Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala was really surprised to hear that she had just taken penny's v-card, this only fueled her lust more as she got one of the best feelings around her cock that she ever had (right up there with Mika's pussy). She moaned out loudly as the pleasure filled her mind. She was panting almost like a dog as she looked down at penny's pussy then to Penny's face. she gulped then she slowly started to move her hips rubbing her peen against the soft walls of pennys pussy. "oh! Solous!", she cried as she slowly thrusted her hips. the walls felt so good to her it made her tongue hang out of her mouth.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny moaned as Salas pushed in and out of her pussy. Her legs wrapped around her small form and kept her nice and close so she can only pull out half way. She smiles at her lust filled lover and slowly slides two tentacles over, slowly pushing them into her ass and pussy while she reaches out with her arms and pulls her down on top of her soft body. "I love you Sala."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Even more blissful feelings flowed into Sala as she Penny pushed inside of her. This made her wrap her arms around Penny tightly as she was pulled on top of her gooey lover. "oh Penny I-I-I..." she couldnt speak properly, the lust was more then she could deal with. Sala soon found that her hips were moving on there own now settling into a slightly faster rhythm. "ooooh solous!", she cried as she laid her head in between Penny squishy breasts, 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmm! That's right love, go as fast as you need to, I can take whatever you dish out. Use my body for your pleasure." She leans down and locks lips with Sala, sucking her tongue into her mouth and licking at it with her own. Her pussy remains tight around Sala's cock while the tentacles thrust in and out of her holes slowly.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Honestly... Sala felt....honored.....honored to be the one that Penny chose, to let her be the first one to take her pussy. "Oh Penny you would let me be the one?". Sala thought. Penny could feel Sala cry a little as a few tears fell from her face and onto hers. She kissed penny passionately, snaking her tongue around in her gooey soft mouth. She hugged penny even tighter as she started to move her big peen even faster. Her big swollen balls starting to make a slapping sound on penny ass. Oh god did Penny's pussy feel so soft and warm around her cock! penny could feel Sala's peen starting to get very hot inside her as it throbbed to the beat of her cute little heart.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny hummed happily into the kiss, her arms wrapping around Sala and resting on her back. She kept her legs spread wide for Sala to thrust as fast as she wanted, her gooey body rippling with the impact of her large swollen balls. Slowly breaking the kiss, she rested her forehead against Sala's and looked her in th eye. "Cum for me Sala, pump my goo and your cum into my pussy, fill me up with your delicious seed. give me everything you have."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala held penny in her gaze he face seeming full of emotion. At penny's encouragement Sala pumped her peen in her pussy even harder and faster. Penny could feel her body get warmer and warmer, the flames of her pleasure burned brightly at full blast. Her ball were smacking quite loudly against Penny gushy butt. She was making lots of "oh!~"s and"Aw!~"s and she pounded her hot member into Penny. Normally, she would have been leaking pre by now already, but penny's goo in her penis and balls blocked the way.

She was fast approaching her limit now, growing wild in her lust pounding away furiously into penny. to anyone else it might have hurt with how strong la'cutom can be, but her gooey body allowed Sala to go all out! It only took a few more hard pumps before she reached her climax. Her balls lurched and peen throbbed hard as she cried out. her peen shot like hose, spewing her sweet warm cum along with the rest of penny. Having goo shoot out of her cock was such a pleasureful experience that she almost fainted. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Sala!" Was all she said as her little bug lover came inside of her. Her gooey body quickly reclaimed its lost mass while also sucking up her delicious cum, rapidly converting it to even more mass to be used. In return, Penny hit her wn orgasm, pumping heavy loads of goo cum into Sala's ass and pussy giving her a warm feeling inside her belly. When the two of them finally calm down, Penny smiles at her little lover and pulls her up an donto her warm soft body, resting her between her squishy breasts and planting kisses on her face and neck.

