[Implemented]Doggie Snausages v2 + Gil (Canine Cuntboy)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Some time ago I had posted a transformative that gave a person canine traits, mixed with some loosely themed canine transformations. Since then I decided to rework this project and make it into a better transformative. I've also asked some people to review it.

The docs are:

  • Doggie Snausages: This product can be bough from Jade and can be opened for pink and red snausages. The pink ones are the regular product that can transform the pc into a generic canine. The red ones contain several promotional transformatives, from gaining worg face and eyes, coyote face, vulpine tail, floppifying and pontifying ears, fluffyfying and coarsening fur, adding breast rows and multiplying tails.
  • Codex: A codex that explains the history of the transformative has gone through, from their creation to the lawsuits it has suffered through before parts of it being bought by Steele Tech.
  • Gil: Gil is a canine-morph that wants a few specific transformations from the Red Snausages and will pay a fair bit of money, or with sex, for them. He is mostly done, just need some feedback.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
For some reason it still has a bit of an unfinished feel, but overall it looks vary good.

I've been waiting for something like this to come along for a while. 


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I personally really like this tf idea. I noticed though that for the tail multiplication you didn't put a restriction accounting for genital tail's tf resistance. Is this a mistake or are you making it possible for the existence of multiple genital tails?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I personally really like this tf idea. I noticed though that for the tail multiplication you didn't put a restriction accounting for genital tail's tf resistance. Is this a mistake or are you making it possible for the existence of multiple genital tails?

By default, genital tail is either a parasite type (which blocks transformations which are not designed to bypass it) or flags, which would be cleared during transformation. Though nothing is wrong with multiple genitails. Well, aside that there barely would be any actual scenes for them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For some reason it still has a bit of an unfinished feel, but overall it looks vary good.

I've been waiting for something like this to come along for a while. 

Originally it was supposed to be one product but I was told that the extra variants don't make sense there, so I turned it into a promotional product. The basic canine tf itself is pretty much as complete as it's gonna get.

I personally really like this tf idea. I noticed though that for the tail multiplication you didn't put a restriction accounting for genital tail's tf resistance. Is this a mistake or are you making it possible for the existence of multiple genital tails?

Well the intention was to make multi-tails possible for all kinds including genitals(originally it was limited to vulpine and canine, but I changed that), but as Etis said:

By default, genital tail is either a parasite type (which blocks transformations which are not designed to bypass it) or flags, which would be cleared during transformation. Though nothing is wrong with multiple genitails. Well, aside that there barely would be any actual scenes for them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
By default, genital tail is either a parasite type (which blocks transformations which are not designed to bypass it) or flags, which would be cleared during transformation. Though nothing is wrong with multiple genitails. Well, aside that there barely would be any actual scenes for them.

Ha! Gentails! Why didn't I think of that, that's amazing! But ya I kinda knew that's about gentails, but I know they have some level of customization thanks to Lucifer candy apples being able to tf tail cocks info demon variants. I expected the answer to be no but I felt it couldn't hurt to ask lol. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ha! Gentails! Why didn't I think of that, that's amazing! But ya I kinda knew that's about gentails, but I know they have some level of customization thanks to Lucifer candy apples being able to tf tail cocks info demon variants. I expected the answer to be no but I felt it couldn't hurt to ask lol. 

It's not technically "no", Catnip supports tailcocks as well, including possibility to get two as nekomata-morph, and currently WIP Foxfire would do even more than that.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
It's not technically "no", Catnip supports tailcocks as well, including possibility to get two as nekomata-morph, and currently WIP Foxfire would do even more than that.

Even more? 

Suddenly vary vary hyped for Foxfire. 


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I'm excited now lol. I don't even care about scene compatibility, I just love multi tails lmao. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Codex: A codex that explains the history of the transformative has gone through, from their creation to the lawsuits it has suffered through before parts of it being bought by Steele Tech.

Perhaps consider tying in to what Emmy says about the Ausar's opinions regarding canine TFs. Protests, attacks, etc.?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
i really look forward to getting floppy, fluffy ears. 


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I was reading this topic, and I now the distinct urge to make a canine character.

Then give him 3 dicks, and call him Cerberus...

Now that I think of it, that would make a great male NPC.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The problem here is in the subtypes galore.

Ears: floppy/pointed would require the flag system implementation for ears (using status effect is bad idea).

Face/eyes: Worg and Coyote would require two separate race types (and it complicates race detection, since TiTS have no subrace mechanics unlike FoE).

Coarse fur: would require new flag.

