[Guide] How to make a mod for Corruption of Champions


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

[Guide] How to mod Corruption of Champions

You will need:

FlashDevelop (Other Code Editors are available) - http://www.flashdevelop.org/

- This is a program that will allow you to edit the code for CoC and then convert it into a game. Install this.

Adobe Flex SDK - http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/flex-sdk-download.html

- There are many coding languages out there. This tells FlashDevelop how to use the one CoC uses.

Corruption of Champions Source Code

Official CoC Source code by Fenoxo - https://github.com/herp-a-derp/Corruption-of-Champions

Revamp Mod by Kitteh6660
<Topic> - https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/coc-revamp-mod-v1-3-25-for-coc-1-0-2.3/
<Code> - https://github.com/Kitteh6660/Corruption-of-Champions-Mod

Revamp - Xianxia Mod by Ormael
< Topic > - https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/coc-xianxia-mod-0-7e1-for-coc-1-0-2.2346/
<Code> - https://github.com/Ormael7/Corruption-of-Champions

Revamp - Dragon Mod by Stadler76
<Topic> - https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/dragon-mod-1-0-1-for-coc-revamp-1-4-dev.3764/
<Code> - https://github.com/Stadler76/Corruption-of-Champions-Mod

No Changing Monster Images Patch by hatternumber0
<Topic> - https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/patch-no-changing-monster-images.3352/

- Grab a Source code. Things are edited here before being packed into a working game. In the code link, click the Releases tab, download the zip version of your choice and unpack it into a folder. Keep the zip in case something stops working if you edit it and want to reset it.

_ _ _

Note for people using the official CoC source code:

You will also need the Showdown.as file located here: https://github.com/herp-a-derp/Showdown.as

Download it and save it in the \classes\showdown folder located in the source code.

_ _ _

Setting up:

Open FlashDevelop. In the top toolbar and click Project > Open Project.... Navigate to the folder with the unpacked Source Code and open the file Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONE.as3proj

In the top toolbar, click Project > Properties.... In the opened window, select the SDK Tab and under Installed SDK(s), click Manage....

In the opened window, click anywhere on the Installed Flex SDKs line, then click the button that shows up on the right of the line consisting of 3 dots.

In the opened window, click the Add button. Then select the new line Path that shows up and click the button that shows up on the right of the line consisting of 3 dots. Select the Flex SDK folder you downloaded earlier.

Click OK / Close until you're back in the Properties window. Select the Output tab and make sure the dropdown under Platform has Flash Player selected.

Under General, in Output file:, Click browse and select a location to save the game when it's finished, as well as making a name for the file. Make sure it ends in .swf.

_ _ _


Don't edit any code yet. Test everything is set up correctly. In the top toolbar and click Project > Test Project. FlashDevelop will hopefully build the game without errors and you'll get the normal CoC main menu. In Test Project, nothing is saved.

_ _ _


Most game text will be in the classes/classes/Scenes folder if you'd like to edit those, with game mechanics and the engine being in the rest.

_ _ _


When you're done changing the code, and Test Project returns with no errors, in the top toolbar, click Project > Build Project. The created .swf file will be saved in the same folder as the Source code as default, or wherever you picked in the Properties window. The produced file is used just like the normal game.

_ _ _


Error: GC overhead limit exceeded

- The program is not assigning enough memory to Java

- In your Flex SDK folder, open \bin\JVM.config. Up the value of the line java.args=-Xmx384m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false to java.args=-Xmx1024m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false

_ _ _

Final Note: If you want to upload your compiled .swf file you've modded, ask for OK's first from any Mod authors whose code you're using as well as from CoC writers if you've edited some of their content. It's respectful.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Nice guide :)

Thanks for writing.

btw: I had a problem, when trying to compile the .swf into the same dir, where the .fla-files are located, which would be the projects root-dir. I'd recommend to compile it to a directory outside of the project. For example the parent directory.

