Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"oh your sooo cute like this..." Emily said as she hugged penny A tightly, enjoying the closeness. Sala hugged onto penny as well as her big peen began to calm down. "...does it really taste that good?", Sala whispered, wondering if her cum really was that sweet. The both of them more or less enjoyed having this time however, the trail of the soul had left them slightly tense, along with the recent battle.

Mika's body was moistening up nicely, With the goo hydrating her skin, and Jezzy giving her lots of milk, Mika looked just about good as new. Her colors flashed a bit before getting noticeably brighter. Jezzy was moaning out again as her chest was tingling with pleasure. She sometimes would switch between breasts to make sure they got equal suckling. And after a little bit, Jezzy lust burned bright enough for her get off on suckling alone. She threw her head back and moaned as a boobgasm rippled through her chest. Mika couldn't keep up with the flow as milk spreyed out if the sides of her mouth as the other tit just sprayed onto Penny's goo.


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Oct 1, 2015
Penny A: She returns the hug happily, a smile on her face and a lovely warm feeling in her chest. "Yes Sala, it does taste that good. It's like that liquid candy stuff but it doesn't burn your throat on the way down." She reached behind and pulled Sala over to the front so she could properly hug both of them.

Penny B: She happily absorbed the run off milk from the free spraying breast and the stuff running out from Mika's mouth. "Easy there Jezzy, don't want to drown the poor girl do you?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy shuddered a bit she also came on the floor, even though she had nothing in her pussy. "....Sorry it just kinda flows... you feel better Mika?", Jezzy said as she took a seat, she had to catch her breath after that. She felt an intense satisfaction and warmness in her chest and her nipples leaked and twitched a little as she found her self riding a kind of boobgasm high. Mika also had to catch her breath after something like that. "That was... unorthodox... ", Mika said taking a deep breath. "Ok penny i t-think I'm ok now.".

"Oh yes, I agree with Penny, its like liquid sugar with out the cavities!", Emily said as she gave them both a squeeze. Sala gave a relived sigh, and untanged her felf form them. She dusted herself off and them put back on her sandals (her only clothes right now). "ok lets wake these Kir-kah up and get them going.", Sala said trying to sound important, thought it was probably hard to take her seriously with her peen swinging back and forth.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny A nodded at Sala and untangled herself from Emily while Penny B slipped off of Mika and ran over to Penny A. the two goos slammed into each other to make one big blob before normal Penny stood before them again. "Phew, that is still a surreal feeling. To think that some galora can reach four or five splits is insane! Though will all the mass I can make with you girls.... maybe I should give it a try some time." She gathers her gauntlets and duster. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala gulped when she thought of four or five penny's around her at once, but quickly shook that from her mind. Mika took a quick look at herself that her colocr seemed much brighter then normal, she wondered if the protein rich goo was responsible for that.

