If you lived in the universe of TiTs what would your life be like?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I was reading some Reddit forums about games like tits and coc and there's kinda this on going trend where people often imagine themselves as people in such universes and realities, I for one find the idea of this both interesting and a very literal fantasy of mine. I'm not sure if there's a topic like this one already, but il start one here for every one to chime in on if they feel. 

I'll start first. 

If I lived in the universe of TiTs I'd probably be either an undercover wet works agent or a flat out pirate lord. I'd probably mod myself up as a huskar (the wolf is kinda my spirit animal, would be an Ausar but I'm a 6'3 230lb guy so....huskar it is).

As an introvert I'd prefer to work alone and favor solitude most of the time. I'd also probably live on Uveto, I love he cold and wearing furry winter gear.

I am (and probably the only other person I know) polyamorous in real life, I am currently in a triad relationship with two other women so the whole world of TiTs (heh) suits me fine, though there isn't a lot of established boundaries in TiTs is kinda "fuck who ever you want and nobody can stop you" , which is something that's not allowed in my triad so it's a bit of a step outside my comfort zone being able to stay be romantically involved with, say, Anno (I'm not even sure if PCs actually have a romantic relationship with her, feels like I'm fucking my employee/friend) and embry but the two have never met nor have come to agreement.  


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Honestly, I don't think much would really change, aside from the potential of experimenting with mods and such. Earth would be too static, too boring (+1 if you get that reference), so I'd probably try my hand at living on one of the other core species' worlds, or one with a broad selection of different peoples, like on Tavros Station.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
If you lived in the universe of TiTs what would your life be like?

I'd probably be the same as I am now tbh.

Mods must be pretty expensive so the most i'd be able to afford would be the Treatment. And fuck the Treatment, I ain't havin that shit.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
An interesting question, one which as a writer, I consider often. Depends on my luck really. I'd like to work somewhere safe from things that either want to lay eggs in me, attach themselves to me or keep me as prize stud (though that would be the least terrible of the 3). Maybe find myself a nice Ausar, Leithan or centaur lady to settle down with.
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Become a half-kui-tan herm and a Constable on a quiet newly colonised world.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
An interesting question, one which as a writer, I consider often. Depends on my luck really. I'd like to work somewhere safe from things that either want to lay eggs in me, attach themselves to me or keep me as prize stud (though that would be the least terrible of the 3). Maybe find myself a nice Ausar, Leithan or centaur lady to settle down with.

My alternative life actually. I just happen to be a huge assassins creed fan and love space assassins so I couldn't resist the dangerous life of one for a few years.  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Oh boy an interesting thread.

I suppose assuming my TiTSverse alter ego would be lucky...I would be long ago CEO of Xenogen :p (Dream come true is best...I think)

If it would be unlucky would may end as too poor for mods and etc. typical race memeber probably of human race.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
My alternative life actually. I just happen to be a huge assassins creed fan and love space assassins so I couldn't resist the dangerous life of one for a few years.  

I would be tempted to go exploring but I'd be terrified of get grabbed by a Nyrean or something. something nice and safe with a steady income a comfy home a loving wife (or two) and a few kids is what I'd aim for.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I would be tempted to go exploring but I'd be terrified of get grabbed by a Nyrean or something. something nice and safe with a steady income a comfy home a loving wife (or two) and a few kids is what I'd aim for.

Look at it this way: Grabbed by Nyrean, egged by Nyrean, marry Nyrean, kids with Nyrean. It's a win/win/win/win situation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I´d most likely used sylvanol by now. And probably some other mods. My libido would´ve probably been a bit higher by now is all I´m saying.

I´d love to find some job that lets me travel and see all kinds of different planets. Whether it be as a rusher or a cargo hauler or something else. Bounty hunter sounds nice too, but then I´d need a partner or a team...wonder if Shade would be available...(this is probably the most unrealistic choice for me though)

In any case I´d love to have my own ship, and crew members to fill it.

Finding Bess would be lovely and having some cuddling puppysluts would be fantastic.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
>Be gryvain
>Still be socially awkward piece of shit
>Spend all day on the Extranet writing fetish porn
>Live in constant fear of pirates if living in Rush Space; fear of maniacal corporations elsewise
>Strongly consider taking the Treatmen and rolling the dice on chemical lobotomy
>Probably pussy out
>Develop overwhelming ausar fetish
>Hopefully acquire qt3.14 ausar (Dorna sister preferable but what're the odds)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But Savin, you could use your literally immaculate knowledge of every aspect of Anno/Syri's life to contrive the perfect plan to woo them! :p  

But where would it be fun if he KNEW all about them and so could act way to make them fall for him? I wouldn't find any pleasure in doing that this way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'd probably aim to get a job space trucking. With a healthy side of space smuggling. Then get addicted to TFing myself into some sort of futa-amazon. Hopefully I won't end up defaulting on the probable loan I'd take out to start out space trucking and my TF habit, but if I do I can only hope I get a master that I actually would like to have.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
well damn... such a hard decision, I'm a guy so damn. Ever have those thoughts of what it would be like to be the other sex? Yeah probably might want to check that out hell probably go full herm that way get the best of both worlds. Probably not the only one here who thinks that way xD
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I sort of assumed the premise was "If you were born and raised in the TiTSaverse."

If this is me teleporting into TiTS land then MODSHOP HOOOOO

...and then probably end up under Sera's counter for a few months paying for those mods.

Then onto Operation: Puppy Princess Seduction / Acquire Dorna Twins + Kaede


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I agree. Savin being able to auto-woo them would take the fun of the chase out of it all. 

@AndyisRandy +1

and I'm not gonna lie.....sera's gonna catch some hot led if I ever get teleported into TiTsivers. Hate that bitch with a passion. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'd try and make it to the top of either The Most Shwifty Space Trading Corp ala my namesake or the Space Communist Party.

and I'm not gonna lie.....sera's gonna catch some hot led if I ever get teleported into TiTsivers. Hate that bitch with a passion. 

Let's not make this thread un-fun by including revenge fantasies. Especially if those are aimed at characters that did nothing but consensual sex.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
I agree. Savin being able to auto-woo them would take the fun of the chase out of it all. 

@AndyisRandy +1

and I'm not gonna lie.....sera's gonna catch some hot led if I ever get teleported into TiTsivers. Hate that bitch with a passion. 

I'm not big fan of her because a) she's always bitching about her competition rather than running her business better (free market sweetheart!) b) she's got a cock and c) she's kinda rough when it comes to sex.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm not big fan of her because a) she's always bitching about her competition rather than running her business better (free market sweetheart!) b) she's got a cock and c) she's kinda rough when it comes to sex.

Correction: She's an asshole who needs to be treated like the weak little bitch she is just like she does to every one else who lets her. Show her who the real alpha is around here. 


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2016
I'd say that's fair criteria to maybe dislike her, but not even close to a proper justification for harming her, let alone murdering her... 

But we just had a thread about this and it didn't end well. Let's focus less on what we dislike about the universe and more about what we do like. ;)  

Yeah I wouldn't want to hurt her despite my dislike of her. I love all the interesting characters and their stories. Some of the stuff is clearly not finished yet, like Inessa's wardrobe issue but that just makes me want to see how they'll be resolved.