Because I said so?" You aren't owed an explanation, you aren't entitled to have your fetish in the game and all this complaining doesn't actually help.

Fenoxo doesn't seem to mind bestiality with sexual parasites. I guess it's because the issue of consent is less contentious because the parasites themselves have adapted to use the reproductive system of other creatures for their own benefit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I honestly don't have a problem with the parasite's in TiT's. The Mimbranes help you in combat if you have a high enough trust, Cuntail's are cool IMO just wish you could use it on more NPC's with dicks but most of them would probably be like "EWW WHAT IS THAT??!! IT'S DISGUSTING GET IT AWAY FROM ME!!!!", I would get a Cocktail but for me there is not enough content/scenes to convince me to get it.