To do this: After you've imported the project, click Project -> Properties and in the 'Project Properties' window, simply click Browse to change the directory and filename of the Output File. (See screenshot)

2016-06-27 22_53_54-Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONE (AS3) Properties.png


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
btw: I had a problem, when trying to compile the .swf into the same dir, where the .fla-files are located, which would be the projects root-dir. I'd recommend to compile it to a directory outside of the project. For example the parent directory.
To do this: After you've imported the project, click Project -> Properties and in the 'Project Properties' window, simply click Browse to change the directory and filename of the Output File. (See screenshot)

I can see that being a problem. I'll add it in.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well it may been case on case issue with that creating swf file at default directory (so far for those few months I not had any issues when it was made there). But if it make others easier life better do this way as Stadler suggested.


New Member
Jun 30, 2016
I'm trying to put the dragon mod in, and all I'm getting is this:

Error: GC overhead limit exceeded
Build halted with errors (fcsh).

I have no idea what this GC overhead is, or what I'm supposed to do about it. Also, the part about inserting the .diff file was entirely not explained at all, so I just put it in the main subdirectory with the rest of the files including the standalone file that I'm supposed to load as the project.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For some reason, Java is needed to compile and you'll need to set JVM variables. Only one problem is finding the location of JVM. But when you do, set Xmx to at least 512 MB.


New Member
Jun 30, 2016
Ah, I see. I still have no idea where to put the .diff file, or how I'd even test if it's operational quickly, but I did manage to find the file and change the value from pathetically small and odd (It was 300-something. A value I have never seen any memory set to on a computer before. Most people stick with powers of 2.) to 512, which made it compile.

I did find this ' GnuWin32 diffutils ' he mentioned, but a cursory vgrep of the documentation for it leaves me as still having no idea what I'm supposed to do with it. I guess I can grovel through the documentation, but I probably won't find out a whole lot about how to use it in this specific case. Sure, I can do a command line. But what am I doing it to? I don't want to just send this program at the file and hope it knows what to go do with itself.

I also tried with TortoiseHG for the hell of it. While it did try to use the patch after a bit of screwing around, it keeps throwing errors that it won't tell me a thing about. 'hunk #whatever failed' or something.

Hm actually... What if I'm not supposed to use the diff at all yet? Maybe I need to only use that when there's a newer update.
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Jul 2, 2016
I got some errors regarding "Showdown."

"line 8...col: 18 Error: Definition showdown:Showdown could not be found

line 8...col: 18 Error: Definition showdown:Showdown could not be found

line 696...col: 23 Error: Access of undefined property Showdown

line 765...col: 23 Error: Access of undefined property Showdown

line 1091...col: 23 Error: Access of undefined property Showdown"

They are all in the "Parser.as" file
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For odd reasons, Showdown isn't cloned automatically. My mod source code has entire Showdown removed and all dependencies on that removed as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I got some errors regarding "Showdown."


Slipped my mind about that showdown thing. It isn't bundled with the official CoC.

Grab the Showdown.as file from here via the green download button: https://github.com/herp-a-derp/Showdown.as

Then save it in the \classes\showdown folder located in the Source code.

This only needs to be done when using the source code for the official CoC.


New Member
Jul 3, 2016
I have some error:

\Corruption-of-Champions-master\classes\classes\StatusAffects\CombatStatusAffect.as: Error: A file found in a source-path must have the same package structure 'classes', as the definition's package, 'classes.StatusAffects'.
\Corruption-of-Champions-master\classes\classes\StatusAffects\CombatStatusAffect.as: Error: A file found in a source-path 'StatusAffects:CombatStatusAffect' must have the same name as the


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I have some error:

\Corruption-of-Champions-master\classes\classes\StatusAffects\CombatStatusAffect.as: Error: A file found in a source-path must have the same package structure 'classes', as the definition's package, 'classes.StatusAffects'.
\Corruption-of-Champions-master\classes\classes\StatusAffects\CombatStatusAffect.as: Error: A file found in a source-path 'StatusAffects:CombatStatusAffect' must have the same name as the

Is this the whole error message? Looks like some was cut off. Was this before anything had been edited?


