Mhen'ga Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015


Aug 27, 2015


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Yep. Specifically the Articles of Confederation, the predecessor to the actual United States. 

Ah so a very loose union of states that all only work together because they don't want to get pushed around by any outside force, but also kinda sorta dislike each other and consider themselves very independent with only lip service paid to the symbolic capital of the whole. If that's the case then I wouldn't be surprised if several UGC states have gone to war with each other over territory, since even when the Articles of Confederation were repealed and replaced with a more stable union the states still fought each other (Ohio vs. Michigan, Texas vs. Oklahoma, New York vs. New Hampshire, etc.)
Nov 1, 2016
See, I didn't know about Myrellion, but the Tarkus junk stuff always felt like "dealing with the natives" rather than finding anything yourself. And the platinum is directly related to the probe.

Junkball does have Bess, I guess. She's a nice bit of credits. :smugdog:  

Either way, I feel like Mhen'ga is the only real "rush" planet that you are actually exploring in any meaningful capacity. Every other planet in the game is developed/settled to some extent.

It is possible to get the probe without using the Plat 190, this saving it and allowing you to use it in other situations, like bypassing the Nealyn Hunter guard before finding the probe on Myr world.


Feb 5, 2017
Just a quick question, I ran into a scene I don't quite understand; I went to BURT'S BADASS MEAD HALL saw my good girl Anno there. I go to walk over to her, and some Thraggen douchebag gets there first. Now, I expect her to brush him off, but she goes all goo-goo-doll-high-school-cheerleader on him. This asshole picks her up and leaves with her, and I'm standing there like an idiot.

My question is whether or not there is anything more to this scene. Do I get to confront her? Can I kick his ass and call her an ungrateful whore? Can I tell Syri that her sister is a bitch?


Feb 5, 2017
Anno sleeps around. She's actually like... not waifu material at all. Not in the "traditional sense," at least, and she certainly isn't in an exclusive relationship with the PC. :p

Those scenes are there to demonstrate that Anno is, well, a puppyslut. I'm pretty sure there's more than just that one.
I was surprised how much it hurt that she didn't even say anything. I honestly thought Anno was better than that. She was one of the best waifus in the first few planets! Until now.


Jul 11, 2016
I was surprised how much it hurt that she didn't even say anything. I honestly thought Anno was better than that. She was one of the best waifus in the first few planets! Until now.

Well, Anno's a puppyslut, emphasis on the slut. If you read her talk scenes, you probably would've learned that she likes to fuck a lot, but doesn't have any serious relationships outside of Steele and Kaede. In her own words: ausar just got a whole lot of love to give. So, it's how Anno stays happy, and wouldn't any goods person want their waifu to be happy? There's other scenes like that at every bar. But, yeah, Anno ain't waifu material, except for Kaede.

Her sister is less slutty, and less puppy, and arguably better than her sister in every way, and is quite possible waifu material.

Polyamory is a pretty large part of TiTS, so you better get used to it. I mean, you're sleeping around on all your waifus all the time, the least they can do is return the favor.


Jul 11, 2016
To be fair, there is literally nothing wrong with sharing Anno with Kaede.

Yup, as long as both parties are okay with an open relationship, it's all good. If you ain't okay with that, probably not the relationship for you.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'm pretty sure you can count the number of regular lovers that Steele can have that aren't banging people other than you on one hand, depending on what you ask of a few partners whose sexual promiscuity can be controlled and if anything goes on on our ship that we aren't' told about.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Yeah, Anno never promises exclusivity and this is a perfect case of why. She enjoys casual sex and intimate sex both and sees no reason to choose one over the other. There's no malice in the situation, just "hey, found this guy to fuck me silly...I'll see you on the ship where you can do it to me for days at a time."


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
That and there are the other two scenes that proc when you check up on Anno in a bar:
1) where she throws her drink in a jerks face
2) where she practically drags you into fucking her date

I'd say its a nice round-out of possible things happening. Plus you can screw Anno's girlfriend without Anno being involved on numerous occasions, not even counting all the unrelated people you can fuck.

On a side note: Anyone else feel the PC develops a closer relationship with both Anno's sister and girlfriend more than Anno herself? Maybe its just me, but I feel like I have more scenes bonding with either Syri or Kaede than I do Anno.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Clearly we need to bribe Savin for more bonding moments with Anno.


