Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily held the goo in her hands and giggled. "hmmm this is going to interesting." she said as she gave the goo an affectionate squeeze. Jezzy just held onto the goo looking at it intently. Sala sheepishly held the goo in her hands penny could feel her shake in fear. looking at the little penny made her face soften up a bit, the little penny was actually very cute! "Uh, ok...", Mika then picked up the mini penny. "Are you going to be ok penny?", she asked as she cuddled the little penny.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Mini Penny cuddled right back. "Yea! It's not like this hurts me or anything, just really reduces how much I can do obviously." She looks to the others. "I am trusting you guys to keep my body nice and safe. It would take a lot of organic material to get back to that size from this size. Don't worry about it hurting you, it is still me and will bring nothing but fun feelings both inside and out!" She crawls up on Mika and slides between her breasts, sitting with her top half sticking out of her shirt. "Best seat ever!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika jumped a little feeling the mini penny slide in between her breasts. "so do we just jam them in there now?", Emily asked as she kneaded the piece of penny she had. Sala looked at her ball of goo and very nervously, "you''re really not thinking if going in...there are you?", Sala said very hesitantly as she held her bulge. Mika looked down at mini penny. "that wont hurt Sala will it?" she said with concern on her face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Not at all! No part of me would ever hurt any of you! It will probably make her balls bigger until she cums me out. But she simply can't fit all of me inside of her small pussy and womb, she just sin't big enough. I would really appreciate not being inside your ass, so if you don't mind being a little adventurous for me, that would be great. I suppose you can push them in whenever you want, the sooner you do it, the faster you will get used to the feeling though." She turns back to scarlet. "So, where can we find the Kir-kah?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Scarlet nodded. "Right. so there is a big village out to the west of here in the deep forest. They are settled along the edge of the river that runs by here. If you follow it you should run into their village. I would be careful though, even if you aren't galora, they still might feel threatened by any off-worlders" she said as she gave them a serous look. "but...maybe your pod mate might be so cute they'll let you in easily...." she gave mika a smile."either way anything you can do would be great! good luck! I'll be right here if you need me!", she said with a wink. Emily didn't wait for them to get outside she stuck the blob onto her pussy and began to try and push it in. She was sure penny would take care of the rest. jezzy just held it for a second looking at the golden piece of goo. "well......this is going to be different." Jezzy said as she opened her jump suit and stuffed the blob into her crotch area right on top of her pussy. Sala looked left then right. "I.....I'll wait till we get to the forest.." Sala said her face holding hints of dread. Mika wondered what mini penny would do.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The moment the blob made contact with Emily's pussy it started lending a hand. With the dexterity only an amorphous blob could have, it twists and turns and pushes until it slips right on inside of her! The blob pushes it, taking up every free inch of Emily's pussy and even filling up her womb. The feeling is different, but very pleasant as the warm goo settles down. It is almost like having sex with Penny, but far more intimate as her very body is in her care.

For Jezzy, the experience is roughly the same. the blob slides between her legs and begins to slowly and carefully push inside of her. It takes up every free spot in her pussy and fills up her womb as well, but unlike Emily's which jiggles and rubs against her, Jezzy's holds stalk still, moving with her body to not cause her any unneeded distractions. She could still feel Penny inside her, that much is a given, but she isn't teasing or playing with the sniper, so her aim will still be true.

The blob in Sala's hands almost looks sad as she refuses to give it a warm temporary home, so it just pushes against her chest a bit and waits its turn.

