Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Sounds about right to me...", Jezzy said as she loaded a shock cartridge into her rifle. "im sure they'll be willing to let us help." Emily said with a nod.

After that, the next few hours flew by as they closed on planet Silvum. It was a warm and wet planet with gray tinted atmosphere do to the constant clouds and rain storms thought the few holes in the cloud cover they could see dense mangroves and swamplands, a place well suited to those with non -solid anatomy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looks at the planet from out the window of the cockpit. "Wow! This place is looks amazing! No wonder my people want to settle down here! It looks almost like home save for a few smaller details! Oh, I hope this works out, I would love to come and vacation here!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
as they broke through the clouds they could see the edge of the colony pushed up against the a large swampland. the tree were grey leaved and had black bark. while the grass was a kind of dark red. The buildings weren't anything special to look at, ther looked more or less like large metal containers with windows. they were the kind of shelters that really new colonies used they would be placed by large carrier ships and were very strong, able to withstand all kinds of punishment. Penny spotted a clearing to the side of the settlement and landed there. a few galora watched the ship curiously from a distance while over contained do what they were doing, after all the colony won't run itself. Mika was getting her clothes on, breathing a sigh of relief to have something on again. Sala was pretty much the way however, she seemed much more nervous then see normal did though she was clothed again a bulge could be seen in her pants and she wasn't sure what the galora would do if they saw her. would the ridicule her? Or would they not even care? This question made her very nervous. Emily just pulled on a pair of black boots and grabbed one of penny med kits and stuffed it in a bag. She looked herself over and smiled running around naked out side was going to be fun! Jezzy slipped into her sleek black jumpsuit and blushed a little feeling it rub on her tit and pussy, she could handle it. She slung her rifle over her shoulder and headed for the airlock. Mika looked back to penny. "Well I guess we're ready penny....", Mika said looking a little sheepish.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny has her duster on, but that is it, she is completely naked under it save for her gauntlets which are hooked to the sides of her duster. "Alright everyone! Let's go out and make some friends! Emily, try not to get pulled in for any thing more than a quickie, we do have stuff to do after all." She gives her a wink and opens the door, stepping out first. "Also, Sala try to calm down honey, if anything your tasty peen will drive them to try and woo you for a quick lay."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika steps out as well her terminal in hand. Sala fallows close behind Penny with Emily right behind in all her nude glory, she stretches and winks at Sala, Sala eyebrow scrunch together as she looked away. jezzy was the last one out, that's the way she liked it. "ah yes your right gotta stay focused.", Emily said with a nod. Sala just scratched the back of her head and did really answer penny back. "All right were to first?", Jezzy said as she eyed the galora that were eyeing them. "we uh, gotta see the person in charge of the colony, then work our way from there...", Mika said as she looked out over the galora. a few of them waved, seemed like a friendly bunch, but many if not most, of them were naked just like penny said they would be.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny waves and smiles at the other galora as they move into the settlement, receiving many happy waves in return. "They are just curious about us guys, no need to feel nervous or anything. The galora in charge will be the biggest one with the largest pod. Should be really easy to find honestly."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Despite its rather swampy look the place did have a rather fresh sent about it. as they moved through the colony emily got quite a few winks and kisses blow her way and she did it right back at them with a swagger in her step, letting her hips swing left and right and make her but jiggle a little. Mika wasn't too worried herself just a little overly cautious like often was on a new world. her face was turning a bit red though, everywhere she looked there were naked colorful bodies! she could have sworn she saw a pair "getting busy" in one of the gaps between the shelters. She quickly looked away her face even redder. "this is....even more "extreme" then my homeworld!", Mika thought as she wiped her forehead. emily actually got her butt poked playfully by one of the galora as then walked. Sala was almost clinging to penny, trying to hide her bulge behind her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As the group kept walking, a blue galora in the shape of a human female with a busty body, walked along side the as she eye balled Emily. "Hey there cute stuff! Not every day we get an outsider who embraces our freedoms so quickly! Don't suppose I can steal you for a quick one can I? That body of yours is something to admire, to say the least!" She is being very forward about her wants, but Penny did warn them about it. Two pink galora came up to either side of Sala. "Hi there! What is your name? My name is Wendy! That is my sister Chelise!" "Hi! Wan't to have fun with us? You are so cute we just can't ignore you!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily smirked. "A quick one eh?", Emily said as she put her hands on her hips. "I don't see why not~." Emily said really pouring on her accent. Sala was surprised when the two pink galora showed up no either side of her. they were both naked so it made her blush and her baggy shorts tent. "Uh, hey.....I'm Sala.", she said nervously. although she figured that she knew what they meant, she asked, "What do you mean",as she was holding onto penny, hoping they didn't see her tenting pants.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The two pink galora giggle and move a bit closer. "What we mean is, you take that tent in your pants there and give us a treat!" "Yea! We heard that la'cotum produce really tasty cum, and you are the perfect size!" Penny laughs and gives Emily a wink. "We will be just up ahead Emily, catch up when you can!" The blue galora reaches her hand out for Emily to take. "Come on, we can do it in those trees over there!" she points to a thick patch of trees just off the path they walk.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily happily takes the blue galora's hand and fallows her without another word with spring in her step. Sala is very nervous now, her four light blue eyes shifting between the two. "woah wait I....." she said her face getting bluer. "Penny help me out here!", Sala whispered at penny.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The blue galora leads her over to the trees where she faces her with a smile. "So cutie, what do you want? I can satisfy any need you have and any desire that comes to mind. What best gets you going?"