Feb 5, 2017
On a side note: Anyone else feel the PC develops a closer relationship with both Anno's sister and girlfriend more than Anno herself? Maybe its just me, but I feel like I have more scenes bonding with either Syri or Kaede than I do Anno.
I kind of wish that ALL relationships had a bit more depth to them. It feels like after getting them to bed, it just goes no further.

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
Anyone else feel the PC develops a closer relationship with both Anno's sister and girlfriend more than Anno herself? Maybe its just me, but I feel like I have more scenes bonding with either Syri or Kaede than I do Anno.

You're right. I used to think it was intentional until we got all these scenes where it's just Steele and Kaede and we have all these moments of bonding with Kaede like going on actual dates with her. Perhaps I just see Kaede's character differently, but she seems a bit less inclined than Anno to have multiple "serious" partners, yet we have how many dates with her now and none with Anno?

Hmmm. I wonder if Savin would be against other people writing date scenes for Anno and Syri? But Syri only gets some if certain people stop pretending she's so much better than Anno. They can both be good dammit.:catstare:

Failing that I guess there's the emergency option of everyone throwing their wallets in the air and making a huge money Spirit Bomb to hit Savin with until he gives us some romantic Dorna Dates™.:p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

On a side note: Anyone else feel the PC develops a closer relationship with both Anno's sister and girlfriend more than Anno herself? Maybe its just me, but I feel like I have more scenes bonding with either Syri or Kaede than I do Anno.
So the Poe A amazon armor scene where you go the party, the Puppyslutmas scenes if you choose Anno as your +1 and the whole of AnnoQuest aren't enough as scenes bonding with Anno? :p

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
So that Leithan girl and Cass don't exist?
She didn't really get a choice with Cass, given that Cass just showed up and jumped her bones :ghost:. I will concede I forgot about the Leithan girl, though I've no idea how serious that relationship is. All I can recall beyond her first appearance in the short story is Kaede mentioning her during your Uveto date.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
So the Poe A amazon armor scene where you go the party, the Puppyslutmas scenes if you choose Anno as your +1 and the whole of AnnoQuest aren't enough as scenes bonding with Anno? :p

To be fair though, that scene on Poe A with Anno was accidental, she didn't know it was you. That's more her bonding with random drunk she ran into, it wasn't her intention to bond with the PC in the first place. As for the Puppyslutmas, I usually pick Syri as the date, and from what I remember of both options Syri's seemed better to me in terms of bonding.

Annoquest though was a good example of bonding, even if a little more adventury than most other folks options. Would like a sequel to it, dealing with that robo army we find during the mission.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I will concede I forgot about the Leithan girl, though I've no idea how serious that relationship is. All I can recall beyond her first appearance in the short story is Kaede mentioning her during your Uveto date.

Well, She is mentioned in the same sentence as Captain Steele and Anno.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To be fair though, that scene on Poe A with Anno was accidental, she didn't know it was you. That's more her bonding with random drunk she ran into, it wasn't her intention to bond with the PC in the first place.
I meant the scene that follows after you both realize who you took back to the ship.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
So the Poe A amazon armor scene where you go the party, the Puppyslutmas scenes if you choose Anno as your +1 and the whole of AnnoQuest aren't enough as scenes bonding with Anno? :p
No bonding is done during the Poe A scene, it's just sex, and Annoquest is too preoccupied with fighting the sentient pile of goo to the death/possibly saving it for character development. It's good stuff, but it's never mentioned again outside of a talk option that is nearly as barebones as it gets. The +1 scene is nice, but there isn't really any character development for any of the three, just overt flirting. Anno is just severely lacking in anything that actually makes a character an actual character.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
You know the best part of having a waifu who sleeps around? Threesomes! And introductions to other waifus :p
The way I see it, except in Anno and Kaedes case, the girls in game are more often the subject of an open relationship than polyamory.
Kaede and Anno clearly has a thing going with each other, and Kaede totally has a thing for Cass too. Anno don´t show t all that often, but her bedroom scene indicate a bit more intimacy between her and Steele.
So those two for sure are polyamorous. Knot a bad thing imho.