"Alright, I can feel two blobs in place. Sala...if you are really that nervous about this, I could try and form that blob into a skin tight suit that hides under your clothes. It would be harder on me, but you look like you are going to pass out from worry. Mika, i will slip inside you once Sala here is set and comfy."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily shivers with pleasure as she is absolutely filled. "Oh this is something new. I'll take good care of you penny dont you worry love.", Emily said as she rubbed her stomach. Jezzy sucked in sharply as she was filled as well her nubby pussy giving her all kinds of good feelings. once it stop she shakes her head. "All right...thats that i guess.." she said looking down at her tummy after zipping her self back up. Sala held the blob in her arms intending to wait till they got out of site. Mila waved to scarlet as they moved out. eventually they found the river and began to fallow it. coming up to the begging of the deep swampland woods. Mika looked around seeing no one around. "well Sala...I guess its our turn.....", she said with gulp. Sala looked at the blob in her hands then back to mini penny her antennae flicking about nervously. Emily was enjoy all the little penny feelings she was getting as she walked no top of running around nude. Seeing Sala's sorry state she moved up and hugged her "its ok dear you know penny wont hurt you besides unretral love is nothing to be afraid of.". "A-As much as I dont want to make you do might be the safest way...." Mika said, not able to look Sala in the eyes. Emily kissed her favorite bug to distract her while she pulled down her pants enough to pop her peen out and placed the goo blob on it. Emily tongue work was good enough to stop Sala from resisting so penny could do her thing.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Majority of the goo blob slide down her peen, past her balls and up into Sala's little pussy and womb. Half of it get's inside of her pussy and womb, but there was simply no more room. The remaining goo slides up her peen again, giving it a soft squeeze before oh so gently opening her urethra. Once open, the goo slid slowly and gently into her cock, crawling its way down her length and into her prostate. After her prostate is full the rest pours down into her testis, causing her balls to swell up considerably. (Yea I know that isn't how it works, but it is a fun idea.) Despite how strange this all is, it sends wave after wave of pleasure through Sala as Penny settles inside of her.

"Thank you Sala! That feels wonderful and there is no way they will find me! Now for the final act! Good luck guys, I am here if you need me!" Mini Penny slips between Mika's breasts and falls down into her pants where she quickly finds her way into her panties. She plants a loving kiss on Mika's clit before sliding down and crawling up into her pussy. Mika can feel her move deeper and deeper until finding her cervix and sliding into her womb where she comes to a rest.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala shivers and shakes as her pussy was filled all the way making her peen stand all the way up and throb lewdly. Emily keeps her clam by rubbing her palms like she always did to her. As the goo pushed itself into her peen she cried out breaking the kiss. her hands held on to her big member as Pennys goo slowly worked its way down into her. it was the weirdest feeling she had even felt in her life, but the pleasure she was getting from it was strong as well almost making her cum right then and there if it wasn't for penny blocking her from doing so. As her balls swelled she fell to her knees clutching onto them crying out again. the whole time Emily was kissing her up and down face and neck trying to keep her from being too scared. Sala sits there, breathing heavily, her peen showing no sigh of going back down.

Mika mouth opened wide as she felt penny go down through her clothes and kissed her clit. and her legs buckled as she worked her way through into her pussy and then her womb. Mika pussy dribbled a lot because of this with penny no doubt found yummy. it must have been like heaven being inside her first love like this to be surrounded by mika on all sides in the warm squishy place that was her womb. After a bit Sala had calmed down looking down at her balls she couldn't believe it! Penny was in her peen and her balls as well as her pussy and womb. she had trouble pulling her pants back on with her peen stil oh so very hard and her ball expanded like that she had a hard time zipping back up buttoning her pants.....somehow she managed.

"Well...P-Penny is still with us but we should only let her out when its absolutely n-necessary." Mika said as she addressed everyone. everyone nodded in understanding. so the they set off into the forest fallowing the river. the ground was very muddy and nasty as they got deeper into the forest making the it slow going for solid people like them. Emily was actually regretting not wearing anything at this point as now she was going to be all dirty by the time they got to the village. Mika wondered if penny could even be herd while she was inside of her like that. out of all the things penny had done this was the most surreal to her.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The blob inside of Emily was a constant tease, pushing against her walls and wiggling about when she walked. Jezzy had the exact opposite as her blob worked hard not to get in her way as they moved about. Sala was a different story though, as her goo didn't tease nor did it leave her alone. Penny actively worked to try and sooth Sala from the inside out, gently massaging her from the inside to convey that no harm would come to her. Finally was Penny herself, relaxing in Mika's womb while soaking up her girl cum whenver she could. She kept planting loving kisses and rubbing her gooey cock against the walls, happy as can be inside her lover.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily was quite grateful to penny for all the teasing and rubbing inside her body. it helped her forget how dirt she was getting. Jezzy was always a few paces behind the group keeping her eyes trained ahead of them. Sala was calming down at Penny ministrations but her peen still stayed hard. she tried slowing her breathing down and that seemed to work. Mika would stop and hold her stomach sometimes when penny would get a little frisky. her sweat juice was constantly leaking because of what she was doing.

