Get your ideas in a game~! (Help me build a world)


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
So I managed to get a bit of a grip on RPG maker and am well underway to making a playable alpha for my dream game inspired by CoC (go figure). But I was also wondering if I could get some ideas from you all. Right now I am working on the early game and am looking for ideas for NPCs, areas, enemies, etc. Currently I am working on a large 100x100 map for a forest are that will contain a variety of encounters. What kind of encounters would you like to see in the woods? What kind of ideas do you want to see outside this large map. Let me know in the comments and give me some inspiration. I'll also put your name in the credits if I pick your idea!


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Orcs, ogres, goblins, nymphs, centaurs...

Are you wanting more fantasy-type stuff or, like, furry?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Fantasy, I'm open to furry. (Though I have no idea how id go about it with default RPG maker.) But I can definitely get a few enemies in for these~!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
but what is the general theme of this game tho, dont wanna give ideas like guns in a fantasy game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
but what is the general theme of this game tho, dont wanna give ideas like guns in a fantasy game.

Right now it is going to be a simple lewd rpg with a dark fantasy story. I would like to put transformation in, but I think that won't happen for a long time as I also like to create a new battle system that will work differently compared to the default rpg maker system. But who knows, guns may show up in a very far off update.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A weak bandit group (meaning real low level equipment and skill) would be a good idea for an early type of content, and the leader of the group could be an the first boss or something.

What would be the home location for the MC. A tent, a cabin in the woods, an abandoned village, and underground cave system, etc?

And have you thought about party members or followers, and how they interact and work for you?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
sentient race of mushrooms


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
My recommendation would be to avoid sudden game overs... 

With your game being modeled on CoC, that would seem to be a given, but with RPG maker, you never know. 

Personally, i appreciate alternate endings as opposed to game overs. as an example:

An ending with a vampire \ tentacle monster \slime \demon involves you getting turned into one, and an alternate mini-game unfolds where you turn on your friends in dungeon and have to go back and corrupt the town you were previously questing for, etc, with a win-lose mini game over. 

Always seemed a little more immersive to me than just the GO screen. 

On a side note, who's doing your art? Any samples? 




Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
In a world of monsters and magic, you, the player (Also a monster) are humanity's last hope. The evil dark master/mistress and their 10 evil bosses have destroyed all of human civilization and driven the last remaining humans to The Endless Forest (your home) where they plan to finish the job. The player (a weak monster, but one who is immune to mind control) sets out to rescue any humans they come across and defeat other strong monsters. This allows them to transform into a stronger species, so they can eventually challenge the forces of evil and win.

You also have help from a variety of human party members, all of which are into gratuitous monster/human sex. Eventually you rescue enough humans to start a town, selling gear and providing a place to rest.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
A weak bandit group (meaning real low level equipment and skill) would be a good idea for an early type of content, and the leader of the group could be an the first boss or something.

What would be the home location for the MC. A tent, a cabin in the woods, an abandoned village, and underground cave system, etc?

And have you thought about party members or followers, and how they interact and work for you?

Ooooh~! I could definitely do brigands, maybe give them a hideout in the woods

sentient race of mushrooms

Sounds interesting.

My recommendation would be to avoid sudden game overs... 

With your game being modeled on CoC, that would seem to be a given, but with RPG maker, you never know. 

Personally, i appreciate alternate endings as opposed to game overs. as an example:

An ending with a vampire \ tentacle monster \slime \demon involves you getting turned into one, and an alternate mini-game unfolds where you turn on your friends in dungeon and have to go back and corrupt the town you were previously questing for, etc, with a win-lose mini game over. 

Always seemed a little more immersive to me than just the GO screen. 

On a side note, who's doing your art? Any samples? 


View attachment 3798

It will be a long time before we get to the true end of the game, but there is no current way to get a game over, If you die in battle, you get a scene and then are warped to the main hub town. As for art, I am currently just using whatever art I can find as placeholder until I get an artist.


Whats the story going to be like??


