Lucky's Scratching Post!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
Best of luck to ya, Luck. With both the contest as well as with the Patreon page

*Pun unintended, by the by...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Fen Notes: Not bad, but the spoop goes on a little long for my tastes. Halloween dreams are probably the only time I'm going to give Dullahans a free pass. It was a risky write, but you pulled it off.
And with that, the dream is in, and another notch added to stuff contributed! Although I wasn't aware that dullahans in general were generally frowned upon, we still somehow got one in a dream. Lucky break I guess! With that, I'll take Fen's criticism for future works, and maybe town down a liiittle bit on the details. :p Feel free to check out the dream in the latest backer patch whenever you get the chance!

Next up on the block is getting Lumi the jeweler done, hopefully before Fen starts Warg'ii stuff!
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I'm a sucker for shopkeepers, and the items they bring to the Player's ever growing arsenal. I look forward to Lumi with baited breath. Knowing you, not only will you make a sexy dogo, but a pure and loving one.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
I'm a sucker for shopkeepers, and the items they bring to the Player's ever growing arsenal. I look forward to Lumi with baited breath. Knowing you, not only will you make a sexy dogo, but a pure and loving one.
Mmm... I don't know about that much this time around, at least not initially. :rolleyes: My idea with her is that (at first) she is actually quite mistrusting of outsiders, and isn't very receptive to your invitation into Korg'ii Hold. She will still (abliet begrudgingly) take your business though despite everything, and if you do wind up helping her during your stay, you'll eventually soften her up, especially after the Warg'ii event! I still definitely want to hold true to the formula of getting to work a little for your bang and have something meaningful out of her once you play your cards right! That's why I'm being careful here (that and I'm really bad at making mean characters). Also, it would be kinda boring making a Fisi 2.0 haha!

As for appearances, this is more or less along the lines of what I wanna shoot for with her, probably different colorings and variations, but that's my main reference that I have!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
I cannot believe I've been playing this game for almost a year now, and I've only just realized that the name Korg'ii is a play on the word Corgi. What the fuck is wrong with me? And I have the gall to call myself somewhat clever...


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
I cannot believe I've been playing this game for almost a year now, and I've only just realized that the name Korg'ii is a play on the word Corgi. What the fuck is wrong with me? And I have the gall to call myself somewhat clever...
Don't feel too bad about it. It did take me a while myself to fully grasp that funny pun myself. :p
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
Corgi faces, but speak like Dodge.
Now we just need to give them some cat TFs and we'll have walking, talking, internet destroying memes on our hands. This is a gold mine waiting to be explored!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Now we just need to give them some cat TFs and we'll have walking, talking, internet destroying memes on our hands. This is a gold mine waiting to be explored!
We just need a tribal milodan with a set of drums and name him, "Bongo Sabrecat"!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Welp, I've got more news for some Lumi hype! I got a new pic of my concept of her appearance! I've also just about finished writing her talk scenes, so all that's left is getting her jewelry and her shop system down, giving it a few once-overs for anything I might be missing or messed up, consistency checks, and then she's good to go! Hope you enjoy these in the meantime! :D Thank you again to those that have supported me while I had my dry spell!

Artwork by Son237!



Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Well, at least I thought it might be done by the early week. I kinda noticed a pretty glaring issue that's been bugging me for a bit about the initial encounters with Lumi, so I might have to do a bit of extensive rewrites to what I have down currently, but this way, things will work out a LOT better than I had before hopefully. The doc is up on my patreon for that 2nd tier if you want an early preview! (It's more a tip jar than anything, but I don't wanna publicly share it yet on the account of too many eyes distracting me while writing. :p)


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Is Lumi the one who will be selling us piercings and stuff?
That would be correct! She'd largely sell off some savicite based jewelry, and some primitive versions can also be found on female korgonne and milodan priestesses. With her I'll also be introducing a new metal called lucinite as well. Initially she'll be out of stock on piercings when she meets you and will be less than receptive of your invitation to the hold, but helping her out will open up more of her wares! I'm also planning on having her be able to make jewelry out of some of the metals and jewels already in-game as well!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
That would be correct! She'd largely sell off some savicite based jewelry, and some primitive versions can also be found on female korgonne and milodan priestesses. With her I'll also be introducing a new metal called lucinite as well. Initially she'll be out of stock on piercings when she meets you and will be less than receptive of your invitation to the hold, but helping her out will open up more of her wares! I'm also planning on having her be able to make jewelry out of some of the metals and jewels already in-game as well!

Awesome! In that case, may I request that any "special" piercings she have come in different styles? It's so annoying that the rare piercings you find on Uveto and Zheng Shi are only rings, rather than bars

Perhaps making her able to change the style of already found piercings?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Awesome! In that case, may I request that any "special" piercings she have come in different styles? It's so annoying that the rare piercings you find on Uveto and Zheng Shi are only rings, rather than bars

Perhaps making her able to change the style of already found piercings?
I dunno about "changing the style" of them, but I have it so that she's able to sell rings as well as bars, studs, and even stud/bar sets, so hopefully that suffices. As far as the feature of giving her a jewel to make an earring based on that material, that's only planed for materials outside of savicite/lucinite, mainly for ease of implementing any future metals to be found later to sell off! Might be kinda difficult to turn one style into another. At best, she'll buy jewelry at a higher price to salvage I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I dunno about "changing the style" of them, but I have it so that she's able to sell rings as well as bars, studs, and even stud/bar sets, so hopefully that suffices. As far as the feature of giving her a jewel to make an earring based on that material, that's only planed for materials outside of savicite/lucinite, mainly for ease of implementing any future metals to be found later to sell off! Might be kinda difficult to turn one style into another. At best, she'll buy jewelry at a higher price to salvage I suppose.

Fair enough! I was thinking of basically doing stuff like give her a Geddanium ring, and have her turn it into a pair of Geddanium bars (a bar set)


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Hokay, I finally did it. Lumi the Korgonne Jeweler is finally finished. (sans some in depth edits and checks to see if I messed anything up) Here's the public doc for everyone's perusal! As always, any edits are highly appreciated, and hopefully we can get this in sooner rather than later before Warg'ii stuff goes live! :D

Currently she is unsexable for now, but I will pretty much nearly immediately be working on that stuff since my main focus was for finally getting the game an honest to goodness piercing shop first (with some bonus sex toys) before focusing on the sexy times. I can say, most likely she will be strongly into strength play when I get started with that, so that might be fun to explore!

Also Happy Thanksgiving to everyone as well! <3
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Yasssss, soon I will be able to deck out my Steeles in the finest of piercings at last!

I hope it gets in before the next public patch <3
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Yasssss, soon I will be able to deck out my Steeles in the finest of piercings at last!

I hope it gets in before the next public patch <3
It'll be a close shave anyways, considering getting edits done, Fen reviewing it, and if it passes muster, getting it coded too!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
First, there was a kitty. Now, there is a puppy. Next, there will be a whole god damn pet shop! Mighty fine job, Lucky. Keep em coming!
Coincidentally, I actually work at a pet shop IRL, so this comparison is pretty damn funny. :p