Eventually they found great wall of logs that stretched far in either direction. there was a giant wood door as well and currently it was closed. "this must be the place...." Mika said as she looked around. Jezzy suddenly shouted, "Movement! on the trees near by", she said as she held up her rife. Just then two shadowy figures jumped from the trees and over the walls. Sala was scenting the air with her antenna, "I smell them! well i smell something!" her four eyes darting about. the a vpoice that could only be described as "somewhat croaky" was heard. "Who goes there?", it said in a demanding tone. The four girls looked at each other unsure of who should answer. Jezzy spoke up. "We are travelers, we wished to see you village! can we be allowed inside?" she called. "U-Um yes! we have c-come from far away! will you allow us to see your people?", Mika asked called back doing her best to speak clearly. there was a silence  then the voice said, "you do not look like the formless....but we must check you if you wish for passage. if you are clean then we shall allow you inside. But be warned if you try to start trouble there will be consequences!" just then the door dropped down group of four being walked out, the Kir-Kah they were shot and thin with bright blue skin and red spots here and there. their legs were strong looking as one might except out of frog people with ther hands and feet having webbed digits. they were mostly humanoid in appearance in buld but they tended to swat down and move around on three or four limbs. there body were thin yes, but they seemed very athletic with small but strong looking muscles. Their faces were vaguely human but the had a kind of muzzle were there nose would be with two nostrils. there eye were big and colorful with no two having the same color. But over all they didn't seem too imposing maybe even kind of cute! "P-Penny! if you can hear me make sure none of you is sticking out! W-We can mess this up!" Mika whispered hoping that penny could hear her because she was inside of her.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny focused and made sure all of her goo was tucked neatly inside her pod mates and Jezzy. Even if they were stripped naked, no one would see a thing out of place unless they were to be as forward as to spread open their pussy lips and take a good look inside. Mika feels two pats from inside, signaling that everything is good to go!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The Kir-Kah move about looking at them with their big eyes while they sometimes sniff the air. They ware little clothing having some bone jewelry and some kind of loin cloth. the women didn't were anything on there chest so there small breasts were out in the open. "I see no formless here.... but we must check more! The human is clear, she has no place to hide one." a somewhat taller one said as he looked Emily over. Emily stretched showing off her nudity again, a few of the males were eying her appreciatively.

Jezzy had slung her rifle over her shoulder so they wouldn't be intimidated. they moved around her poking and probing at her they even unzipped her jumpsuit and looked inside....maybe a little longer then they need too. some of the girls were admiring Jezzy's bust size as she was searched. "the scaled one is clear!....and quite beautiful....", said a female kir-kah who had quite enjoyed her little peep.

