Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Can vouch for weaver, still just a default circle perk.

Edit: Also, bug with prostitution license, didn't have basic one and went to purchase it and automatically got the upgraded one, didn't even have chance to send alleyway whores to Angel.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
Accidentally deleted my save and been trying to recover it for the past several hours without much luck so far. I am so bummed. It was an import save too so lost all the progress. Um. If I can't recover it, I was wondering if there were any cheats that have been implemented yet? Like one to basically replace the credits (flames was it?) that I had or something.

I did however saw that you can finally sex the person in the prologue and the job/sex experience improvements that has been made. Major props for that.


New Member
Mar 29, 2018
Accidentally deleted my save and been trying to recover it for the past several hours without much luck so far. I am so bummed. It was an import save too so lost all the progress. Um. If I can't recover it, I was wondering if there were any cheats that have been implemented yet? Like one to basically replace the credits (flames was it?) that I had or something.

Take a look at the game's README.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
So, two questions.

One, I kept forgetting to ask this since the first time I played this but how come we can't finger/penetrate without a cock in the chair sex position? I hope this is to be added especially when Lilaya asked if PC wants to feel what a demon's vagina is like and yet I couldn't with my female character. lol Bummer.

And two, I only really just noticed this when I began looking for +masculine things to lessen my PC's femininity and didn't have any luck finding any in stores, etc. Am I having shit luck finding them atm or are they not in the game yet? Also an suggestion that this gets added to debug too eventually.



Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
So, two questions.

One, I kept forgetting to ask this since the first time I played this but how come we can't finger/penetrate without a cock in the chair sex position? I hope this is to be added especially when Lilaya asked if PC wants to feel what a demon's vagina is like and yet I couldn't with my female character. lol Bummer.

And two, I only really just noticed this when I began looking for +masculine things to lessen my PC's femininity and didn't have any luck finding any in stores, etc. Am I having shit luck finding them atm or are they not in the game yet? Also an suggestion that this gets added to debug too eventually.


To increase Masculinity take any transformative item that is blue quality and enchant it. Under Core is Femininity and you select it then either minor drain, drain, or major drain. You don't grow a penis though with Masculinity, but instead through a transformative if you didn't start with one.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
To increase Masculinity take any transformative item that is blue quality and enchant it. Under Core is Femininity and you select it then either minor drain, drain, or major drain. You don't grow a penis though with Masculinity, but instead through a transformative if you didn't start with one.

Okay, I'll have to give that a go. I haven't yet tried enchanting so that explains why I haven't noticed that. Thank you for cluing me in!


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Found/bought clothing can have +Arcane or +Physique, but I don't seem to be able to add it myself. Is this intentional?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
Is Arcane Weaver broken? I didn't notice a difference.
It was broken, yes, sorry about that! It should be working in the most recent version though. ^^

Accidentally deleted my save and been trying to recover it for the past several hours without much luck so far. I am so bummed. It was an import save too so lost all the progress. Um. If I can't recover it, I was wondering if there were any cheats that have been implemented yet? Like one to basically replace the credits (flames was it?) that I had or something.

I did however saw that you can finally sex the person in the prologue and the job/sex experience improvements that has been made. Major props for that.
I'm sorry to hear that you lost your save! ;_;
You can access the debug menu (from which you can get your money/experience back) by typing "buggy" (without quotes) into the game at any point. It breaks out of the dialogue you're currently in, so it's best to use it when you're in a neutral tile, to avoid breaking ongoing dialogue. ^^

Found/bought clothing can have +Arcane or +Physique, but I don't seem to be able to add it myself. Is this intentional?
That was intentional, but, thinking about it a little more, I think I will add those to the clothing enchanting pool for the next release. ^^

I updated the game to in the early hours of Saturday morning. You can see my post about it on my blog here. (Contains some NSFW images.)

