Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"B-Better... ", Mika said as she leaned against Penny. " i guess we try and beat the challenge..." Mika said as she took unsteady steps with penny over to the thin hole in the wall. Mika looked at it with an uncertain look. " I'm supposed to go through this thin hole. But how am i supposed to do that?" Mika said as she looked back to penny.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"First, take a deep breath and try to relax." She slowly guides Mika's hand down to the hole. "Imagine yourself melting away, becoming malleable and fluid. Then, just lean forward and let your body ooze through the hole, momentum and gravity should do the rest for you."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked at the hole then back to Penny, she tried to adjust some glasses that weren't there "Oh right....", she said, feeling a little silly. Then with another deep breath she began to goo up and slide into the hole. It was another very weird feeling for her, she felt formless and she couldn't really see, she only could touch to know were she was going. It was all so vague and alien that she began to panic, afraid that she be stuck as a blob with no real form. She quickly thought about herself again and she reformed on the other side of the hole well......half of her did! "huh?!", she said as she looked down to see her top half sticking out of the hole. On Penny's side mika's ass as sticking out of the other side rather comically. She could hear Mika yelp in panic on the other side.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny couldn't help herself as she fall over laughing. Seeing her lover stuck in such a silly position was just golden and she had to take a minute to catch her breath and wipe the tears from her eyes. "Oh Mika... you shouldn't have panicked, you were doing so good! Now look at you! you are stuck until you calm down!" Penny grabbed Mika's rump with both hands and gave it a loving squeeze. Oh how she wished she could have a cock right now and take advantage of such a position. Sadly, she didn't and simple settled for teasing her with her hands.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped as she felt Penny playing around with her stuck behind. "Ah! oh! P-Penny!? I cant concentrate if you keep doing that...." she said as she tried to pull herself through.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I'm sorry love... but you don't get this kind of chance every day right? Plus, I want to try something." She lifts concentrates on her tentacle hair and slowly lifts it up. She has eight tentacles to control and slowly moves them around over Mika's round rump. Ever so slowly she pushes one deep into Mika's gooey pussy and ass. "How does this feel love?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
She saw Mika's legs quiver and jiggle as Penny herd a sharp gasp of pleasure for the other side of the wall. "Ah! oh god!" she cried, every bit of pleasure she felt seemed to be magnified by her new gooey body so the effect was immediate. Mika squirmed about unable to pull herself through. she thought she wouldn't be able to handle more pleasure after what she had done earlier, but apparently her gooey body made it so she could do things like this with out to much rest in between.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny giggled happily "I will take that as a good sign!" she wiggled her tentacles in deeper and made them trash about inside of her, seeking all of Mika's sensitive spots. With a smile she slowly adds her other tentacles into the mix, knowing her new gooey body could take all eight of them without issue. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Kyiaaah!", Mika cried as more and more tentacles pushed their way into her pussy and ass. She had never been so stuffed in her life! Her gooey tongue hung out of her mouth as she was being sent to the seventh heaven of her pleasure. She jiggled and squealed as Penny squirmed her tentacles about. it was so much it wouldn t take much to drive her over the edge.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny shoved about a foot worth of wiggling tentacle hair into her pussy and ass, four big tentacles each, before simply focusing on moving them around and wiggling them about. Her hands came up and squeezes her plump rear again before she leans forward and started licking her cherry flavored ass. "Oh Mika, you are just too much fun!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
mika squirmed and squirmed as she lust began to boil hotly. With the feeling of all of those tentacles rubbing her insides she couldn't handle anymore, with her mind swimming in bliss. So with an orgasmic cry, Mika shuddered as red goo cum shot out of her ass and pussy, mirroring her normal ejaculate. Penny's face was no doudt spattered by the red cherry tasting liquid. But then in the heat of her orgasm another comical scene unfolded, she lost her grip on her from and Mika red gooey ass popped right through to the other side as she fell face first into the ground. She ended up with her face in the dirt with her dribbling ass and pussy in the air.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny laughed happily and licked her face clean of the cherry juices covering it. "You alright over there love?" She then grabs her tentacles and starts sucking them clean as well.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika flopped onto her side as she recovered from her orgasm breathing deeply. it occurred to her that she wasn't sure if she even needed to take breaths at all......she didn't have any real organs as a galora. She wanted to remember to ask about that later. She quickly recovered from her sexual high witch made Mika understand why penny can just keep on going when she wants to. "I-I...yeah I'm ok.", Mika said shakily. She then slowly rose to her feet and gave a sigh. Seeing thje swithc in front of her there was nothing better to do then give it a pull witch she did. with a rumble the wall with the thin hole rose up and away letting Penny catch up to her red gooey love.  ahead there was another room thought they would have to move inside to see what's there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"God job Mika!" Penny ran over and gave her a big hug with a kis on the lips. "Looks like we have a new door to explore though." She smiled happily and took her hand, walking over to the new door and pushing it open. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As they stepped inside they found a dimly lit room that seemed to more like a long hallway. As they took a few more steps they herd a noise that sounded like shifting stone and they found the walls of the place all flipping around and to reveal multi colored panels. its was interesting sight to behold as the tiles began to produce all kinds of different patters from checkerboard to zig-zaging lines. and then finally through little holes in the walls, what looked like red eyes shined beams of light that seemed to slowly scan back in forth appeared throughout the room. Mika looked at this with wide eyes " i guess this is the next challenge." Mika said as she looked ponderously at the ordeal set before them. "Penny...I think we need you for this one." she said as she picked up a rock. she then threw it, it landed on a a bright pink section of ground. Then after a second the the scanning eye looked onto it and the rock was thrown out of the hallway and back out to were then stood by some unseeable force. "As I thought....", mika said, looking at the rock at her feet.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny just stared at the hall way, then back at Mika, then at the rock. "Uhh, what am I expected to do? Match the color of the room? Mika, the last time I checked I was gold and still am. How am I supposed to be pink?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked at Penny and rubbed her chin. "Oh....I guess I need to explain...", Mika said as she tried to straighten herself up. "Ok so, you are squiliden now, so that means you have things in your skin called chromatophores. witch are cells in your skin that can change color. As a squiliden you can change you colors at will but you have to concentrate to make it match patterns.". Mika then pointed at herself. "Oh here's a good way to try it out. Try looking at me and really concentrate on my red color. you should turn red, try it.", Mika said.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny stared at mika as hard as she could while focusing on her red color. Her mind was red, her thoughts were red, everything she could do was red... but nothing happened. "I...I don't get it..." Penny visibly deflated as she failed to change color. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gave her another hard look while she thought. "Hmmm.... you are squiliden right now you should be able to do it..." she snapped her fingers. "O-Oh right! I forgot, you have to try and feel the color you want to turn into! you have to think about how it feels as well as how its looks.". She took Pennys hand in her own. "I-It really helps if you touch the thing your trying to match the color of trust me. N-Now try again and think about me, how I feel and the color I am. I know you can do it penny!", she said with the kind of reassurance that only a lover could give.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny tried again, trying to feel red as she thought about red and imagined red in her head. She carefully rested both hands on Mika's shoulders as she did so and slowly her skin faded from gold, to orange tot he same color of red that Mika was. Like liquid it flowed from her hands and down her entire body. "Ha! Would you look at that! I'm red!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gave Penny a big gooey hug as she felt so proud of Penny. "You did it i knew you could!", She then almost reluctantly, let go of her. "ok so, judging by the lay out of the hallway..... you just need to keep changing colors as you move through it. if those eyes spot any difference in color they'll throw you out. Y-You need to try and move slowly and stealthily. I know that's not you strong suit, b-but I know you can do it.", Mika said trying to give Penny a reassuring smile.

