Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
Think so. can you path me to the save locations for win 7/Firefox/play in the Standalone flash player 28.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
So I recently Noticed that this game has "Reindeer Morphs" yet I've never seen or encountered any, are they not implemented or only found in certain areas?
Think December and January- they are part of snow removal crew. Started a game in Jan and voila there they were.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
Underwater Holloween Town
Not at all. Type "buggy" anywhere in the game ;)

It's written at the end of the readme.txt that nobody reads :catte:
Lol XD
Thank you very much.
I don't usually read the "Read me" for most games since it will have the usual disclaimer about the their games. The times when I do read are when I cant find the change logs either in the game or it being sperate text file of it's own.


New Member
Mar 3, 2016
Okay I might be an idiot but I've got four questions. One is how do you increase an npcs bimbo fetish? Second is how do you go about getting a slave? I'm sure it was explained to me I'm sure but I had fap blinders on. Three is can you romance the random npcs that pop up? Fourth is is there cum inflation from cumming in someone enough and being able to lock it in, maybe if there elastic enough? Also is there stomach bulge from penetrating an npc with a large cock? Gotta say really enjoying the game. Looking forward to more content
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
Okay I might be an idiot but I've got four questions. One is how do you increase an npcs bimbo fetish? Second is how do you go about getting a slave? I'm sure it was explained to me I'm sure but I had fap blinders on. Three is can you romance the random npcs that pop up? Fourth is is there cum inflation from cumming in someone enough and being able to lock it in, maybe if there elastic enough? Also is there stomach bulge from penetrating an npc with a large cock? Gotta say really enjoying the game. Looking forward to more content
1. Many more abstract fetishes don't have a way to increase them yet, I think bimbo is one of them.
2. Go to slaver alley->Get and complete slaver quest->buy slave collar at slaver alley or make slave clothing yourself using a skill->equip random npc with slave collar->find spot in mansion for slave to live
3. Not yet, although I think the nightlife district that's coming soon will change that when that's fleshed out.
4. Inflation is implemented in the engine I think, although writing actual scenes is still on the to-do according to GitHub.


New Member
Mar 3, 2016
Thanks for the answer. One last question, is there a place you go to if you're interested in helping with writing scenes/parts for the game. Would like to contribute to this project.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
Thanks for the answer. One last question, is there a place you go to if you're interested in helping with writing scenes/parts for the game. Would like to contribute to this project.
Since the game's source-code uses GitHub, you can use that to download, and later submit the source-code for integration. However this does mean that you will need to have some understanding of both Java(language the source-code is built in) and GitHub. Here's a list of what other people have submitted. I'm not sure if/how you can help without going through this process.

Joseph porst

Nov 5, 2017
Ok is there any way to make your characters milk transforms someone in the game and how do you savethe game out and how do I become a herm demon in the game rise corruption for my character


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Ok is there any way to make your characters milk transforms someone in the game
Not yet.

and how do you save the game out and how do I become a herm demon in the game rise corruption for my character

Save the game out? You mean export the game? You can't anymore, it was a placeholder system in order to make a somewhat save compatibility between old versions, but it is not needed anymore. If you just mean how to save the game then :




To become a demon, enchant a bottle of "Innoxia's Gift" with the transformations you desire, to raise your corruption : Use actions you do not have the fetish or corruption for it yet, these are marked with a purple exclamation mark, or enchant a bottle of "Lilith's Gift" with a major boost in corruption to gain permanent corruption.



Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Ok but when I close the game I lose my progress or close the window
That means you've got a problem related to saving your game and it can't create your save, I suppose? It's a common problem and I'll just screenshot my formatted answer on Discord :



Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
First, you've got to do the side-quest related to obtaining a slaver license. For that, head towards the Slaver Alley and speak to Finch


Then, once you obtain it, you'll have to buy or make a clothes with the "Enslaving" enchantment


Next, all you got to do is beat someone, and, during the victory screen, select the "Inventory" option, select your enchanted clothes and click "Equip (them)"



Afterwards, go into Lilaya's mansion, go into the Room List menu and convert any room you want into a suitable room for your new slave, then in the Slave List, select the "Move here" option while being in the room you've transformed.



New Member
Mar 12, 2018
Thanks!! I needed that info, too!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Ok how do you raise the affection
Don't make them work too much, have sex with them, talk with them about their background, etc.. (careful with those though, if they don't like you enough, they'll instead lose affection) or assign them a job for the fetish they have, for example, a slave with the lactation fetish will love being used in a milking room.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You need to have the Java runtime environment installed. The application is not an ".exe" but a ".jar" file.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Don't make them work too much, have sex with them, talk with them about their background, etc.. (careful with those though, if they don't like you enough, they'll instead lose affection) or assign them a job for the fetish they have, for example, a slave with the lactation fetish will love being used in a milking room.
If you make your own slave collars then you can have it give them an appropriate fetish.
If they have 'submissive' and are attracted to your gender you can get +10 once a day by molesitng them.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
You need to have the Java runtime environment installed. The application is not an ".exe" but a ".jar" file.
To be honest, there is also a .exe version.

@Emperor Julius Caesar you should download the executable instead of the jar archive, so you don't even need to install the java runtime environment as it is included with it. Download this one :

Click here to download the exe version, or if you don't trust me : click here to get to Innoxia's website
May 9, 2018


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
There seems to be an issue when player milk (or milk in general, I can't tell) is stored and an attempt made to sell it via the minus symbol button in the UI.

Nothing happens and it appears like the entire room freezes up. If I walk out of the room and re-enter, the player icon is still stuck outside as if I didn't enter room. Further interactions are not possible within that room until the player rests or passes time.

edit: nevermind, the room is frozen, full stop and now requires a reload of the client to restore functionality which seems to have fixed the problem. I can't seem to replicate the issue now. So after additional testing the strange behavior seems to come from storing liquids. If you set the liquids to sell things are just fine, but it seems some types of fluid totally lock up the UI when you attempt to sell.

Also, the makeup/covers bug still persists in 0.2.5: upon re/load of game makeup is lost on PC and NPCS and/or becomes randomized.

Random rooms on first floor of the mansion seems to have reset themselves upon the reload of any save.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
What's the best place to make money?
Just like in TiTs, there are lots of ways to make money:

Prostitution: Go to the Red Light District complete initial quest, 2k Flames a pop (heheh) plus you get arcane essences from sleeping with johns. Also, you get 50xp for every virgin hole you deflower.

Submission: Walk around looking for biogel canisters atm they are worth 10k each
Slavery: complete initial quest so you can own slaves, beat up and enslave demons, sell them at the slave market, the higher the obedience the more flames
Violence: beat the piss out of people in the alleyways, take anything made of platinum

There are more methods, but require too much clicking and menu navigating for it to be worthwhile.

Of course there's just having a small army of slaves making money for you. But requires some initial quests to be done and capital.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2018
So as of version 0.2.5 does anyone know how to start the slime side quest?...

and is the "slime TF" item just the biojuice?
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