Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh but I know everything about you, cant you see? I AM you.", Dopple Penny said with a cocky smirk. "You should just give up and leave. you'll just end up failing if you try to beat this trail, just like you have for most of your life! Just think how sad your mother must be..... KNOWING HER DAUGHTER IS A FAILURE!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's eyes widen and her face quickly turns into a snarl. "Shut up! Just shut up! I am not a failure! I make money don't I?! I have a life that I live! I know she... she wanted me to settle down and live peacefully but... but that wasn't for me! Just shut up!" She throws a punch at her Dopple ganger. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The Dopple Penny back steps, avoiding the fist. "Meheheh. to slow just like you thoughts. If you could stop thinking about about doing Mika for five second maybe you'd actually hit something. but knowing you, thats not going to happen." she then lashed out with a leg sweep. trying to trip real penny up. Mika didn't like any of this it was so... MEAN! "H-Hey you! Stop talking about Penny that way! If you are her then you know youre wrong!", Mika said. just as she was going to move she herd her own voice. "surprise!" as she was pushed from behind. she almost fell over but she managed to stumble forward a few steps. Mika then spun around to see herself! not only that but she was laughing at herself! "hahahah! look at you fumbling around. you really are just useless aren't you?". she said... it was really weird to hear such mean things said in mika's sweet voice. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny trips and falls on her butt with a wet splat.  Her eyes narrow down into a glare and she jumps back up to her feet. "Stop talking like you know everything!" She throws punch after punch as she screams at her dopple ganger "I am carving my own path! Being my own person! You have no right to judge me you bitch! what makes you so great?! If you are me then why are you so rude?!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The Dopple Penny was just as quick as Penny was dodging blow after blow seeming to relish in penny's anger. "I'm not being rude. I'm just trying to get you to except the facts! You should just give up, you know deep down that you're a failure i can feel it! you can't win!" She said as she smacked Penny across the face with her own gauntlets.

Mika was awestruck by the mirror image of her self she was now looking at. she looked both way's she couldn't find the others! she could still hear penny and her double, but she couldn't see then i the darkness that surrounded her before she could really wonder where everyone else was her double sauntered up to her in a very suggestive manner. She stopped a inch away from her and said, "well hey there little slut! how does it feel to such a little coward!", She said as she pushed Mika hard like a bully.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the impact didn't hurt, her gauntlets could hurt her, but the fact she was just hit with her own custom gloves certainly pissed her off." I AM NOT A FAILURE! Stop saying that! I won't ever give up!  I can't give up! I have to win! The others need me!" She grabs the dopple and throws her across the floor before looking around for the others.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Dopple Penny flew into the darkness around her leaving her sight. she could hear Mika, but she couldn't see her in the darkness around her. she could faintly hear some of the others in the inky blackness. "You can't help Mika now.... she'll  know how much of a useless coward she is once were done with her.." she herd her dopple say form the shadows. "you'll never find her......."

Mika was shaking as her double sauntered around her in circle really swinging her hips and jiggling Mika's fine endowments at her. "Look at you quivering like that, you really can't do anything on you own. Everyone else always has to do things for you. All your good for is crawling around in the dirt naked just like back on Ma-joon! you know you like being naked because it make it easy for everyone to fuck you like the exhibitionist slut that you are!" The dopple Mika said with a evil grin. she then grabbed real Mika's boobs. "Gah! no!", she said as she pulled herself free. "S-s-stop it your! wrong i-i-i-i-i....", she stuttered. "Listen to you you can even talk like a normal p-p-p-person!" she said mocking her stuttering. "You should just give up! Matter of fact you should just give up acrheology as well you should just sell your sex like the whore you are!" "W-Why?! Why would you say these things?!" "because their true! admit it!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's face is a mask of rage as she hears Mika's dopple say such horrible things to her love. Red begins to creep into her emerald eyes as fury begins to over ride her normal sense. She takes off running, trying to reach Mika and her dopple ganger as fast as she can, unsure if she is even making progress toward her or not.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
At first as Penny ran she seemed to be getting nowhere in the darkness she didn't seem to be getting any closer to Mika. But strangely the more she though of her squiliden lover, the closer Mika's and her dopple's voices became. 

