Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
Sorry that I haven't responded since the last update! I got a little caught up working on Lilith's Throne, and fell behind in keeping up with comments... ;_;

Nnxx has forwarded all of your bug reports and issues to the github issue tracker, however, so thank you everyone (and Nnxx) for all those! ^^

I just updated the game to, which you can find on my blog here:

If you just wanted to grab the downloads and see the patch notes, then here you go:

Update: I've updated the download links with a second hotfix (, which fixes the issue with some text (most notably orgasm descriptions) being cut off. Patch notes are appended to the bottom of this post.

v0.2.5.2 Download links

Google Drive
Google Drive
32-bit .exe:
Google Drive

Mega - Windows Vista compatibility test (please try this one if you're on Vista and the above downloads don't work for you).

v0.2.5.1 Patch Notes

Optimised save files. In the ones I tested, file size was reduced by over 50%, and load times saw a similar decrease.
Added support for masturbation sex scenes.

Added: Panty masturbation scene in Lilaya's room, with a couple of follow-on sex scenes.

You now need at least three spells in a spell school to unlock the related special ability.
Spell books are now consumed on use, and added to Lilaya's library. (This was to prevent buying a spell book, learning the spell, and then selling it, making it significantly cheaper than intended to buy & learn all spells.)
Made default bottled arcane essence slightly cheaper than the racially enchanted ones.

Added: Strap-on, and support in the engine for correctly treating a strap-on as an artificial penis during sex. (BDSM set, no femininity requirements, penis slot.)
Added: Toeless striped stockings. (Feminine, calves slot.)
Added: Tube top. (Feminine, chest slot.)
Added more tags for clothing, including ones for plug support. Added plug modifier to nipple tape crosses (prevents cum from leaking out).
Added fertility and virility to available clothing attribute enchantments.

Fixed typos in air elemental upgrades. (rfpnj)

Added '+10 spell points' to debug menu.
Improved some of the demon/slime transformation menu options. Added options for internal testicles, horn size, tongue length, wing size, and horn colour.
Added more options for horn pattern and colour.
Improved item, weapon, and clothing pages in the encyclopedia, and added preview images for items.
You can now re-read race books, but you only receive the damage/resistance boost the first time. This should now allow new characters to gain these bonuses, even if races have been unlocked by a different playthrough.
The 'vacuum' spell can no longer strip a person's piercings.
NPCs will only re-dress themselves once a day.
Vicky will now buy spell books and scrolls.
Tidied up Lilaya's lab dialogue flow a little.
Added a chance to overhear Rose saying some things to Lilaya when you enter the lab.
Added indication in slavery overview for approximate hourly income of milking jobs.

Fixed annoying bug where when inspecting NPCs, it would show a different, incorrect NPC's name/inventory on the right of the screen. (This should definitely be completely fixed this time. x_x)
Fixed Arcane elemental spell cost being extremely low.
Fixed dresses and kimonos that were parts of sets still blocking the leg slot.
Fixed the broken encyclopedia item view.
Throat wetness should now correctly save/load.
Typos, parsing, and incorrect clothing displacement fixes.
Fixed slime sclera and pupil recolouring not working.
Resetting spell schools now refunds the correct amount of upgrade points.
Fixed arcane storm timer (from Arcane spell school's unique ability) not working correctly.
Fixed Water spell chool's unique ability (liquid TFs are free) not working correctly.
Being defeated in combat while your allies are still fighting will now correctly only give you the option to watch.
Fixed bug where there would sometimes be gaps in actions during sex.
Fixed some incorrect skin colouring on Rose.
Improved NPC removal method, which should help to reduce save file size and save/load times. This will be further improved for 0.2.5.
(Hopefully) fixed a cause of the bug where the game would stop being able to save.



Filled in more of the placeholder text in Submission.
Added more content for Submission Enforcer Post, including a new Enforcer NPC, 'Claire'. When entering a Submission Enforcer Post for the first time, Claire's dialogue will trigger. (There will be a quest related to this added for the next release.)

