Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy gave a weak laugh, "'re weird.....but you're alright. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.", Jezzy said as she gave penny's hand an affectionate squeeze. Mika stays hugging into Jezzy, her head resting on Jezzy's soft breasts, her breathing deep and relaxed. As she was riding the afterglow she wondered how she would get anything done if she was naked a can get kind of distracting, but she didn't voice these concerns as she just wanted Penny to be happy right now.

Emily had actually been taking inventory of all of Penny's stored medicines and medical equipment, while Sala typing down some recipes she could try later on. Emily found that penny certainly had the essentials in order but nothing that could help if anyone had a very serious accident. she would need to ask penny how they would handle such a situation if it arouse. Sala was just so unsure. being nude almost all the time? How would she focus on anything with that peen of hers flopping around all the time.

Penny received a chime in her cock pit apparently she had gotten an E mail from Mika's mom. If she checked it it would say: Hello penny dear its me Mira again! just wondering how things are going with you and my little darling! Oh, and i would certainly love to get acquainted with your parents dear, do give their number if you want.

-hugs and kisses Mira.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny happily strolled into the cock it after untangling herself from the others. sitting down and reading the note, she quickly punched in a reply.

Hi Mira! This is Penny! Things are going really well over here. Mika and I have expanded our little crew, we are not five member strong! We found a Cyborg named Emily who turned out to be a doctor, an adorable little la'cotum girl named Sala who turned out to be the sister of our friend AND a chef, and finally a Shrax woman named Jezzy who is a sniper...and she lactates all the time! It's great! Things got a bit exciting on our last two stops, poor Mika got caught in an exhibition machine! Oh has been a while since we last talked. I guess I should call you mother in law cause Mika was my first pod mate! In galora culture, that is basically marriage. Sala and Emily joined in too after a bit! That is all for now! i will attach my mom's email and phone number below! 

-Love Penny, Mika, Emily, Sala and Jezzy!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny's mom and Mika's mom would probably have a lot to say to eachother. but not much of their conversation would reach penny and co.

Mika had recovered and was sitting on the couch now she was looking at her terminal. "Oh uh penny! i just pulled up some info on Silvum, there is a native race that has been recently discovered! A-Apparently they're some kind of frog like people that call themselves the Kir-kah....they've been butting head with the local galora..." she explained, a hint of concern in her voice. "...hmmm....i cant imagine the galora doing anything really violate to anyone.....if anything...i would think they would have easily won them over with........", Mika searched for the right word.".....Diplomacy....What do you think penny?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well, if they are the kind against open sex, then yea we would butt heads all day long until their skulls cracked open. There is also the fact that galora are really stubborn, we just don't like to give up on things so it is highly possible the diplomats are being really pushy and not letting the conversations cool off before trying again. However, there could just be some bad blood between the races...maybe they have had dealings with primal galora and associate all galora with them? It's hard to say, but once we get there we can give it some poking, maybe help smooth things out." She sits down next to Mika and starts playing with her hair.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika rubbed her chin her, face still a little bit flushed from earlier. Her legs were crossed, she tended to sit that way when she was nude as the open air sometimes had an effect on her arousal. Mika tentacles held on to penny's hand softly as she messed with her hair. "It might be helpful for us to get involved....the natives must know were any ruins are on the planet.... im sure that both sides can be reasoned with.....". mika said with a hopeful expression. "I don't know. natives are wild cards..... we should be careful...", Jezzy said cautiously.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny twirls her hand around in Mika's tentacle hair, playing with it as a smile sits on her face. "Of course Jezzy, we will be as careful as we can be, but at the same time we really need to try and settle whatever this dispute is. I should be able to get the galora there to talk to me, a little wiggle waggle jiggle giggle if you know what I mean." She bobs her eye brows. "If not, We can just let them drink from Jezzy and Sala, those sweet treats will win over anyone!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala was giving penny an embarrassed and irritated stare from the kitchen. "H-Hey! i herd that!", Sala yelled. Jezzy just blushed a bit and looked to the side. "A-Anyway....its probably just a misunderstanding. I-I'm no mediator.....but I'm told my people are good at it....", Mika said as she pondered,


