Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily was more then happy to share Sala's sweet bounty as she swirled her tongue around lathering up the inside of Penny's mouth with the sweet liquid. Sala just rested there in penny's goo she was still there but her body was exhausted form such an intense orgasm. "Draxum.......that was.....something....." she said softly as her eye fluttered. then Sala remembered! This was all just to get her clothes off! wasn't it? or did they just want to give her some love...... she could tell. either way a weak frown crossed her face as hugged onto Penny.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny licked the cum out of Emily's mouth and sucked her tongue for more of the flavor before breaking the kiss with a wink. She then snuggled up with Sala in her arms, reshaping her legs and resting their little bug against her chest. "To answer your question Sala, it started as a a scheme to get your clothes off, but ended as us just wanting to give you some loving again." She smiled and rested against the wall, her eyes drifting shut as she relished teh warmth of her smallest lover.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily sighed happily glad that she got to have more of the lovely cum in her mouth. she took a seat next to Penny and gave Sala and Penny a kiss on the cheek.
 Sala kinda didnt want to let go since she was naked now and felt all exposed again. "maybe....I'll play along......for now..." she said with a sigh.

Throughout all of this Mika had been sitting with Jezzy on the couch. when they looked they found Mika sitting in Jezzy's lap talking up a storm. it seemed that Jezzy was asking her stuff about the Shrax people since she couldn't t remember anything about them herself.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny Sighed happily and leaned against Emily. "Thank you Sala, it means a lot to us, no matter how silly it might seem." She looks over to the couch and chuckles lightly. "Well, Mika and Jezzy will be busy for the next several hours as Mika gives her a run down of every historical event on the shrax. Guess that just leaves us three together. What do you guys want to do? i am fine with cuddling as we are, but at least lets head to the bed for maximum comfort." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh no. if we go to the bedroom your'e just gonna do more stuff...", sala said opposed to the idea. She then gave a little smile, "Actually i have an idea! I bet you guys didn't know this but, i can cook! really well in fact! Just point me too the kitchen and I'll see what I can do." Sala said boastfully.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny laughs and pokes her nose before pointing to the other side of the room. "you mean that kitchen my little buggy? Sure, I could go for a snack or something. Show us what you can do!" She puts Sala down and walks to the side of the kitchen where she gets out a white apron. "Don't forget this though."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala takes the white apron and puts it on, actually a little glad to have something on, her peen however could still be seen swinging lewdly below part of it. she wasn't a fan of that...but that was always made her happy so she figured why not show off a bit. She moved for the fridge and opened bending over to look inside, her nice ass and pussy on display. "lets see here....what does penny have on hand?" she asked herself as she looked.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The fridge is fairly well stocked ever since Mika joined her. Fruits, veggies, milk, juice, some raw steaks, eggs, left over sandwhich Penny has not eaten yet and a burrito from wen they pulled over to Space Taco Place. A decent selection, but nothing fancy.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"hmmm..... not the best assortment....but there is quite a bit to use....ok, that meat looks good and i could use some of those fruits for a sauce!" she though as she grabbed some ingredients. Sala was fast as she moved about the kitchen, grabbing a nice bid nice a cutting board and frying pan. She speedily began chopping one of the bigger steaks into small round pieces. then she got some fruits that looked like bluish pears she then chopped those up in to smaller pieces. she then started heating the pan and putting the round meatlets in it letting them cook slowly. she then grabbed a bowl and put the the little pieces of fruit inside stanched one egg and cracked it on the bowl putting its contents inside. next, she found some of penny's sugar and put a little in the fruit mix she was making. she quickly turned the meatlets over to make sure they cooked on both sides then went back to making her sauce. she stirred the mixture and poured it in one of pennys small pots and let that cook as well.