'Dairy Cow' job now correctly supports 8 slaves per milking room.
Made some minor improvements to slavery UI.
Milking room now milks a slave of their milk, cum, and girlcum at the same time.
Added options to enable/disable milk, cum, and girlcum milking.
Moved pregnancy job settings (Promiscuity pills, no pills, or Vixen's Virility pills) from the 'Stocks' and 'Prostitute' jobs, and moved them into a standard permission.
Added options in milking room to set automatic selling, as well as options to drink or sell any stored fluids.
Balanced fluid values.
Added three new upgrades to the milking room.
Added self-milking options to milking rooms.

You can now set a custom name for any potions or clothing that you create.
Added: Saving and loading of enchantment effects. (Built upon framework created by Master of Puppets.)

Added testing for Nnxx's character 'Lumi' in the debug menu. Once she's finished, she will be added a random encounter in Dominion's alleys, but for now, she's only accessible through the debug menu.
Fixed typos in Telepathic Communication description. (Mach565)
Companion's damage scaling (on higher difficulty settings) is now treated the same as the player's. (Darkon47)
Added rings for masculine characters in character creation. (rfpnj)
Huge amount of punctuation fixes. (WoefulWombat)
Even more punctuation fixes. (WoefulWombat)
Added framework for saving and loading enchantment effects. (Master of Puppets)
Fixed bug with intoxication percentages not displaying correctly. (Pimvgd)
Fixed prologue typo. (Mach565)
Fixed cause of strange characters being displayed in some svgs. (Pimvgd)
Fixed bug where impregnation chance was using the wrong partner's fertility stat. (Itpatch)

Ankle spreader bar now blocks escape in combat (if you are unable to fly).
Wrist restraints now block flight from arm-wings (such as harpy or bat wings).
NPCs now gain or lose affection towards you after sex, depending on if they were in the resisting pace or not.
Slimes can no longer fly.

Fixed bug where NPCs would have a random colour for their lips/nipples/anus. This resets NPC colours for those parts only if they're not your slave, so your slave's colours won't be reset by this.
Typo and parsing fixes.
Fixed issue with parsing some characters in text fields.
Fixed spell page showing special ability was unlocked, even when it wasn't.
Fixed bug where some icons would show random letters on some systems.
Fixed (yet another) cause of slavery stats getting stuck on the right-hand section of the screen.
Fixed broken colours in rainbow set status effect icon.
Fixed bug where fetish screen would sometimes become unresponsive.
NPCs should no longer spawn in with fetish or transforming fetishes if you have them set to 0% in your content options.
Fixed milking room upgrade being blocked when you had companions in your party.
Fixed slave multiple-partner sex breaking if you had companions in your party.
Fixed bug where slaves could start spitroast even if they weren't attracted to you.
Crotchless chaps no longer conceal the anus slot.
Fixed yet more bugs related to slavery targets being broken between scenes.
Fixed 'Dairy Cow' slave job having some settings from prostitute.
Fixed bug where fluids would sometimes load in their modifiers twice (potentially causing issues with removal of fluid modifiers).
Fixed slimes being able to TF penis type to 'artificial'.



Added a small encounter for Mother's Day on Dominion's boulevard tiles. There's a 10% chance for it to fire, and it requires the game's date to be the second week of May. (I thought that the second Sunday of May was too narrow a time period.)

Fixed body-part modifiers being incorrectly loaded in from old save files. (Pimvgd)
Increased parser performance. (Pimvgd) Innoxia's note: This massively increased rendering performance in all screens for me (most notably in the inventory screen).
Refactored code to remove unnecessary ListValue objects. (Pimvgd)
Fixed penis size alteration buttons incorrectly showing 'cm' when disabled. (Pimvgd)
Added hasWeaponEquipped method to handle possible future issues with enchanting weapons. (Pimvgd)
Fixed softlock caused by opening options menu during examining alexandria in intro. (Pimvgd)

Improved inventory UI to stop that annoying stuttering/resizing caused by the scrollbar appearing and disappearing.