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32-bit .exe
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Patch Notes

Added raven-harpy and border-collie subspecies (for Scarlett and Pix, respectively).
Essence gains from combat and sex are now doubled during arcane storms.

Added: Corset dress (feminine, torso slot).
Added: Suspender belt (feminine, hips slot).
Added: Stockings (feminine, calves slot).
Added: Sport shorts (unisex, leg slot).
Added: Sweatband (unisex, head slot).
Added: Wristbands (unisex, wrist slot).

Moved 'Slavery Overview' from an option in every room to just being available from your room, and made the options available in rooms specific to that room.
Tidied up the appearance and buttons for slavery and room management.
Added some dialogue variation for if you've set your slave to be crawling.
Added Milking Room upgrade, along with 'Milking Cow'/'Milking Bull' job for slaves. (Still needs finishing off.)

Added: Optional in-game artwork viewer (enabled by default, can be disabled in the content options screen). Major NPCs which have had artwork drawn of them will now have that artwork displayed in their character screen. You can also add in custom images (info is in the res/images/characters/modding.txt folder).
Added: Demon tail TF variation. (Hair-tipped instead of spaded.)
Slightly improved Nyan's clothes.
You can now export characters from your phone's contacts screen (using the same export button in the top-right).
Updated Vicky's outfit.
Phone's map now flashes to show which tile you're currently on.
Phone's map now scales better for smaller maps.
Books no longer give +0.5 arcane, and instead, give +5 damage and +5 resistance vs the book's associated race.
Unequipping or displacing an NPC's clothing while outside of sex will now display the same reveal text for ass/breasts/vagina/penis as when in sex.
Slaves with the 'cum addict' fetish now gain affection towards you instead of losing it when being tasked to work as a prostitute.
Added a 'Take' action for when you're interacting with an NPC's equipped clothing, allowing you to unequip their clothing and add it to your inventory in one click.
You can now change body hair colours at Kate's shop and through the demon transformation screen.
Slimes no longer need to have their body parts pierced in order to equip piercings (you still need to grow a vagina or penis to equip those piercings, however).
NPCs with the Submissive fetish will now prefer to stick with the gentle pace while being the dom in sex (unless they are a switch or sadist, in which case they'll use normal/rough paces as normal).
Added white slime colour.
Added a lot more colours for feathers.
NPCs who hate sadism will now always be gentle while domming, and NPCs that dislike sadism will prefer the normal pace.
Added option to be the dom in prostitute's 'Sell body' action.

Fixed cause of bad displacement imports leading to a crash after sex. (Master of Puppets)
Adjusted the display of subspecies lists in the Encyclopedia. (tukaima)

Fixed bug where NPCs could still perform urethral penetration actions, even if it was turned off. (So sorry about this!)
Fixed all urethras being penetrable, even if capacity was at 0.
Fixed page automatically scrolling down when opening character view screen.
Fixed minor bug in harpy ear descriptions in character view screen.
Fixed final gift-related bugs in Nyan's tabs.
Dog and wolf-morphs should now correctly have scarlet-coloured penises by default.
Fixed fetish screen's desire buttons being incorrectly aligned.
Fixed 'Arcane Weaver' perk not apply its essence reduction effect.
Fixed NPCs spawning with the pussy slut fetish, even if they didn't have a vagina. Also, NPCs should no longer spawn in with fetishes if you have their related content settings turned off.
Typo, formatting, and parsing fixes.
Fixed a lot of incorrect clothing equip/unequip/displace descriptions.
You can no longer equip penis and vagina piercings, even if you had no penis or vagina.
Drinking a biojuice canister while already being a slime will no longer display the slime transformation description.
Imp offsprings no longer have their height determined by genetics (which was resulting in very tall imps).
Fixed Loppy's post-sex scene returning Bunny's dialogue.
Swapping positions in sex now correctly resets all ongoing sex actions.
Fixed bug where mutually exclusive slave job settings would not be set correctly when you loaded a game.
Slavery income should now correctly be saved/loaded.
Lilaya has been told to stop replacing the spare pair of goggles that are found in her lab.
Slave obedience gains from the teacher perk 'In control' now correctly only affects positive obedience increments.
Fixed bug where blocked slot icons would show incorrect race icon.
Fixed bug where you could have sex with prostitutes in Angel's Kiss while they were entertaining a client.
Fixed bug where first floor of Angel's Kiss would end up getting flooded with random characters.
Fixed Lexi's creampie status effect showing 0ml.
Fixed major bug where the slavery upkeep calculation was not working.
Fixed bug where NPCs in Dominion's canal tiles would disappear.