Penny laughs and picks Sala up. "Sorry you two, this one is so shy that if you tried any of that fun, she would probably pass out while jizzing all over the floor." The two pink galora frown but nod their heads and apologize for putting pressure on her. "See Sala? If you say no they will listen, try to be more confident...and adventurous!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh lets see....I just love me some oral! Give me something to suck on and we can work it out from there.", Emily said with a cheery grin. she then squatted down to the blue galora's crotch and started plying with her gooey clit hoping it would turn into a cock.

Sala hung her head in penny arms. "I just....with my um...bulge.... so visible I just, lose all my confidence..." she hugged penny softly being very unused to having her herm status so easily readable. "hey its ok, no one here will judge you, you should be fine." Jezzy said as she took Sala gently from penny's grip and set her down. "you've got me watching your back ok? i wont let anything happen to you." She said as she ruffled Sala's hair a little. Mika was looking back at all this with concern but it seemed like it was all sorted out. they could see a much longer shelter ahead of them with the words ADMIN pained in red above the entrance. two green male galora stood on either side of the door most likely the security unlike just about everyone else they actually had some clothes on, looking like the standard issue colony security uniform: a short dark blue button up shirt with matching pants. They had a slightly worried expression on their faces, but when they saw the girls they brightened up.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh you are going to be fun! I can tell!" Emily's wish is granted as a foot long 2 inch thick cock grows from what was once her clit. It instantly hardens and rests against Emily's face. "Any particular type of cock you want to suck, or is human good for you?" The blue girl wears a big smile on her face as she gently grinds her new cock on Emily's cheek.

"I understand what you are saying Sala, but you honestly have nothing to fear about it. We are all here for you and all these people want a piece of that lovely peen! No one is judging you, they all just want to get around. Galora can be friendly to a fault at times. Try to relax dear, you will find yourself much better off if you do!" She pats the little bug on the head as they step up to the security guards. "Hello boys! How are things going for you?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"This shape will do just fine.", Emily said as she put one of her hands around the blue goo's cock. "for me its a good taste that matters~" emily said as she gave the cock a few good licks getting a feel for her flavor. "Hey, not bad. not bad at all~. you have a good taste!" Emily then slowly put her mouth around the cock licking around it in a circle as she took it in inch by inch.

"well ok for now. but things are still a little tense around here." said one of the guards with his hand behind his head. "yeah those kir-kan are being very difficult to work with." said the other. the one on the left moved up a little. "so you got business in the admin building?". Mika nodded, "Y-Yes, we wanna know more about the troubled you've been having with the kir-kah.....m-maybe we can help?" Mika asked said shyly. the guards smiled at her finding Mika down right cute. "oh? you wanna help? well who about that.", the one on the left said with a pleased smile. "The ambassador has been having a hard time with the natives....heck, it could be worth a shot. go on in." the one on the right said as pressed a button opening the door. "im sure the ambassador will take all the help she can get. "
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The blue goo lets out a soft coo as Emily slides her blueberry flavored cock into her mouth. Gently resting her hands on Emily's head, she takes a few steps forward to slide into Emily's throat brining her no discomfort as the gooey cock goes down smooth and cool. "Oh sweety! your mouth is amazing! you rival galora here! Have a good suck, I got all the time in the world!"