All 'Submit' actions in the game are no longer completely locked out by not having the Submissive fetish, and instead have an associated corruption bypass cost.
Having a special flavour for milk, cum, or girlcum now increases its value.
Vicky now stocks 12 TF potions every day, instead of 6.
Slightly improved item ordering in inventory.
Added secondary colour to 'sport shorts', for the string tie. Replaced Lumi's shorts with sport shorts.
NPCs can now dress themselves once per hour instead of once per day.
Most demons and imps should now spawn in having already lost their penile virginity.
Added 'deflowering' fetish experience gain from taking virginities.
Added description of the rooms in Angel's Kiss having small bathrooms.
You can now drink fluids in the milking room if the total quantity is less than 100ml.
Enchanting effects are no longer cleared if there's another item of the same type in your inventory. (So if you want to craft lots of potions, you can now keep on clicking 'Craft', without needing to reload the effects every time.)

Fixed several body covering colours not being saved or loaded correctly. (Some body colours might be reset as part of this fix, but they should now correctly save from now on.)
Fixed cause of a game import error (related to SlaveryUtil).
Fixed cause of possible game crash when clicking on weapons in inventory.
Fixed bug where milking room was milking cum instead of girlcum.
Milk regeneration enchantments are now correctly affected by the Water School perk (i.e. it's free).
Fixed a malfunction in the milking machines, where, even if they were powerful enough to do it, they wouldn't extract any stored milk from a slave's breasts past their milk regeneration rate. (e.g. If a slave had 500ml of milk in their breasts, and they regenerated 100ml an hour, and the machine was capable of milking 250ml an hour, the machine would only be milking 100ml an hour, instead of 250/250/200/100/etc.)
Fixed Vicky's potions having strange names.
Fixed Vicky's inventory resetting every time you loaded the game.
Fixed attackers in arcane storms using prostitute dialogue.
Fixed TF menu penis size showing 'cm' instead of 'inches'.
Pressing enter in the enchanting screen's rename box will no longer make the screen go blank.
Fixed another(!!!!!) cause of the NPC-stuck-on-screen bug.
Fixed companions being treated as librarians when entering Lilaya's library.
Fixed custom names for clothing not persisting between saves.
Fixed elusive bug where slave rooms would sometimes randomly reset their upgrades.
Fixed debug menu being available in the prologue (as it would end up breaking everything if used).
Typo fixes.
Fixed bug where equipped condoms couldn't be clicked on.
Spell actions should no longer be duplicated in combat. (Caused by unlocking a spell and also having a weapon that grants that spell.)
Fixed bug where a random NPC's inventory would be shown on the bottom-right during masturbation scenes. (I think this was also causing a bug where masturbation scenes could break and show no actions.)
Fixed Pix losing affection towards you at the end of her sex scene.
Fixed enchantment save/load confirmations not working properly.
Fixed bug where characters without genitalia would get stuck in Lilaya's panty masturbation scene at 100 lust.
Fixed horn TF options appearing twice in the transformation options for slimes.
Fixed offhand attacks applying the damage type of your main weapon.
Fixed bug where only one of a slaves' milk/cum/girlcum would be milked.
Fixed sex AI bug where NPCs with oral fetishes would stop/start oral actions.
Fixed modded clothing colours not being able to use custom colour lists.
Fixed bugs in Arthur's and Amber's descriptions.
Fluids will no longer show in the milking room if there's 0ml of them.
Fixed bug where the 'pet' in Amber's walkies fucking scene would sometimes generate with fetishes that would cause the scene to never progress.
Fixed bug where characters couldn't be imported as slaves if they had been exported with companions in their party.
Fixed bug where trying to delete an exported character with confirmations on would send you to the save/load screen.