Added: Zaranix's house is now repeatable, and contains a lot of new content for Amber, a little content for Katherine and Kelly, and a moderate amount of content for Zaranix.
Finished placeholder text in Submission.

Added ChattyNeko's artwork for each of Lilaya's skin tone variations. (As Lilaya's skin tone is determined by your character's starting skin tone.)

Added: 'Full' variation of the chastity belt, which blocks off access to anus as well as vagina. (No femininity requirements, Groin slot.)
Added: 'Amber's Bitch' collar. (No femininity requirements, Neck slot.)

Fixed issue with images not working on non-windows systems. (Master of Puppets)
Added more options for books in Lilaya's library. (rfpnj)
Prevented clothing management from taking place in Ralph's sex scene. (Clothing is automatically displaced in this scene.) (Master of Puppets)
Upgraded the chair sex scenes to allow for fingering and tail actions. (Master of Puppets)
Added 'Management' tab to slave dialogue. (Master of Puppets)
Added a 'Lubricate tail' action, similar to the 'Lubricate fingers' one. (Master of Puppets)
Changed descriptive text to reflect the fact that cum addicts enjoy swallowing cum. (Master of Puppets)
Large amount of punctuation fixes. (WoefulWombat)

The 'Explore' action in Dominion alleyways, Harpy nest walkways, and Submission tunnels now instantly returns an event. (With the event type being the same probability as before, but now you don't need to mash your hotkey until it triggers.)
Added ChattyNeko's artwork for the skin tone variations for Lilaya.
If you have the 'Test subject' fetish, you can no longer spit out transformative potions.
Thigh sex, hotdogging, and paizuri/naizuri no longer take penis virginity.
Added small event in the park, where you can obtain a rose.
Added 'Nipple penetration' content toggle. (On by default.)
Improved content options UI.
Added formatting to large money amounts (i.e. 120000 is now displayed as 120,000, or 120.000 depending on locale).
Changed the 'Perks' menu button to only be highlighted until you first click it after levelling up.
Increased lactation increment from clothing effects from 1ml to 50ml.
Added support for public sex, which now levels up the exhibitionist fetish. (The only public sex actions are through Amber's scenes at the moment - more will be added soon!)

Fixed cause of sex scenes sometimes not starting (due to a bug related to wearing jinxed clothing).
Fixed some inconsistencies in Dominion's boulevard tile descriptions during an arcane storm, and made their tiles correctly show as safe.
Typo fixes.
Character images in .jpg format are now properly supported.
Fixed a couple of Brax's sex scenes starting in the standing position instead of doggy as the dialogue implied.
Fixed canine and lupine cock transformations not turning the cock red.
Fixed bug where you could craft potions with no effects.
Brax's transformative potion now gives you the submissive fetish.
Fixed bug where screen would scroll to top whenever you selected a perk or fetish/desire.
Fixed bug where NPCs wouldn't remember you after loading a saved game.
Fixed a case where both your and your partner's virginity loss wouldn't show up in the character viewer.
NPCs can no longer spawn in disliking/hating both being both dominant and submissive.
Fixed slave event bug where it would describe the slave having sex with themselves.
Fixed bug where pubic hair would be the incorrect type for the character.
Fixed submissive/dominant prostitute dialogue being reversed in Angel's Kiss.
Fixed bug where subspecies wouldn't spawn correctly (I think it was only affecting border-collie-morphs).
Autosaves between areas should now work properly.
Fixed anilingus sometimes not being available in 69 position.