New Member
Jul 3, 2016
I get :

Running process: C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Tools\fdbuild\fdbuild.exe "C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\CoC Source Code\Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-master\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONE.as3proj" -ipc dba36775-21e0-4dc1-80b1-41b5954fbb90 -version "4.6.0; 3.1" -compiler "C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\Adobe Flex SDK" -library "C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Library"
Building Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONE
mxmlc -load-config+=obj\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONEConfig.xml -debug=true -incremental=true -swf-version=12 -show-actionscript-warnings=true -show-binding-warnings=true -show-unused-type-selector-warnings=true -o obj\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONE636034260654567856
Starting java as: java.exe -Xmx384m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true -Dapplication.home="C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\Adobe Flex SDK" -jar "C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\Adobe Flex SDK\lib\fcsh.jar"
INITIALIZING: Adobe Flex Compiler SHell (fcsh)
Starting new compile.
Loading configuration file C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\Adobe Flex SDK\frameworks\flex-config.xml
Loading configuration file C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\CoC Source Code\Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-master\obj\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONEConfig.xml
Initial setup: 236ms
start loading swcs 2ms Running Total: 238ms
Loaded 32 SWCs: 301ms
precompile: 586ms
Files: 706 Time: 19373ms
Total time: 19914ms
Peak memory usage: 384 MB (Heap: 371, Non-Heap: 13)
C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\CoC Source Code\Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-master\classes\classes\Items\Mutations.as(5667): col: 30 Error: Call to a possibly undefined method hasScales through a reference with static type classes:player.
                outputText(" " + (player.hasScales() ? "are" : "is") + " falling to the ground, revealing flawless skin below.  <b>You now have normal skin.</b>");
Build halted with errors (fcsh).

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Error: Call to a possibly undefined method hasScales through a reference with static type classes:player.

                outputText(" " + (player.hasScales() ? "are" : "is") + " falling to the ground, revealing flawless skin below.  <b>You now have normal skin.</b>");
Build halted with errors (fcsh).

Are you using Stadler's Dragon Patch by chance? This might be because of bad instructions on my end.

I originally said to download via the green button in the link. This could get you code somebodies still working halfway through.

What actually needs to be done is go to the releases tab and download one of the versions there. It's at least working on one persons end then.


Does this help? Or have i gone off on a tangent?


New Member
Jul 3, 2016
Are you using Stadler's Dragon Patch by chance? This might be because of bad instructions on my end.

I originally said to download via the green button in the link. This could get you code somebodies still working halfway through.

What actually needs to be done is go to the releases tab and download one of the versions there. It's at least working on one persons end then.


Does this help? Or have i gone off on a tangent?

Yep.I downloaded the source code from the link you posted.It works now thanks. :)

(Wasn't using the Patch)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For some reason, Java is needed to compile and you'll need to set JVM variables. Only one problem is finding the location of JVM. But when you do, set Xmx to at least 512 MB.

im getting the same 

Error: GC overhead limit exceeded
Build halted with errors (fcsh).

When i checked the value of my JVM it was set to 1024m. I figured this wouldn't make much of a difference so i lowered it to 512 just see what would happen and i still get that error.  And it persists no matter how high or low i set the values.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2016
im getting the same 

Error: GC overhead limit exceeded
Build halted with errors (fcsh).

When i checked the value of my JVM it was set to 1024m. I figured this wouldn't make much of a difference so i lowered it to 512 just see what would happen and i still get that error.  And it persists no matter how high or low i set the values.

At least  you can find the java config file I cannot find it for the life of me


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
At least  you can find the java config file I cannot find it for the life of me

on a windows 10 PC open your control panel, search "java" in the top right hand box, the java applet should pop up click on it and it should open another window, in that window click on the java tab at the top, in that tab click view. In most cases there are two rows with different Runtime parameters, think of these as (top row) -XmxAm (bottom row) -XmxBm where A is the initial memory size and B is the maximum size.  You should be able to modify those values. Keep in mind other websites will show values of 512mb of 1 gb, just drop the b in those values ex:-Xmx1G or -Xmx512M.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2016
on a windows 10 PC open your control panel, search "java" in the top right hand box, the java applet should pop up click on it and it should open another window, in that window click on the java tab at the top, in that tab click view. In most cases there are two rows with different Runtime parameters, think of these as (top row) -XmxAm (bottom row) -XmxBm where A is the initial memory size and B is the maximum size.  You should be able to modify those values. Keep in mind other websites will show values of 512mb of 1 gb, just drop the b in those values ex:-Xmx1G or -Xmx512M.