Fixed bug with conditional statements cutting off text. (Itpatch)

Fixed bug where Lilaya would act as though you'd just creampied her for as long as she had a creampie effect was.
Fixed Rental Mommy even continuously firing until you hired her at least once.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
snip for reply
Really loving this game so far, despite the fact that it looks to not even be 10%? complete. That said I do have some issues that I would like to bring up in hopes they get fixed/changed. Additional note since I noticed that I ended up with a lot of complaints, I love this game and none of the issues alone or together are enough to make me dislike the game.

The first and biggest issue I have is that normal clothing aka those not part of a set only have 5 enchantment slots, while I understand that set clothing is meant to be better, as it costs more and is harder to get, I would love it if there was a way to upgrade normal clothing to make them have 10 slots like set clothing does. As personally I don't like any of the currently available set clothing aesthetically, meaning I am gimping myself so I can have a Fashion Throne(proud of that by the way).

The second issue is could it be made clearer when you get the school passives. As I didn't know I had the earth passive for ages and only found out when I accidentally sold my dye-brushes without noticing and could still dye items. As a side not is it possible to get the cleansing water spell and the other 4 arcane spells in game without debug as of the current patch.

My third issue is more of a bug report, that being despite the fact that slime can transform NPC slimes when beaten don't have the option to transform them in any way slaves work fine though.

Fourth issue is that if you have + fertility or virility modifiers then the the perks and items meant to prevent pregnancies won't work, same if an NPC has said modifiers e.g. from high corruption as they won't hit -100. I suggest that the perks and pill just set the chances to zero, also side suggestion the perks should be gained not brought and not cost a trait slot to use just being able to toggle on or off as they have no game-play. As to how to earn them maybe ask Lilaya if there is a spell to prevent you from getting yourself or others pregnant until you cast the counter spell, followed by a side quest of reasonable length.

The fifth issue is that saved enchantments don't work on set clothing it doesn't recognize that you have the item. My guess is that its looking for the base item which can't be got thus doesn't recognize the item. I suggest instead having the saved enchantments look for item type e.g. clothing, transformative, arcane stat booster, physical stat booster etc.

The sixth issue is more just a suggestion that jinxes and enslave enchantments shouldn't take up enchantment slots. Also would it be possible to get/earn an auto clean clothing enchantment, that preferably wouldn't take up a enchantment slot. Next is there any chance to get an improved version of jinx that doesn't drain aura and instead uses the ambient arcane in the air. Could we also learn a version of jinx that would allow the person that cast the jinx or someone keyed into it to remove the item without having to unjinx it first. I feel this would make sense, since people in universe would want a way to prevent people robbing them of their clothing, while still being able to remove them themselves. if both get added then if you have both the ambient jinx and the going to call it keyed jinx you could combine the two.

Final miscellaneous issues. Maybe add some descriptions on how to gain xp for certain fetishes e.g. Kink Advocate and Transformer. And how much each level up adds to the bonuses as per "Higher level fetishes... increase the fetish's bonuses." Next if slimes can't fly (not sure why but not my game) then might I suggest adding to the wings part of descriptions something like, "That while the wings are big enough to fly, due to their slime based nature they are unable to generate sufficient lift.". Also could psychoactive cum be improved to allow additional option where you could hypnotize NPC to (potentially permanently) give/removing fetishes, like you more or allow you to give them some items they wouldn't normally take(might not work as well or at all on some NPC's). In addition could a mind control/hypnotism fetish be added that would enable the additional option and negate the corruption gain. Finally could slaves that hit 100 obedience and affection not loss affection/obedience from spankings, hugs, petting etc.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Not at all. Type "buggy" anywhere in the game ;)

It's written at the end of the readme.txt that nobody reads :catte:
I feel if it was called "Readme I tell you how to access cheat mode" more people would read it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Really loving this game so far, despite the fact that it looks to not even be 10%? complete.