Added action to have sex with Amber once her affection towards you is maximum.
Added a gentle version of Pix's shower scene (only fires if you have nonCon off in the options).

Fixed an issue where setting breast size could sometimes throw an exception. (Master of Puppets)
Fixed corset dress not blocking leg slots, like all the other dresses. (Master of Puppets)

Increased cum production increase from clothing from 1ml to 5ml per tick.
Amber now gains affection towards you if you obey her in the pet encounter.
Improved your phone's sex stats screen, and added daily and total orgasm tracking.
Renamed some urethral penetration actions to distinguish between penile and vaginal urethras.
Separated body hair content setting into separate underarm and ass hair settings.
There is now a small chance for random NPCs to spawn in with penile virginity.

Fixed some typos.
Fixed issue where Amber's name would not be marked as revealed, causing some dialogue to refer to her as 'Fiery Maid'.
Fixed bug where asking Zaranix about his incubus form wouldn't work.
Amber and the pet encounter sex scenes now end after they orgasm, instead of waiting for you to orgasm as well.
Fixed bug where after talking with a slave, their character details would get stuck on the right-had side of the screen.
Fixed issue where Amber's 'submit' action (when she offers to take you for a walk) wouldn't work if you weren't wearing anything in the neck slot.
Fixed Amber always being a virgin every time you had sex with her.
Fixed several cases of incorrect lubrication transfers.
Fixed bug where all npcs would be shown to have lost their anal virginity, even if they hadn't.
Fixed cause of a game-breaking bug where if one of your slave prostitutes got impregnated, their character screen would stop working. (Also should have fixed any cases you your game breaking if this has already happened to you.)
Fixed body part reveal descriptions displaying twice in sex.
Fixed suspender belt not being tagged as feminine clothing.
Fixed availability requirements of 'pussy tease' sex action.
Fixed punctuation in Pix's gym scenes.
Dog and wolf-morphs will now only have scarlet penises if their penis type is canine or lupine, respectively.
Fixed 'Stroke cock' and 'Fondle balls' actions being disabled if urethral content was off.
Fixed a case where urethral penetration actions would be available even if it was turned off in content settings. (So sorry again!)
Fixed NPC's clothing displacement tooltips incorrectly referring to you.
Fixed bug where Rose wouldn't clean her underwear after orgasming in them.
Expanded harpy feather colours should now be available.
Fixed mouth/tongue sex availability bug, where you would still be able to initiate blowjobs while giving cunnilingus.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Pretty sure Arcane weaver is still broken. Transformations and enchantments still cost the same to make.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2017
I'm just curious, but will there be like a threesome sandwich? To clarify what I am thinking, is that you could have a person on one end be penetrated and the one it the middle is also being penetrated.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm just curious, but will there be like a threesome sandwich? To clarify what I am thinking, is that you could have a person on one end be penetrated and the one it the middle is also being penetrated.

I suspect that would become a thing once there are more group battles in game. At present there's only the one to my knowledge. It will probably become a thing eventually if enough people show an interest in that option.

How do you make Transformations, anyway?

Its not too hard. You need the arcane essences. Then you buy or find an appropriate base ingredient. The beverage drops are used for enchanting buffs and the food items are the ones that can be used to craft transformatives. Now you do have to trigger the essence extraction and enchantments discussion with the MC's aunt before you can start doing these things. Generally you do the first night of testing then rest and wash up before heading out and doing at least one fight and victory sex scene. Gain the essence and come back to the lab to get the option for essences. Then you can start crafting.