Next they searched around Sala circling her. she tried to put on a brave face but her dick was still so hard and they wouldn't miss that. "This female hides something in her coverings!", a male said looking at her straining bulge. Sala froze her face showing panic. they were going to pull down her pants and show her dick! "nonononono!", Sala thought as she shivered in terror. "its ok Sala!", Emily called to her. "they are just going to check you I'm sure they wont judge!". the Kir-kah looked at Sala curiously wondering what Emily had meant by that. sala shook as one of them moved over to her and patted her down. when he touched her crotch she cried out. "Ah!". he was astounded at what he felt. before sala could react he had swfitly pulled down her pants and her big throbbing peen swung free once more. Gasps rang out from the inquisitive frogs as they beheld her long peen. Sala looked like she was going to cry. Emily had ran up and hugged her keeping her close. Sala thought that they might ridicule her or call her a freak, but when she looked out at them they had bowed their head respectfully. "This one is blessed! to have both male and female in one! we are honored to have some one like you visit us!" said the tall one. Mika was so worried for Sala but they seemed to show her great respect, she breathed a sigh of relief. Sala was still shaking and her penis was throbbing hard with so many eyes on it. she was hard pressed for words. "Y-You think I'm ...blessed?", Sala said shakily. "Yes! it is so rare in it must be a gods given thing!" the tall one said with a bow. sala quickly pulled her pants up but she had a very confused expression. sure penny and they other had excepted her herm status but these people were practically worshiping it!

Finally they checked Mika. As one of them moved up to her, a small male, he seemed a little intrigued by her glasses. though soon he to was patting her down witch of coarse made Mika blush and twitch a bit. Mika braced herself as she felt him go for her clothes. her pants were pulled down and her shirt was pulled up, she wasn't striped but she was exposed, and they were all looking at her! Penny saw more of her girl cum begin to leak. She closed her eyes and looked away as she was presented to the frog people. everyone seemed to enjoy the look of her body. "You are clean! all of you! you may enter at your leisure. please let us show you our hospitality!", the tall one said with a pleased smile. "G-good job penny.....we are a-allowed to enter.."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A kiss to the walls of her womb is her only answer lest she give them all away. The blobs inside all of them gave an excited wiggle as they were let it, but quickly stopped so they weren't figured out.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As they walked into the village they could see small houses made of wood all lined up in neat rows. All of them having chimneys with white smoke wafting form them. The tall Kir-kah had a short head of reddish hair. it seemed as though he was the gate keeper and head guard by the way he would motion at the other and them would move this way and that. His bone necklace was much more ornate then the others. many of the younger kir-kah would run over to them and poke at them only to be shood away by the head guard. "Um..excuse me...can we see the person in charge?", Mika asked meekly. "mmm, yes. The head shaman wishes it. this is the frits time we have seen any of your kind. So, he wishes to know you better." the head guard said as he lead them forward. many of the Kir-kah around them woul also look tp emilys nude body and smile find her rather attractive, at the same time they seemed to think that about all of the girls. they really did seem like friendly bunch. "just what could have made them act so violently?", Mika thought as she looked around at them. Sala was holding her hand on her crotch not wanting her big bulge stared at. the Kir-Kah seemed to like her allot too the girl would give croaky giggles at her and blow kisses to her. the men seemed very interested in Mika looking like they wished she was as nude as Emily.

soon the arrived at a large round shelter and the head guard hopped over to the door and knocked three times. After a second the door opened to revel a the bent over from of the head shaman. his blueish color had faded with age and his hair was long and grey. his skin seemed wrinkled in places but he moved with confidence and purpose. he wore the skull of some kind of scary looking animal and a kind of fur cloak. her held them in his cloudy eyes intently. "So, you are the off worlders. We are always welcoming to those with inquisitive minds." He looked them over once more. "i also see you have blessed one among you there are some in or village how are blessed as you are little one." he smiled at Sala. Sala looked about nervously but she seemed ok for the most part. "And you red colored one....i must speak with you especially. come into my house so we may speak.", the shaman then lead them inside. they were then sat around a fire with the shaman and the head guard had fallowed them in. "We are the Kir-kah the smartest of the creatures of this world, and I am ma-boon the leader of these people. I am pleased to have visitors for beyond that are not evil like the formless. Please do ask any questions." he said as he passed Mika a bowl of very clean looking water. she took it and bowed politely and then took a drink. "Ok, uh well...tell us about the uh..."formless" Who are they?" she asked even though she