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"We will make it work, don't worry everyone! The ship is already on course there so we don't have much of an option at this point. I am sure this is all just a big missunderstanding and once we get there and solve it out, galora and frog people will be having sex out in the open all day and ally night! It should be lovely!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"geez penny... I don't know how your people get anything done...", Sala said as she rolled her eyes. "Oh! if its a galora colony does that mean everyone is going to be nice and naked?", Emily asked with a smile. Jezzy raised one eyebrow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny grabs a pillow and throws it at Sala where it bounces off her head. "Don't be rude Sala! Just because we know how to have a good time doesn't mean you can be a prude jerk about it." She turns to Emily and nods happily. "yes actually! Galora prefer to be naked because clothes get in the way of our shape changing...and they block all the fun bits on our none galora pod mates!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Ah! geez it was a joke sorry..." Sala said looking sorry. "oh yay~. does that mean we get walk around there all naked too~?", Emily asked a very big grin on her face. "o-oh my......", Mika blushed at the thought of so many people walking around in the nude.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"You can if you want to Emily! None of the galora will get upset about it...though they might approach you for some fun if you are willing. The vast majority of my people take female body shapes simply because other species find it more appealing." She looks back over to Sala. "apology accepted Sala, that is just a sore topic for me." Penny smiles and lays down with her head in Mika's lap. "I am excited now! Been a while since I have been around a large group of my people."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh Sala! you should join me in that! it'll be fun!", Emily said as she clasped her hands together. "I....kinda wanna....not walk around nude there..", Sala said with her hand behind her head. "U-um I would much rather....keep my clothes on there too...", Mika said shyly. "I'll take my jumpsuit...even if it does rub me a bit. i need to be able to blend in with the black color.", Jezzy added.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny frowned and gave Mika googly eyes. "Aww, really. You guys don't want to embrace my people in our natural culture? Ok...I can't and won't force you...though it does bum me out a little bit. At least Emily will be in the spirit of things, right girl?!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"oh yes im with you all the way~. I will wear some shoes though, don't want my feet to get tired and all that.", Emily said as she reached over the coach and gave one of Penny's nipples a pinch. "you said most of them look like girls? how do you tell the difference between a male and a female?", Jezzy asked genuinely curious.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny laughs and grabs Emily, pulling her over and rolling off the couch to land on top of her, gooing her all over. "We...don't really have exactly genders like other races. It is just how we think and act. I think like a girl and act like a girl, so I identify as a girl!" She gets off Emily and steps back. Her body shifts and changes until a very handsome male version of penny stand in the open, cock and balls hanging freely in the front. "I could be a man at a moments notice, but I really do prefer the curves of a woman over this." Her voice is deeper and masculine.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika sat there awestruck as Emily gave a whistle. "Now that is a nice trick love! But, I think i agree with you feminine curves are so much prettier~", Emily said as she looked Penny up and down. in the back round they herd Sala fall down on her butt she so was so taken aback. "S-Solous Draxum! I've herd that before i think but seeing it? holy fuck...", Sala said. Emily then gave another smile, "oh oh! can you look like other people? like turn into Sala or something!?", Emily asked with mischievous grin.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course I can!" She melted into a blob and then promptly reformed into a goo form of Sala with gold and grey colors instead, peen and all! "hi everyone, I'm sala! I have the worlds tastiest cum AND I am super adorable, yet I still get fussy when my lovers try to get intimate with me." She walks over and sits in Emily's lap. "Oh man, now I am being serviced by an amazing beautiful cyborg, this is so annoying!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was still just sitting there looking on with a very surprised expression. Jezzy chuckled finding this very funny. Sala was staring with her mouth open and one of her eyes twitching. She stuttered and stammered both parts embarrassed to no end and amazed as fuck that she looked just like her except if she were a gold goo. Emily hugged the false sala like a teddy bear while she gave the the goo form of sala's peen a few strokes. "I-I-I.....c-cmon...I don't act like i?", Sala said finding this very surreal. Jezzy raised her hand, "Hey do Mika too!", she said with a chuckle
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny jumps up from Emily's lap and melts into a blob before a gold and grey version of Mika appears. "H-hello everyone, m-my name is Mika and I-i have the worlds most a-adorable stutter when I am nervous. I am v-very self consious a-about my body besides the f-fact that I put most models to shame. It is likely that I am actually a fertility g-goddess but i for some r-reason ignore the evidence." She walks over and takes Mika's glasses, putting them on and changing her posture. "But with my glasses, i am the worlds cutest and smartest archaeologist! Despite all of this, I still second guess myself on everything, which only makes the others want to glomp me even more!" She sits down and bats her eyes at Mika. "I also want nothing more than to be ravaged by penny day in and day out, but I am too afraid to say that to her face! Oh, it would be paradise to carry her gooey child in my womb!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