With complications of handling those, it would be overkill for something which should be generic transformative. I actually have thought of making something like this for Catnip, to handle subraces, but decided to drop this idea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(and it complicates race detection, since TiTS have no subrace mechanics unlike FoE).

It does determine subraces in a way, like if bovine score >6 but various differences give different results. Most, if not all, are based on femininity score and genital arrangement, but still.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It does determine subraces in a way, like if bovine score >6 but various differences give different results. Most, if not all, are based on femininity score and genital arrangement, but still.

It's not subrace mechanics. It's clumsy substitute for it.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
There's not much need to. Race is just a String; any necessary checks are handled like that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[If dog/ausar score># and face=Jackal return "Jackal"] or whatever. Not trying to perfectly emulate the code, but yeah.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There's not much need to. Race is just a String; any necessary checks are handled like that.

As example, list of races used in Throbb to decide if kitty cock should be grown:

"kaithrit", "half-kaithrit", "feline-morph", "feline-taur", "nekomata", "nekomata-taur", "chakat"

There are no way to make one universal check to all felines at once. If any new option would be added, it would not be detected here unless added in a list manually. Every list of such type.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As example, list of races used in Throbb to decide if kitty cock should be grown:

"kaithrit", "half-kaithrit", "feline-morph", "feline-taur", "nekomata", "nekomata-taur", "chakat"

There are no way to make one universal check to all felines at once. If any new option would be added, it would not be detected here unless added in a list manually. Every list of such type.

By that logic Ovir would have reptile cocks since they'd fall under reptile race blanket. Someone may want to make a cat-like race that has a different cock type, what then? The system works, as convoluted as it may be.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
By that logic Ovir would have reptile cocks since they'd fall under reptile race blanket. Someone may want to make a cat-like race that has a different cock type, what then? The system works, as convoluted as it may be.

Then you define subrace as having different cock type.

Yes, system works, but the way it works discourages subraces, since they are messing up that little flavor variants you can otherwise get.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Wouldn't it be far easier to just have Throbb make a human (or random?) cock, rather than having to add to the list in individual TFs. That would seem better, then you could just call a randomincollection function to get the cock of any current valid cock-having race (which is probably always going to be all races?)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
By that logic Ovir would have reptile cocks since they'd fall under reptile race blanket. Someone may want to make a cat-like race that has a different cock type, what then? The system works, as convoluted as it may be.

I have to agree with Etis here, making N exception in the system he proposes would be easier than adding race options to the existing one. Then again, I have a hunch that aside from some minor push for filling the roster of traditional morphs, future races will be more and more chimerish special snowflakes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wouldn't it be far easier to just have Throbb make a human (or random?) cock, rather than having to add to the list in individual TFs. That would seem better, then you could just call a randomincollection function to get the cock of any current valid cock-having race (which is probably always going to be all races?)

Throbb is just a single case of race-based logic fork.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Throbb is just a single case of race-based logic fork.

I guess I don't understand what the problem is. Most such race-based logic forks I'm aware of are like, if (pc.race = ausar) output("text") else output ("different text"). When it comes to TFs, they always check the type of specific body parts. When it comes to scenes referencing body parts, it checks to see what kind of part you have and what flags it has. Where else are we needing to pick a type of body part based on what race the pc is? Further, aren't we going to have the same issue when we inevitably get a TF for whatever Zaalt's race is, and suddenly we have all these 'feline' references still pointing at Kaithrit parts, and the race check will have to differentiate kaithrits from feline-morphs from Zaalt-people?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I guess I don't understand what the problem is. Most such race-based logic forks I'm aware of are like, if (pc.race = ausar) output("text") else output ("different text"). When it comes to TFs, they always check the type of specific body parts. When it comes to scenes referencing body parts, it checks to see what kind of part you have and what flags it has. Where else are we needing to pick a type of body part based on what race the pc is? Further, aren't we going to have the same issue when we inevitably get a TF for whatever Zaalt's race is, and suddenly we have all these 'feline' references still pointing at Kaithrit parts, and the race check will have to differentiate kaithrits from feline-morphs from Zaalt-people?

That's exactly the problem. If you want to chack if character is any subspecies of a feline race, you can't. You have to enumerate all options.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Perhaps consider tying in to what Emmy says about the Ausar's opinions regarding canine TFs. Protests, attacks, etc.?

I could add something like an "with the notable exception of Ausar, who mostly detest these transformatives."

The problem here is in the subtypes galore.

Ears: floppy/pointed would require the flag system implementation for ears (using status effect is bad idea).

