Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Guh! P-Penny!?", Sala said as her peen shot up at full attention. The girls all "oooed~" at this, seeing Sala's full 10-inches. she tried to stand back up but the girls all gently forced her back down. "No miss Sa-la!" "Let us finish!" "You look so beautiful!" they said as they giggled and painted more lines on her. After paining a few more swirls on her back and few more flowing waves on her peen. They all stepped back and enjoyed the sight of a painted up Sala with her peen all hard. she looked to the side, all embarrassed. "You look very lovely dear~ nice work girls!", Emily said as they all had a good giggle together. Mika looked on with a red face. on the one hand this was an interesting glimpse of Kir-Kah culture, but on the other she was looking at a naked Sala....

"we can do any of the rest of you if you want...", one of the frog girls said with hopful eye.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny licked her lips at the sight of Sala naked and painted up. That full sized peen at the sound of her voice was also very endearing, but sadly they had work to do. "Sorry ladies, but we have to go and save your missing friends and family. But... how about this. when we get back with your missing people, you can take as long as you want painting all of of us. how does that sound?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The girls nodded enthusiastically at this. "ok yeah! that will be fun!" one said. then they all smiled and waved as they hopped away. One stayed behind and gave Sala a kiss on the cheek before hopping away herself. Sala stood up her peen bobbing around all the way. "can i put clothes on now......." she said as she grabbed hold of her peen. "aw come on deary, stay naked with me pleeeeeease." Emily begged.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny walks over and grabs Sala's clothes before stuffing them in the deep pockets of her duster. "Sorry Sala, but it would be rude to the kir'kah to hide those marking. Don't want to be rude right? If it is your peen you are worried about, I could give you a blob to hold it in place."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala looked herself over, the designs were nice looking..... but was it really a good idea to run around naked in a swamp? her chitin was rather tough though so her limbs wouldn't be in any real danger. "but-but I...". "Oh don't worry dear I'll be naked right here with you! plus those girls did say that these markings are good luck." Emily said as she gave sala a hug and messed with her hair. She sighed i looked like she wasn't getting out of this.... "y-you could hold it in place?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course!" She pulls off a blob and puts it on Sala's peen. She slowly points it down and pushes it against Sala's thigh. The goo makes a perfect sleeve around her cock before a ring goes around her thigh. es, this will hold it still, every step with her right leg will bring forth lovely gooey stroking motions.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala gave a sharp breath as her peen was enveloped in gooey cock sleeve and strapped to her leg. after taking a step its stroked her peen makeing it stiffen, but it stayed there and Sala was atleast grateful for that....."oh stylish~" Emily said as she gave her a kiss. Jezzy moved over to them and said, "Well we ready to go?" she asked she unslung her rifle. "um....y-yes....I guess so." mika said as she messed with her tentacles a little, seeing sala like that was arousing....... "We just need to follow the signal of the necklace.", Mika then reached up and pressed a button on her glasses she could then see the signal as a thin blue line. "just follow me, i can see the signal." she said as she lead the way out of the village and into the swamplands.

Mika did her best to lead them through the boggy area as cleanly as possible, keeping a sharp eye out for trouble. Jezzy was as usual was bringing up the rear making sure that nothing would flank them, as well as keep the distance necessary to stay at effective sniper range. Emily was staying close to Sala and holding her hand to try and make her feel more comfortable about her nudity. penny could feel Sala's peen throb a little every time she stepped with her right leg. the low-level arousal was clear on her face,  but for the most part she was ok there wasn't really anyone else there at the moment so she felt a little more at ease. Jezzy spoke up, "Hey Penny is this what your homeworld is like?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"A little bit. My home is a bog like this, only there is normally a thin fog rolling across the ground. The biggest difference is the colors though. My home is very bright and vibrant with flowers every color of the rainbow, vines that can be green, blue, turquoise and even pink! It is also more humid than this, most people that come to visit get rather sweaty but that just means they get naked faster!" She gives Jezzy a wink over her shoulder. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Heh, sounds like your place to me...", Jezzy said after small smirk. Sala seemed a little hazy as she walked her sensitive peen was still giving her good feelings. Mika continued to follow the signal, weaving her way through the the black barked trees and red patches of grass. Suddenly Jezzy stopped and took a shot firing an electric blot up into the trees. Everyone jumped at this. "Woah! What was that about?!", Sala said with an irritated look. Mika was about to ask why she had fired when suddenly a basketball shaped object fell from the trees and landed in fron of her with a thud. "gah! w-what was that?!" Mika asked as she had Penny's hand. "..I may not rember much about my self.....but i know a fucking spy drone when i see one.", Jezzy said with a frown. she then walked up and kicked it while saying "peace of shit!