Uhm... to create transformatives you need a fair bit of essences. Well, if you do one or two effects it is cheap. But if you go all out and fill your potion with 100 effects (The max possible in a potion) then you will need enough to cover whatever transformatives you've added. It is possible to adjust your body parts without acquiring the form features. You have to make sure that the first arm, legs, face, hair etc... is the basic transformation. Don't select the mods for those features yet. You add that enchantment to the list and then you can add the body changing mods from those categories. Different forms have different restrictions on what you can gain. For instance, I do not believe there are any forms with antennae at present so choosing it would only give you the removal effect. All I can say is that it takes a bit to gather up essences to do fully maxed out potions. Unless you pay attention and read the readme files thoroughly to find out an alternative to jumpstart on enchanting. But I think its fun to play it properly rather than cheating.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
some scenes are missing or not implemented for lesbians that I have been able to find .
Scissoring or tribbing (cunt to cunt masturbation) with option of using tails for anal pen during either.
I put a gay female I beat in lust combat into missionary (after stripping both of us) and I can really only finger her butt or pussy or kiss her or tease her breasts.
I maxed lesbo stuff in char creation and made her lesbo to start. (yet I still get michael in the prologue - need a female for sex as an alternative there, maybe? especially for gay female or bi female characters.)

Also if you enchant a transformative (it's not really clear what are transformatives, what are booster (timed effect) potions and which have permanency.

I've tried to enchant items I get in combat loot - changing breasts, volume milk production, and making it addictive work fine and are intuitive- BUT Wetness needs to be clarified or changed to show that it will increase fluid production or volume. Maybe as separate effects. You can do this via breast mods or a fluid mod...but changes are hard to figure from the pop ups /hover tags.

I tried to mod a horse mod to change penis/give a penis to make my lesbo a herm... dick then dick size... turned pussy into a big horse pussy had to go back a save.

same for cat bunny mods to dicks that she didn't have. What's path to giving a character an extra dick, a new dick if none, or hey a second pussy and womb?
Extra breasts happen... not implemented yet?

Combat with succubi and Incubi-- I max out their lust fast and they take dmg instead of losing like others. So I end up taking similar dmg...
If I start with spell or physical combat they do the same it seems and I end up hurt and powerless then hit with lust bombs...
Win one easily the next fight I have always lost (i've loaded and reloaded this type of fight many times to test it out.)
Even at full power health and zero lust I will lose the second fight 9 out of ten times with the method that won the first fight.
So when I beat, loot them, sex them should I remove them so that their alley way ambushes (pink houses in the alleys....thought those were homes for prostitutes working area)

request weasel mods? basically tailless squirrel type mod... fast agile and fearless... males could go for wolverine/badger like mods while females get ermine/minx versions?
high libido and able to thump hips fast...
Which bunny girls should be able to do too.

Slaver licensing ETA? or quest involved?

Also can we make our prostitutes wear gear that enhances their sex drive in a certain way? Make them drink mods? select their outfits so they aren't a mismash of clashing rainbow colors? An ability to buy a coordinated outfit at the clothing store seems like it would be beneficial.

Hire a trainer to get the girls to exercise to boost stats and stamina so they can work longer hours and earn more money?

Also healing... you 'd think healing potions, salves and even bandages would be available at a shop or an infirmary in the game... if you're stuck 3-4 boxes deep in an alleyway and potions and mince pies alone isn't enough. Even enchanted.

Perhaps finding a herbalist and helping them with a problem could get you a lesson in basic healing alchemy.
Midwife help in breeding, fertility, and milk making potions. Or even something to stop a pregnancy, enhance a pregnancy in womb ( ie customize the child a bit max or min father/donor's part of the equation) . Perhaps even store and sell cum/sperm for those seeking pregnancy w/o risking rape by undesirable fathers. (this is a major problem for females in game. Males not so much. They can pick who they stick their dick in and how they come (inside out etc) - unless they knot a female or are forced to before they can help it and thus forced to come inside their topper.

