Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy looked to penny then to the golden plate. "That sounds....demeaning...", she said as she squinted at it. "oh, you're thinking about it too hard Jezzy. Its just us girls here! we wont think anything less of you right penny?", Emily said with wink at the little Penny.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course not! Besides, we all know how much you like to have your breasts handled Jezzy. Just let us do our thing, spray on enough milk and the door will slide right on open! Pleeeease, we cant do this without you. My milk isn't actual milk, it is just treated goo from my body and we don't have time for me to impregnate Mika and wait for her to lactate." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy just held up her hands in defeat. "ok ok....I get it....", She said. She then walked with penny over to the golden plate. She then unzipped herself  and  pulled her jumpsuit off and laid it aside. with a grimace she got on her hands and knees with her chest over the perverted offering plate (That's what Sala would call it,). She felt really weird sitting like this....she felt like she was being treated like cow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny clapped happily and moved over to her left breast while smiling at Emily. "Emily, love, could you handle her right breast. We need to treat Jezzy right and what better way to do this than with our mouths?" Not waiting for a response, little penny latched her lips to Jezzy's breast and began to suckle on it genlty, rolling her tongue over the nipple while her hands moved up to gently fondle and grope her tit flesh.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily happily scooted her way over and put her mouth on Jezzy's remaining tit. She aslo began to suckle and kneed Jezzy's tit flesh. Jezzy gave a shrap gasp as she felt the mouths sucking on her lovely light green nipples. They were then treated to a small trickle of the tasty pink milk. Jezzy moaned at the immediate spike of pleasure she was getting from having her tits suckled. She arched her back a little as she got all kinds of lovely feeling from her boobs

In the meantime sala had gotten up and was looking for her clothes but she couldn't find them! could this be the work of Emily once more?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny sucked harder on the nipple in her mouth while her hands doubled their peace. simple trickles here not going to cut it, they needed full on streams! She slide four gooey tentacles down to Jezzy's neathers and promptly pushed two into her pussy and two into her ass with a smooth thrusts before setting them to piston as she locked her eyes with Jezzy's, a playful gleam shinning clear and day.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy have a shudder as she was quadruple peened in her bumpy pussy and ass. She gave a what sounded like a sharp hiss as Emily gave her all kinds of licking and laving for her nipple as she suckled on top of what penny was doing. she grit her slightly pointed teeth as the the trickle turned into a steady stream.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny pulled off the teat when she got a good mouth full. "Alright Emily, break off please." Once Emily let go of her tit Penny took both nipples between her fingers and started to pull on them gently like a farmer milks a cow, alternating between left and right breast. she keeps her pentacles inside of Jezzy's holes to make sure the pleasure keeps coursing through her body. It doesn't take long before streams of breast milk are pouring onto the fluid splattered tray.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily reluctantly released the yummy teat from of her mouth knowing that this milk was part of the offering. she gave Jezzy butt a squeeze as she left 'Farmer Penny' to her work. Jezzy didn't get embarrassed too easily, but this was.....something else. Here she was getting milked like a dairy cow (or other approximate animal)! she blushed and looked to the side feeling very ashamed by this display. But the feeling of getting milked was...well pretty good! she couldn't deny that... and she was getting some backside loving in her bumpy pussy and fine ass. "I feel.......ridiculous!", Jezzy said, unable to look penny in the eyes. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny giggled and leans forward to press her lips against Jezzy's cheek. She plants several light kisses before using a tentacle to turn Jezzy to face her eye to eye. There is no judgement in her gaze, only tender love and playful energy. Now that Jezzy is looking at her she presses her lips against her lovers, sliding her gooey tongue into Jezzy's mouth. "No need to feel ashamed Jezzy. I know this feels good for you and I am certainly enjoying myself. In fact, this entire situation is kind of cute and sexy. Just a farmer taking care of her milk girl. Maybe we should make this a normal thing on the ship?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy was going to say something as she looked penny in eyes, but she gave a load moan instead. the scales on her face were getting redder and redder as penny milked her with some fucking on the side. Her pink milk started coming out in bigger squirts now as she pleasure really began to build up. The motherly sniper began to pant as her legs spread apart enjoin the loving of both ends. "I...but....that's.....arg!", nope! talking was not gonna happen now, her lust was too high for that.