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny walks up to her and stops her from kicking it. "hang on there girl, we need to check this thing out, see if it's video chip still has anything on it." She kneels down and examines the spy drone before looking for a way to open it up.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As Penny inspects the downed drone she finds a panel on its back screwed shut. "Damned thing was probably broadcasting our position......I hit it with an electric shot, hopefully that didn't fry it completely.", Jezzy said as she looked it over.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She squishes her finger into the screw holes and unwinds them, taking a peep inside. "These things are usually hearty enough to survive a hit or two, even if they shut down."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"heh built in screw driver, cool!", Emily said as she looked on. When Penny popped off the back plating she found a mess of wires and the main CPU. Sala striangted up at the realization that she was being watched and on top of that she was naked. This unnerved her quite a bit and made her cling to Emily. "Penny may I?" mika asked as she took a look. "....I'm n-no tech specialist, but I think I can help.", Mika said as she inspected the insides. "I think..... this might work....", she said as she got close to the CPU and bent down (putting that nice butt in the air). She pulled her mini terminal out and began taping away. "Here we go." she said. "I'll see what we've got here." she then activated her holo function on her terminal to project a screen in front of them. A scene played in front of them, they could see many Kir-kah being lead into some kind of large structure. then the footage cuts to them leaving the village all the up to the point it was shot down by Jezzy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well, that confirms it, they are in the ancient temple. I fear what Vaine could possibly need them for down there. Let's hurry up a bit." She stands back up and grabs Mika's hand, getting back on track.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny and mika had only taken a few steps before a tree came crashing down in front of them. Mika yelped and grabbed onto penny. emly jumped a little and got behind Sala. Jezzy held her rifle at the ready. Then out of the haze A large metallic figure stepped forward! it was easily 9ft tall and had a very wide frame. "Targets confirmed. proceeding to pacify." it said a robotic monotone voice. Emily gasped. "What?! is that an R-90 security droid?!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny jumped back with Mika in her arms, setting her lover down when they land and facing the droids. She puts her gauntlets on and gets ready to fight. "What is an R90 security droid!?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"They're used for colony security! i had some back at my old job! They're very tough!", Emily said as Sala moved her back with her, easily able to pick her up. "I'll cover you penny!", Jezzy called out as she backed up her rifle trained on the droid. Mika ran back to where Sala was after she set Emily down. the droid was an impose hulk of metal covered in black armor plating. A single red eye gazed back at Penny coldly. its arms were mounted with some kind of weapons judging by the shape. it leveled one at penny and fired! But instead of bullets or plasma a metal tentacle shot her way!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny dives forward and under the tentacle. "I have no idea what kind of weapons this thing has! If that tentacle has a tazer in it then I am well and truly screwed!" She runs for the droid and throws a strong punch into it's chest.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As penny dove under the tentacle it smacked into a nearby tree snapping it. When her fist impacted with its chest it staggered backwards a couple steps, but seemed undamaged. Jezzy then took a shot nailing the droid right on the shoulder. this had a much more noticeable effect on it. its arm went limp as the electric bolt discharged into it. the mechanical assailant continued its attack seemingly unfazed by its stunned arm. it fired another tentacle for its other arm, this time aimed at Sala! She saw it coming and using her back limbs to skitter away deftly avoiding the tentacle. the tentacle continued onward though, this time going for jezzy. "gah!", she cried as the metal tentacle wrapped around her leg and swiftly lifted her up by foot. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Let her go!" She grabs the tentacle with both hands and pulls each one in opposite directions, trying to rip it clean off the droid. "Sala! Shoot it with your gun! Emily! Grab Jezzy's rifle! you have to short circuit this thing!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As penny pulled on the tentacle she found that it popped right out of its socket. Then Jezzy fell to the ground with an "oof!". To her surprise, the tentacle was still wrapped around her leg and squirming about! it was snaking its way up her leg and trying to wrap its way around her body. As jezzy was struggling with the tentacle Emily ran out from the bushes and snagged the rifle. "I'm not the best shot but here goes!", she said as she fired of a round. Her blast hit it in the leg instead of were she was aiming. the droids leg stopped moving making it unable to close the distance. Its other arm shook as it came back online again. "I-Its no good! it looks like it can recover from the stunning. we need to hit its systems directly somehow!", Mika shouted.she had been watching and assessing the situation like she always did, she figured the droid must have some kind of system for repairing itself from EM damage. As jezzy fought with the tentacle it did something wrapped its self around her boobs and began to rub them through her bodysuit! "aaah! what the helll?!" Sala reached for pistol to find nothing there.....oh shit that's right she was naked and her gun was in her pants! 