knew. "Demons! they are demons! from beyond the stars like yourself! at first we thought they were peaceful and we exchanged much in supplies and knowledge. But! it was all a ruse! A ruse! we started getting quite friendly with them and they acted quite found of us, seeming well versed in the ways of love! but it was all to make us let our guard down! one day one show up, his color black as night. Seeing one of our "allied" race we opened the gate but then it all went wrong! That monster dashed into the village began to attack our people with weapons of lightning and then, more of the formless demons appeared! the swarmed our village tuning to mere moving blobs with no shape or form! We couldn't stop them all of our attacks proved worthless against them!", his eyes were full of fury, "They swallowed our people and carried them off and we never saw them again! the frist black one appeared before us and said we are the galora! and we are the rulers of this world now!" he looked them over seeing there shocked expressions. Mika wondered what penny thought of all this.....a black one......vaine? was he behind all of this?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Not even the comfort of her lovers womb could stifle the anger brewing in Penny's mind. Only one black galora would do something like tarnish the name of her entire race! Vaine...VAINE! Everywhere he went problems would arise! She seethed inside of Mika, wanting to slide out and try to correct these wrongs...but it would only cause trouble right now...or would it? Penny honestly had no idea how to act right now... showing herself would put everyone at risk and not even she could protect them while they were in the middle of the kir-kah village. She took a long shuddering breath and leaned against the walls of Mika's womb, planting a light kiss on it, hoping she would speak for her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika held her stomach feeling penny's distress, then her kiss. "I know penny....i know.....", she said softly. the other three girls had worried looks on there faces as they sat around the fire. "they have taken our people and betrayed our trust! that cannot be forgiven! we will strike at them until my people are returned to us!", he said angrily. he paused for a second getting himself calmed back down. "but that is our problem.....I am interested by you red one. tell me your name." he asked Mika politely. "O-Oh! ...I-I'm Mika, I'm whats called a squiliden." she said with bow of her head. Ma-boon looked back at her with curt nod. "Ah, I wanted to talk to you especially. i sensed something from you! there is something ancient in you blood, I can smell it. you are important this much i can tell. there was a prophecy told to us by our ancient oracle. it said: A being shall come to you from the stars with the body of a goddess. she will guide you to the right path. and you look very much like the woman in the depiction of the prophecy. you could very well be that being mentioned in the oracles worlds...." he said as he looked at Mika intently. "M-Me? In some ancient legend? I-I dont know about that......", Mika said as she rubbed her hands together nervously.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
If Mika could see Penny's face it would be plastered with a look that just screamed "I told you so" to the very stars above! She had her hands over her mouth to restrain her laughter lest the shaman question why her stomach had a giggle going on. But this was also their chance! If mika was some big player in their prophecy that was supposed to lead them...then she could tell them this was not the towns peoples fault! She could only hope Mika pieced that together.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily smiled, "Penny totality called it!", she said with big grin. Mika was turning red. "You seem to have a very modest soul....this is one of the key traits that make a great guide. we should see the oracle, it will know if you are the one of legend or not." Ma-boon then rose to his feet. "You're companions can join us. fallow me." he said as he exited the large hut. Mika fallowed, along with everyone else. The shaman hopped on top of a large stump and called out to his people in his own language. it was very strange sounding to them lots of lots of fast single syllable words with strange croaks and chirps thought it wasn't unpleasant to listen to, it was actually quite melodic. Many villagers gathered around to hear what he would say. "People! The off worlders may have the one of legend among them! bring the stone of the oracle" he commanded. soon a few kir-kah could be seen bringing what looked allot like the white egg shaped rock from Zeedum, but much smaller. they placed it in front of the shaman. he kneeled before it. "Oh great oracle hear me! we have brought one who maybe the one with the body of a goddess!", he said as he clasped his hands together in prayer. The other girls looked on intently hoping Mika would be ok. The stone them began to float in the air a few inches off the ground. its top opened up and a holo projection appeared. All of the kir-kah bowed at this. The figure of a tall thin glowing white figure appeared, it features were hard to place. Its face and body were partially obscured by glowing clouds. It spoke in a wispy flowing voice. "I am summoned....but, to what end? what shall do for you?", it said voice clam and tranquil. "Oh great and wise oracle! We bring you this girl from beyond the stars! Tell us! is she the one you spoke of?", the shaman said as he pointed at Mika.