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Whats the story going to be like??

A small country was overtaken by demons and has been a hot spot for traveling adventurers. You play the first adventurer to travel there in a long time, I kind of want to go for a Dark Souls feel, you get to explore a massive world and uncover its past as you do.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
yea a race of sentient mushrooms would be nice, you can even make them parasites or whatever if you want.

mushrooms are cool


Active Member
Oct 12, 2015
Demons has taken over and you try, to make alliances to defeat the demons (copy of dragon age :eek: )

Humans towns (some towns that hate other races, or treat other races like shit) Minotaur like race towns who are open to having sex and not shy about it


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Personally, for a lewd game with a forest area, tentacle (vines, really) plant monsters and satyrs are obvious picks, IMHO.  Btw, what is the protag going to be?  M/F?  The pairings?  Will it just be lewd, or actually pornographic?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
I don't think RPG maker is a good engine for TF games. Also, most RPG maker game creators use 90% of default graphics, so every game looks the same and boring.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
I don't think RPG maker is a good engine for TF games. Also, most RPG maker game creators use 90% of default graphics, so every game looks the same and boring.

You aren't necessarily wrong, but I am looking for artists to help out once I get a playable alpha.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For encounters in a forest-like area, I like fairy-like races.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I'd like to go  up against nymphomaniac slime girls, horny tanukis, flower girls, etc inside the forests. Keep with the forest theme with mountains, caves, small woodsy towns like Knothole from Fable, and a few manors in control of various regions. It could be that the demons reside in the manors keeping the populace firmly in control with satellite militias living in "churches" inside the small towns.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If you add mountain theme, probably good idea to add a sub area with volcanic activity, heck if you're adding Dragons since from the take I'm seeing on reading posts this is a fantasy trope game, you could have a Dragon for each area of the game to match the type. Fire Dragon for volcanic area, Earth Dragon for Mountain. Forest Dragon, ect, ect. Either could be furry/scaly or monster girl themed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
Seeing the type of game i will give some recommendations:

-First of all a captive system that has effects on the character, if you are defeated by an enemy it shouldn't be game over but be captured and brainwashed by the enemy.

*It should be progresive, the more you are defeated and the longer you are captured and fucked and the less  you will resist when fighting that certain type of enemy. When 100% brainwash you would have one of the following "insta-lose or a bad ending".

*A lot of enemies wouldn't have that captive system because of the type they are, in that case you will be violated and get a debuff for a time.

-Second is corruption, if it's a dark world i think it's a must. This should increase slowly by being defeated or by certain actions (if available).

*What type of actions?, well the usual ones, exhibitionism and any you may think.

*It should increase just a bit by being defeated and violated.

-Third is giving a bit of love to the town. I would recommend a few relationships that you can have in town and some bad events. However if you want to maintain that "dark" mechanic the relationships should be... a bit twisted. For example a cute girl that is with you just so that se can get your money, a femdom girl or things like that. About the bad events just let the city have slavery and add a slum part, the rest is easy, just think about what you truly want to make and the effects it should have.

-About transformations... it's not entirely necessary, however if you add them be aware of the hard work it will suppose, if you have cgs it will mean a variation for every cg that you can access. If you add it be aware of it, i recommend that if you wanna use it then only for bad endings.

-Dungeons will be the focus on the game, so it's important that there is some "diversity" between dungeons, some enemys should be unique for a certain type of dungeon.

-Another thing and this just would be great if you could it's to add "titles" depending on your adventure. Specially if you are defeated by a certain monster, or things like that.

-Lastly a few recommendations about combat system. It would be great if you can make the character stronger by fighting, for example if the player use mana, at the end of the combat he will receive a little (or considerable depending on how mana did he use) increase, and not by leveling up, in fact if you want to be near a dark souls game i would recommend that you will find objects in the dungeons that will give you skills, however if you want that part to be perfect, make some requirements for learning some skills.