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Perverted security robot?! Oh of course... it said pacifying not attacking! What stops people in their tracks more than getting all lust addled!?" She let go of the tentacle and reached into her pocket quickly finding Sala's gun."Hang on! I have a stupid idea again!" She dropped her duster and grabbed Sala's gun before throwing herself onto the droid and oozing around it, looking for a directed way inside to it's systems.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika really didn't like the sound of "another stupid idea". she would have said as much but penny had already thrown herself at the bot. the tentacle continued to squirm on Jezzy's body. It soon got is tip on her crotch and began rubbing all over it she gasped as unwanted pleasure began to fill her mind. She fought back "You little perverted shit! Get off of me!", she cried as it continued to try and make her nothing but sniveling pile of fuck. When penny splatted on to the droid tried to violently shake her off as it fired off another tentacle missing her completely. this one however found itself wrapped around Sala. "Ah! noooo!" Sala skittered around as the tentacle wrapped its self around her naked waist. she grabbed onto it trying to pull it off but everytime she pulled a part off another end just wrapped itself around her. Eventually it grabbed at her goo covered peen trying to pull it out of the gooey sheath. She fell to her knees as her sensitive penis was jerked around the by the tentacle. The other end started rubbing her exposed pussy making her scream out as she too was starting feel unwanted lust. 

Penny found that there was a gap in the droids neck plating, perhaps this might be a good vector for attack.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny slides up and oozes into its chassis, getting her body onto its internal systems. She spreads her body out, covering anything and everything that looks important while a single hand remained outside. Once she was covering the majority of the droids insides she pointed the gun at her hand and pulled the trigger. The electrical current rushed through her body and dispersed around the droid, frying them both! "Wekadhaiuiengjgiduhakjdnekadjgaidughadjgasd OUCH!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The droid shuddered and shook as the electrical current was flowed throughout its systems. after sparking and sputtering it stopped suddenly and fell to the ground with a metallic clang. Mika ran over with a very worried face. "penny! are you ok!?" She said as she moved over to the downed droid. the droid was down but the tentacles it fired were still wiggling and squirming, still trying to bring the too girls down with there ministrations. The one on Sala was still trying to pry her peen out of the gooey cock sleeve . "gaaaaah! get off! get ooooff!" she cried as she pulled struggled with the perverted tentacle. Jezzy was more or less in the same boat as the tentacle was trying to get into her bodysuit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny oozes out of the droid and slowly reforms into her normal appearance. "Yea, I am fine, just a little frazzled is all." her form ripples a few times as she gets her head back together and goes over to the other two to help them out of their tentacle problem.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika breathed a sigh of relief at penny's reappearance. "Oh thank goodness!", she said as she held her chest. "Oh yes! We have to get those off of them!" seh said as she went over with penny. "Just what kind of person p-programs a robot like that?!", Mika said with and unnerved expression. The tentacle on Sala cock was doing all it could to pry her big peen out of its cock sleeve. "PENNY GOD DAMMIT HELLLLLP!" Sala cried as was pulling at the tentacle. it othe end was trying to work its way into her pussy and she was doing all she could to stop it. Jezzy was squirming around with perverted metal limb as it slithered around in her bodysuit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny walks over to Sala first and grabs the tentacle, slowly pulling it off of her tiny lover before tying it in a comically large bow pattern and tossing it aside. Next is the one around Jezzy which gets the same treatment and tossed over her shoulder. "Sorry you two, had to cut off the source before getting rid of those. As for who makes a robot like that... someone who is into sexy things and non lethal take downs."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The tentacles wiggled around a bit after being separated from their targets, but after a few second they went limp. Sala was panting heavily and penny could feel her peen throbbing hard in the sleeve. A single drop feel from her pussy as she stumbled to her feet. Sala had a very embarrassed and angry look on her face. "F-Fucking....Piece.....Of.....Shit!", she said as she clutched at her groin. Jezzy got up and gave herself a shake, she then zipped her suit back up and readjusted her breasts in the suits confines. "son of a Sala ok?", Jezzy asked, seeming more worried about Sala then herself. "I-I think so....", Mika said.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Sala is fine... just very aroused." She walks over to her buggy lover and kneels down in front of her. "Are you going to hold up Sala, or should Emily suck you off real quick before we keep moving?"