"..Why else would you getting off just from people looking at you? That's the clear sign of a slut!" the dopple said. "But p-penny said......", Mika stuttered. "why don't you just embrace your inner slut, after all the oracle did say you were made to love sex! So you could say... its your destiny to be slut!" "no stop! Leave M-Me alone!", Mika cried as her mirror image was trying to force herself on her. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mika! Mika hold on I am coming! Don't listen to her lies! She is the slut, not you!" She ran and ran as fast as she could, desperate to get to her lovers side. Her rage has been tossed aside as concern takes it place. She wan't to hold Mika, to whisper into her ear sweet words while feeling her soft body. Mika was everything in her mind right now and she wanted her so bad!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"without your lovers what are you? just a weak little bitch! you let everyone do the fighting while you just sit there on the side lines. Coward!", dopple Mika said, making her words as sharp as razors. she grabbed on to mika ass as she tried to wriggle away. Mika didnt want to hear any of this its like.....its the false mika knew just what to say to make her feel seemed to feed of her insecurities. 

As penny thought about Mika so strongly it got brighter and brighter around her until she could see her! There Mika was struggling to against her double. However penny could see thin black wisps raising from the other Mika. They both looked very surpised to see penny. Mika cried, "penny help!", as the other Mika tried to drag her back into the darkness.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny ran straight at the dopple Mika, having no doubt in her mind which was real and which was fake. She tackled into the horrible creature and held it up by the shoulders, pushing her against the wall. "YOU! You are not Mika! you look like her, but you could never be her! Mika is kind, loving, adorable, honest, sweet and above all else a fantastic lover! You are nothing but lies and slander! How dare you say such horrible things to her! Mika is the brains behind our group, without her we would be lost! So what if she likes people watching her? Everyone has their kinks! to hate someone for it is just shallow and wrong!" She throws the dopple aside and grabs the real mika in her arms, holding her protectively. "Get out of here monster!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As penny came to her rescue and gave the not-Mika a real verbal lashing, Mika was so happy. She could she her dopple grew visibly weaker as her confidence grew. she new penny was terrible liar, so she knew Penny meant every word she said. "Shes right? Shes right! at least I think she's right!" Mika thought as she stood up. "It all makes sense now... these... things they feed off of your insecurities!", Mika said in realization. Dopple mika was weakly struggling in penny's grasp. "what?! how?! how could you get so much confidence so quickly?!" She said in shock. "I can still sense you fear, but yet you do not back down now! how is this possible?!", she cried.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny grinned at the dopple and stood up with her lover, keeping her arm around her shoulder and holding her tight. "because... for all our insecurities, for all our flaws... we don't have to go at them alone. We as people surround ourselves with people who compensate for our weaknesses... who fill in the gaps that we fall short of doing ourselves. Mika can't fight... but I can, so I do it for her! I'm not that smart, I need things spelled out for me, but Mika is smart, she can puzzle out these riddles of yours for me!" She throws her head back and laughs before grabbing Mika in a sudden kiss. "It all makes so much sense now, you try to drown us out in all our failings... but together, we have no weakness!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
More and more shadows leaked of of the fake Mika as she fell to the floor clutching at her sides, "Aghhh.... nooo.... to have figured it out so fast..... " She said as he body began to fade away from existence. She reached into the air and cried out before her body completely disappeared. Mika looked away finding the sight very unnerving. Mika threw her arms around penny, "Oh P-Penny that was terrifying! H-How did you even find me?" she asked as she held on tightly.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny grabbed onto Mika and held on like she would vanish if she ever let go. "I don't know... I just heard what she was saying and wanted to be with you and tell you she was lieing. you were the only thing on my mind... even the dopple version of me was a petty thought as I tried to find you... then out of nowhere I found you and... Oh Mika I love you so much" She pushes into Mika's lips with her own, greedily and lovingly kissing her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was happy to let Penny give her all kinds of loving kisses and lavishing but then she remembered, the other must still be in the inky blackness! They then both herd Sala screaming somewhere in the darkness! Mika eyes widened in fear and worry. "Oh god Sala! th-the others! we have to save them too penny!", Mika said her face a mask of pure worry.