Penny smiled at the two guards and stepped past them. "Thanks guys! Hopefully we will be able to sort something out for you, get these Kir-kah working with you instead of against you!" Moving inside she looks around the building. "So, just need to finds this diplomat!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily smiles around the blue cock, pleased with the girl's reaction, She reaches up and grabs onto that nice blue squishy ass, giving it a good squeeze. She smoved her head slowly at first finding a good rhythm to settle into. im was good experience this brand new taste had started to get her going. her nipples perked up as her clit popped up too. she would have to tell penny all about it later.

The admin buildings inside looked like how one might expect: a busy place with with desks and terminals everywhere with just as many people using them. there were a lot of galora sure but they could see a few humans mixed in. in the far back they could see a large desk with all manner of important looking paper on it a single large holo screen in the middle. They could see a tall bright red colored galroa sitting at the desk. she was slender but shapely having lovely wide hips and a what could be d-or-c cups under what looked like tan fancy looking trench coat. her eye were a bright yellow and she had long dark red goo hair that looked like flowing locks but was actually one long tendril of goo. she was looking at the holo screen with a very ponderous expression being deep in thought,
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the blue goo tightened her grip on Emily's head just a bit to hold her still. "Sorry hon, but I need to thrust, just hold still an enjoy my cock while I enjoy this throat pussy of yours!" She slowly started thrusting into Emily's throat, sliding her long cock in and out like it was normal intercourse. She would slide all the way to the hilt before pulling back half way and repeating it while moans began to slide from her throat. 

"Mika, that looks like her! Let's go say hi!" She took the lead and walked over to the red galora with a smile on her face. "Excuse me, are you in charge here?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily shrugged her shoulders as she was held there and face fucked. it really was tasty to her. If penny and this girl were any inaction, the galora were an entire race of good tasting people. not wanting to be just used she set about humming onto the cock and giving it a good lavishing with her tongue. Emily's pink pussy was really starting to get nice and wet now fueled by the wonderful lusty taste of that cock. being th mischievous girl she was Emily slid a hand under to the blue goo's pussy and stuck a couple fingers in and wriggled them around.

The red goo girls head popped up seemilng snapped out of what ever deep thoughts she was having. she blinked at them then said, "oh goodness me i didn't even see you there!", she smiled as she got a better look at the four of them. "I must really be stressed if i didn't see a bunch of cuties like you enter my office.", she stood up and walked to the front of her desk. If they looked down they would see that she made her feet look like fancy high heals instead of regular feet. "...but yes, im the one in charge here. I'm more or less the leader of this colony as well as the head galora ambassador.", she sits on her desk with her legs crossed. "but you, my darlings, can call me Ms.Scarlet.". Mika was quite impressed with how regal she looked and sounded on top of how sexy she was in general. it made it hard to try and make her word come out of her mouth. "o-oh well um......that g-good. we were hoping to meat you. u-um, uh....... do you think you could tell us about the trouble w-with the natives?" Mika asked very sheepishly. "Oh? is that so? I guess talking about it might help me think....but you mind telling me who you are........its just been awhile since I've had visitors, especially cute ones like you~"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The blue goo gave a startled gasp and let go of Emily's head, her gooey legs trembling as she slowly sinks to the ground to rest on her butt. "Ooooh, i'm sorry, but that place is really sensitive for me." She bucks her hips against Emily's hand, the first two inchs of her cock still inside Emily's mouth leaking gooey pre cum over her tongue, a bit like blueberry syrup. 

Penny grinned and offered Scarlet a hand. "Hi! My name is Penny! With me we have Mika the sexy squiliden, Sala the cute La'cotum and Jezzy the team mom! These two are my pod mates while Jezzy is just a really close friend. We have one more but she got pulled away for a quickie, so she should be here once she is done sucking a gooey cock I am sure. We came here to try and help out with the Kir-kah and look for something that may or may not actually be here. But that is for later, diplomacy is now!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily moaned around the cock, loving the taste of her blueberry pre. this made her shove her face down fast taking the hole cock down again she then started bobbing her head up and down quickly wanting more of that delicious taste. she kept her fingers jammed in that pussy and fingering the blue goo, wanting to her under her 'spell'. Emily's pussy engorged and her lips parted as her lust began to grow.