OK it is still not working and I am worried there is something wrong with java

error log for flash develop

Running process: C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Tools\fdbuild\fdbuild.exe "C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-1.0.2_mod_1.3.24\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONE.as3proj" -ipc 34da992a-b0a4-4aba-aec6-a8d56075d14d -version "4.6.0; 3.1" -compiler "C:\Users\Jason\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0" -library "C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Library"
Building Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONE
mxmlc -load-config+=obj\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONEConfig.xml -debug=true -incremental=true -swf-version=12 -show-actionscript-warnings=true -show-binding-warnings=true -show-unused-type-selector-warnings=true -o obj\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONE636033530222046297
Starting java as: java.exe -Xmx384m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true -Dapplication.home="C:\Users\Jason\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0" -jar "C:\Users\Jason\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0\lib\fcsh.jar"
INITIALIZING: Adobe Flex Compiler SHell (fcsh)
Starting new compile.
Loading configuration file C:\Users\Jason\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0\frameworks\flex-config.xml
Loading configuration file C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-1.0.2_mod_1.3.24\obj\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONEConfig.xml
Initial setup: 646ms
start loading swcs 23ms Running Total: 669ms
Loaded 32 SWCs: 1944ms
precompile: 2779ms
C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-1.0.2_mod_1.3.24\classes\classes\Scenes\Camp\ImpGang.as: Total time: 158201ms
C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-1.0.2_mod_1.3.24\classes\classes\Scenes\Camp\ImpGang.as: Peak memory usage: 449 MB (Heap: 416, Non-Heap: 33)
Error: GC overhead limit exceeded
Build halted with errors (fcsh).

so that is what it says in flash develop but also my java config looks different compared to how you describe it picture below.

Screenshot (2).png
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
OK it is still not working and I am worried there is something wrong with java

error log for flash develop

Running process: C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Tools\fdbuild\fdbuild.exe "C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-1.0.2_mod_1.3.24\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONE.as3proj" -ipc 34da992a-b0a4-4aba-aec6-a8d56075d14d -version "4.6.0; 3.1" -compiler "C:\Users\Jason\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0" -library "C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Library"
Building Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONE
mxmlc -load-config+=obj\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONEConfig.xml -debug=true -incremental=true -swf-version=12 -show-actionscript-warnings=true -show-binding-warnings=true -show-unused-type-selector-warnings=true -o obj\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONE636033530222046297
Starting java as: java.exe -Xmx384m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true -Dapplication.home="C:\Users\Jason\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0" -jar "C:\Users\Jason\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0\lib\fcsh.jar"
INITIALIZING: Adobe Flex Compiler SHell (fcsh)
Starting new compile.
Loading configuration file C:\Users\Jason\AppData\Local\FlashDevelop\Apps\flexsdk\4.6.0\frameworks\flex-config.xml
Loading configuration file C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-1.0.2_mod_1.3.24\obj\Corruption-of-Champions-FD-STANDALONEConfig.xml
Initial setup: 646ms
start loading swcs 23ms Running Total: 669ms
Loaded 32 SWCs: 1944ms
precompile: 2779ms
C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-1.0.2_mod_1.3.24\classes\classes\Scenes\Camp\ImpGang.as: Total time: 158201ms
C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-1.0.2_mod_1.3.24\classes\classes\Scenes\Camp\ImpGang.as: Peak memory usage: 449 MB (Heap: 416, Non-Heap: 33)
Error: GC overhead limit exceeded
Build halted with errors (fcsh).

so that is what it says in flash develop but also my java config looks different compared to how you describe it picture below.

View attachment 4146

Unfortunately for the both of us i'm getting the same error still, and all i'm trying to do the testing step before i edit anything.

This is the base form of my settings (though with edited runtime parameters)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Error: GC overhead limit exceeded

I've also seen a suggestion about changing how much memory the Flex SDK wants with Java.