"Thank you Sala, that was perfect for the first time using my actual pussy. I am glad it was someone as sweet as you."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala was breathing deeply in Penny's breasts. her were eyes only half open. " let me be the one...that haaa...means a lot to me...haa", she said as her peen finally could rest. Her balls felt a lot lighter now and that was a relief to her. she wanted nothing more then to just lay there in Penny's arms. Sala was exuasted by feeling so much pleasure so she fell asleep right on to of her. Emily had been watching the whole time fingering her self a wet patch could be seen on the grass beneath her. "how wonderful and absolutely sweet.", Emily said with a happy sigh. jezzy had been keeping look out the whole time. Mika had thankfully moved away from the scene lest end up dribbling all over. she had been taking picturse of the houses and writing of the Kir-kah people.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny just laid there for a few minutes, stroking Sala's back and enjoying the little la'cotums warmth. Sadly, she knows there is much to be done and she doesn't want to keep the shaman waiting. Slowly getting to her feet while keeping Sala in her arms, she walks over to Emily and. rather reluctantly, passes her over. "Here, just let her sleep for now. You two relax, maybe get to know some of the Kir'kah while Mika and I go talk to the shaman." She gives Emily a peck on the cheek before moving over to Mika. "Hey love, I'm back to my usual self! Shall we go speak with the shaman?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily hugged her favorite little buggy and nodded at Penny. "Maybe I can convince her to stay naked too! that would be fun!", Emily said as she stroked Sala's hair. Already a few of the female kir-kah had came near looking inquisitively at Sala and Emily.

Mika looked over the naked penny and said, "oh...sure yeah...but um you want your duster? i have it here in my bag..."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes please! My duster and gloves. No need to hide it any more." She looks at Mika and tilts her head. " ok love? You sound upset."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika sighed. "I'm ok...i think? just lots of metal pressure. things were so....t-touch and go..." she twirling a tentacle on her finger. After giving penny her stuff back she fallowed her into the Shamans place were then found him waiting with the "oracle's stone.". "Come sit with me. and this time the gold one...Pen-nee? is that right?", the shaman motioned next to him. "you are welcome here....let me take good look at you."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny stepped forward with a happy smile on her face. "Thank you for the welcome shaman! It means a lot to me. Yes, my name is Penny but you can call me gold one if that is easier for you to say, I don't really mind either way." She stands still for the shaman to look at her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
After Mika sits down the shaman scoots over to penny squinting his eyes. "My eyes aren't the best.... i have to get close to see any details at my age." he said as he scrutinized Penny's form. "mm hmm.... I see, I see." he pokes her in the side to feel her squish a bit. "yes I see.... that settles it... you are indeed one of the good ones pen-nee.", he said as he sat back down. "tell me, Mi-ka.....This one, she is your love? The one you treasure the most?" the shaman asked with small smile. Mika blushed and looked to the side, she felt like she was being put on the spot. "W-Well..I...uh...." Penny knew she was everything to her at this point, but it was probably fun to watch Mika try to actually say it. "I-I-I.....yes....she is my love.." she said her face getting really red as she turned away, no doubt looking incredibly cute. the Shaman smiles warmly at Mika. "Ah, this is good ....then you know what it means for someone to truly be in i ask the both of you: Will you help us?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny doesn't hesitate, she just quickly nods her head the moment he finishes talking. "Yes. I have my own reasons to confront Vaine again, but if he has taken your people then I can not sit idly by while he tarnishes my peoples good name in his tyranny. This isn't the first time he has committed such a horrible act." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"I see... so the black one has done much evil even before setting foot in our lands....this is....troubling..", the shaman said his face concerned. Mika raised her hand, "um -what was it that you wanted exactly?", she asked. "Yes well, the black one you call Vaine he has taken my people away.....we are a small village so each and every person is like family to i ask you, find my people and bring them home! We can only hope that fowl thing hasn't harmed them.", he said as looked to Mika. "you are the one destined to show us the way..... and I now believe that this might be some kind of trial for you Mi-ka", "A t-trial?", "yes.....the oracle has also spoke of a great trail that the one of legend: thats you... must under go a trial....i would ask it to expain more but it must be blessed back at the temple..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"So, we need to get to the temple and bless the oracle then find Vaine. Do you have any idea where he has taken your people Shaman? Any lead at all would save us valuable time." She reaches over and takes mika's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
That I cannot say. But, I am certain that oracle will know. I have in the past, asked it were the black one had taken my people... but it could not tell me.... only the one i have spoken of can use I my services. I believe only you Mi-ka can use the oracle to its full potential. We can take it there and then the oracle may very well tell what you need to know for its sight is vast.". He rose to his feet shakily most likely do to old age. "where is the temple?", Mika asked as she moved to help the old frog up. "ah thank you...but yes the temple is at the very back of the village. take the oracle there and place it on the pedestal. i would go with you but i must find the captain. The depths of his sadness are very deep....I must speak with him." .The shaman was about to leave when he stopped and turned to them, "Hold true to your feeling for one another...they are stronger then any weapon.", he then left them. "I wounder what he meant by that...", Mika thought out loud.