Mika was very surprised to see the frog people in possession of another artifact, and even more so when it projected a figure and began to speak! "W-Wow! an arifact of the unknown people? is this what the necklace was pointing me too? no.....there must be a temple im sure of it...", Mika thought as she looked on in awe. the figure looked to Mika. ".....This one?....." the, eyes of the"oracle glowed as a blue light was shown on her. all the Kir-Kah owwwed and ahhhhed at this. "Confirmed... this one is what i have spoke of......she will guide you....." it said its wispy voice remaining soft and clam. all the kir-kah gasped. "Yes oh wise one! we will take your words to heart!", the shaman said praising the oracle. the orcale was starting to fade when Mika called out, "W-w-wait! hold on! can't you explain some of this to me?!". "yes......." it said coming back into view. "I'll tell you the words i was instructed to hand to the inheritor.......take heed oh Kir-kah A being shall come to you from the stars with the body of a goddess. she will guide you to the right path. she will show you the way to the future. but beware oh Kir-Kah one day a formless one black as night, may appear and reap havoc and chaos on your lands! "


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
At this point, Penny is at her limits of patience. Not even the steady rhythm of Mika's heart beat or the warmth of her womb could contain her excitement now. Mika can feel Penny ooze out of her womb and slide down her pussy before leaking out and hitting the ground with a wet slap. She instantly forms into Mini Penny and points up at her. "I told you so! I knew that statue looked like you! You are a descendant of the ancient squiliden fertility goddess! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" She stops to pant before turning around and looking at the crowd. "Uhhh, hi."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Everyone was surprised to see mini penny there and Mika made an "eep!" as penny slipped out of her pussy and then out of her pants. "P-Penny?!" she said her eyes wide. "What are you doing!?", Sala cried her face a mask of shock. All of the Kir-Kah gasped in surprise and backed away with the females grabbing their children. "Its a formless!", "its going to attack us!", "that girl was no legend! she was just a pawn of the formless!", where among the cries of the people. The head guard lep up along with several other strong looking kir-kah (both male and female are part of the guard). They brandished spears that they had lit on fire and were pointing them at penny and the others. Jezzy didn't have time to take a shot before the frogs got all over her. Sala and Emily were similarly pinned to the ground. "AAAH NO!", they cried. "take the red one as well!" the head guard called. "W-W-WAIT", Mika cried. "she's not dangerous! she wont hurt you!", she moved herself in front of mini penny.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny casually walks over to Emily and controls the goo inside, making it fall out so she can reform to about Sala's height before turning around and facing the guards with flaming spears. "It's high time someone gave you all a talking to. You can brandish your spears, call me a formless demon and if you really must, stab me with your spear. Go ahead, kill me, but know that you are no better than the galora that attacked you, because you would be killing and innocent." She sits down and make no motion of hostility what so ever. "I understand what you are are afraid and scared because of what happened to you, and I truly can sympathize with those feelings of helplessness. But what you are doing is wrong! The galora at the settlement have done nothing wrong! They are sitting over there wondering why you attacked them! The one who attacked you is a vile man by the name of Vaine and he is a stain on the name of galora. But answer me this shaman." She looks at the old shaman, locking eyes with him. "Because one bad person hurt you...does that justify hating their entire race?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The shaman had not moved this entire time. he was staring intensely at Penny. She couldn't really read his expression. Many of the guards were looking at each other unsure of what to do. "Why should we listen to her? how do we know its not a trick!?" the head guard said as pointed at penny. Some of the guards raised there spears again while others did not. "No please hear her out! If I'm some so kind of guide then I will vouch for her! S-She is right you have been deceived!" Mika said practicality begging them. "Why should we listen to you?! We cant take chances! we have lost brothers and sisters to the formless!.......your disgusting people have taken my love! My everything! and you expect me. Me!? believe you?! Ha!" a single tear fell from  his face. "I, the captain of the guard, Han-jo will send the depths of underworld myself." the head guard raised his spear rage and hate burning in his eyes. Mika quickly moved in front of penny blocking the way. "What?! Move! If you do not...i will kill you too!". Mika didn't budge, not one inch but she shook in fear. "N-No! I wont let you hurt her! Please! I know you are in pain! horrible pain! the pain of losing someone! P-Please! she's telling the truth!" mika was scared, oh so very scared! but she wasn't going to move. "MOVE!" "N-NEVER!". The shaman was still staying silent