Mika woke to find a very peculiar sight! jezzy sitting on all fours over the plate with penny milking her! she nearly dropped her glasses as she was shocked by the display. After adjusting her glasses she swiftly adverted her gaze.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The tentacles in Jezzy's holes slowly built up their pace until they were thrusting inside of her fast enough to make her ass jiggle with every thrust. Penny kept her milking consistent, pulling longs jets of milk with every tug of her gentle hands. "How about I get you a nice cow print bra and pantie combo? Would you wear that for me? Be our big cow momma for the team? How about we all take turns suckling from these bountiful breasts of yours every night?" She wears an honest smile as she continues to milk the motherly sniper like a diary cow and talk mildly dirty to her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!", Jezzy cried as her embarrassment was seeming to fuel her arousal. With penny really going to town on her all the thought of being so kind of lizard-cow-milk-dispenser her lust was begging to reach its high point. Seems the smooth as ice sniper had a weakness for dirty talk. She could feel her body begging to heat up all over as her climactic "boobgasm" was approaching.

in the meantime Mika was trying to help Sala find her clothes with them only being able to find her sandals so far. the two of them looked through the grass making the endowments jiggle all over the place. Emily sitting there enjoy the fact that in either direction she looked something sexy was going on.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny kept her hands working smooth and even, drawing bigger and bigger gouts of milk from the motherly sniper. her smile never faded as she spoke such dirty words to her lover. "How about we get you a hairband with some cow ears on it? Maybe a cow tail anal plug? Really just set up your role as team dairy cow. Would you like that Jezzy? I know all of us would. Come along now sweetie, I know you are close, just let yourself go... moo for me in orgasm."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy shook her head from side to side as as she felt her chest quiver from all of the built up lust, to say nothing of her holes, witch were getting pounded into. Penny was really pouring one the dirty talk now trying to sell her on the idea of being a cow-girl or something. Shook and shuddered as waves of good feelings went from her tits and straight into brain. Her forked tongue hung from her mouth as fell deeper in her lust. Finally she cried out loudly as her breasts gushed milk out spraying all inside of the plate and mixing with the fluids in some kind of crazy perverse cocktail. at the same time she felt her cum all over her tentacle cock with her own salty girl cum. Jezzy began to lose her strength as from the force of her orgasm so she reached up and clung to little penny.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny let go of her spent tits and grabbed Jezzy's arms to steady her and move her away from the nasty juice cocktail they had made on the plate. She moves Jezzy off to the side next to where Mika was sitting and happily climbs into her lap, hugging the motherly sniper affectionately. "That was perfect Jezzy, thank you very much." She buries her face between her big soft its and clings to her for a few moments while they wait for the plate to do its thing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy rested there with Penny riding the high of her orgasm had left her in. the gold plate then after a few seconds, flashed brightly and then  "nasty cocktail" glittered and sparkled as the dish receded back behind the large stone door. Mika saw this and ran over to them. "A reaction! So I was right!" Mika said as she watched. Sala on the other hand was still looking for her clothes witch she wasn't going to find because of course, Emily had hidden them in her bag with Mika's. The door then began to slide open slowly as it glowed with a golden light. As the interior was revealed it seemed a stark white place waited for them from within.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny planted one last kiss on Jezzy's lips before getting up and moving to look inside the room. "Huh... this place looks familiar doesn't it Mika?" Without waiting she steps inside first. "The temple of trials... I wonder what kind of trials these will be?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika quickly fallowed penny inside as she grabbed the duster and the gauntlets. "C'mon Sala hon, we can find your clothes later. We have some ruins to explore." Emily said as she followed Mika and Penny inside. Sala gave a frown as her tribal marks where on display once more, unable to find her clothes she gave a sigh and followed them inside grumbling. Jezzy was on the other hand, able to find her bodysuit with she briskly put back on. she then followed the rest of them in.