Yeah, Innoxia has started developping this game back in July 2017, it's still fairly recent.

As a side not is it possible to get the cleansing water spell and the other 4 arcane spells in game without debug as of the current patch.

Not currently.

My third issue is more of a bug report, that being despite the fact that slime can transform NPC slimes when beaten don't have the option to transform them in any way slaves work fine though.

Could you elaborate on that problem, please? I don't quite understand what you mean.

The sixth issue is more just a suggestion that jinxes and enslave enchantments shouldn't take up enchantment slots.

I don't agree with that, it's a powerful enchantment and in my opinion, it should even take more than one enchantment slot.

Maybe add some descriptions on how to gain xp for certain fetishes e.g. Kink Advocate and Transformer. And how much each level up adds to the bonuses as per "Higher level fetishes... increase the fetish's bonuses."

Certain fetishes don't currently gain any experience despite you doing the right thing and to be honest, it doesn't change anything yet as there are bonuses for increasing the level of a fetish.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
My third issue is more of a bug report, that being despite the fact that slime can transform NPC slimes when beaten don't have the option to transform them in any way slaves work fine though.
Could you elaborate on that problem, please? I don't quite understand what you mean.
What I mean is that when you beat one of the demons in combat you get the option to transform them. This is also available when you enslave them or become one.
Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.14 -
Yet when you beat a slime you can't transform them, but can transform if you enslave one or become one.
Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.14 -
I hope this helps clarify what I am reporting as a bug.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Randomization of the makeup/coverings for PC/NPCs still persists. Nevermind, someone already reported it on Github, issue #431hurr durr I'm slow

I don't agree with that, it's a powerful enchantment and in my opinion, it should even take more than one enchantment slot.

Fully agree, going the slaver route needs something of a money/essence sink or else it is too powerful.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
What I mean is that when you beat one of the demons in combat you get the option to transform them. This is also available when you enslave them or become one.
Yet when you beat a slime you can't transform them, but can transform if you enslave one or become one.
I hope this helps clarify what I am reporting as a bug.
Aaaah I see, yeah I'll forward it to Innoxia


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
Nnxx figured out that the dye for free bug isn't a bug--- checked old save. I have an earth spell fully upgraded. Seems I got the dye for free ability from that.
Which honestly is a game breaker when it comes to creds. Dying jewelry to platinum or even gold results in a 20-40% buy back boost. Perhaps actually link it as it were a spell - ie uses arcane energy per use (say 10?) this would limit the sudden glut of platinum everything in game.

There's no tooltip for the specials you get for taking spells in each group - water is fluid increases in potions/gear cost no extra arcane.... doesn't really happen if it isn't the first fluid change. Say you do breast milk boost and cum boost too... the second fluid change adds 3 to equation no matter what the actual cost. (tested with varied items and gear)

for the dye check this? Dye Object/item > (FIRST CHECK FOR DYE PENS ALWAYS) y/ then end here if No then >Does_Player_Have_EarthMagic? > N > Have Dye pen? > N > Can't dye // Have earth magic? Y > Does player have sufficient arcane > Y/n . If no fail dye return fail/lack message.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2016
Which honestly is a game breaker when it comes to creds. Dying jewelry to platinum or even gold results in a 20-40% buy back boost. Perhaps actually link it as it were a spell - ie uses arcane energy per use (say 10?) this would limit the sudden glut of platinum everything in game.

