Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Guardna was now moaning as she was under a three pronged attack! Sala was thrusting into her mouth now trying to do her part. She was panting with how soft the inside of the statue woman's mouth was to her cock. Once she tasted Some of Sala's sweet pre on her tongue her soft grey tongue shot up and began licking at her big lovely peen. sala threw her head back and moaned, Guardna's big tongue felt amazing on her long penis and is ran quickly up and down it length. The fire of Gaurdna's lust had been lighted now. Mika felt very aroused now rubbing her pussy against Guardna's. It was more or less twice as big as her own. When she herd Penny tell her to try and stick her sizable clit in her pussy gulped. "You-you want me to ah~...oh god~... do what?!", Mika said as her body became more and more purple. She didnt question further as she felt Guardna begin to try and move again. She acted quickly lining up her soaking wet pussy with the large clit and mashed it into her soft hole. Her dexterous lower lips them clamped down in the large sensitive nub. This coupled with penny jamming yet another tentacle in her ass made the large staue really moan out around Sala's big peen.

At that point Sala's balls were slapping against Guardna's chin as Sala's prick began to grow hot with as her lust burned like a fire storm. After thirsting as fast and as hard as she could Sala could take no more of the wonderful feeling mouth and tongue. She came hard in the giants mouth, spraying the inside of her mouth and throat with her sweet la'cutom cum! Sala then fell from her face losing her strength and landing on the actually rather soft floor. she KO'd herself for the team. Guardna cired out lusty from the taste of the cum making her lust burn brighter.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Sala is down Mika! you have to hold out as long as you can! Really work over her clit!" Penny double her pace, slamming her cocks into her ass and pussy as fast as she could before stretching her upper half up to Guardna's face and catching her lips in a kiss. The sweet taste of Sala's cum was still there and she admitted that she was slightly jealous to not receive such a big load herself, but regained focus and started to wrestle her tongue for dominance. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
A groan of pleasure rumbled from her mouth as Guardna swapped the cum back and forth in their mouths. However, Guardna's tongue was bigger then Penny's and she soon found her mouth being invaded by the sexual warriors big tongue. Not only that but she had save some of Sala's cum and her mouth as was actively pushing it into pennys mouth! She was more clever then she looked! Mika had wrapped her arms around Guardna's waist to keep herself steady. The big clit was quite large but not large as penny or Sala's dicks, so Mika felt this was something she could handle, she still who ever was dribbling all over the place wetting up everyone's equipment quite nicely. She was really squeezing and rippling her pussy now, giving the not-stone woman everything her pussy could.

With her pleasure building a spark appeared in her golden eyes. Suddenly a rumbling growl rang out from her as she grabbed onto Penny's ass with her hands pulled her right out of her holes with her overwhelming strength. as she stood back up Mika held on for dear life as she continued to squeeze and fuck the big clit. holding penny in her in humanly strong hands she moved her in front of her and then moved the big cocks back into place and rammed them back up into her holes with vim and vigor! she used penny like a fuck toy as she mashed there hips together. Mika was cuaght up in this too, as every time she thrusted penny into her it made the top of penny's cocks grind against her ass and a bit of her pussy. "finally a real challenge! Im not beaten yet!" she said as her tongue hung out of her mouth.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny was caught off guard by the sudden rough treatment and a lewd moan escaped her throat and pleasure began to flood her body. She grit her teeth in a smile and pulled the giant womans head down to her tit, forcing her breasts into her mouth and leaking her warm gooey milk into her throat. "I still have tricks up my sleeve too!" With a grunt of effort she forces her cocks to get even thicker, stretching out the pussy and ass she is forced into. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Guardna was surprised to see Penny recover so fast and even form a counter attack in a position like this. again she tasted more sweet lusty flavors in her mouth as penny leaked goo milk into he mouth. her passages were rippling with pleasure now as penny increased the size of her cocks. her whole body was feeling hot and bothered now for the first time in centuries! Mika was boiling with lust now as her ass was being ground against by Penny's goo cock and fucking the big woman's clit like a cock. "oooooh!~ Penny! I... cant hold on.... much longer...." Mika said as she grit her teeth, as the lust was threatening to over take her.

this was the flash point of the match... the next move might just decide it. everyones lust was getting to its peek, Penny would have to work fast if she wanted to beat Guardna before her and Mika both came!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Guh... sorry Guardna... but I can't afford to lose!" She let go of Guardna's tentacles and quickly swarmed her holes with every tentacle she could muster, stuffing in as many as would fit before making them squirm about as fast as they would go. Her breasts surged with a wave of her tasty milk and she could feel extra attention being paid to her nipples as Penny went into over drive! 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Guardna gasped as penny when for a the final gambit. Attacking her with all she had, filling her holes to the limit, give her huge loads of goo milk to drink. "no can it be... I'm,,, losing?!" she thought as lust was filling her synthetic body. she was shuddering now her legs quivering form the orgasm that was coming soon. Guardna tried pone last time to thrust like crazy on Penny trying to out fuck her. Mika was still stuck in the middle of all this. She was getting hazy as she was almost falling into lust oblivion. The clit that felt so good in her pussy she had to try something too! she knew... somehow she knew that she could decide this! using every once of willpower she had left Mika pounded her pussy onto the large pleasure buzzer.