the inside was indeed stark white having absolutely no sigh of wear and tear inside. The entrance lead down just a bit to a large central chamber. it too was while as bone with odd rectangular pillars outlining the edges of the room. It was rather spacious and circular with three large doors standing ahead of them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Three large doors... and we needed three different fluids to get inside here. Something tell me these guys really liked the number three when they were building this place. If the theme follows, then one door is a pussy challenge, one is a dick challenge and one is a boob challenge. That sounds so silly when you say it out loud but it makes sense given the track record so far right?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Maybe, but something tells me its not going to be so....cut and dry...", Jezzy said as she took in the room. Emily patted Mika on the shoulder then gave her bare ass a squeeze then said, "Ok sexy do your stuff~, what should we do?". Mika jumped a little at Emily's little tease, then adjusted her glasses. "Well uh....I guess w-we have to pick a door I suppose...". Mika said as she folded her arms under her breasts as she thought. the now naked Sala was still a little grumpy about not finding her clothes, but she was looked around too, probably wondering if she could find something worth a bunch in this place. Jezzy then looked at penny. "Hey Penny. How much longer do you think you'll be little? we might need you big in a hurry if things start getting bad."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiled and before their very eyes she grows back up to 7 feet tall with her thick amazon body once more. "I have actually been fine since I drank your milk Jezzy. you give so much that I was able to replenish my strained body. I was just really enjoying being small and huggable for a while. Sorry about that." She pats Jezzy's shoulder and starts looking at the doors. "I say we take the left one... just random choice really." She walks over to Mika and kisses her lips while taking her gear back.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika held that kiss for just a second before she remembered what she was supposed to be doing. After penny took back her stuff she moved cautiously over to the door on the left. She tinted blue a little as as she reached to put her hand on the door. When she touched it it flashed golden and golden writhing appeared projected before her. "do you guys see this?", Mika asked as she looked back at them. Sala shrugged her shoulders, "What? The flash? yeah what else do you mean?", Sala asked with a puzzled expression. Emily and Jezzy just shrugged as well. Mika looked back, apparently only she could see the words written there. They said: Ahead lies the trial of the mind. Here you will be tested on the knowledge of the one you hold most dear. "Hmmmm what could that mean......" she thought as she rolled the words around in her head. "um...there's message that I can see. But I guess you can't....", Mika said as she turned back towards them. She then relayed the message she saw to them. "my guess is that it might be some kind of quiz or...something....its very vague." She said rubbing her chin.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh boy... a quiz? I am not good with quizzes! I barely passed my tests in high school!" Penny panics a bit before shaking her head. "Do we all have to go or just you Mika? I am unsure of how these trials work to be honest. If we all go are we all quizzed? Does it even work if we all go? So many questions... What do you girls think?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"I guess we should all go...just in case." Jezzy said as she squinted at the door. "Well, we don't know whats really going to happen in there so i say we just go for it!" Emily said with fist pump. "I don't think we have much choice in the matter do we? I say we all go in...besides there might be something nice in there." Sala said, her hand on her floppy peen. Mika looked the door thoughtfully. "Well I guess we just go for it..." She said. Mika then put her hand on the door. The door then slowly opened at her touch. Looking ahead she saw the gray stone room with two strange looking chairs on either side of the room. on the ceiling there were crystals giving off a soft white glow. The walls were covered with all kinds of ornate flowing carvings that ran across the walls. rather then that the room was quite plain.

As they moved inside the two strange blocky chairs gave off a soft golden glow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I... guess we are supposed to sit in it? Well, that part should be easy enough!" Penny strides confidently forward and sits on the right most chair with a smile on her face. "...Yup, this sure is a chair! Sorry girls, but I have no idea what this is about. Maybe one of you needs to sit in the other one?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The others all looked at each other. "I-I'll go.", Mika said as she walked timidly up to the chair. "Whatever happens, be careful.", Jezzy said. Sala and Emily nodded in agreement. Mika gulped and sat her lovely naked tush down slowly onto the chair, Then after a few seconds an arm like appendage came up from both chairs and put a square shaped object in front of there eyes. Then came a brilliant flash! At that same moment everything went black for both Penny and Mika. after that time seemed to have no meaning as they both felt themselves floating around in eternity, then in the next moment they found themselves standing in a dark room. Mika was scared by all of this and was looking around fanatically for penny. "Penny? Penny!? Where are you?!", Mika cried as she shuddered in fear. When she looked down she saw that her boots were gone, then she felt her face. Her glasses were gone too! She was well and truly naked now.

Penny woke up in the same kind of black formless room. beside her she could see Mika on the other side of what looked like glass. around her the whole place just felt....weird... like it wasn't really there....


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looked around the room with a confused look on her face. None of it made sense... what did that flash do to their minds? her eyes quickly fell onto Mika and seeing her lover so scared and confused drove her crazy with the desire to help her! She threw herself at the glass over and over again. "Mika! Mika I am over here! Look over here! Mika!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika jumped at the sound of penny hitting the glass, and she fumbled to catch her glasses only to be remembered that they weren't there. When she saw Penny through the "glass" she felt more at ease. "Penny?! where are we? i dont like this....." she said as she pushed against the "glass". then ahead of them a doorway appeared. mist seemed to block the view of what ever was beyond.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I don't know where we are... but I don't like not being able to reach you." She looks around and stares at the door as it opens. "I...I guess we have to go through those doors. Mika, I need you to be brave for me ok? i will find a way to get to you, I promise." She slowly moves away from the glass and steps toward the door way.