Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala hugged Mika softy. "'re ok right?", "Y-Yeah I think s-so...", Mika said with a sniff. Jezzy frowned, she was little frustrated that she wasn't there to protect the little squiliden. "I still need some kind of ammo...I'll have to remind penny..", Jezzy said as she folded her arms (witch pushed up her beasts). "hey mika! maybe you should take a drink of Jezzy! it might help you settle down~", Emily said with a smirk. Mika and Sala both looked at her with raised eyebrows. "what? I'm serious. its a proven fact! there haven been studies you know..."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The ship rumbles as industrial strength tools get to work in the back. Loud cranks and hisses followed by heavy thuds as old busted parts fall off the exterior.The four ladies inside can hear muffled shouting as the crew tries to get everything in place without damaging the hull. This goes on for well over an hour before they can hear the crew leaving and the door open without a squeak! Penny comes in with a smile on her face.

"Alright! We have new engines, a new door, some new coolant pipes and the hyper drive core is finally fixed! So we can move much faster now!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Cool!", Emily said as she nodded to Penny. Jezzy then stepped forward, "hey penny, i still need some ammo...maybe an electric core...that is the cheapest route I think... oh! And after talking it over with Sala I came to the conclusion that a shock pistol would be best for her. Much safer for a girl like her then carrying around grenades!", Jezzy may not have noticed it but she seemed to always be concerned about the two younger members of penny's pod quite often, almost like a mother.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny face palms with a sigh. "I completely forgot to get the other stuff with that stupid machine! I'm so sorry Jezzy, I will go get some now! A shock pistol you said? Yea that would be good, not fatal but will certainly take people out of fights." She turns and heads back out of the ship. In just under an hour she comes back with a large bag in her hand. "Ok! Jezzy I got you two electric cores, should be good for five hundred shots each and we can recharge them using the ships battery. Sala, I got you a TX30 Shock Pistol. It isn't the latest model, but it is the most durable one in the line so far, so if you drop it or it gets knocked out of your hands, it won't break."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Jezzy took the shock cores and and inpected them. after a few seconds she looked back at penny satisfied. "....Nice, thanks...." jezzy said as she put a hand on penny shoulder. Sala grabbed the gun with stars in her eye, "Woah cool!", she said as she held it out and aimed it around trying to look cool or bad ass, but it most likely just made her look like a cute little kid with brand new toy. "Yes...nonlethal is always the way to go....A-At least that's what I think.", Mika said approvingly. "Looks like we got a bad ass over here~" Emily said with a giggle, always finding the stuff Sala did cute.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiled as they two inspected their gifts. "I'm glad you like them, that leaves us with roughly 9800 credits to live off of. Good or standard supplies but if the ship needs repairs then we are in a tight spot again. This wraps up our business here, should we follow the necklace now or does someone else need to make a stop?" she sits down and pulls Mika into her lap.



Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika nods. "I t-think we're good...we can go ahead i think.". She wished she could gotten to meat Tom- Tom under better circumstances, she hoped that he didnt think less of her. "You don't think Tom- Tom is mad at me do you... I hope I didn't make his store look bad...", Mika asked. That's Mika for you, always worrying about others more then herself.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"No sweety! He is actually rather fond of you. Said you have a good spirit about you. Not to mention all the business you drew in for his shop with that display. Before I came inside he told me that he already got four offers for that machine, all of which are very generous!" Penny plants small kisses on her cheeks and gives her an affectionate squeeze.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika nodded a little relived. In the corner of there eye's they could see Sala still playing around with the gun, making pew pew noises when she thinks no one is watching. "Hey! Sala be careful! Thats not a toy!", Jezzy said hands on her hips. "What huh?! I-I wasn't playing with it... I-I was....checking it! yeah....", Sala said embarrassed. "Also why are you still naked? Your jumpsuit has been clean for awhile!", Sala said still slightly aroused by Mika's "display". "I...dont wann wear it unless i have rubs me in....places....", jezzy said as she blushed thinking about possibly intentionally arousing jumpsuit. "I quite like her this way." Emily said as she stretched out still nude herself. "A-anyway...yes Penny i think were all set.", Mika said as she squeezed penny hand.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny gets up with a smile and casually strips naked. "you should take their advice Sala, being naked feels so much better than wearing clothes AND it leaves you open fore pleasant surprises! Like Emily randomly coming up for some oral fun!" She pats Sala on the head and goes to the cock pit, bringing up Silvum and setting the auto pilot to take them there before heading back to the others. The ship lifts off the ground and quickly makes its way off planet. "So, who wants to make a rule that you have to be naked on the ship while we travel?" She raises her hand.