Ah, I didnt know that NightTrap was in charge of that scene.
But now I have yet another question, sorry.
Can you explain a bit on how prurience works, since the entire xpack seems to be built on it. It seems that the higher Fisi's prurience score, the randier and more open to trying stuff she seems. The definition of prurience is "having, inclined to have, or characterized by lascivious or lustful thoughts, desires, etc." Shouldn't Fisi gain prurience no matter the sex scene? Now, correct me if I'm wrong but from what I can tell, prurience goes up with any of Steele's loss scenes and goes down with any of Steele's win scenes. I currently can't seem to lose against her (9 and 0) and the scene I get for letting her take the lead is only giving 5 prurience, are there any better ways to get prurience if Fisi has low prurience?
Well, the term "prurience" was more or less there for lack of a better term to use that didn't sound somewhat degrading, like sluttiness, lol. "Sexual Confidence" is probably a better term for it, but that doesn't roll off the tongue that well, lol. What you explained about it just now pretty much was on the nose there. I mainly wanted to create a dynamic system for those that either like Fisi to be more confident and come out of her shell, or for those that still like the reserved kitty that is still ultra shy about intimate matters (somewhat anyways).
Even though it was coded this way (and Jacques even confirmed it) that winning against her was a 2/3 (66%) chance, I had a tough time getting to lose against her myself. I originally had the bet scene work a lot like Syri's, but we found that it was still easy for max stat Steeles to win, and it was near impossible for newbie Steeles to win so I opted for a flat random chance. The [Let Her Lead] scene was pretty much a way of letting you raise her prurience even if you win (although at a reduced amount). Currently the "best" ways to raise her prurience are to lose a bet, or to breed her (which raises it by 10).
Fisi is, by far, my favorite character in the entire game. She's just so adorable. I was so excited to hear that she was finally getting an expansion. I just wish my backer status hadn't ended mere days before the release ; . ;
We got half of a month left! Hang in there bud! <3