If you lived in the universe of TiTs what would your life be like?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
We have badass female Shade, badass herm Kara and total sissy Lerris.

More like: badass female pirate-associate Shade, miss can't stay out of trouble herm Kara and actually non-criminal, valuable member of society Femboy Lerris. And I'm saying that as someone who genuinely likes Shade and Kara.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Er you know you guys might wanna make a serparate topic for this before this thread gets locked....just sayin.

Emmm... What is wrong with this one? It's other one where we have shitstorm.

You could always been that one of rare...trully macho male kaithrits ya?

No, there are nothing wrong with femboys... For some extent. There are options between "macho" and "hopeless sub", after all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sometimes going to extreme is good Etis. Can't I dream about been ultra-macho-kitsune-kitty hybryd breed if give chance visit parallal universe? *hides in corner to weep silently*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sometimes going to extreme is good Etis. Can't I dream about been ultra-macho-kitsune-kitty hybryd breed if give chance visit parallal universe? *hides in corner to weep silently*

Hm... Closest character I had to this was actually dragonne. While I'm usually not isto scalies, it was interesting image. But my most "macho" character is likley a chakat, if feminine futa can be macho :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Zil males are tiny and subby as fuck based on their scenes. Females are pretty much the opposite.

Not true. They are only subby as fuck, if you manage to beat them (which you probably will, since they are the second easiest enemies in the game). And that's because in their culture they basically determine via combat who get's to be the dominat and who the sub during sex. If they do beat you they are pretty dommy.


Apr 27, 2016
I know exactly the things I would do, but I will share a little of them.

1. Since I'm Asexual for the most part, I won't be interested in sexual mods. I'd probably aim to buy the gym on New Texas, or simply open up a gym of my own.

2. Get buffed.

3. Go learn Martial arts, other fighting related arts.

4. Go on a knocking out spree on a random planet for the credits.

5. Buy as many slaves or pets that I could.

6. Make them do what I do, except they will have a collar modified so I can control them.

7. Make a bigger army with the same cycle, all in secret.

8. Start taking over the universe and enslaving galaxy after galaxy to take on other galaxies.

9. I am king. I like to dominate the dominant turning them submissive. 

Buuuuuuuut.. Then again, I might have all that backfire on me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
Not true. They are only subby as fuck, if you manage to beat them (which you probably will, since they are the second easiest enemies in the game). And that's because in their culture they basically determine via combat who get's to be the dominat and who the sub during sex. If they do beat you they are pretty dommy.

I find them to be pretty tame compared to when the females get their way with you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I find the females very sexy and the males to be quite hot to think of myself as when i have my Futa-centaur Steele have her way with them. 

Male Zil subby scenes are some of the best written male-sub stuff I've ever read. 


Oct 4, 2015
I'd develop extranet games for a living, and use extra money to mod myself up a real sex-change, without going overboard. then i might get involved in some underground porn work, get modded into a sexy furry girl and end up enslaved/contracted in toxenogen's latest ultra-porn setup for showcasing people modded by them, end up stuck in that contract and living in a little dorm forced to film extremely lewd stuff for a while, get rescued from my contract and fixed up from whatever damage happened, and settle down with the nice ausar male/herm(maybe...) that saved me and raise a family and live happily ever after.

i'd also probably own an egg-trainer, and any other tentacle related stuffs. I've actually asked myself this question while i drifted off to sleep a few nights ago. also probably not all canon, whatever.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
If I got a chance at being born into the TiTs-verse, I'd probably start up a Jazz Club on one of the rush planets, where it might be more appreciated. I love me some jazz, even if it may be out of style by then. I'd love to play my trumpet for as many people as possible! The grainy feel of old mahogany and the heavy smell of the smokey interior would be how I would present my Club: Different types of Jazz musicians every night, and if there are none, I'd play a new solo for them anyways. pls no bully vanilla-fag
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
If I got a chance at being born into the TiTs-verse, I'd probably start up a Jazz Club on one of the rush planets, where it might be more appreciated. I love me some jazz, even if it may be out of style by then. I'd love to play my trumpet for as many people as possible! The grainy feel of old mahogany and the heavy smell of the smokey interior would be how I would present my Club: Different types of Jazz musicians every night, and if there are none, I'd play a new solo for them anyways. pls no bully vanilla-fag

I'd imagine in the TiTs-verse they've gone threw like at least several new versions of Jazz, and reached something so different you could barely tell they are in the same genre. Like compare Elvis to any screamer rock genre as an example of things that techniqally are in the same family, but could not be more different.

Also there should be a race that finds Jazz its thing, the Ausar have Heavy Metal as they're music of choice from the few times one mentions the songs they like to hear.
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