Scarlet gave penny's hand a firm shake. "Well its nice to meet you!" she gave penny a winning smile. "Ok so you wanna know about the trouble with the Kir-Kah..lets when this colony was first established a year ago we didn't see anything of the natives. We thought the whole place just didn't have a dominant species. but then few months we discovered them in the densest parts of the swamp-forests. they seemed rather peaceful for the most part. we got on speaking terms eventually, they picked up galactic standard very fast! so we would ask them all kinds of questions and they where happy to share everything was all hunky dory for awhile there. but one day they stopped welcoming us into their villages and started calling us 'shapeless demons'! we tried talking to them but they wouldn't listen! the very next day the launched an attack on the settlement can you believe it? thankfully they're still in the stone age, so they couldn't really do much to us.....but they did destroy some equipment and that's not good, but get this: the next day they came back, this time with the arrows set in fire! i dont need to tell you what that was bad news.......thankfully no one was killed..... and now i find my self here and now trying to find out why they got this way all of a sudden." she looked worried, "i don't wanna hurt them, there all so cute and lovely looking! the poor things must have the wrong idea about us or something......" she said with a frown. "hmmmm that is weird.." jezzy said thinking it over. "oh m-my! this just wont do...what could cause such a sudden change like that?", Mika said as she pondered this too. "I've investigated everyone living here in the settlement and I can say for certain that none of them had done anything to them far as i can tell." Scarlet said with a frustrated sigh.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh fuck! That mouth, that tongue! I am in heaven! I think I'm going to melt!" She grabs onto Emily's head again and starts to thrust in tune with her bobbing, really slamming her gooey cock into her mouth and throat, smearing her blueberry cream everywehere. Her body absorbs Emily's hand completely inside her gooey pussy and a large tentacle slides around behind her, pushing into her engorged pussy and rubbing against her cervix.

"Shapeless demons? What could have possibly changed their opinion over night? How did they know we are weak to fire more than your average person? This all reeks of sabotage if you ask me Scarlet. I would like to help but...I don't think my presense will really help at this point." She turns to Mika and the others. "I'm sorry guys...but you might have to do this one without me, cause It hink me being there will just upset them."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily squealed around the big blue berry cock as she was getting pistoned into her throat and her pussy was penetrated. She managed to stay squatting down but her legs shook a little as she was getting all kinds of good felling from her pussy and mouth. seeing her hand was now much deeper into that gooey pussy she decides to start fisting the gooey hole knowing that the girl would be just fine with her gooey body.

"it very well could be sabotage....but it certainly wasn't anyone here...." Scarlet said looking around. Mika frowned she didn't want to try and do this with out penny, "I-I dont know if I'm brave enough to do this without you Penny....." she said her confidence in herself still a bit on the low side, Sala thought for a second and then said. "hey penny just how small can you make yourself? i think i have an idea..."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ooooh! I hope you are ready cutie, cause I am going to give you a big belly full of my gooey cum!" With a few more pumps Emily can feel the large cock throb and begins spraying blue berry cum into her mouth and throat in large blasts, quickly filling up her belly with the sweet substance. Down below she can feel the same thing flooding her pussy and womb while her hand and arm are soaked in a thinner version from her pussy.

"I can get pretty small. I think my record is a foot tall, maybe eleven inches. Why? What is your plan Sala?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily moaned loudly around the blue goo's cock as she got all the delicious blueberry cum! with it filling her mouth she gulped it down greedily trying to suck it down through her dick like straw. with all the cum hitting her pussy and stomach she came as well squirting a little around the goo girls tentacle, the rest coming out in a slow trickle. she could squat no longer and fell to her knees as she enjoy the taste of the blueberry cum. finally the cock popped free from her mouth as Emily breathed heavily. "Oh....oh yes~ that was delectable dear~", Emily said as she gave the blue goo a weak smile.

