Mhen'ga Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
For all your neo-colonial waspfucking needs. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Ditto on the huntress I would love to see her get, well more love. :D

I also remember the membranes sounding incredibly cute with their chirping, and the fact you could earn their trust made me go aww for a second.


Jul 11, 2016
The Naleen Huntress loss scene is probably one of my favorites in the game, and the titfuck scene, and most of her scenes. 

So seeing her get more stuff would be awesome. 

The mangoes. Being able to find some kind of natural bounty that's not there to fuck you over and/or horribly mutate you is nice. It's just... I mean there's not really another word for it other than "nice." It's a change of pace, and it makes the planet itself seem that much less like an irredeemable shithole (see: basically every other rush planet).

Clearly, we need a masturbation option to fuck the mangoes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015

In a similar vein, that big ol' rock you find and scan for some credits is also nice. It's a cool little discovery you can make. It's tidy, it's succinct, and it gives a sense of "pragmatic exploration yielding tangible rewards" that I don't really get from the other planets. I dunno. I'd like to see more simple things like that, but I can also understand the desire to avoid putting a lot of "effortless monetary rewards" into the game. Unless there's more examples of this kind of thing on Myrellion or something. I just cheat my way to QoTD every now and again...

Myrellion has lots of enemies drop minerals/gems which means it has a repeatable pragmatic exploration feel, but more importantly it does have a massive column of solid crystal fuel you can find in the deep caves too (Though that's a bit more effort since you have to fight a boss for it).

Tarkus junk/prize reclamation system is also pretty close in nature to the idea of being rewarded for exploration, plus the platinum you find at the end of the stellar tether is incredibly useful.

Uveto was supposed to have some discoverable Savicite I think, or maybe I just imagined that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
See, I din't know about Myrellion, but the Tarkus junk stuff always felt like "dealing with the natives" rather than finding anything yourself. And the platinum is directly related to the probe.

Junkball does have Bess, I guess. She's a nice bit of credits. :smugdog:  

Either way, I feel like Mhen'ga is the only real "rush" planet that you are actually exploring in any meaningful capacity. Every other planet in the game is developed/settled to some extent.

Well that's because of where we land on some planets, if the Tarkus we could see was only the parts far from the Tether and Nova then Tarkus too would seem like an undeveloped location. Same goes for Uveto since its only city is where we go, if we went to the other half of the planet it would seem like barely anyone exists on it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
We land in the most "developed' part of Mhen'ga, too, it's just that Best Mudball is actually a fresh discovery and Esbeth is the best that's been able to be set up in the short time it's been discovered. It's a real frontier planet. I guess that's what I'm missing from the other planets. 

A part of Tarkus' problem might be its total mess of a backstory/lore. Some contradictory stuff coming from it. 

Myrellion is that example of finding a planet with a halfway-developed species on it, which is something I'd also like to see, and I'd say "like to see" because Myrellion is completely overshadowed by how fucked up it all is. I mean that place is just fucking awful. It's supposed to be, but still.

Mhen'ga is, again, just a nice little nightmare rape jungle-- 

Dammit. Still the best planet, though.

All the planets that have probes have something fucked up going on them, even some of the side planets too, Mhenga is only limited in its fucked up ness because the slavers haven't been added in yet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
We land in the most "developed' part of Mhen'ga, too, it's just that Best Mudball is actually a fresh discovery and Esbeth is the best that's been able to be set up in the short time it's been discovered. It's a real frontier planet. I guess that's what I'm missing from the other planets. 

A part of Tarkus' problem might be its total mess of a backstory/lore. Some contradictory stuff coming from it. 

I in fact like it when lore contradicts itself occasionally, it adds to the mystery of whatever's going on. Like in Eldar scrolls each race has a belief of how the world they live in came to be, and you can look at them and draw parallels, conclusions, and theories that could very well be right (I love doing that). So unless word of god contradicts itself, in game lore saying two different things just means they don't know what truly happened leaving a spot for some intrepid explorer to find the truth themselves.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
And this highlights how I really, really wish they weren't going to be added at all.

Because I'm the one that gets told I'm reading into stuff too much for pointing out how mindbogglingly God-awful every single thing in this game actually is if you think about it for even a second, and yet there is this odd insistence to make everything even worse. I don't understand.

