> Beat Vanae until can't level no more. ("Why are you hitting us, Daddy?" "Shaddap papa needs XP and he's sorry. ;_;")
> Beat Vanae until can't level no more. ("Why are you hitting us, Daddy?" "Shaddap papa needs XP and he's sorry. ;_;")
Jim suddenly I'm not sure I want you writing the nursery content.
On topic: Willpower is current FotM and soon Aim may be too (does gym allow rise aim too?thought just physique and reflex can be trained there).
For lvl up faster just beat all and skip sex scenes (and click over all other scenes - really it all spedding up lvl-ing like ya know all those fapping inbetween can eat so much tim lost to grinding ^^).
Jim suddenly I'm not sure I want you writing the nursery content.