Sala was backing away from her own dopple in the darkness. "oh look i found the greedy little freak!" The dopple Sala said, spite dripping from every word. "What the-the hell?!" Sala cried finding this all so  strange and scary. But then when she herd her call her a freak Sala four eyes flashed with rage, "What the hell did you just call me bitch?!", Sala side her teeth gritted in anger. "A greedy. little. FREAK!" the false Sala said pointing at her. "you are just so wrong just look at this thing!" She said as she motioned to her version of Sala's big peen. it suddenly grew to its full length in an instant and throbbed lewdly in from of her. "So disusting! but not only that you are just a whore for creds aren't you? you get a hard on just by looking at something valuable." She wiggled her dopple dick at her. "We both know that you dont really care about Nala, you just wanna swim in creds yourself!",


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nods and runs after Sala's voice while holding onto Mika's hand so they don't get separated. When they come through the inky blackness she is standing right behind the dopple Sala. She lifts her right and and plants a punch directly to her side, throwing the spiteful creature away and quickly picking up the real Sala in her arms, planting little kisses on her face. "She is wrong Sala! you are not a freak! you are not greedy! you love your sister and went on this adventure to help her! Your peen is not disgusting, it is amazing! Think of all the pleasure it has brought us in our pod! All the fun we have had playing with it! How could that be wrong? These horrible things feed on your insecurities, but remember that you are not alone any more! you can lean on us for help!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The dopple Sala falls to the ground from the force of Penny's hit. Sala was both surprised and relived to see Penny and she leap up into her arms when she showed up. There were a few tears in her eyes but she otherwise looked ok. "She'll never get rid of me!" the dopple Sala said as she stared spitefully at them. "She'll never accept her big ugly dick! Its burned into her mind forever!" She said with an evil grin. But she too found herself getting weaker. "What?! noway you-" she stuttered in disbelief. Sala was thinking about what Penny had said ans was looking at her own long peen. "yeah.... I... Guess I don't need to hate it anymore." Sala said holding her peen in her hands gently. The fake Sala's eyes went wide as she took began to fade. "Noooo!" she gave one final cry and disappeared. "Wow..... Sala...I.", Mika said proud of her. Sala then hugged on to penny. "Im so glad you found me! We have to find Emily!" Sala said her face turning to worry.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny gives Sala a loving squeeze and a teasing kiss on the tip of her peen before handing her to Mika. "Sorry dear, but I need my hands free for this. We can have sex later, I will even shrink down again!" She gives her a wink before taking Mika's hand again and running into the darkness, her mind focused on Emily as she looks about for her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala blushed at the kiss on her peen as it perked up a little. she clasped Mika's hand tightly as they ran into the darkness.