Am I really "thinking about it too hard," or is the TiTSverse just the most depressing, unwelcoming, and nightmarish hellhole of fictional universe ever? I genuinely don't know at this point. :v:  

Well I see it as this, if there are bad guys there has to be good guys. Me personally would never blow up Myrellion, would never sell out the grey goo crew, and would never allow slavers go by unpunished. While there are depressing tones in tits that just allows for the uplifting ones to be more noticeable. You gave that wounded gold in the bar a new arm, you allowed the Nova crew to be basically human again, you saved that elder mushroom from being burned alive.

Ultimately it's about choice and how you yourself want to go about in tits. Hero?, villain?, maybe something in between.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Am I really "thinking about it too hard," or is the TiTSverse just the most depressing, unwelcoming, and nightmarish hellhole of fictional universe ever? I genuinely don't know at this point. :v:  

It could be worse. It could be WH40K levels of depressing, unwelcoming and nightmarish. Besides, if the slavers get added you play the naive hero out to to save the universe from all things evil and shit!

Peaceful places without some kind of conflict are boring anyway.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
To be fair, JoyCo is just innocent space walmart and SteeleTech is at least the most good aligned coporation (though this totally depends on PC Steele's actions in the long run). I don't see what the problem is, having some unwelcoming shit in the game makes it feel more realistic tbh. Pointless optimism and hugboxes get boring after awhile.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well that's just your opinion. I don't mind the grim darkness. TITS whole universe is over the top as a whole, so over-the-top conflicts is not out of place at all. Yeah it's a sex game, but this isn't your typical sex game Misty. Like I said, I personally think that all this shit is good for the game and nothing new. COC was just as if not more dark the TITS universe in general. Let the slavers come to Mhen'ga. It will give the assholes a way to make quick cash and those with bleeding hearts the gumption to save their perfect rape jungle.

As I said, it can always be worse. Conflicts in TITS my be extreme but are nothing compared to even darker universes like WH40K.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Let the slavers take over the non-bipedal (naleen) and the belicous Vanae, but leave the bees alone, since they leave profitable drops. The honey (50/100 c) and the aid bow will always win over random TF (1c). BTW, it totally support the selling of a non-organic entity that could turn into the ship intro a Virus /Hall 9000 /Red Queen /Terminatior carnage. The sooner the menace leaves, the better.

On another topic, does the ZK rifle has an actual use? By that time you've had to defeat the machina, and probably got the leithan bow from Tanis, a much better weapon. It's stats are also a dissapointment, given his "special weapon" status.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Best part of Mhen'ga...should be forrest arounf Xenogen camp ;)

Tentacles, lakes of milk dripping everywhere and so on...what else much better could be found on this planet I ask :D


Aug 26, 2015
All the planets that have probes have something fucked up going on them, even some of the side planets too, Mhenga is only limited in its fucked up ness because the slavers haven't been added in yet.

It's a matter of degree.  Myrellion is constantly awful all the time, with the spaceport being the only half-decent place to walk around in.  Mhen'ga, by contrast, is a reasonably nice place to live as long as you don't go wandering off alone into the jungle like some kind of idiot.  This is true even with the slavers, though it's why I requested Nonesuch make sure there was an outcome that at least doesn't make things worse than before the whole event was added.

Becauase that's something I agree with Misty about, and made an effort in my Uveto writings to avert: it's easy to add enemies for Steele to overcome, but if you fill the world with those and don't add enough people who can handle things when Steele's not around, it makes the task of being a decent guy look Sisyphean.  It's why you won't see me writing characters going forward who have Big Problems for our hero to swoop in and fix: you get enough characters with Big Problems and it looks like everybody's doomed.  It's also why you will see more along the lines of my work on Reaha where someone Steele knows will be able to help another character, instead of Steele doing everything alone.

On another topic, does the ZK rifle has an actual use? By that time you've had to defeat the machina, and probably got the leithan bow from Tanis, a much better weapon. It's stats are also a dissapointment, given his "special weapon" status.