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mika, sweetie, please step aside." Penny said with the calmest voice she can muster. She slowly got to her feet and stood before the guard captain, arms at her side. "Go ahead guard captain, strike away, end my life right here and right now. But I can tell that you already won't change anything. I am not from the settlement, I am from the stars, my death would change nothing. It would not bring your love back, it would not bring your people back. It would simply add to the lives lost over a grave misunderstanding. But as I stand here, unarmed and unarmored before you, I will not raise a hand in my own defense, for I am not the one who attacked you, nor will I ever be the one to attack you."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika tried to protest but it was the shaman stopped her from speaking. "wait.....listen..." he said as he watched penny talk to the Han-jo. all of the other guards had lowered their spears. its seemed that Mika and Penny had a noticeable effect on them. the crowd had gone silent as well. Han-jo still stood there spear in hand, but penny could see his grip tremble. tears streaming down his face. penny's words seemed to have done something to him...seeming to uncoil what emotions the captain had been holding back. but suddenly he raised his spear ready to strike. But, before he could do anything the spear fell from his grasp and he fell to his knees. he put his hands on his face as he said, " are would serve no purpose...oh my love! how can i go on! look what i have almost done!....I am not fit to be captain......", he said in his sorrow, ashamed of himself. "No captain. you are fit for your heard the wisdom in their words and laid your weapon aside..." the shaman said finally speaking up. " have the smell of serenity I can sense it. if this is the truth you speak....then we have much to discus....guards release them!" the guards then let go of Sala. Emily, and Jezzy. Mika then ran up to the Sala sized penny and hugged her tightly. "Oh penny! I-I was so scared that they might hurt you!" she said as she squeeze her tightly. the captain han-jo could not move, his sadness had rooted him in place there on his knees. he may have seemed so tough and commanding before but now he seemed so sad.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny happily returned her hug, planting a loving kiss on Mika's lips before gently pushing away and offering a small hand to Han-jo. "You are very brave guard captain. Grief makes us do such horrible shameful things. But your heart is in the right place, even now you can hear the truth when it is presented to you, not many people can say the same." With a smile she looks to the shaman. "I wouldn't say serenity...I would more say stubborn. I just do what I think of and say what is on my mind...often times it works against me. But right here, right now, I have put more trust in you shaman than you know. These girls with me, all four of them, are my pod mates and lovers... the very essence of my being, and I have laid them bare before you. For what it is worth, I thank you for not hurting them... though I never thought you would in the long run." She turns to Sala and Jezzy. "Ok guys, you can give me my body back now...though I think it will be a bit harder for Sala. Oh well! I know how to get it out of there once we have some privacy. But first, I do believe I need to have words with the shaman."