Hardly gamebreaking at all as it's still limited by the number of metal items the merchants sell per day. With basic jewellery there's profit to be made, sure, but it's not time effective at all. The most lucrative way to exploit this is by buying out low value Metal slave collars (Black, Copper, Steel) and then transmuting them to platinum, but even then I don't think it's worth the time it takes unless you just need a few thousand extra to buy a slave you want. The best way to accrue flames currently I believe is to farm the Chapel Witch encounters which give several hundred flames per win, a high end consumable (like Innoxia's Gift which sells for a great price) and the Witches Set and Broom which sells for over 10k flames, in addition to being a good essence farming source and being the highest base level enemies in the game making them the best experience farm too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Honestly, there are numerous ways to farm money in this game so it's not an issue.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Hardly gamebreaking at all as it's still limited by the number of metal items the merchants sell per day. With basic jewellery there's profit to be made, sure, but it's not time effective at all. The most lucrative way to exploit this is by buying out low value Metal slave collars (Black, Copper, Steel) and then transmuting them to platinum, but even then I don't think it's worth the time it takes unless you just need a few thousand extra to buy a slave you want. The best way to accrue flames currently I believe is to farm the Chapel Witch encounters which give several hundred flames per win, a high end consumable (like Innoxia's Gift which sells for a great price) and the Witches Set and Broom which sells for over 10k flames, in addition to being a good essence farming source and being the highest base level enemies in the game making them the best experience farm too.
Noob question but where and how do you get the witch encounter.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Play during October (in-game) and roam around in the streets of Dominion, at some point you'll trigger the "Witch appears" event~ :catte:


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Use the debug menu, there are options to add/substract months
I feel dumb I used debug yesterday to test stuff yet I managed to forget that their was a month option.

Side note do the slave permission like silence, crawling, move in house and move outside work yet. Also does the ball gag do anything it says it muffles speech.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I don't even loot people anymore unless it's a book I don't have.


The real money is in prostitution and milk and working slaves 24/7 for maximum profit.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
I don't even loot people anymore unless it's a book I don't have.

View attachment 6904

The real money is in prostitution and milk and working slaves 24/7 for maximum profit.
Yes that gets you the most but just because they are slaves doesn't mean you have to be mean. Show some compassion. Personally I have the milking room opposite my room. Then have 3 shifts of slaves working 8 hour shifts when 1 end the next begins. I still get the lovely sound of my cute little slaves and they get off time to do whatever they want normally it seems to be fucking whoever is in the stocks at that time, but what can you expect from demons.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Yes that gets you the most but just because they are slaves doesn't mean you have to be mean. Show some compassion. Personally I have the milking room opposite my room. Then have 3 shifts of slaves working 8 hour shifts when 1 end the next begins. I still get the lovely sound of my cute little slaves and they get off time to do whatever they want normally it seems to be fucking whoever is in the stocks at that time, but what can you expect from demons.

I'm not sure having the maximum amount of cows is worth the use of space. I've been running into strange bugs with multiple milk rooms.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
I feel dumb I used debug yesterday to test stuff yet I managed to forget that their was a month option.

Side note do the slave permission like silence, crawling, move in house and move outside work yet. Also does the ball gag do anything it says it muffles speech.

There is scenes being currently written to support the "silence" and the ball gag, it's still WIP but it's coming :3
Other than that, no, it's not supported yet.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Are the Geisha, Ronin and Jolnir sets got on specific months like the witch set. If so I guess Jolnir is December but what are the dates for Geisha and Ronin. Also can you get the angel transformation without slime.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Are the Geisha, Ronin and Jolnir sets got on specific months like the witch set. If so I guess Jolnir is December but what are the dates for Geisha and Ronin.

Those three sets can be bought from Reindeer-overseers during the Yuletide event (December)

Also can you get the angel transformation without slime.

Yes, either by save-editing or by using the debug menu





Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
does anyone know how to get the demon spells or the demon school abilty
By demon school do you mean the other arcane spells, or the ability to transform. If its the former the other arcane spell like steal, teleport and Lilith command haven't been added and can only be got through the debug menu by typing "buggy" anywhere in game. If you mean the ability to transform enchant a Inoxia's gift and give yourself some demon part.

If its neither then I have no idea what you mean.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Something seems off about the math when you make slaves work 24/7. In instances where it should result in negative affection it caps out at 0.0


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Oh dear. I was referring to jobs such as cooks and librarians where there is no possible fetish to derive a bonus from.