Whether you said it in good faith or not doesn't matter in the end. Your choice of words ("once there's finally a way to turn her into a girl") gave off the implication that you did not see her as a girl simply because she has a penis. If you wish to avoid this sort of discourse in the future, I suggest you learn to separate the concept of sex and gender from each other (i.e., "once there's finally a way to give her a vagina").
From context I believe it was plenty obvious that I was specifically talking about her physical body. And as the term "girl" in the physical sense falls within a binary sexual system, in that particular context it wouldn't be wrong to say that Etheryn is not a girl.
I find "gender" to be too imprecise, contextual and arbitrary a term to be useful. And identity of course has a very limited impact on reality.
In my experience, people get absurdly polarized in discussions that involve sex and gender. As I stand in the middle I am invariably seen as "the enemy" from both parties' point of view, so I would rather abstain from further argument.
The fact that it has been stated it wont be possible countless times, yet people continue think it will, pretty sure only berwyn and brint will be the only ones to have any major change like that.
Well, most people only have the game (and their expectations based on "meta" realities) as a reference.
Because she has actively tried modifying her genitals in the past, because she identifies as a girl, and because most of the playerbase would love to have the option, it's only normal that the average person who has played the game would estimate the odds of being able to turn her fully female at some point to be extremely high.
Very few players will read these boards, so people will continue to assume that it will be possible. I myself have only been reading this game's board for two or three weeks so I had no idea about the official statement until a few hours ago.