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Han-jo took the hand up shakily his but he was unable to look penny in they eyes, he sniffed as tears continued to fall form his face. He straightened up and turned away. " us...." he said be for he left hopping away, perhaps to get get some privacy. Sala got up as the guards helped her up. they had sorrowful looks on their faces. "We are sorry blessed one...", one of the female guards said to her. Sala looked at them with a scowl but said, "Its-Its ok.... you jerks" as she turnned away blushing her peen was really throbbing now these kir-kah all looked really cute when they were sorry. as they released Emily and apologized to her she said, "oh dont worry~ you all have very nice feeling bodies so i cant really be mad at you~", with a wink and a squeeze of her boobs. she really seemed to enjoy this walking around naked stuff. Jezzy just gets up dusts herself off and asked for her rifle back. Mika stayed close to Penny keeping hold of her hand as she calmed back down after such a scary event. "you may handle the you have with your family first if you wish. I will wait in the hut...pen-ny was you name? i have much to think please take you time" the shaman said giving her a curt nod. "Oh yes, and bring Mi-ka with you.", he said as he headed back into his hut. the crowd murmured. but eventually dispersed perhaps to ponder there actions....they a seemed like a very thoughtful, but emotional bunch. Sala looked to Penny. "uh was ...really brave....", Sala said her cheeks turning even more blue, seems as though it made her admire penny even more. "oh penny! that was great!", Emily said enthusiastically as she jumped up and down jiggling her exposed breasts and butt. "W-Wow....penny i don't think i could have done that....", Mika said as she looked to the side.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The moment all the kir-kah had moved away Penny melted around Mika, shaking like a leaf. "Oh goooooooooooooooooods, I thought he was going to stab me with that spear! That was scary!" she clung to Mika for a few minutes, letting her nerves calm down before smiling to the others. "Some times you have to do scary things to get your point across. It was only a hunch that they would see reason, nothing more than that." she kiss Mika again before walking over to Jezzy and patting her belly. "You first Jezzy! Don't worry, I will take care of it for you!" She melts around Jezzy's legs and crawls up her body and down into her body suit. She pauses at Jezzy's breasts, giving them a bit of slimy loving before sliding lower between her legs. With a delightful feeling she slips inside her pussy to regain the other part of her body. Once reclaimed, she wiggles about on purpose before sliding up and back out of her collar. After reforming she was the same height as Mika now. 

"Thank you! That just leaves our little buggy girl now doesn't it?" She lays down on her back, props herself on her elbows and opens wide to show Sala her gray pussy. "Sorry Sala, but you have to cum me out of your body!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was surprised to feel penny shake like that...but she understood. As she her self was still shaken a bit so she welcomed the gooey hug, Jezzy shivered as Penny did her thing, her body sliding around on her boobs and taking the goo out of her pussy made her moan and stumble a bit. " did that on purpose.....", Jezzy said giving penny a look that said: really?  Sala looked left and right looking at penny uncertainly. " want me to put it in? I-I've only even used a-a-a ...pussy...once with Mika..." she said as she beheld penny all open to her like that. Her four eye were looking off to the side as she held her arms nervously. "oh don't worry deary. you'll do fine its easy, really!" Emily said as she pulled Sala over to penny. Sala could feeling her peen throb hard and felt the goo churn in her balls as looked down at penny her gray pussy inviting her. Emily gave Sala a kiss on the cheek as she said, "Ok Sala its time for a little help from me, Dr.Emily!", she said cheerfully. she then gently stripped Sala of her clothes. her peen throbbed a little harder exposed to the open air. "Lets just line this up~." Emily said as she grabbed Sala's peen and lined it up with Penny gray pussy. then with her other hand she spread that gooey pussy open for Sala. As her cock head touched the rim of Penny pussy Sala started breathing heavily. Emily then moved Sala's hands and placed them on penny thighs. "there you go love~, she all yours Penny!", Emily said as she moved back, a big grin on her face. Sala looked at penny unsure of herself. " this ok? can...i...put it in?"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"It sure is love! Just give it a push!" A tendril reached behind Sala and pushed her forward, sinking her peen into Penny's pussy. Pleasure explodes in Sala's mind as this is unlike anything she has felt before. Unlike Penny's many, many goo jobs she has given her, the inside of her pussy was completely different. It was very warm, very wet and felt like gliding her cock into a slimy velvet hole. Penny smiled down at her little bug "Feels amazing doesn't it? Not many people know that there is, in fact, a difference between just sinking into my body and actually using my pussy. You are the first person I have ever let use it i guess... Sala just took my viriginty!" She gave her a playful wink and squeezed her cock with her walls.