When she did all of this she moved very quickly no doubt looking like a blur in the kitchen, with her lovely peen flopping around all over the place the whole time. it didnt take long for her to get done and soon she showed up with little fruit sauce glazed mini cutlets for everyone. "this is one of my own recipes, im so glad you had coo fruit on hand i love those! Anyway try them!" Sala said as she presented them to everyone.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiled and watched the little la'cotum work about the kitchen, though she mostly just watched her peen flop about an considered moving over there to hold it still in her mouth. Deciding against it she waited for Sala to come over before stepping up happily. "Well these smell great Sala! I am sure they are lovely!" She takes a steaklet and pops it into her mouth were it slides down into her body and dissolves. "Mmm! these are great!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily Popped one in her mouth and gave a thumbs up, after she swallowed she said, "Well not only do you make good stuff with your balls, you make good stuff with you hands! mhmhmhmhmhm~" she said teasingly, but also serious about it actually being very good. Sala gave her an annoyed stare but didn't stay angry at her. Mika and jezzy had taken one each with both of them making the yummy sound: mmmm! "H-Hey its just like your brother said....learn how to cook, right?" Mika said as she grabbed for another.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny laughed and took another one. "Yea, except now I don't have to! Sala is now the official ship chef! The kitchen is her domain, beware all who trespass there!" She smiles and gives Sala and innocent hug and a peck on the cheek. "good job lover, these are excellent. I look forward to what you can make in the future!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Official chef? I can work with that." Sala said with a smirk. "I uh, second that...", Mika said softly. "And I third that notion passed!" Emily still chewing on more meatlets. Jezzy just nodded enjoying the taste. Emily then slid up behind Sala and pulled her apron off before she could do anything, in doing so, causing her peen to flop around lewdly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny giggles and steps forward, reaching out to grab that lovely peen and cradle it in her hand. "Oh Emily, stop teasing the poor girl, we just sent her to cloud nine of pleasure, we should at least let her rest for a little bit before the teasing starts again." She says while still holding it in her warm hand.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala had thankfully placed the patter on the table by that point of she would have dropped it! She squeaked as her peen wiggled and wagged about finally coming to rest in penny warm hands. Her peen was still tired for the earlier sex but it still was a sensitive thing. she pulled it out of Penny's hand quickly holding it with her own hands giving Emily a glare. "So sorry love, didn't mean to do that, just wanted to make sure you stayed nice and naked.", Emily said with an apologetic smile.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles and turns around, walking over to Mika and Jezzy. She casually sits down and leans against Mika before lifting her head up and wrapping her lips around Jezzy's breast, giving it gentle but firm sucks as she goes for a tasty drink. Meanwhile, her hand slides down to Mika's crotch where she casually slide three fingers into her pussy and moves them about.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy gave low lusty growl. "...something to wash it down?...", Jezzy said her voice like smooth as butter. "Mmm~" she looks at mika with a warm smile. Mika had put her hand on penny's when she went for her pussy. "oh! P-Penny?", Mika said as her glasses nearly fell off her face. "Hey can have some too.....I don't mind" Jezzy said as she gently moved Mika's head to her other breast. Mika gave her an unsure glance as her face got some streaks of purple. Jezzy nodded, "go on....give it a try." Mika hovered there for a moment then she took a deep breath as jezzy guided her mouth on to her teat. Mika wrapped her lips around it slowly looking at Jezzy still uncertain. Jezzy just smiled and pushed her classes back onto her face properly. "go on ...give it a suck..". Mika then started gently suckling on Jezzys nipple, "oh yes~! just like that...." she said as penny and Mika were both rewarded with a slow stream of her pink yummy milk.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny sighs happily as she starts drinking her lovely milk, one big gulp at a time. Her fingers keep diving into Mika's pussy, trying to get at her favorite snack of all, Mika's girl cum. Eventually, she moves her hand away and slides two gooey cocks inside of her, delving nice and deep to soak up any leaking juices from her lover.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's had a surprised expression at the sweet and sour taste of shrax milk. she swallowed it slowly and she continued to suckle slowly. Mika felt quite embarrassed now suckling on a teat like child on top of penny's hand in her pussy. Jezzy put her arms around both Mika and Penny hugging them softly in an almost motherly way. stroking there "hair" with her hands. Mika's tentacles reacted by warping around some of her fingers. As Penny jams two cocks into Mika she "mmmmphed" around Jezzy nipple witch in turn, made her milk come out harder forcing Mika to drink faster. Penny's soon felt Mika begin to leak as she always did with a steady dripping of "Mika juice".
