Manly content thread

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Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
Please no.  Get your dog a doggy bed, sleeping on the couch is how you get hair everywhere.

Oh please, Steele is probably the most likely to mess up the furniture. After all, human turned to bee, then dog, then goo, the reptile, and on and on likely results in more mess than need be. Plus his crew mate probably have years of experience cleaning up after themselves. And here you are going "I can shed!? It's like a mold of my body! I thought the scales just popped out!" from all this new nuisance you never had to think about before.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Made the following changes to the list:

Added or moved the following to the list of complete projects.

  • Musk and Muscle by Altair Horsecock: A shop containing loads of male underwear and some transformatives. It's run by Busky, a gay New Texan with events around new texas.
  • Musk and Muscle items by Altair Horsecock: Items for the Musk and Muscle shop.
  • Milk Barn Voyeur by Foxxling: A sex scene involving two voyeur bulls checking out two treated females getting it on.
  • Doctor Lessau by Couch: Sexy Chimera found on Uveto. A doctor that made Steele's nanomachines.
  • Office Gangbang by Couch: Have a sex party with everyone in Dr. Lessau's office. Walt the wolf boy is one of the boys that Steele gets to interact with.

Added Edan by Wsan to the list of incomplete projects.

Another question:

  • What race/species/concept would you like to see in TiTS in a manly form? Please link to pictures.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
I would love a more manly Zil npc. All the zil npcs in the works are either female or submissive males.

A male alternative to the Venus Pitchers would be great too.

Ooh, and maybe a manly/dominant Kathrit (or other feline-inspired race).

Maybe a jaguar-esque npc.. "Space Akbal" </3


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Still really hoping for a barber pole colored donger option [or any option to change wangus color].


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I would love a more manly Zil npc. All the zil npcs in the works are either female or submissive males.

A male alternative to the Venus Pitchers would be great too.

Ooh, and maybe a manly/dominant Kathrit (or other feline-inspired race).

Maybe a jaguar-esque npc.. "Space Akbal" </3

Would love that to.

Plant dudes are rare.

There's already a manly Kaithrith in Arbetz travelling agency.

Ligers are my preference.

Gotcha covered in SyriQuest, though he's a one-off boss. Zilnan the Zilbarian is a buff manly-man zil warlord.

Really cool, shame that he won't be repeatable.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ligers are my preference.

Really cool, shame that he won't be repeatable.

Would love to see anthro Ligers and/or a Liger TF

Agreed, that's one thing that annoyed me with the lake queen, I mean IMO the very least we could've done is tell her the status of her children or the most move her off planet and to a safer one (high chance that will not happen).

*Sigh* Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You really go for grotesque creatures. Which i'm not all too into.

Yes, I go for... you know, aliens. Not that I'm not into less monster-like beings, mind you! But, rather than species, I'd push for features like horns, tongues, wacky penises and the like.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Would love to see anthro Ligers and/or a Liger TF

Agreed, that's one thing that annoyed me with the lake queen, I mean IMO the very least we could've done is tell her the status of her children or the most move her off planet and to a safer one (high chance that will not happen).

*Sigh* Oh well.

I wrote one, but he won't likely get in.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Gotcha covered in SyriQuest, though he's a one-off boss. Zilnan the Zilbarian is a buff manly-man zil warlord.

My dream is for one with multiple, repeatable scenes. (I'll take what I can get for now though lol)

Would love that to.

Plant dudes are rare.

There's already a manly Kaithrith in Arbetz travelling agency.

Ligers are my preference.

I've noticed that.

And you're right I forgot about the agency.

I wrote one, but he won't likely get in.

Why not? :(

EDIT - After skimming through the document, it looks like all you need is for some people to go over it and help you work out the kinks.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Gotcha covered in SyriQuest, though he's a one-off boss. Zilnan the Zilbarian is a buff manly-man zil warlord.

Please tell me that's a joke and not his actual name. Or that at least he picked it up from some spacer afficianado of really really  rediculously old movies that took him under his wing or drove him to the brink of death across the jungle before dying in  an ambush surrounded by broken Zil. 


Aug 27, 2015
Aside from what I said here, here's another gallery of concepts I'm interested in.

It's wonderful that that Incase mindflayer pic is the least outre on display here.

You really go for grotesque creatures. Which i'm not all too into.

Well, I'm not turned on by all-male hairless latex gremlins with womb-shooting scorpion tails and weird holes in their shoulders. However I accept that *someone* out there gets a kick out of that concept, and will work to get into that mindset if asked to.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's wonderful that that Incase mindflayer pic is the least outre on display here.

Well, I'm not turned on by all-male hairless latex gremlins with womb-shooting scorpion tails and weird holes in their shoulders. However I accept that *someone* out there gets a kick out of that concept, and will work to get into that mindset if asked to.

I like that picture too, i'm just irky on the blob monster with tentacles and resident evil based ones.

They were designed as a mix of imp (body, horns and tail) with majin buu(eyes, bodyholes and stretchiness) and added Mpreg so they have a way of reproducing, without having a female gender.

And well, I'm really regretting using the word latex since it seems like people are completely misunderstanding them literally being made of latex, when it only refers to the stretchiness of their skin and flesh. Which is totally my fault.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Gotcha covered in SyriQuest, though he's a one-off boss. Zilnan the Zilbarian is a buff manly-man zil warlord.

For a second there I read Zilbarian as Zilbrarian, which made the thought of a warlord librarian pop into my head, would be pretty funny. Should be the guy's name if you've got silly mode on, either version really.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Why not? :(

EDIT - After skimming through the document, it looks like all you need is for some people to go over it and help you work out the kinks.

lash imma go trough this when i can, probably during my free writing time sunday

It already had a lot people go through it, and yeah if more people looking it over could help get it in the game I would be happy.

The problem is that Couch also wrote a smith or weapon/armor salesman character for Tavros and I'm not sure if two could get in for the same place with similar mechanics.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For a second there I read Zilbarian as Zilbrarian, which made the thought of a warlord librarian pop into my head, would be pretty funny. Should be the guy's name if you've got silly mode on, either version really.

I now really want to encounter a frothing, musclebound, berserker librarian. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Aside from what I said here, here's another gallery of concepts I'm interested in.

I like the idea of getting fucked by a beefy Cthulhu-faced dude... Hmm.

It already had a lot people go through it, and yeah if more people looking it over could help get it in the game I would be happy.

The problem is that Couch also wrote a smith or weapon/armor salesman character for Tavros and I'm not sure if two could get in for the same place with similar mechanics.

Ahh okay, have you considered tweaking him to fit another niche? (if necessary)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I like the idea of getting fucked by a beefy Cthulhu-faced dude... Hmm.

Ahh okay, have you considered tweaking him to fit another niche? (if necessary)

Some of the Cthulhu dudes there are cool.

I have, but not sure exactly what.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There's something about face tendrils/small tentacles that appeals to me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Indeed. I tend to prefer Draenei's tendrils to outright mouth tentacles, as seen in Illithid, Star Wars' Quarren or Doctor Who's Ood.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
sexy Ood? never thought i'd hear that...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I never said I find Ood sexy. I like their mouth tentacles, which is why I namedropped their race name. Having said that, the "Planet of the Ood" DW chapter tickles my fancy with the Ood graft concept... just like the "Daleks in Manhattan" with the pig slaves and Mr. Diagoras chapter does.

"Sexiness" is a concept I couldn't care less about, moreso in a smut game which features otherwordly beings (I only train teases in case I ever need them, and I never got to raise my CoC Champion's over level 2). As much as my "IRL tastes" are reflected in characters like Vahn or Geoff, I'd never deem them as "sexy".
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