The hallway ahead of Penny was full of all kinds of different colors and the eyes would slowly move their gase back an forth from tile to tile.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny takes a few deep breaths to steady her breathing before laying down on the ground and crawling along the floor. She does her best to try and match the color of the tile she is on and freezes whenever the light on scanning over her body. "Oh geeze... oh gosh... oh crap was that the right shade? Eeep! this is hard!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"You're doing great! Just keep that up." Mika called out to her. As penny crawled along the floor Mika gaze continually went to ass pussy and hips, and she found her herself stroking her gooey pussy as she watched Penny crawl slowly across the floor. She caught herself and put her hand behind her back as if to chastise it.

Scanning lights would slowly move back and forth over where penny was and then would move on because she was the same color as the floor. once penny was a little more then halfway through she saw another pull switch at the end of the hallway. it seems that both of the these tests were meant to teach one about the others race.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As she made it to the half way point, she had finally gotten into the grove of things. Changing colors had become easier and she was now matching the tiles quickly and accurately as she quickly made it down the final stretch, her eyes on the prize... that is to say, the lever. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
just before she could leave however she felt something slither up her leg and try to go for her pussy! Looking back she could see a clear colored tentacle wrapped around her leg and probing for her pussy! Mika gasped as she saw this. "Penny! look out!" she cried. "if that thing get into her and make her to aroused she be caught! wait! she was squiliden now! That meant she can close her vagina up!" she thought quickly. "Penny! Close your pussy up! if you aroused you'll change color!", she called out to her, hoping she could clamp herself up before its too late.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"What?! Close my pussy?! How do I even do that?! What is that thing?!" It took all her focus to keep her color stable as she panicked. Putting all her concentration on it, she tried to will her pussy shut tight by imagining a door closing or a pocket being zipped closed.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sure enough Penny's now dexterous squiliden pussy closed up, however, the tip of the clear tentacle still manged to slip inside and wriggle around a little. this must be the final part of the test! Mika put her hands to her mouth hoping penny had to willpower to ingnore thet tentacle and reach the switch!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny shuddered as the clear invader wiggled around inside of her. It felt good, that much can't be ignored... but new body or not, Penny was still Penny and pleasure was her field of expertise! She grit her teeth and continued to crawl forward, keeping her colors stable and her pace steady. It takes her twice as long as it should have, but she reaches the switch and quickly pulls it down!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
the tentacle tried its darnedest to screw penny over but she did it, she pulled the switch! With a throw of the lever all the colors and the scanning eyes disappeared, along with the tentacle. The hallway seemed to shift and turn back to the brown of the building. Mika ran up and hugged Penny, she seemed to want to be touching penny all the time now for reasons she couldn't explain. "Oh penny! You did it I'm so proud! Y-You can be sneaky if you put your mind to it!", Mika said as she squeezed her with her gooey arms.

Ahead was another door. This one was much more ornate then the last have all kinds of flowing marks, giving off a sense of finality from it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny laughed and happily returned the hug, however, she also kept her legs spread wide and slowly lowered the two of them down onto the floor with a lusty grin on her face. "I'm sorry love... but I feel really REALLY horny now... think you can scratch that itch for me?"