In the Flex SDK folder, open \bin\JVM.config

Look for the line:

java.args=-Xmx384m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false

and up the value to:

java.args=-Xmx512m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false

or 1024 (which i have it set to):

java.args=-Xmx1024m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false


Active Member
Jul 3, 2016
I've also seen a suggestion about changing how much memory the Flex SDK wants with Java.

In the Flex SDK folder, open \bin\JVM.config

Look for the line:

java.args=-Xmx384m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false

and up the value to:

java.args=-Xmx512m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false

or 1024 (which i have it set to):

java.args=-Xmx1024m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false

Works now thank you very much.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2016
Ok I tried adding a scene in SholdraFollower.as to test my skill a fifth dream for Shouldra but it then said all other functions of the file I didn't even touch say eror

Ok I tried adding a scene in SholdraFollower.as to test my skill a fifth dream for Shouldra but it then said all other functions of the file I didn't even touch say eror

and if your curious to see what I am trying  to add (any tips are appreciated) see link below

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

I think you accidently overwrit the error message.

As for the affection counter, you'd probably save it as a flag, which saves any data in the game save. There's a commented out list of the current ones in ShouldraFollower.as

My understanding is in the classes/classes/GlobalFlags/kFLAGS.as file, you can add a new one. Flags labelled UNKNOWN_FLAG_NUMBER as well as not having a comment i think are ones that haven't been assigned yet, so for example, you could change

public static const UNKNOWN_FLAG_NUMBER_01234:int = 1234;


public static const SHOULDRA_AFFECTION_COUNTER:int = 1234;   // Tracks Shouldra's affection.

For Revamp, Kitteh's left the first 2000 untouched so any updates to the game later don't mean having to shift up all the numbers.

Then back in ShouldraFollower.as, you can reference that flag when you want via:



Active Member
Jul 3, 2016
I think you accidently overwrit the error message.

As for the affection counter, you'd probably save it as a flag, which saves any data in the game save. There's a commented out list of the current ones in ShouldraFollower.as

My understanding is in the classes/classes/GlobalFlags/kFLAGS.as file, you can add a new one. Flags labelled UNKNOWN_FLAG_NUMBER as well as not having a comment i think are ones that haven't been assigned yet, so for example, you could change

public static const UNKNOWN_FLAG_NUMBER_01234:int = 1234;


public static const SHOULDRA_AFFECTION_COUNTER:int = 1234;   // Tracks Shouldra's affection.

For Revamp, Kitteh's left the first 2000 untouched so any updates to the game later don't mean having to shift up all the numbers.

Then back in ShouldraFollower.as, you can reference that flag when you want via:


I think you accidently overwrit the error message.

As for the affection counter, you'd probably save it as a flag, which saves any data in the game save. There's a commented out list of the current ones in ShouldraFollower.as

My understanding is in the classes/classes/GlobalFlags/kFLAGS.as file, you can add a new one. Flags labelled UNKNOWN_FLAG_NUMBER as well as not having a comment i think are ones that haven't been assigned yet, so for example, you could change

public static const UNKNOWN_FLAG_NUMBER_01234:int = 1234;


public static const SHOULDRA_AFFECTION_COUNTER:int = 1234;   // Tracks Shouldra's affection.

For Revamp, Kitteh's left the first 2000 untouched so any updates to the game later don't mean having to shift up all the numbers.

Then back in ShouldraFollower.as, you can reference that flag when you want via:


Ok how would I make it start after only the 4th dream?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok how would I make it start after only the 4th dream?

If you got flag that count how many dreams passed by it jsut matter of puting as condition for triggering this new dream when all others are already seen. SO I would say in case of fifth dream flag value should be probably 4 so condition is if ((name of flag) == 4) { here goes text for new dream } (Made it all quick but since you started work on code structure I hope it would still should be a help for ya ^^)


Active Member
Jul 3, 2016
If you got flag that count how many dreams passed by it jsut matter of puting as condition for triggering this new dream when all others are already seen. SO I would say in case of fifth dream flag value should be probably 4 so condition is if ((name of flag) == 4) { here goes text for new dream } (Made it all quick but since you started work on code structure I hope it would still should be a help for ya ^^)

Thank You