After a while they got all of the Kir-Kah awake. They were mostly confused and felt rather drowsy. The big guy from earlier stood in front of all of them he seemed to be there leader. "... It appears that we owe you our thanks... but we're not entirely certain what has happened we cant seem to recall the last few days." he points to the girl boy. "Gen-Han, tells me that were corrupted....."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny steps forward and winks at the little girly boy. "you were infected by an evil galora known as Vaine. He has fooled your people into attacking the innocent galora that you were making friends with. He put many of you to work up above on the surface while he brain washed you all to act as guards. He had placed parasites in your cocks and pussies which allowed him to mold your minds to obey him. It does not mean you are tainted, not in the slightest, as we have removed and destroyed said parasites. Right now you need to head up the stairs and back to your tribe."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"hmmmm" the big frog said as he put his hand on his chin. "...this does not bode well... regardless again you have our thanks. I would inquire more but i need to talk to the shaman of our neighbors. This is a worrying time for us...", and with that he motioned to his people and they began to slowly shuffle their way up the stairs. He then moved with them checking them over as he walked. "Oh! a few of them have some cuts! make sure you watch them!", Emily called back to the big frog. He nodded back to her. As they began to leave the girl boy, Gen-Han lingered. "um... excuse me but, is scarlet ok? you say some of my people attacked her she ok..." The little girly boy said as he fidgeted. maybe he was a good friend of the red galora leader... with benefits.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Ah, I was wondering why you screamed her named earlier. Yes, she is just fine, just a little frustrated at all this bad business. I am sure she would LOVE to see you again on good terms. you should go see her once things have settled down." She gives him a quick hug and turns back to the others. "Come on, we need to catch up with Vaine."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The little guys face brightened up at the news he then hopped off with spring in his step (so to speak). Mika took a deep breath and looked ahead wondering what dangers they would face. Everyone was up and about now ready to continue. "Ok Mika we'll be right behind you.", Emily said. so onward they went up until they got to another large room with lots of pews and an altar, there were many murals on the walls they all seemed to depict one planet or another. Mika peeked inside, turning herself while and grey to match the ruins. She seemed very intrigued by what she saw after looking around the room she called back saying, "T-the room looks clear guys."
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Oct 1, 2015
Penny nodded and stepped into the room, taking a good look around. "Good work Mika! Now what is this place all about?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gave a thoughtful look around. "Well it looks like a place of worship to me... perhaps as well as being very advanced technology wise, the people that built this place might have been deeply religious.", she said as she inspected the altar. All of the pews were rather mimialist in look, the unknown people tended to build things in simple shapes and little detail. The murals on the walls depicted many planets many of them penny couldn't recognize but she saw mika's home world of cheopdia and even zeedum among them. looking to the other wall she could see Ma-joon and Silvum, along with some other planets she didn't know about.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Do you think these are all the locations of the other temples?" She keeps looking through the mural, seeing if maybe her home was on the list.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As penny looked she eventually found her homeworld. it standing next to the homeworld of the La'cutom homeworld of Ga'neesha. "Maybe... but we cant be for certain yet.", Mika said as she began dust off the altar.
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Oct 1, 2015
She stops and claps her hands happily. "Here it is! Right next to Ga'neesha! My home, Gavesta!" She waves to the others as she looks at the picture of her home. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika and the others all walked over, interested to see Penny's home. "Hey its kinda pretty.", Sala said as she gave it a good look. "Oh yes quite bright and vibrant.", Emily said as she gave an appreciative nod. "...hmmm... wonder if that means we might head there.", Jezzy added. Mika thought the planet looked nice, it didn't look unwelcoming in the slightest. "Say penny, what does your planets name mean?", Mika asked with genuine curiosity.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles at them "Gavesta, it roughly means together or home. no perfect translation." Her face slowly sinks into one of fear. "Oh... oh no... we can't go to my planet! My mother... she would never let you girls leave! She would try to keep you all there and force me to settle down! Then... oh gods... then she will start nagging for children!" Penny puts on an over dramatic face of fear. "you think Vaine is scary?! He pales in comparison to my mother!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy gave a short chuckle and said. "oh penny do be so silly." Emily was smileing another place full of sexy yummy tasting goo people? It might be a hard to leave such a place..." Emily said as she gave Penny a kiss on the cheek. Sala looked away embarrassed. "Ch-children!?", she said, her face blushing heavily. As hesitant as she would to a place with people even more lax about nudity and sex then her own people, she still wanted to get to know Penny's mom. "Um well, I don't know if we'll have choice.... that is if there are ruins there.", Mika said.