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She pulls Mika into a hug and a kiss, her hands grabbing her plush ass with a smile. "I think he means to continue loving each other and have lots and lots of sloppy sex. If we didn't have so much to do, I would happily oblige him right here!" She laughs and Mika's blush and simply takes her hand. "Come on love, let's keep moving."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"R-Right.....", Mika said shaking the lewd imagery from her head. Together the went to the end of the village finding a small wooden temple build around a strange white altar. "This must be it.", Mika said as she looked around. Seeing the altar moved closer to it and inspected it. "This looks like it was built by those unknown people...The Kir-Kah no doubt see this as a mystic altar or something, when its actually just hyper advanced ancient tech...this would make one heck of a case study...", she said as she took out the oracles stone. " goes..". when she placed it on the altar the stone flashed brightly as the altar glowed blue. this made Mika stumble backwards into Penny's arms. then with another flash the glowing smoky figure of the oracle appeared once again. "...Charging complete...", he paused and looked at Mika. "...I detect the inheritors genes... I am here to serve you...."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny easily caught Mika in her arms, gently standing her back up but keeping her arms around her hips and resting them on her soft tummy. "Well, there it is lover. I imagine it only answers to you at this point so... I don't know, ask it something. Where has Vaine taken the Kir-kah? Wait no... ask it what it means by inheritors. Are you really a fertility goddess?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"...Yes...please ask me anything you wish....and I will answer it to the best of ability...", the oracle said as it held Mika in its tranquil gaze. Mika was having problems with her nerves so she shook her head trying to work up to it. "u-um... what do you mean by the inheritors genes?", " are the descendant of the great squiliden woman we placed our genetic markers inside was passed on to you over thousands and thousands of years. It seems as though all of the makes have finally resurfaced in one person...You.". Mika eyes were wide at this revelation. She was a descendant of the woman that was the inspiration for the squlilden goddess of fertility? She couldn't deny it now, as it was straight from the relic itself. "...My makers knew one day someone like you would appear...that is why i am here..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"So...Mika here is the descendant of the fertility goddess. What does that mean for her exactly? Does it just mean she can operate the old tech or does it affect her physically?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"....It does indeed make her the one able use my makers relics...her DNA is like a key of sorts...", he said with a nod. "...Also her intelligence has the capacity to far exceeded even the smartest of her people....It has no doubt allowed her to think far faster then anyone you may have met...". "S-So I can think faster? I-It doesn't feel that way to me...", Mika said pushing to pointer fingers together meekly. "...The genes were also made to make all those with them far more sexually appealing as well make any sexual act feel far more pleasurable....she produces more lubricant then average as well....all of this was to make sure that she would come to understand love and compassion so she would have as my make said....a pure heart...". the oracle said he voice remaining clam the whole time, even when talking about the racy stuff. Mika was not sure how to take any of this...she was made to be this way? "I-I don't know what to say....t-this is so much to take in....", Mika said as she held her head, in both embarrassment and pure astonishment....


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny kept her grip on Mika, being her strength when her own failed. "Ok, last question about Mika... is her fertility affected at all? Is it possible for her to copulate cross species and if so, what would the child be?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"....that.... I cannot answer....I lack the data....the original "goddess" herself was very virile, however i cannot say if that was passed as well...." he said looking off to the side. Mika shook her head again and got back to her feet. "ok.....W-We can worry about that later. we  have people to save! Oracle please, t-tell us where the kir-kah have been taken!", she said, a hopeful look in her eyes. "...scanning....", it said as the smoky figure looked upwards. "...I am detecting many of the kir-kah in the swampland to the north of here....there is also one of my makers great temples out there.....perhaps the have been taken there....your necklace will guide you follow the signal...." the oracle then began to fade. "My power is running low again, I must rest......My makers had faith in you..... so do I.....good luck." he said as she once again faded away. Mika seemed deep in thought. "well we should round up the others......." she said as she stood there looking at the oracles stone.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Right. Let's go and get the others!" she grabs Mika's hand and heads back into the center of town, looking for their three companions.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
When Mika and Penny moved back to the center of the village they found Sala and Emily in the center of a group young kir-kah ladies. they were giggling and looking like there were having a good time talking to the two off-worlders. Somehow Emily got Sala to stay naked, keeping her peen out in the open. Jezzy was just watching them from a distance to keep an eye on them. A few of the young men Kir-Kah where watching, finding her attractive, but unable to find a way to talk to her. When they got close, they saw that the frog girls had painted white tribal markings on Sala. they were intricate and and flowy. having swirls on her breast that ended on her nipples and and flowing patterns all along her peen. she was sit on the grass cross legged with the all girls and Emily fawning over her. her peen was slightly hard, and she seemed a little embarrassed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny walked up to the group with a smile and examiend their work. "Oooh! that looks really good on you sala! I bet it feels geat too!" She gave her a wink and watched the girls work.