"Ah Dr.Emily. i see you're still running about not thinking about what you doing at all aren't you? Just drifting about like nothing matters!", a dopple of Emily said looking down at her even though they were the same height. "Wha-? Hey you, I mean me, I mean what the hell is going on here?!", Emily with a very confused and angry look on her face. "Well miss damaged goods, im just here to tell you that you're screwed! this is the end for you, you'll never escape this darkness, and do you want to know why? You just never think! you just do things! You may have doctors degree, but we all wonder how you even got it! you never plan ahead and just lets things happen! your just like a piece of dust in wind, worthless and heedless!" the false cyborg said. "Why you little! Get over here!", Emily cried as she dashed at the dopple. They tacked in to each other punching and kicking all over the place! bust as Emily fought with the dopple it seemed like she was getting nowhere.... "What?!" she said surprised that her attacks weren't really doing much. "They you go again just jumping in with out thinking you cant win you know because you never think! you're just a cock hungry whore! maybe they should have just left you on that ship! atleast there you had a purpose! In fact..... you were probably better off with that ramshackle mask face someone like you doesn't deserve anything better!" she said in spite. Emily was furious now as she rolled the fake her over and began to punch wildly at her face over and over and over again. But no matter how hard she hit her she wouldn't stay down! She laughed up at here Emily's anger threatened to consume her completely!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny walked toward the two of them and blocked the next punch with the palm of her hand while her other hand lifted Emily's chin to look up at her. A warm and loving smile is plastered to her face as she slowly peels Emily away from her dopple. "Such anger does not befit you Emily. you look much better with a smile on your face, a blush on your cheeks and stars in your eyes as you plan out your next fun adventure. Can't you see that she is lieing?" With Emily in front of her now she pulls her nice and close so Emily's nude body is pressed against her goo and her hands slide down to grab Emily's rump. "You are so much better than that Emily. There is nothing wrong with going with the flow. It keeps you flexible and your mind open to more possibilities. You got your doctors degree because you worked hard and had a purpose in mind, the idea of helping people when they really need it most." She pulls Emily even closer, their eyes locked together as Emily sinks slightly into her body. "It is so obvious that you don't belong on that wretched pirate ship and NOBODY deserves to have some ramshackle mask face. So you love oral... again I say that judging others based on their kinks is shallow and pathetic. So stop with this anger Emily... it isn't like you at all." She finishes her speech by locking her lips with Emily, sliding her gooey tongue into her mouth. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika and Sala Joined in on the hug, wrapping there arms around Emily and pressing their naked body against her. With a lovely kiss going on in her mouth and being in the middle of three naked girls Emily couldn't help but feel really, really, good! Emily looked around seeing everyone in the pod here for her and she smiled. "oh you girls... I know I've said this before but... you spoil me you know that~ and do suppose your right." she said as she looked at the other Emily with a cheeky grin. "So how about you go suck cocks in hell you unreal piece of shit!" Emily said still ginning at her. Dopple Emily was fading just like all the others had. "No! You haven't won yet!", she said as she too faded from existence.
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Oct 1, 2015
She gave Emily one more tight squeeze before breaking the hug. "We have to get to Jezzy! I can only imagine the hell she is going through right now... hold hands, and don't get separated!" She grabs Mika's hand and darts back into the darkness, trying to find Jezzy among all the inky black fog. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
In the depthes of the inky blackness Jezzy was running, her combat instincts were screaming at her to get to cover, but she couldn't find anything, just more darkness. "You wont find cover here.....", she herd her own voice say. She leveled her rifle and searched around wildly truing to find the source of the voice. "Fuck.... Where are you?!" Jezzy called into the darkness. "...right here....", said the-voice-that-was-hers-wasn't-coming-from-her. She then felt her bodysuit being pulled at until it was ripped right off of her ruining it! Jezzy gasped and rolled forward and took a shot behind her on reaction. Her shot wizzed past what looked like a mirror image of her. her eye went wide. "...look at you... there may be a body under that suit...but there isn't really a person there is there?...", the dopple Jezzy said giving her an ice cold stare. "fuckin hell... if you going to fight me.... then just do it and shut your mouth..." Jezzy said giving her a cold stare right back. The dopple gave cocky smirk. "you'd like that wouldn't you? After it all you know now isnt it? you're just