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily eagerly raised her hand, "oh penny you always have the best ideas!". Mika blushed and looked to the side, "Oh...I-I don't know about that....". "what?! isnt that a bit much?!", Sala said as held onto her pants and shirt tightly. Jezzy waved her hand left and right, "woah, woah, im just naked cuz that jumpsuit rubs on me, I'm not trying to force it on anyone!". Emily chuckled then said in her best evil villain voice, "come to the nude side Sala, its your destiny!"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny grins. "well, it seems we have a tie. Two say yes, two say no and one is a neutral party!" She looks to Jezzy. "you are the tie breaker Jezzy! Your word will decide between nude and clothed! So join us on the nude side! Think about it, your lovely breasts open for all of us to suckle your lovely milk at any moment. All the soft skin open for touching and caressing without clothes getting in the way. Think of the freedom of movement without pants tugging on your legs! there is not down sides here!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala looked at Jezzy pleadingly while, Emily did the same. Mika was still looking off to the side. Jezzy licked her lips thinking about all the others mouths on her tits drinking her milk. she felt a strange urge to sit the smaller girls down and have them take a drink. looking away from the smaller girls she raised her hand. "It might be for there own might help the two of them build confidence..." she thought rationalizing her vote. Sala looked around nervously, "Y-You cant make me!" she said nervously.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles happily and pumps her fist in the air. "Yes! From this moment forward, this ship is a naked zone! no clothes allowed unless you plan to go outside!" She saunters over to Mika, a grin on her face. "Giving that we are in the middle of space right now, no one is going out side. So, my sweet little squiliden...let's get you out of the those clothes!" She grabs Mika into a hug and distracts her with a kiss while her hands quickly get to work on her clothes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"mmm?!" Mika makes surprised little noise As penny goes for the hug and kiss combo. in Penny's lovely squishy grasp Mika could do very little, Pennys kisses were one of her weaknesses so she was easily able to start pulling off her clothes. Sala had skittered to the other side of the room now her hand glued to her clothes, "I love you guys.....but I am not ok with this!", she said in both irritation and nervousness. Emily was wiggling her fingers at Sala. "come on deary~ free the peen!", Emily said a big grin on her face. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
In just a few minutes Penny has Mika completely naked and lets her go. With a quick lick to her nipple she backs up and move to corner Sala. "Free the peen! Let us all marvel at your adorable delicious body!" She grins as she marches on the little bug with Emily.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped as her nipple was licked, and she noticed that she was naked....again....Mika reflexively crossed her arms over her boobs and crossed her legs being unprepared for more nudity. Jezzy just kept her eyes away she didn't want to make Mika feel awkward. Sala was backed into a corner now, her four eyes darting about. "Hey! Hey! what did i say! you cant make me!" Sala said her face turning very blue in embarrassment seeing them all naked again.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Rawr!" Penny called out playfully as she melted her form and blobbed over Sala's form. Her top half reformed with Sala stuck in her blob lower half. She pulls Sala into a kiss while her goo down below starts to pulled her clothes away and rub at are sensitive peen.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala squirmed about, desperate to keep her clothes on. penny found that Sala was quite strong when she put her mind to something, la'cutom are usually much stronger then they look, a common trait of insectoid races. however it did nothing to stop penny from gooing all over her body and trapping her there. as penny pulled her into a kiss Sala continued to struggle. it was only when she worked her peen out of her pants and started to rub at it that her struggling lessened. her sensitive peen was sending pleasureful feelings all throughout her body sapping her strength. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmmm, that's right dear, just relax, let your body do the thinking now your mind." She pushes back into the kiss and moves so Sala's peen is now exposed to the air of the ship. She winks at Emily to work her magic while She keeps her mouth busy with gooey tongue actions.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily give a happy squeak as she scooted over to get some of that oh so delectable peen. She grabbed it softly in her hand giving it a few strokes before licking around the head of the blue member. Sala shook in penny's grasp her eyes shut tight and her antennae flicking around. "Nooo! I cant ...move! .....oh god Emily's mouth! I can't resist!", she cried in her head. Then Emily put her mouth around that big beautiful peen and started to slowly suck up and down. "Mmmmm!", Sala made a strained noise into Penny's mouth. at this point her pants were gone so her ass and pussy were exposed. Emily pointed up to Sala's shirt and winked, giving Penny the signal that Sala was definitely under her oral spell now.