A preg fetishist ought to have the option to cast spells during sex (if has power or it can use a bit o'lust too) taht will cause the male appendage to knot or she could lock her pussy (with enough muscle mods) and basically capture the dick for the scene until she gets her creampie.
Also an option to enhance the victim's cum to maximize chance of pregnancy during the event?

.... enjoying the game a lot. But navigation of UI a bit tough.
Suggest that MONEY be more visible.
Also in first combat that the Option of how to loot the target is given... leaving them naked and powerless and giving you something to sell for cash.
No way to loot any cash from victims should they have any...
No way to talk to victim to befriend or learn things about them.
Charmer characters should have options to sweet talk even their victims beaten in combat/seduction... so it's less rapey and more of a soft seduction.
Thus you might get a contact/friend/lover and know where they hang out for future sexual encounters w/o initiating combat/conquest before.
Seems that the PC would need all the allies she can make in this world.

Also after birth maybe offering a room at house to start, being able to befriend and train them...(incest if open an option too).

Also a lot of magic stories put a lot of power in virginities... more power from those given willingly than those taken, but virgins taken should give a boost to character... as is loosing their own gives another power boost. Might fit lore for the demons, especially those that like taking virginities).

A bit more on tantric magics maybe should be explored.
A character could power up via sex, especially if they make their partner come a lot.
Maybe even learn to heal themselves during sex.
This would allow them to turn tables on a raper.

Killing evil NPCs should be an option too... defeat them measure their soul and actions (you know their desires from the hover tips already)...
Perhaps reading magic comes with the power your PC got when moving into this new world.
Depending on character focus and corruption absorbing the defeated NPC could result in some changes and a power boost/healing. You could render them for alchemical parts... or bind and sell them into slavery after using your arcane and stolen power to make them naught but sex toys and thus source of income/babies vs an ongoing threat to everyone.

Vamp drain? Magic drain? Put a mark on them so all know who's your bitch? Turn them over to the Enforcers? Bounty hunt for enforcers to find a rapist or serial murderer?

that's first 20 hours of play thoughts... sorry if a bit disjointed. I blame my migraine meds...this weather is killing me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
also weapons... no swords, no clubs, just stones(magic) and fists...or claws...
Those with big fluffy tails could use them to blind or distract enemy in combat.
Furry tails tickle or bind a limb and trip if strong enough.

Town needs a weapon and armor shop...especially if you're eventually going to go undercity or into the beyond.
A place to buy regular food w/o transformations.
Get rose to cook for you. (Cooking that's alchemy based only is a bit weird).

Increased hunger during pregnancy should be a thing since it goes so fast in this world.
Cleansing plants, meat, milk, cheese etc should be a skill.
Foraging too.
Hunting skill (I assume there's vermin in town that isn't on two legs).
No schools in town. With as fast as birth and adulthood come in game, you'd think they'd offer new citizens/denizens some training options.

And no sex toys... if naught but to lower your lust between events. especially during storms.

Phone map needs hover tips. especially if you need to go back and find a certain NPC for a quest. Or to mark where certain prostitutes are freelancing.

This would let you navigate to that location easier and know what you might encounter there.

the Trap demons... should making them move along be more important and necessary to clear up paths in the slum/alleyways?

Nothing in library about the under city or its outskirts....

Your host should after having option for sex/incest offer to train you. Rose should also be able to ask you to help around home if you started as a maid or cook. Which would open up training paths and other sex options?

especially with your own children? Rose mentions she could use a full time cook and helper in this mansion. Maybe arthur needs more help too...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Game is still in early alpha. We just came out of 1.X, which if I recall correctly was all about getting all the basic mechanics in place and/or refining them. It's been stated that 2.X and beyond will be adding stuff, possibly what you've brought up, just gotta be a bit understanding of the situation and have a little patience.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Help? I have 40 slaves working in Lil's mansion working as maids, cooks, librarians, test subjects and prostitutes. You yourself don't need to do a thing as long as you're willing to enslave others. That's a long laundry list for someone that clearly hasn't gone through the current content, you have so many misconceptions about current game mechanics it wouldn't be worth it to correct them all: play the game.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
I really like the violet/purple/pink theme to the game. It fits thematically, it looks nice, and it's hot!