a shell with no real substance to you... just body that knows have shoot a gun and good for nothing else... " she said as she pointed a cold finger at her. "Shut up!" Jezzy cried as she took a shot at the evil dopple ganger. It hit her right between the eyes but she didn't flinch. "What?!" "you cant beat me... how can someone who isn't even someone beat anyone? with no memories you might as well just be a machine with a nice rack!" The dopple said with evil sharp toothed smile. The words hit Jezzy like an armor piercing round to the chest. The fire ignited in her eyes a rage as deep and horrible as her hate for Vanie was. "You.... i'LL KILL YOU!" Jezzy snarled in rage. she fired shot after shot screaming, "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOUUUUUU!" but they did nothing to the mirrored evil Jezzy. "AHAHAHAHAH! yes! wallow in despair and rage!"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny ran straight at Jezzy and tackled into her, knocking her gun from her hands and squeezing her in the world tightest hug. "Jezzy! you have to stop!" She grabbed Jezzy's face and made her look straight into her eyes. "She is lieing! She is an apparition that feeds on your insecurities and tries to make them grow more! Surely you know she is lieing right?! You are not an empty shell, you are not a mindless body. you are Jezzy! you are our friend! you are our pod member!" Penny almost cries as she clings to Jezzy. "I know you feel like an outsider, but after so long you are part of our family! You keep an ever present watch over us and keep us all safe from afar. You have showed tender loving care time and time again. We don't care if you have lost your memories... because now you can start again with us. Please Jezzy.... come back to us... We need you at our side. Don't let that lier make you into a monster." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
At first Jezzy struggled violently against Penny in the throws of her rage and sadness. but with feeling of her now naked body pressed up against penny like that and the words she used she saw her face go form furious rage to a pent up sadness as tears began to flow down her face. Jezzy was usually so stoic and clam. like Sala she hid her emotions most of the time. But, unlike Sala she didn't put up a wall of other emotions to try and drown out the ones she didn't want to feel Jezzy would in her case lock them away in a cold dark place in her mind, as she was afraid of what her anger would do to her should she let it out. But by doing that she also look away the tears she needed to cry for her lost memories. Jezzy stared deeply into Penny's eye's she was desperately trying not to cry, but penny had called her part of the pod..... and that...made her feel like... she was someone. Jezzy could hold back no longer, flowed like salty river in her face as she cried openly in to penny's breasts. She sad and happy all at the same time, and her rage and hate was washed away by feeling of belonging. her tears of sadness were soon becoming tears of happiness as she was told that she was someone and she belonged somewhere, with them. "No! no! This cant be!" the dopple Jezzy said as she began to fade. But then an evil grin crossed her face and she laughed maniacally. "You may have saved all of your pod but you forgot about someone..... Yourself!" and with then she faded away.

With those "inner demons" defeated most of the darkness had faded from the room, but Mika could still see a big batch of darkness near the back of the room.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny clung to Jezzy, letting her cry her eyes out as much as she needed before bringing the motherly sniper back up to her feet and leaving her with Emily. She stood with a smile on her face as she faced her own patch of darkness and took a step toward it. "You might as well come out demon.... we all know you are in there. I think it is safe to say that you have lost. I have already accepted my weaknesses and look toward my pod to help me cover them.... what ammo could you possibly have against me at this point?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
A truly sinister grin could be seen inside the darkness a chuckle could be herd. "Oh really? you really think there's nothing left do you?" dopple Penny said as she moved to the edge of the darkness. "I know your deepest, darkest, fear: your pod mates leaving you." she said her eye looked on penny. Sala stood up. "So? why would we leave? there nothing that you can say that could ever make us leave!" Sala said as she stood defiantly next to Penny. "What do you think Mika?", Mika nodded. "S-Shes right! you can't drive us away!", Mika said as she stood there defiantly. The dopple Penny gave another laugh. "oh poor poor Penelope... you know as well as i do that there is one thing you wont talk about. not even to your beloved Mika! do you think she'd stay with you even when she hears about that?!"
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Oct 1, 2015
Her cocky smile slowly fell away from her face as her eyes widened. "Shut.... up. No one needs to know about it.... it was an accident. It wasn't even recorded in galactic records! Now stop talking and fade away like all the others did!" her voice is shaky and wavers on every other word while her body movement is stiff and uncertain.