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"NNNNNNNnnnoooooooo..." Penny melted into a blob "I'm sorry girls... but our adventures are over then... you will all soon be house wives while I go out to work a job and bring home credits for food." She nsorts and laughs while reforming back up. "I am kidding, mostly, my mom will most certainly be all over you, especially if she has been talking to Mika's mom all this time." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Everyone had a good laugh after that, feeling pretty good after that. Sala then looked over to her homeworld Ga'neesha. "Hey look my homeworlds here too.", Sala said with a small smile. Mika was inspecting the room again looking for a way forward. "Hey penny, can you help me find an entrance?", she asked as she ran her hand along the wall, sometimes bending down to touch the floor putting her very grabable butt in the air.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny simply can't help herself and grabs two handfuls of delicious squiliden booty. "Sure can love!" She lets go and starts looking around the room for a way forward or anything of note really. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika shot back up after she felt penny squeeze her bare ass, a blush on her face. they searched for few minutes and didn't find anything that would indicate the way forward. "hmmm... that has to be a way....", Mika said as she started hard at the walls. But suddenly just after she said that the room rumble and the wall behind the altar opened up! it was black as night inside and the sound of heavy armored foot steps could be herd from within. "Guh?!", Mika cried as she and the other girls backed away quickly. Then a large red boot stepped out of dark and with it a figure cover in blood red armor, a brown cape adorned his back whole a very fimallir horned helmet covered the owners face.... "What?! N-no Way!", Emily cried as she quivered in fear. "It-its you!?" mika said as she gazed on none other then the pirate captain of the Red Raiders!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny stepped into the center of the room in front of everyone, her face calm but anger radiates off her body. "Well well well, look who has fallen in front of me today? I have been hoping I found find you again buddy. But this time.... no swarm of goons, no barrier to keep you safe.... and I have my weapons." She raised her fists in a fighting stance. "Care to go a round that is actually fair?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The captain chuckled smugly at her as she looked about. "Looks like you've been making your own harem of whores. I'll be more then happy to give them a good home once I'm done with you. That Vaine may be a shady one but as long as i get to kill you and get payed, I don't care who's offering." ,he said his expression unknown because of his helmet. "My name is captain Bozak, you should do well to remember it! You should have joined me while you had the chance, now you will die and you precious little squid will be going to vaine!", He said as she banished a large red battle axe. He thumbed a button on the side and heat began to radiate from the blades. The Mika gasped. "Penny look out! its a thermal axe!", she shouted in dread.
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Oct 1, 2015
She smiles at his petty display. "I see that love. Thank you. But it won't help him." She rolls her shoulders and stands ready. "For once, I am going to fight seriously. Don't hold it against me if you end up on the floor with more bruises than body surface!" She clanks her fists together loudly, the pistons hissing as they pull back just a little bit more than normal. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Bozak laughs once more, "Hahaha! Good! I will enjoy burning the fight out of you!", he said as he took a ready stance. Mika pushed the other back to the other side of the room. "Penny kick this douchebags ass!", Sala shouted. Then after a tense two second stare down, he suddenly rushed forwards! "Dieeee!", he cried as charged. He then a did wide sweep at her with his red hot axe, trying to slice her in two.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Rather than dodge, she steps inside of his range of attack with a smirk on her face. "First issue with your choice of weapon!" She brings an uppercut to his gut. "An axe has a long arm before the blade, meaning directly in front of you is a safe zone!" She brings her other fist straight into his helmet, the piston firing off and sendins him sliding backwards. "So someone who fights with their fists, has even more room to work with!" 


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Jun 30, 2016
Bozak staggered backwards from the force of the hit, but he remained upright. He shook his head to clear his vision and said, "Argh, well this wouldn't be any fun if it was easy.", he readied himself again. "But don't you underestimate me!", he said as he charged forwards and jumped. He then tried to slice penny with a heavy downwards swing.


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Oct 1, 2015
She gasped and jumped to the side just in time to dodge being cut in half. "Ok... didn't expect you to jump like that." She rolls to her feet and throws another punch at the side of his helmet. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As the large heated axe hit the stone floor the ground cracked beneath and bits of rubble were thrown everywhere. Penny punch lands on his helmet but he held his ground this time, absorbing the impact. With his axe currently down he had no time to lift it back up again, so instead he threw a punch of his own, hitting Penny in the side of the face. However this was no normal punch! Not only was it quite strong, but there seemed to be an electric current running through his gloves. "That all you got! You weakling!".
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny twitches and sizzles at the electricity courses through her body. "You big jerk!" She lunges forward and slams her fist into the hand still holding his axe while the second fist hits his jaw trying to daze him and make him back away from the axe.