The ZK Rifle was in the game long before the greatbow.  It's also a guaranteed acquisition, while the bow requires a male zil drop that I often don't get without deliberate grinding.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Some races need to be civilized (Zil, maybe Naleen and Kerokoras), some others, cointained (Mymbranes) and a few ones, pacified (cunt snakes, Vanae). The rusher/slaver interaction with those probably'll be influenced by if said race has something useful to offer, and their acceptance/resistance to rusher colonization/domain.

The Vanae will probably end in the short side of the stick, given their hostility. Anyways, my Steele, as always, will adopt a pragmatical posture when dealing with slavers, even if that means stepping over some race's heads.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
We still need a race to exploit in our selfish advantage be targeted by the slavers, but since i don't know the nature and extent of their intended content, they may attempt to take many slaves of each alien race, instead of focusing in one on specific.

By the way, what use will have the slaved aliens? Sex slavery? Forced labor? Domestic service? Food source (meat, honey)?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I´m kinda interested in the synth sap and whether or not it´s gonna have any effect on vanae society. That last part will probably not be implemented, but I can look forward to the TF in the very least. Synth sap cum here i "come" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

We still need a race to exploit in our selfish advantage be targeted by the slavers, but since i don't know the nature and extent of their intended content, they may attempt to take many slaves of each alien race, instead of focusing in one on specific.

By the way, what use will have the slaved aliens? Sex slavery? Forced labor? Domestic service? Food source (meat, honey)?

All of the above I assume + used as research material for TF-ing. And what misty said about indentured servitude.

I´m curious as to how the slavery quest will unfold. I´d be happy enough with just throwing out the slavers and have Mhen´ga turn back to what it is now.


Aug 27, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Something can be said about the degrees of tone slowly becoming darker in tits and the order it currently follows with the path of planets you go to.

Mhen'ga is for the most part an adventure planet. You go and explore a deep and vast jungle while encountering the natives, with the occasional heartwarming scene. (SNAKE HUNTRESS FOR LIFE!) This feels perfect for a starting planet, it shows that there is danger but none of it is truly horrendous. It has a certain lightheartedness that is similar to many beginnings in adventure stories.

Tarkus is simply rough, best way to put it. It's not overtly depressing ( Beside those two, don't judge a planet by two crazies) nor do you see people throwing a party, they're surviving as best they can. It slowly eases the player in telling them not everything is easy or nice but you make do with what you can.

However Myrellion now shows that this game can be much more grimm then first thought and to be honest I hope no future content comes close or surpasses Myrellion in seriousness. There's just so many shades of grey there I just want my sister/lover and my probe before blasting off to the next planet.

So going by a loose pattern either the next story planet is going to be worse then Myrellion or we can see something brighter hopefully.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Is keeping it so small relative to the other planets considered "purposeful" or is that just kind of how it happened? Would expansions to the actual tile size of Mhen'ga be possible in the future, just from a purely hypothetical standpoint?

The naleen huntress. Were her broader plans as a character nixed for a specific reason, or was it simply due to a lack of interest in writing her? I'm not saying I'd pick her up to write, but it would be good to know if the possibility is there. If not, understanding why she was considered to be "unworkable" would also be useful, given my intention to do an eerily similar thing with FFZ...

Best Mudball is Smallest Mudball because it came first. Also Fen had to write all the room descriptions himself rather than splitting it up like we do now with big planets like Myrellion, so that's a good reason not to have a million rooms. There's no *actual* reason for the planet to be small: if someone wants to add new areas (eg. like the Vanae did) they totally can.

Naleen was nixed because Fen told me (before I even worked here!!!) that I wasn't allowed to make her a waifu. I don't remember why, but it was silly and I doubt he cares anymore. I just don't have the time or inclination to do anything with her right now. 

Uveto was supposed to have some discoverable Savicite I think, or maybe I just imagined that.

It will. A lot of Uveto's outdoors mechanics (like storms) aren't in yet. Uveto had the unfortunate luck of starting implementation just as Lead Writer Mans contracted the ded for half a year. Lots of stuff is missing or placeholder there for now.

Wait, almost forgot the most important part of Best Mudball:



Hey, hey, it's only four! And I got back on track talking about the vanae or whatever pretty quick!

Misty pls


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This kind of bitter dismissal is not conducive to interesting writing, though. A universe that's so uniformly fucked up that things going wrong is the default assumption of the audience isn't interesting. 