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny closed her eyes with a happy "mmmmm" escaping her lips. From above she was gulping down delicious shrax milk and from below she was soaking up Mika Juice as fast as it was being made. Needless to say, she was in complete heaven right now, her body absorbing the liquids and converting it into biomass.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy seemed to really relax when she was being suckled. she held on to them lovingly almost as if they were her own children. Mika had to gulp down the milk quickly so i didn't go down the wrong pipe, getting more and more of the milk out of Jezzy's breast. It seemed to affect her lust as well, making her leak even more on to penny's cocks.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny pushes her cocks in deeper and thrusts them faster, trying to draw out even more Mika juice as she sucked on Jezzy's teat. A third tentacle slide up and bumped against Jezzy's lips trying to get inside. other than that, Penny as completely relaxed, her lower body melting into a blob as she forgets to maintain her legs and feet.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was making her signature cute little "mmphfs" as penny was pushing her higher into her lust. Mika's secretions may not have been as sweet or tasty as anything the other girls made, but it was very "wholesome". At this point with penny going the way she was on Mika's pussy, she was dribbling all over her cocks. Jezzy threw her head back and moaned a little as they continued to suckle her. Penny found that Jezzy opened her legs wider at the touch of her tentacle.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
not needing any more invitation than that, Penny slides her tentacle deep inside of Jezzy's pussy, quickly setting into a fast pace fucking. The tentacles inside of Mika worked a bit faster and soaked up her juice quickly, bringing a smile to Penny's face. She sucked harder at Jezzy's tit, pulling as much milk out as she can, her own lust starting to boil from this relaxed treatment.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy gave a deeper moan as Penny gave her bumpy insides a good fucking. Mika felt really silly right now, here she was, as archaeologist, nude and getting fucked while suckling a tit like a child! she laughed internaly at the absurdity of all of this. but it didn't really seem all that weird in the grand scheme of things when she thought about it .......and it did feel quite....good. Mika reached out to hug jezzy craving closeness and wrapped one arm around her. Her other arm was grabbing for penny wanting her in the hug as well. penny could felt mikas dexterous pussy squeeze and stroke her goo pleasurefully as she her pussy was leaking like crazy, her lust at full blast.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny happy leaned into Mika, pushing herself up against her squiliden lover while she suckles from Jezzy happily. Her cocks move faster in their respective holes, her breathing getting heavier as she is treated to Jezzy's bumpy pussy and Mika's juice on mass. No matter how much Mika leaks, Penny's goo is able to soak it all up like a sponge with no end. She suddenly breaks off the tit and pushes her lips against Jezzy's for a real kiss while a secondary pair of lips resumes sucking out her milk. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika and jezzy could both feel themselves reaching there orgasm. Jezzy eagerly kissed penny back, tickling the inside of her gooey mouth with her forked tongue. her milk was was flowing quite quickly now and mika was struggling to keep up with the flow as drops of pink milk began to leak out of the sides of her face. Even though Mika's ass was being left out of this it started leaking ink. her pussy was really squirming now, penny could feel it mika would shake a little here and there as her lust was reaching its peek. neither of the girls would last much longer. It had been awhile since the last time penny had seen Mika put on a show with her colors but if she looked now she could see Mika doing a new pattern. This time she was changing from purple to sky blue in a very slow and gentle pattern, perhaps because she was feeling quite relaxed as well as lusty. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
It was time to finish these two off and Penny was more than happy to do that for them. She extended another tentacle over to Mika and pushed it into her ass, soaking up her ink before thrusting in and out of it as quickly as the two in her pussy. She then reached up with a goo tendril and started mopping up the milk she was spilling down her chin and body. For Jezzy, she pushed her tongue into her mouth and squeezed goo under her rear to push into her ass as well, double penetrating the shrax girl while sucking harder on her breast.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy quivered as her breasts exploded milk into Mika and Penny's mouths. "Oooooh fuck~!", she cried as the milk gushed out of her shapely boobs. At the same time her own girl cum came forth for her nubby pussy. the sudden gush of milk and the insertion of a cock in her ass was all it took to send Mika over the edge. She clung to the two other girls tightly as she came all over penny's goo. Cum and ink splattering her tentacle cocks. her orgasmic cry joining in at the tail end of Jezzy's.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny moaned as her gooey body soaked up the various liquids that were leaking all around her. Her own gooey cum fired from her respective tentacles, pouring into Mika's pussy and ass while her lone tentacle filled up Jezzy's ass. With a blissful shudder she pulled away from Jezzy and smiled at her two lovers. "Ah, got around to all four of you in under an hour. I think that is a new record if you don't count the bed time orgies!"