Now Syri on the other we only know fucks people other than Steele, but we´ve never gotten much hint of her being romantically interested in anyone besides the PC. (I´m not sure if the incest boner counts or not) So her relationship seems more like an open one.
It´s the same thing with Erra when Hugs´ xpac gets out. Coincidence? I think NOT! :p

Reaha surprisingly, being the one who´s probably slept around the most, is one of the most monogamous waifus in game.
I don´t think she´d mind an open relationship at all, but if that meant Steele would feel uncomfortable with her she´d rather only be with the PC. At this point, after curing her, it´s clear that she loves him/her and would gladly let the PC keep her all to themself. Which is pretty hhhnnnggggg!!!
If you want a monogamous relationship, Reaha is one of the go to waifus.
(I wouldn´t mind more threesomes with her though)

In the future I´m hoping for more waifu threesomes.
Waifus can love other waifus!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Anno is just severely lacking in anything that actually makes a character an actual character.
I thinks that it's an affair statement, and that at least half of the reason it appears so is down to her character lacking any serious drama hooks other Savin girls (or waifus in general) have in spades. She is a super smart, fun-loving, threesomes-enabling waifu that plays up her slutpuppy and party animal persona like there is no tomorrow. She doesn't intend to bare anything deeply personal to Steele just yet. Well, some arguable exceptions occur during a couple of her interactions with Syri, her talk scene about Victor and her deep passion for SCIENCE.

Honestly, even if we won't get any deeper, having a personality like that is perfectly fine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
.... and Annoquest is too preoccupied with fighting the sentient pile of goo to the death/possibly saving it for character development. It's good stuff, but it's never mentioned again outside of a talk option that is nearly as barebones as it gets. The +1 scene is nice, but there isn't really any character development for any of the three, just overt flirting. Anno is just severely lacking in anything that actually makes a character an actual character.

First of all, we are not discussing whether an NPC has "character" or "character development". "Bonding" doesn't require either. If we were going by your criteria Kaede wouldn't have any "bonding scenes" either, after all her character doesn't undergo any development during her meetings with Steele; we just find out more about her.

But what we ARE discussing here is whether there are scenes where the PC has scenes where they spend time with and get to know the NPC more.

No bonding is done during the Poe A scene, it's just sex,

So, This means nothing?
“Anno?” you say, grabbing the puppy-babe by the shoulders and yanking her mask off.

She yelps. “Hey, you know my... wait... ______!?” she blinks, eyes wide. “What happened to you? You look totally... totally hot, and strong, and...”

“Shush,” you say, pulling your lover in for a kiss. “It’s just a suit.”

She murmurs happily, but when you break it, says, “Feels like skin to me, babe. I think you might have found one of those old synth-suits. The ones that merge with your skin, make you strong enough to use old-school powered armor?”

No, no. You reach back and grab the... the zipper... that should be right on your neck... and isn’t. For a moment, you blanche. And then you realize, fuck it, this was about the best night of your life. If you’re a giant, big-titted amazon now, well, that’s not so bad. Especially if it makes Anno fall for you all over again.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Summary: Waifus in this game go out and find other waifus to have sex with, and then bring them back to have sex with you, sometimes simultaneously.

This is some advanced 31st century waifuism. Praise progress and the holy church of waifuism.

PS: How much money do you think I'd need to bribe Savin with to write A Very Puppyslutty Wedding?
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Jul 11, 2016
Bonding and all the tender stuff like dates and quiet dialogue during cuddles is great, so I also vote for more of that.

Maybe its just me, but I feel like I have more scenes bonding with either Syri or Kaede than I do Anno.

Well, most of Syri's "bonding" scenes happen during her sex scenes, and it's kinda "implied" with all of her lovey-dovey dialogue. That and her random scene where you land on Mhen'ga, where again she doesn't outright say anything, but you'd have to be dumb to think Syri ain't into Steele after that.

And puppyslutmas I gueeeesss.

But Syri only gets some if certain people stop pretending she's so much better than Anno. They can both be good dammit.:catstare:

Sure, they're both good, but Syri's better.


It´s the same thing with Erra when Hugs´ xpac gets out. Coincidence? I think NOT! :p

It's the puppyslut curse of the whore.