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
All I can say is that it takes a bit to gather up essences to do fully maxed out potions. Unless you pay attention and read the readme files thoroughly to find out an alternative to jumpstart on enchanting. But I think its fun to play it properly rather than cheating.

Enslave a few succubi, sell them off, then buy all the essences you need.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Help? I have 40 slaves working in Lil's mansion working as maids, cooks, librarians, test subjects and prostitutes. You yourself don't need to do a thing as long as you're willing to enslave others. That's a long laundry list for someone that clearly hasn't gone through the current content, you have so many misconceptions about current game mechanics it wouldn't be worth it to correct them all: play the game.
Wait, have you got ALL rooms occupied? I honestly didn't think someone would have had the dedication to do that


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
played a bit more.... yeah just got my slaver's license...but now need to beat up some thieves in alleyways and loot them (they always replace their gear...LOOTS!) Find easy one shot Inferno target. Unequip all, take all... sex once for essence and then repeat until you need to recharge potions. Goto market and sell the clothing you don't want to give to your kids or slaves. Or use to practice enchanting.

Or I could buy some vixen slut protection tabs and take one and then work the bordelo myself... 2000 a pop is better income than most fights yield.
Get a few collars and I can then go hunt for some slaves... succubi seems like a good idea... or the witches in town that attack me during a storm?

when do you get income from slaves or whores? on resale only?

Is the best path for training maid/cook w/Rose as their master trainer?

Guess I'll find out.

So- why no tribbing for female to female?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Wait, have you got ALL rooms occupied? I honestly didn't think someone would have had the dedication to do that
Top floor is double rooms for slaves, bottom floor is single rooms for kids (who are also slaves). I could fit more in, but I already had to clear some people out to make room for the milking room.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
when do you get income from slaves or whores? on resale only?

Is the best path for training maid/cook w/Rose as their master trainer?

Guess I'll find out.

Slaves earn an income from the jobs you assign to them which you then can collect from the slave overview tab.

Also besides selling unneeded clothes, you can do the same with potions/TFs/etc and enchanted items you create.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
It's not really training, it's assigning work for them to do. Having them work as a maid is the safest option if you want to quickly build up obediance and love at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
It's not really training, it's assigning work for them to do. Having them work as a maid is the safest option if you want to quickly build up obediance and love at the same time.

That depends, if you're keen on messing with their kinks, giving them a lactation fetish and making them work as milk cow 24/7 in a artisan milking room is the currently the best way to gain obedience and love. Of course, this is overpowered as hell and I'm sure Innoxia is going to going fix this eventually. (They're also all in double slave rooms with double beds and the obedience device installed).

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
That depends, if you're keen on messing with their kinks, giving them a lactation fetish and making them work as milk cow 24/7 in a artisan milking room is the currently the best way to gain obedience and love. Of course, this is overpowered as hell and I'm sure Innoxia is going to going fix this eventually. (They're also all in double slave rooms with double beds and the obedience device installed).

View attachment 6719

Yeah, ok, I've suggested a change based on your screenshot on the Discord, that seems way too much. Also, if you chose the "Teacher" career at the start of the game, all obediance gain are tripled, I'm gonna try and see how much obediance I can reach

EDIT : 24h a day, lactation fetish, artisanal milking machine and "Teacher" history. Yep, that's a lot.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Yeah, ok, I've suggested a change based on your screenshot on the Discord, that seems way too much. Also, if you chose the "Teacher" career at the start of the game, all obediance gain are tripled, I'm gonna try and see how much obediance I can reach

EDIT : 24h a day, lactation fetish, artisanal milking machine and "Teacher" history. Yep, that's a lot.

View attachment 6726
brb, editing save to teacher :smuggo: