Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika would bite her lip as she looked around her colors shifting her uncertainty. she was blushing furiously, as she remerd all the other times she'd been shown or showed off. Honestly this was a bit tamer than some of the other things she'd done, but that didn't stop her from feeling embarrassed as she did. "W-Will you be right there.... t-to look out for me?", she mumbled her nipples poking hard through her shirt.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Of course I will Mika. I will always be here for you." With that she tugs Mika's shirt and bra off, freeing her breasts for the whole room to see. "Isn't this bettter than being all stuffed inside your clothes? To just let them all hang out?" Her hands slide down, now trying to unzip her pants.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Eep!", Mika would say as her boobs bounced enticingly out of her shirt and bra, her nipples already hard. She might have gotten a few pleased looks from the people around but she was in a place full of people in similar states of undress. Her colors turned to purple, just about across her whole body. she would put her arms around her breasts as she squeaked, "N-No one i-is gonna record me a-are they?" she could not stop Pennys gently roaming hands, all she could do was put her hands over hers in a very half hearted attempt to stop her.


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Oct 1, 2015
"They have security here. What happens back here stays back here." She coos to her as she starts tugging Mika's pants down, hooking her thumbs into her panties as well to slowly remove her last bits of clothing, soon leaving her completely exposed to the entire room. "Besides, I won't let anyone get to you, you know that."
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was now naked in a public place, again. Of course in this context it was more expected then any other place. People did look however, Mika just seemed to draw the eyes in such a sultry way even if she was blushing like no one's business. She had gotten quite used to Penny looking at her naked but other people was a whole other story.

A busty human server girl would smile at Mika she knew her type. Young, blushing lovers weren't an uncommon sight here. And neither were girls like Mika. If Penny looked hard enough she'd see them, blushing nervous boys and girl with hands over breasts, boners, and pussies. "On you wanna try the take a dick challenge~? Let me help you up miss!", said the girl as she opened the foot pads so Mika could steady herself.

Mika would with some egging from penny and the server girl, get up on the machine bared to the world her pussy trembling and leaking in the open air as she attracted more attention. "You wanna do the honors and start it up~? frist times on the house!", said the lady as she motion to the big red start button for Penny.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course I would!" She moves over to the button and smiles up at Mika. "Come on love, you can do this! Just get every dick inside that cute little pussy of yours and win me something nice! That ticket booth over there looks like it has some fun stuff!" With that, she pushes the button and starts the game!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was about to say something as she covered her boobs in her arms, her colors somewhere between yellow and purple, meaning lust and fear or hesitance in her case. wearing only her glasses she was up on the machine were a lot of people could see her, and many would look. It was hard not to frankly.

The manice would whir to life at the press of the big red button and suddenly right were Mika's pussy was, a big dildo would pop out and push right into her wet dripping hole! She cried out in surprise as flicks of girl juice would splash around her. then, almost as fast as the thing popped up, it pulled back out with a wet squelching sound, making Mika squeal out another moan. "AH!" she couldn't believe that such a game even existed! Then the next cock apparead and Mika looked to it... oh right... she had to push herself on as many as she could to win.... well she was in it now, nothing left then to go with it, no matter how embarrassed she was about it.

She was only barely able to catch a the next one as it was pulling away getting only a little bit of it in, but it still counted. A counter kept track of each dick she took and awarded points for each. There were different sizes and colors as well, with bigger ones scoring more points and extra point awarded for using your butt! Points value could be doubled if you could take one in the butt and one in the pussy at the same time. Men could play the game too with a different set of rules using mouth and butt if they were so inclined.

Anyway Mika was actually quite good at this.... surprising (and embarrassing) herself. She could easily push in even the biggest ones all the way in and take two at a time in both holes. All of this while making the cutest moans and gasps. she was drawing a crowd too... making her even more wet. eventually the lust was getting to her and she couldn't keep up and missed a few but her score was getting quite high. People began to cheer her on, she was approaching a high score!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny was so proud of her lover for coming this far. The shy girl from before who would nearly pass out from simple teasing is now riding fake cocks in front of a huge crowd! It brought a perverted tear to her eye! Regardless of that, she watches her move her hips up and down with a smile and while she was more than happy to have a crowd watching Mika work, she also made a point of being the bouncer, gently yet firmly pushing people back who get too close to the machine.

With Mika's score getting higher and higher, she turns to the crowd for a moment before starting a chant. "Mi-ka! Mi-ka! Mi-ka!" She chants, getting the onlookers to join in the chanting to encourage her along!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The people caught on quickly, chanting with her after a second of realizing that was her name. Mika was getting extremely lusty nowm the top part pf the machine and all the dilidos glistening with her gush as she leaked all over the place, still taking cock after cock in both holes. She was embarrassed beyond belief but she hung in there driven onward by Penny's smiling, happy face. It was just so hard to say no to her....

Mika was moaning out loudly, all this attention was filling her mind with nothing but lust but these days.... she could actually power through and skirt the edges of her waves of pleasure. her colors were going off at this point, unknowingly showing off her body even more as stripes and spots rippled across her body in a hypnotic display. Her breasts and butt would jiggle around enticingly as she quickly passed the third place high score and then the second! the shouting and chanting would get louder and higher as the machine began to speed up as the time limit fast approached. Flecks of Mika's juice would fly into the audience a few drips hitting Penny.