If Mika turned any redder she'd look like a tomato at this point. Seeing Penny take her shape like that and say all of those things nearly made her fall over in embarrassment. Somehow she felt even more naked then she already was! " I...and......oh!", Mika said as she put her hands over her face. she wasn't quite able to cope with this level of teasing. Emily was just about dying of laughter on the floor while jezzy put her arm around Mika while she had a good chuckle. Sala had placed both of her hands on her mouth and was trying really hard not to laugh, "T-t-t-t-t-that's u-u-u-u-u-m.......a good trick........" Mika stuttered, trying her hardest to resist the urge to bury her head under the pillows on the coach. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny hands her glasses back to Mika and stands up again, melting down and reshaping as Jezzy. "Good evening everyone, I'm Jezzy. I have lost my past but now find myself by supportive and sexy women at all angles. I like to act stern and collected, but really I just want to take my tits out and have these lovely ladies suckle from me like a cow calf suckles it mother. I produce the best milk in the galaxy but still try to hide it from the others rather than just enjoy the pleasure they bring me. Try as I might to act like the team sniper, I am more like the team mother in every sense of the word, gentle, caring and wanting to feed my babies healthy milk!" She stands next to Jezzy and folds her arms over her chest just like she does. "I am being too bashful, but deep down I want to forget the past, join the pod I saw form around me and lead the worlds best future."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy didn't expect to be the next target, so she was caught off guard. Mika had put her classes back on and was still looking quite red. she put her hand behind her head as she looked at Jezzy. "What?! me? a mother?....i...shit.....", Jezzy said as she started turning red too. "...sure pick on the girl with no memory...." she smiled and gave penny a punch in the arm. "damn do i really act like that.....also did she just lowkey invite me too the pod?" she hod these thoughts behind a smirk. Emily was still laughing holding her sides. Sala was snickering but trying to hide it. "Oh do me! do meeeeee!", Emily said as she clasped her hands together. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Last but not least, a golden Emily appears before them. "Hey everyone! My name is Emily! I had some really bad things happen to me in the past, but I don't let them stop my amazing personality! I am fun, free and love to get frisky at the drop of a hat! My oral skills are unmatched by anything in the entire galaxy AND I like doing it too! In fact, I like sucking on my lovers so much, that alone can drive me to climax! I don't even bother to try and act coy because I know Penny loves it when I strut around showing off my amazing naked body! I don't say it out loud, but I have the worlds biggest crush on Sala and will probably give birth to her child in the future! I could just cuddle that bug all day long!" She runs over to Sala and grabs her into a hug. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily smiled a hug smile as penny did her "Emily" impression. she was laughing through most of it, but when she brought up having a kid with Sala for the first time she saw what Emily looked like when she was embarrassed. her synth face grew light blue on the edges. "oh my word....", she quickly recovered shaking her head. seeing the other Emily hugging Sala made her a bit jealous so she jumped over to join the hug. Sala felt a little weirded out to be hugged by two Emilys at once. Mika actually laughed at that a little and Jezzy thought that Sala getting hugged by two Emily was rather cute looking. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny left Sala to Emily and shifted back to her usual appearance. "See? I can mimic almost anyone except for the colors and what not. It is fun, but I like my gold and gray scheme!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
After all the laughing and joking fell aside Mika raised her hand. "How long until we get to Silvum?", she asked, still trying to get the rest of the embarrassment out of her head. Sala seemed a little hesitant about the idea of going to galora colony. while she was sure they would no doubt be quite friendly, she hoped they wouldn't all be as mischievous as penny...she wasn't sure so could handle that much.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny got up and wandered into the cock pit before coming back. "We have an hour before we reach Silvum's orbit. Gotta love that hyper drive huh? Turns three days into three hours." Sits down and lays her head on Mika's lap again, reaching up to once more play with her tentacle hair.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"so uh Mika, whats the plan? when we get there I mean.", Jezzy asked as she had taken hold of her sniper, adjusting the sights. "Huh t-the plan?", Mika said still somewhat mulling over what penny had said about her. "well...i mean your actually the boss if you think about point the way....we fallow...." Jezzy said matter of factually, but she gave her a warm smile none the less. "Oh.......I don't really see myself as someone who can lead...B-But you are right in a well, o-once we get there we should go talk to the people in charge and see whats really going on.......we need information.....w-we shouldn't make any move with out knowing what we're getting into...", Mika said as rubbed her chin ponderously. in the meantime her tentacle hair was gently warping around penny fingers like they always did, seeming to have a bit of a mind of there own.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nodded along with Mika while she playfully messed with her hair, enjoying the feeling of it curling around her fingers with a smile. "Yea, we should find the galora diplomats first, they will likely be more open to sharing information with us than the frog people."