Why isn't it interesting? Because we know what's going to happen. Shit's going to suck. Again. If you're playing the hero, you're going to have to try and fix it. Again.

Overdosing on intense grimdark is just as bad as overdosing on vapid positivity. It's about balance. The idea that only two thematic states exist, uber dark and uber bright, is a very limiting either-or fallacy that stunts creative potential to an incredible degree.

Yeah, but that's not really a problem. Not everything in TITS is so fucking depressingly dark and horrible as you make it out to be. This more a meta issue because most people need to create scenarios in which Steele as to fix shit. If people want their bright and happy fluff that should write instead of constantly begging the devs to make shit less grimdark. We need some kind of conflict to even make TITS interesting. TITS is just a dark place in general hidden under all the fucking and gene mods and boat sized dicks and tits. I still fail to see how letting some darkness come to Mhen'ga is really that much of a problem. It's already just a rape jungle already, making it rapey with a side of extra darkness really isn't changing much. This seems to always happen to fresh frontier planets in TITS any. It's not like the U.G.C. gives much of a shit from the get unless it really bad shit (like Myrellion).

If TITS getting too grimdark is that much of a problem, start writing some lighthearted fluffy shit to fix it (that goes for everyone).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Actually, the darkness coming to Mhen'ga is going to strike against, ahem, the rapists, and in a way, is like a Byzantine, disproportionated karmic punishment to their custom of rape outsiders


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Pretty sure every story planet is gonna have one regardless of whether Mhen'ga gets a grim dark big bad or not. It's just the natural progression of things in order to make Steele Jr. relevant in the universe outside of being a future CEO of SteeleTech. Grimdark shit is just easy to write into TITS because it accepts it readily. It's all about making Steele seem important. I'll start calling foul in it when it gets COC Champion levels of I have to fix everyone's problems. 

Phaedra is a fucking Mad Max inspired planet. Of course is gonna be grimdark as shit. But it's also a Mad Max planet, which sounds fucking awesome to explore.


Aug 27, 2015
Alright, so first of all two different projects of mine have gotten conflated.

The tarratch slaver mob is aimed at providing a slightly greater challenge in the Mhen'gan jungle after the PC has gotten past a certain level gate. They were created with the idea of keeping existing planets fresh by adding waves of new content as the PC progressed. I also wanted to test out a couple of new features through them, including emotion draining and the logistics of group combat. They do not have a quest related to them.

The Plantation quest is a continuation of the idea of using Mhen'ga as a springboard for new, more advanced content by allowing you to return to Thare Plantation, do a mission for Darnock and through it decide the fate of Thare and, possibly, change the future of Mhen'ga itself. It was born out of a commission from someone desiring me to work on the management sim idea I had for the planet as well as providing a female zil chief to sex, and me coming up with a way that could realistically tackle as many objectives as possible in a limited amount of time. As it turns out it wasn't particularly realistic, the project's way over budget.

As for grimndark vs. hurrayfluff: My chief aim with all content tone-wise is that it adds depth. I want my stuff to connect up interestingly with the rest of the galaxy, to add a context or insight that was lacking before, or expand on it in a thoughtful manner. That often means conflict, or characters who aren't completely nice, yes, because without those things you cannot generate drama and satisfying resolutions. I have never added something purely because I thought the zone wasn't gritty enough, and it frustrates me greatly that people have carried away that impression.

Frankly there are dozens of perfectly pleasant characters in TiTS of all shapes and sizes that exist simply to allow the PC to have a fun, sexy time. I have written some myself. The game shall never lack for easy problems to solve and stress free situations, and I agree how black TiTS is has been conflated a great deal here. If people are going to piss themselves because I enjoy crafting fraught scenarios that allow for better intrigue, drama, denouements and through those things better sex, then I'm afraid you'll just have to sit there in your wet [pc.lowerUndergarment] of choice.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015

Eh. Don´t let it get to you.

I assume that most people are actually looking forward to the plantation quest and the slaver mob.

I love getting more questlines, and adding more level specific content is a great way to get people to revisit planets.

Syri was enough reason already, but it doesn´t hurt to add more :p