Face/eyes: Worg and Coyote would require two separate race types (and it complicates race detection, since TiTS have no subrace mechanics unlike FoE).

Coarse fur: would require new flag.

With complications of handling those, it would be overkill for something which should be generic transformative. I actually have thought of making something like this for Catnip, to handle subraces, but decided to drop this idea.
  • An alternative to ear flags would be creating a CANINE_FLOPPY type, like the Dove Wings were like a while ago. But f Dove Wings are any indication it would probably end up being shifted to a flag system.
  • Myr, Gold Myr, Red Myr and Orange Myr score work so that contradicts that argument.
  • There is a fluffy flag for fur, so it would make sense to have an opposite flag.

These are all contained in the Red Snausages anyway. The Pink Snausages are the generic transformative.

As example, list of races used in Throbb to decide if kitty cock should be grown:

"kaithrit", "half-kaithrit", "feline-morph", "feline-taur", "nekomata", "nekomata-taur", "chakat"

There are no way to make one universal check to all felines at once. If any new option would be added, it would not be detected here unless added in a list manually. Every list of such type.

There would have to be changes anyway since there will always be new races and new cock types attached to those racess, adding an "or Jackal or Worg" to the end of "Race is Canine" in Throbb(and other similar items) doesn't seem like that big of a deal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I could add something like an "with the notable exception of Ausar, who mostly detest these transformatives."

I was thinking more along the lines of having the original designers be Ausar.

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]This product was originally created by Wolf&Castle Inc., but, because of later advertising campaigns that encouraged teenagers to take this transformative as a form of rebellion against their parents, the corporation was set with lengthy and expensive court proceedings that eventually drove it to bankruptcy. To pay off their debts, the patents for these transformatives and their variants were sold to the Bluecrab corp. However, because of the contracts they had with their xeno-geneticists and contradicting copyright laws of several different governments, this only resulted in more expensive and lengthy court battles where Bluecrab fought for what they bought. Only recently, when the Bluecrab corporation filed for bankruptcy after some intentionally self-destructive actions by its own CEO, did the battles over copyright begin to die down, long after any of original complainers had died.[/SIZE]

Instead of the whole 'marketing to teenagers resulting in expensive legal battles that drove the company to bankruptcy' (which sounds a bit implausible to me - lawyers are expensive, but we're talking about a corporation here, not a mom and pop candy store), and then the whole bit about selling the product to ANOTHER corporation which ALSO gets financially ruined by it...? You make it sound like the product is cursed.

You could instead simply say that, in the face of protests and violence on Ausaril, the original Ausar designers made a big show out of discontinuing the product and issuing apologies, while quietly selling off the patent and formulae to a non-Ausar corporation.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I was thinking more along the lines of having the original designers be Ausar.

You could instead simply say that, in the face of protests and violence on Ausaril, the original Ausar designers made a big show out of discontinuing the product and issuing apologies, while quietly selling off the patent and formulae to a non-Ausar corporation.

 The company that produced this TF and decided to distribute it among Ausar population must have known that it would inevitably cause a huge backlash. So they must have been motivated by either extreme idealistic pursuit of some sort or,  more likely, by extreme greed. The thing that ended up discouraging them after all those investments had been made and the TF had been created needed to be both extremely severe and completely unpredictable.

It would make more IMO sense if they never intended for that TF to be destributed on Ausar worlds and were just trying to cook up a product for a global UGC market, but someone blew the whistle and they had to proceed in the way you described.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
 The company that produced this TF and decided to distribute it among Ausar population must have known that it would inevitably cause a huge backlash. So they must have been motivated by either extreme idealistic pursuit of some sort or,  more likely, by extreme greed. The thing that ended up discouraging them after all those investments had been made and the TF had been created needed to be both extremely severe and completely unpredictable.

It would make more IMO sense if they never intended for that TF to be destributed on Ausar worlds and were just trying to cook up a product for a global UGC market, but someone blew the whistle and they had to proceed in the way you described.

Or maybe this product's introduction incited the controversy in the first place (this product doesn't have to be 'new'). Or maybe they figured public opinion would eventually sway in their favor and it backfired. Things change over time, but the progression isn't linear; we're still squabbling over things like gay rights and weed and a million other things. Finally, just because there are protests/riots/violence doesn't mean that the protestors/rioters/etc are in the majority, but the Ausar corporation may decide it's in their best long-term interests to offload a controversial product.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
lol ya'll are squabbling over the lore of this item and series stuff while I'm over here like "I'm just really just excited for multi-tits"