For a few more seconds it was anyone's game.... they fucked harder and harder until..... a jet of girl cum shot all over the place! it was Guardna! they had won! she cried very loudly as a huge forceful jet of cum blasted onto penny and Mika, soaking them in her ejaculate!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"yes! We win..... oh gods thank you!" She slammed all her cocks and tentacles into Guardna and began to flood her pussy and ass with truely massive amounts of goo cum, pumping it into her as her lust finally boiled over and she accepted sweet release. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika cried out orgasmicly as was finally able to let the flood gates of her own open. She came all over the big clit as shuddered in orgasm. Graudna fell over back wards do to the force of her own orgasm, but she held onto the two of them as she fell so they both landed face first into her soft breasts. Guradna was breathing deaply and she held on to them, hugging them like a couple of teddy bears.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny retracted all of her extra tentacles and limbs, leaving her in her default form as she rested her head on Guardna's breast. "That.... was the best trial so far." She plants a few kisses on the giant womans breast before looking up at her. "I don't suppose you can leave this place and come along with us? you are so much fun!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Guardna's breasts rose and fell as she breathed heavily. "Now that..... that was amazing.....", she said still trying to catch her breath. Mika was pooped and reached for penny she wanted to beheld by her love. Guardna then looked at penny thoughtfully. "i wish i could leave..... but im stuck in this place.... i was never meant to gain sentience... but well I did...." she gave a heavy sigh. "Every time i try to leave i just get forced back by my programing.... it sucks so much..... so many people out there I wanna meet, so many people I WANNA FUCK!"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny reaches down and grabs Mika in her arms, holding her squiliden tightly against her chest and absorbing her lower body to try and warm her up a bit and alos lick her clean. "That sucks... I wonder if there is any way to get you out of here... you mentioned programming. Is there a computer in your head or a terminal near by? Maybe we could try poking around it?" Her hands rub up and down Mika's back.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"well...I really don't know... I was never given much information. So I honestly have no idea... I was just made to be the trial i guess... but wanna be someone now... and after a fuck like that? well now I really want go explore this world I live on." Guardna said as she hugged them gently with her big arms. "i really means allot to me that you would even ask me about it, it really does. I've seen the frog people that live here a few have tried to challenge me in the past... but they couldn't keep up. not that i minded really, there were so cute! a few of them even came back for a rematch i just think they wanted to spend time with me.... again I didn't really mind.. it was nice. now i haven seen them in a while..." she said with small smile, there must have been found memories. "Are they ok up there?" she asked.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny face palms and quickly squirms out of the hug. "That is why we are down here! Some of them have been taken down below against their will! We have to save them! This was our last trial so... is the way open now?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Wait what?! there are people down below?!", Guardna said surprised as all hell. she stood up quickly and placed Mika and Penny on floor gently. "shit... someone found another way below..... that's not good! and they took those cute little frogs down there against their will?!", Guranda looked angry now. "yeah the way is open! i wish i could come with you... i really really do...", she stamped her large armored foot in frustration. Mika looked up at Guardna with sad look on her face. "We'll save them dont w-worry!.... and maybe I'll find a way to save you.", Mika said with a nod. "You-you'd do that?!" "Ye-yes! After we save the kir'kah, we'll save you too! right penny?" Mika said as she looked at her with hopeful eyes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nodded her head while getting her duster and gauntlets back on "Yes! When we get the kir-kah out of there we are coming right back here to save you and probably have another roll in the hay. But for now, we have to move! Come on everyone!" She darts off out of the room, heading back to the main area.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala was shaky but she moved with them all the same as they all ran back to the main chamber. golden writing appeared as the stood in the chamber. now you the extent of you might, use it now to do what is right. the floor then shifted and moved as a stair case was revealed to be hiding under the floor! more writing appeared, now you are strong in mind, body, and soul, go with our blessings. Sala and mika leaned on Penny still feeling a little tired from the sex battle. "well done on that "fight" love!" Emily said with big grin. "...Well we just go down I guess...", Jezzy said as she looked into the dark stairway. Jezzy then gave Sala her shock pistol. "Here Sala remember what we talked about.", as she handed it to her carefully. Sala snatched it with frown saying, "yeah I know, I know! I'm not a little kid you know!"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Come on everyone! We have to get down there and stop whatever Vaine is doing to those poor kir-kah!" She takes the front of the pack, stomping down the stairs as fast as she can. "Please be ok everyone!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As they rushed down the stairs they it got quite dark in the stairway. soon the found a bright room down at the end. The sound of foot steps could be heard from inside the room as if many people were moving about. as penny looked inside she could see many Kir-Kah moving about in an orderly fashion. almost seeming like they were paroling the room. Penny could see a faint red glow in there eyes as the shuffled about like drone's on auto pilot.