"well....what if you squeezed yourself all small and stuff, and then we could put you in a bag or something along with you gloves and duster...I mean, I'm not scared to go without you or anything....", Sala said trying to look tough, but probably just ending up looking cute. "If for uh...Mikas sake yeah!", Sala said trying to hide her fears. Jezzy was rubbing her chin and thinking it over. "W-What? you could make yourself all little?", Mika said surprised. "That might work," Scarlet said tapping her chin. "but trying to maintain the same mass while shrinking down could be taxing..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The blue goo smiled happily and pulled Emily down onto her soft squishy body, planting a kiss on her lips while giving her a firm snuggle. "Oh honey! You are a treat! Any time you come planet side look me up! My name is Philia! I will gladly take care of you any time!" She rubs Emily's ass while her body sucks on her teats.

Penny nods her head with Scarlet. "Yea, trying to hold all that back is not easy. I could hold it for maybe an hour at most before I would start to grow back to normal size. So, unless I can safely deposit myself around....This would have to be a really short trip." She thinks for a moment. "Well, I could just give each of you balls of my good. Then I wouldn't have to worry about holding it because I would actually be that small. If you really wanted to make it fun though..." She places her hand on Mika's crotch. "Let's hide my pieces in fun places!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily gave a happy sigh as she hugged Philia enjoying the sucking and rubbing. "Mmmm, I'll defiantly remember that, i might bring friends next time." Emily said after gave the blue goo a kiss. reluctantly she untangled herself from Philia's lovely squishy embrace. "I have to catch up with my pod but i will certain be in the area for a while!", Emily said as she gave the wave as she started walking to the admin building. there was still gooey bluish jizz leaking out of her pussy as she walked leaving a trail that lead to her. she let it happen however as she took wide steps showing it off like a badge of acceptance.

Mika put her hands over her mouth as she thought about what penny just said and what that would mean. "wh-what?!", Sala sputtered her eyebrows raised. Jezzy just coughed a little as she raised one eyebrow. "Oh, that's both fun and smart.", Scarlet said as she pointed at penny. "They might search any bags you carry but if you stick penny inside you they wont be able to find her! that's good now you can be safe knowing she'll be right there with you." Mika wasnt sure what to say. that sound really...odd but scarlet was making allot of sense they wouldn't check inside of them. "Are you sure that's really a good idea?!", Sala said very hesitant about the whole thing. "Mika back me up here!" "I-I-I......its actually...... pretty sound logic......", Mika said her face turning very red.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A fair number of galora wave at Emily and whistle as they see fresh jizz sliding down her thighs. She likely has her choice of any golara here at this point should she desire more gooey fun.

"See! Fun and smart! I am just full of good ideas and soon you guys will be full of me!" She laughs happily and looks between them. "I think when Emily joins us I should be able to put enough into each of you so I can get inside of Mika. I can't put too much inside one of you other wise they will figure out something is up, so you will feel full but you wont have a bulge! You know Sala, you have multiple places for me to hide. Some in your little pussy, some down that big cock too!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala grabbed her groin with a fearful expression. "W-What?! but stuff isn't supposed to go in m-my cock, only out!", Sala said as her face was getting bluer. "Well......I guess it ok just try not to fuck up my aim ok?", Jezzy said with her arms folded...huh penny was right she did fold her arms like that... Just then Emily showed up. It was temping to jump more willing goo people for sure...but she wanted to make sure Sala was ok and she wanted to show penny her "badge of acceptance". "Hey guys lookie was I got~" Emily said as she stood with her legs spread apart. i single blue drop fell from her pussy lips. Sala was looking at this and she swiftly turned away. "Emily! don't be weird!", Mika wasn't surprised but it was still embarrassing to look at. Jezzy just rolled her eyes. Scarlet laughed and gave a clap. "Part of penny's pod are you? looks like you were having fun! good on you. Always great to see people being so free and i must say you have nothing to hide." she said with a pleased smile. she more or less explained the situation to Emily too after that. "Oh my....that is strange. but I'm certain we can get to the bottom of this. Also i like this plan of penny's!" Emily said cheerfully.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny cheered and looked to the others. "Alright! Let's put this plan into action!" She grabbed onto her body and pulled off a large section, about the size of a bowling ball. Once it was off, she was already much smaller than before. "Here you go Emily!" She does it again and hands it up to Jezzy. "This one is for you" once more and she is now smaller than the blob, standing only a foot stall so she simply pushes it over to Sala "Last one for you Sala!" She walks over to Mika and jumps up and down. "Pick me up! It is weird down here!"