Bio Juice- expensive as heck. Sells for a lot. I got on a sq that just coughed up lillith's tears and bio juices for like 8 explores n a row... it was like someone's treasure trove.
That's normal as the biojuice cannister is supposed to be a very rare item, for the sake of letting people test it and play as slime-morphs without having to cheat, Inno has put it at a way higher drop rate than it would be in the full version of the game.
Finding someone's hideaway under city might make for a story line opportunity- little girl (what?Not a full adult?) or a succubi-imp hybrid who ran afoul of of experiments and ended up more human than expected and looking like a child? Mind is mostly gone. Just her and her teddy bear...but locals protect her. // adoption route (not a slave- maybe give a room like main quest guy) n home and try to raise her w/o corruption and limit arcane? (her arcane is zero too?) // raising her right might be a way for player to lower corruption and lead to a new quest line w/angels? Can demonkin become holy? Would lead outside city to old ruins you need to clear and sanctify? Or Corrupt?
While a succubi-imp doesn't make sense for the lore of LT, feel free to write any NPC you want for LT and to submit it, or to write down all your ideas on a doc and keep it as a commission
Children of your own (birthed by or fathered by) might have an option to move in w/Mom-Dad? This would give a weak initial companion for player that's non-magical and actually adores them to start. Of course you'd have to pay for their room, clothing and any fines for trouble with the enforcers.
It's planned.
Also if wearing enforcer gear should be able to bypass the security guard and go deeper into building. Charm and Sex only get you so far w/law. A uniform in a place where faces and features change storm by storm? That doesn't change and its magic would be recognized. So new girl/guy acceptance? (call you rookie and if you did calm harpy mission, they remember you slightly and might even give you a commendation. ) This could lead to removing corruption in force (the criminal kind) - ie someone selling prisoners as slaves to make a profit, bypassing the city's limited legal arm... or actually taking job as a freelance cop to clear up trade problems just outside city. Break up a den of thieves (are your kids involved?) etc... chance here for branching storylines... could be mirrored in the corrupt version of character vying for control of undercity and smuggling/slavery.
That's an interesting idea for future quests, though currently there's absolutely nothing more to do past Candi's office once you got far enough in the main quest.
Costs for elementals is still unbalanced to effects vs player level. Think Player level + Arcane/10 rounded up w/max of 20 until higher level elemental or arcane is reached (ie thresholds of 50 75 and 100?) This makes them useful as well as a tool. And not game breaking in early game.
Ie if someone say lvl 6 goes down into undercity and manages to loot 3-4 bio juices? they easily can buy the spell books for elementals.
Suggest fix- Elemental summons shouldn't be able to be used until player manages to master ONE or TWO spells in that same element. Ie buy all the subspells boosters for that spell. For fire Fireball, flash, cloak etc... need fully empowered before you can begin to learn how to summon an elemental of that element. And then limit as above??
There is no need to restrict the player that much, and what if the player wants to roleplay as a conjurer? And anyway it's very easy to make money in Lilith's Throne, be it with biojuice cannisters or by enslaving and selling succubi, steal clothes and selling them, etc..
Also - need a way to save/store elemental books magics like Essences - ie if you earned or bought too many and can't use them anymore in that element. A way to make empowerment potions (make a lab in home for alchemy?( Need Tester /Changer Fetish?) and to have altered at least 20-50 potions and used them on self or others?)
Library you could add a magical study section where you put used spell books. You can assign your librarian to collate the info. Also assign your slaves to study here in library for an hour a day vs doing work outs (should be mutually exclusive).
I made one of my cat slaves arctic white (ie white w/fur that fades to light blue) and made her arcane potions to empower her. Taught her ice spells to help me in fights. But the combat bug where they attack me and hit the enemy but effects are me or target seems random- is this based on like/dislike levels?
That's a good idea, and the bug where your companions will attack you is known, hopefully it will be fixed for the next version
Giving magic'd clothing, booze, treats etc for slaves should buy you minor boosts with slaves - in affection if not obedience.
Not really, there should be multiple factors to take into account, like giving a sealed clothes to a slave shouldn't boost their affection, despite it theorically speaking being an enchanted item. Anyway, there will, at some point, be an overall of the slavery content and maybe you'll be able to do that.
Also I make my own collars - not jinxed so I can take them off whenever I wish.
There's no way to take off a slave's collar if they came w/a jinxed collar and replace it with a custom necklace or item of slavery. If you have bought a good slave that is what you want for a companion no way you can make em cast magics because of jinxed gear.
Don't forget you can unjinx any clothes your slave is wearing, including their collar. They won't run away... For now
When you have fully trained a slave (or x number) or bought x number of slaves- option to buy a Master Collar Key should be available. Otherwise how do you free a slave and turn them into a lover/companion that is not forced?
You don't, because that content is planned, but not in the game yet. And I doubt it will be with a master key if you can simply unjinx the collar and take it away.
more thoughts after next build. Gonna run time and get slaves to all positives and then test combat/companion for issues on targeting.
Any particular bugs you want me to try to replicate while I test?
Any fuckery you might encounter is worth being reported, thank you for your help