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hmm, good girl Sala, just relax sweetie." She gently pulls Sala's shirt of and tosses it off to wherever. She plants light kisses over her face before stealing those lips again. Two gooey horse cocks form and push into her ass and pussy while two pairs of lips latch over her nipples and give them gentle sucks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily looked to see penny busting out the cocks and mouths on Sala. She pulls her mouth off for a second and began stroking her "bug meat"  saying, "oh we're going that far are we? well then~ no complaints here!", Emily said as she lowered her mouth back on to that lovely peen. She pushed it as far as she could into her mouth and throat, enjoying that faint sweet taste of Sala's cock. Then she started pumping up and down trying to stay in rhythm with penny's thrusts. Sala was getting swamped at this point, she didn't know how to stay afloat in the sea of pleasure like Mika did, so Penny could see her slipping away as her eyes began to roll up.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny breaks the kiss and locks eyes with Sala. "Hang on sweetie, don't let your mind float away. Focus on the sensations, that lovely mouth on your cock, my gooey dicks filling you up. Focus on the pleasure, don't let it wash you away." Her cocks match Emily's speed and soon they have a synchronized fucking on the lusty bug.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily moved her hand up to one penny's and moved it over to Sala's. "Penny dear, give her palms a good rub, I think it might help. there are pressure points there that should help her stay with you.", Emily said before she put her mouth back around that peen. Sala was struggling to stay with Penny there in the present. "focus? focus on all of this?!...I feel like my mind is going to explode!" she thought as the good feelings from all of her erogenous zones were hitting her at once. she tried to pick one out and her mind latched onto the feeling in her cock, it was the easiest since it was her most sensitive area. she closed all four of her eye's as penny saw her stick around more or less mentally. Good god was the pleasure hitting her hard now, but she was here this time. A really load moan made her break her kiss with penny as her pussy and penis began leaking their sweet sweet juices.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny began to rub and massage Sala's palms, trying to keep the little bug girl with them in the present. "That's it love, focus on the pleasure you are feeling, don't let it wash you away, grab onto it and relish the feeling. Good! you are doing so good Sala! work just like that my dear." Her cocks moved faster into Sala's holes and the lips around her nipples worked just a bit harder as well. Penny focused on kissing all over her face, rather than stopping her sweet moans.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily was spurred onward to by Sala so she did her best to please her underused cock. she moved her head up and down quickly sometimes stopping to swirl her tongue around Sala's tip. "Holy.....fuck!......Penny!...Emily!" Sala cried as deep throaty moans followed, "OH!..Ooooh!...Oh!". Oddly enough, she really seemed to be set of by her palms getting rubbed like that, apparently in right conditions, it could be yet another erogenous zone. "oooooh! I'm going nuts!", Sala cried as even more pre began to leak out of her. Emily slurped it up wanting the real thing, the pre was nice, but oh god, the taste of that cum? To die for! Emily gave penny a nod and a look that said: lets bring on her on home!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nodded back and sped up the cocks in her holes again, making them piston in and out like machines! Over and over and over again they pushes into her, rubbing against her prostate and G spots. " wide sweetie." the moment she did a cock slips between her lips and begins to leak her own sweet goo cum onto her tongue while the lips on her nipples re doubled their efforts!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily did the best she could pistoning her mouth up and down the shaft as fast as she could. Sala was moaning very loudly around the cock in her mouth, as the excitement was building up in the little bugs gut. Her eyes were open now gazing deeply into penny eyes emerald orbs. hitting her right in the G-spot and prostate drove her to the very heights of her pleasure. Combine that with Emily masterful oral work, and Sala was going to explode at any second! and ow what a good few seconds they were. Sala could feel everything just before her load was about to blow. then the flood gates opened and she cried out around the gooey cock as an absolutely huge load of cum sprayed out of her. There was so much that Emily couldn't swallow it all and it shot from the sides of her mouth! Penny was treated to the sweet taste of her girl cum, it wasn't the same as the stuff her balls made but it was none the less quite tasty. She shook from the force of her orgasm as she grabbed onto penny and held her tightly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny held Sala up against her chest, supporting the little bug completely. Every cock inside her unloaded a fair amount of goo cum and Penny shuddered in her own mini orgasm. When it blew over she simply held Sala, whispering sweet and loving words into her ear as the little la'cotum recovered for her pleasure heaven. Seeing Emily with so much cum in her mouth she slide over to her and locked lips so they could swap Sala's cum back and forth between their mouths, sharing the sweet taste.