"What is it penny what do you see?" Jezzy asked quietly from behind her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny pulled her head back and whispered. "they have all been infested... they will likely attack on sight. Remember, they are being controlled and don't want to do this. Stun them and find the parasite on their body. It is likely somewhere internal... so vagina, ass, ears, nose... anywhere like that."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Ok, I can do that." Jezzy said as she put her rifle in the ready position. Her face flashed with rage for the briefest of moments. "....Just tell me when to start firing....", she said as she looked on with determination. "Sala, i guess you can help with that to right?" Mika asked. "You can count on me," Sala said as she took of the safety on her electric pistol. "I believe I can get the blobs out of them. I'll make sure there back to their old selves in no time." Emily said as she gave Penny a nod. "W-What should i do... i guess i could sneak around... see whats ahead.", Mika said as she looked on.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nodded. "Mika, for now just hang back. We are going to clear this room and use it as a foot hold, then you will blend into the floor and scout ahead after that." She nods to Jezzy and jumps into the room, launching a surprise attack! She jumps the nearest kir-kah and looks for the parasite so she can remove it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny is quickly noticed when she leaps into the room. it was a large square wide hallway of sorts made of some kind of grey stone. it seemed far less pristine then the rooms above. as Penny tackled one of them to the floor it croaked in surprise. she had caught a small female who was nude like the rest of the "captives". as she struggled in Penny's grip she could see a bit of black sticking out of her vagina, just like with Jezzy. Just then Sala and Jezzy started firing off there shots into the Kir-Kah knocking them out one at a time. Jezzys shots were far more accurate while Sala would miss here and there. Emily and Mika hung back watching with looks of worry.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Sorry about this!" She reached down and sliped two armored fingers in before ripping the parasite out of her pussy. She throws it up into the air behind her. "Jezzy! Roast it!" With a quick burst of power she runs at the next kir-kah to do it again.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As penny threw the little black blob in the air Jezzy took a high powered shot and fried it in mid air. it then fell to the ground in ashes. " it... pop up more if you want me to tag em!", Jezzy called to Penny. As penny dove for the next one she found she had this time got a young male, he was quite effeminate looking. His decently sized member also had a bit of black sticking out of his urethra! Now the frogs were actively going for penny as two of them jumped onto her and grabbed on to her legs, trying to stop her from moving. meanwhile some of the mind controlled frog people were running... well maybe more like hopping.... towards the entrance were the others were. so Sala kicked one back and shot him right when he got close. "i got you jezzy! just keep doing your thing!", Sala shouted.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny grabbed the blob from his cock and pulled it out, throwing it up with a shout to Jezzy. She then melted her body and slid away from her grabbers before jumping for the next frog in need of help. "Remind me to focus on that cute girly boy! I want to play with him!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
with a masterful level of accuracy Jezzy nailed the little blob in mid air, once again showing how good her aim was. More Kir-Kah were focused on Penny now as she leap for her next target. This time she landed on another male this one was much more beefy looking and she could see the black bit sticking out of his rather sizeable member. However this guy seemed to have some combat experience, for once she was on top of him he planted his feet on her chest and kicked her off sending her off a distance away, showing how strong there legs were.

A bunch of them were going for Jezzy and Sala jumping only to be shot out of the air to shot by Jezzy's pin-point accuracy. Sala was giving support fire when necessary, her reaction speed was very fast even though her accuracy wasn't the best. but more and more of them kept coming and this worried mika.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny gasped as she was tossed through the air and landed with a splat. "Jezzy! Big guy! Two shots please!" She kepts the big guys attention, making sure his back was facing Jezzy for an easy shot.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"gemme a sec!", Jezzy said as she shot another kir-kah out of the air. "Sala get em busy so i can make the shot!", Jezzy said as she started locking in the big guys position. "ok I'll see can i can do!", Sala said as she ran out a short distance. "Over here!", she called out as she waved her hands to get the other frogs attention. With more of them focusing on Sala, Jezzy was able to give to shots, just as Penny asked. They cut through the air an landed on both of the big guys knees causing him to croak in surprise and fall to the ground. "get em hes down!", Jezzy shouted.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She didn't bother with a tackle this time, she just grabbed his cock and pulled the goo out before throwing it up into the air! "Pull!" She then turned and ran toward the kir-kah that were getting too close to Jezzy and Sala, rushing them down and trying to get attention.