Mika would then push herself down on one last big golden cock as a *DING DING DING DING!* would ring out behind her! She had done it! Mika was gotten the top score! As a reward the Machine begin to actually fuck Mika to let the poor girl actually have some release. It only took a some fast deep thrusting to finally let her cum. She wailed in release as her ink and girl cum were sprayed into the air, showing down on people that didn't back up quickly enough.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny cheers and claps happily, letting the ink and gush hit her and simply absorbing it as she runs over and lifts her spennt form off the machine. "You did it Mika! You got the high score!" She priases her, hugging her limp girl friend tightly to her gooey body. She quickly turns to the crowd and holds up her arms. "Winner!" She cheers, also showing off Mika's tits as she does!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika panted while Penny held her close, her body still quaking here and there from the remnants of her orgasm. Mika could not believe what she had done.... everyone had seen busty naked body on display as she essentially fucked herself into a new high score! Yet even through the ungodly amounts of embarrassment she felt she was still conscious... and still a little lusty. "I..... I did?", Mika said blinking with bleary eyes. Her boobs would wobble around enticingly as Penny held her arms up, they were so perky no matter how long she went without a bra. It was perhaps her fate to have good breasts for the rest of her life her genetic code the way it was. Also Squilliden were naturally quite resistant to sagging and wrinkling due to their squishy bodies. Regardless.... Mika would squeak and try to turn away into Penny to hide her yummy boobies as tons of people cheered for her. One of the server girls would hold up a camera and ask, "commereative photo~?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Heck yea!" She says happily and hugs Mika from behind, lifting her breasts up with her hands for the photo and planting a kiss on her cheek. "Go for it!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was still a bit too tired to do anything about this, her face was as red as it could get and her glasses were fogged up with how hot her face was. She would only make a little squeaky meep and cover her pussy as the flash recorded her embarrassing triumph, the high score behind her. The nearly naked server girl explained that she would send them the file later on their way out. lots of tickets would come out of the machine perhaps enough for something neat at the ticket stand. The crowd would break up quickly after that eager to get back to the fun with their own lovers.

"Oh stars above..... d-did that just happen?", Mika mumbled.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"You bet it did Mika! That was awesome! I didn't know you could move your hips like that!" She keeps peppering her face with kisses before grabbing up the tickets. "Look at all of these! I bet we could find something really cool at the prize stand. If not... you will just have to help me win some more!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika, still blushing, would get her bearings again and get her clothes. Hold them but not put them on, one hand still over her wet pussy. From were Penny was standing she could see a few prizes. Some fancy dildos, some lube that also had yummy tastes, a set of pasties and a C-string, copies of AO rated games, and.... a strange belt labeled: prototype sensor belt "For those looking for nudity without breaking the law~". They could get just about all the stuff, except the sensor belt. Only a few more tickets and they could get that.

Looking back at Mika she might need a second before they could do another lewd game, or maybe just a bit of goo milk to pep her up. Behind her she could see that Emily and Sala had found their way into the place. Sala was looking around blushing hotly with a look of shock on her face as Emily had a huge grin. She was struggling to get out of her clothes forgetting that she could goo out of them, she still wasn't used to her new body after all. Sala on the other hand was trying to squirm away as the bulge in her shorts got bigger and bigger. Emily was now strechy enough hold Sala there and trying to work her out of her clothes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Nudity without breaking the law? That sounds perfect!" She says with a grin. "Mika! You gotta play another game! We are just a few tickets short!" She lifts Mika into her arms and offers a gooey tit. "Have a snack while I look for the next best game!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika soon found herself face to face with one of Penny's nipples. She nervously looked around not sure she wanted to breastfeed from Penny in public like this.... though she was kinda thirsty after all that. Also, several people were drinking from their lovers one way or another, she'd not really stand out on this... so she hesitantly opened her mouth and took Penny's yummy grey nipple in her mouth. she would close her eyes and suckle slowly, Penny always tasted so good. she was like a babe in her arms.

looking around again Penny would spot another fun looking game one that perhaps even she could play. It seemed to be a sort of shooting range with colorful targets that would move slowly from left to right. However instead of some kind of pellet gun you would use your lover! Apparently you had to strap the into a sort of contraption that you would aim their crotch at things. Then you would either use your hand or a dildo to make them cum or squirt onto the targets. A sharx man was being stroked into firing off cum onto the targets buy a saurian like woman's hand. it seemed this game required a bit of skill and sexual stamina.

Looking back she'd see Emily had gotten Sala naked somehow ready to take her to some games too. Of crose Penny could borrow her if she asked it was easy for her to persuade Sala.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hmm, again it would feel like she is cheating for this one. She could make a near endless amount of gooey cum... and Mika was not short on ink either. Perhpas another game would do? If there was really nothing else, she would have to use Sala for this one.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
There was another machine no too fat from them, something akin to a dancing game machine but with a lewd twist if the various implements around it were any implication. they only question would be could Sala or Mika dance?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hmmm." She rubs her chin and looks at the two machines. Sadly she doesn't know if Mika or Sala can dance or not.... but she does know that both of them can squirt fairly well. Might as well just use what you know. Finding one of the many rest areas around back here she sets Mika down on a big puffy chair. "Rest here Mika, I think Sala will be helping me finish this off." Penny gives Mika a wink and zooms over to her other two pod mates. "Helloooooooooooo you two! I was wondering when you would find this place!"
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