I will add how difficult would be to do some of the things i have said:

-Captive system: Normal difficulty, it would require to create a new stat that symbolises it. About the brainwash effect it would be mostly the same, but adding debuff and a few effects depending on how much it advances.

-Corruption: Hard difficulty, it's hard because it's one of the things that has most of the effects, a good corruption system will change mostly all conversations.

-Slavery system: Hard difficulty, because of the same reason as corruption, it requires a LOT of work.

-Transformations: There is quite a big possibility that adding this will create a lot of bugs, disparities, etc... Difficulty VERY hard, as i said i recommend that only in bad endings you add it so it's for a few scenes at most.

-Dungeons diversity: Easy difficulty, it's just adding different types of enemies to the different dungeons. It would be good if every dungeon had it's own charisma.

-Titles: Easy-Hard difficulty, depending if it's something esthetic or if it will have effects on the game (giving or taking stats or affecting conversations).

-Combat system: Very hard, it would mean modify the combat of the game a bit, which can be perhaps too hard for some.

Lastly just to say, it's quite important to have a bit of lore, some tragic stories and etc... just so it helps to give the perfect atmosphere, and a bit of main story that explains what we want to do and why.

This are all the recommendations i can give, feel free to ignore them and good luck with your game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In a world of monsters and magic, you, the player (Also a monster) are humanity's last hope. The evil dark master/mistress and their 10 evil bosses have destroyed all of human civilization and driven the last remaining humans to The Endless Forest (your home) where they plan to finish the job. The player (a weak monster, but one who is immune to mind control) sets out to rescue any humans they come across and defeat other strong monsters. This allows them to transform into a stronger species, so they can eventually challenge the forces of evil and win.

You also have help from a variety of human party members, all of which are into gratuitous monster/human sex. Eventually you rescue enough humans to start a town, selling gear and providing a place to rest.

I really like this idea!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Denizen wise given the forest theme (is it Temperate?) I would go classic- nymphs, fairies*, wood spirits (maybe an Ent) [Possibly dodge the Tolkien Type Elves the have be done to death]     *fairies could also be a separate gated quest chain once you have found a way to shrink to an interactive/sexable size

The exact make up should spring from your narrative

Entry level opponents- ruffians (1 or 2 ill-equipped robbers), small-giant spider, giant centipede, goblin hunter, lone wolf, a wary bear or a not exactly harmless animated plant

Then just scale up the encounters as the PC progresses/party grows eg goblin hunter- goblin hunting party - goblin raiding party - goblin warband - goblin warband with shaman - goblin warband with shaman mounted on spiders

Later add more dangerous stuff for variety, I suggest: Mind-flayer slavers, Nagas , the great hunt and that is before you get to add Demonic or corrupted foes

Driders could simply be part of the spider chain or a separate menace [How do you feel about ovipositing?]



New Member
Jun 7, 2016
Maybe if you ever get a city started up you could have a Kitsune brothel, probably name it something like "9 paths of pleasure" or "Nine and out" (really cheesy shit i know). You can have sex with the regular one tailed kitsunes for a low price, and then there are the 3 special kitsunes that run the brothel that you can either pay a larger amount to have sex with (probably 3000 6000 9000), or fight to have sex. The first one has 3 tails, the second has 6, and the main proprietress of the brothel has all 9 tails and is the strongest. Oh and each of them could have different sex scenes depending on how you get to have sex with them (paying:they can be dominant   Beat by HP:Less resistant    Beat by Seduction:Horny with alot of dirty talk and maybe an added fetish). For fighting styles, 3-tails can attack with her claws/nails (when she gets to 1/3 health she ignites them so they do more damage and leave a burn), 6-tails uses magic, so at 1/3 health her magic power can increase so spells do more damage (maybe for player characters, you can add perks or spells that increase magic resistance). Finally the 9-tails is a mixture of fast physical attacks, and powerful magic, but when she gets to half health she materializes a foxfire katana that does a mixture of physical and magic damage. I can give you more details for the 9 tails if you want.


Jun 8, 2016
i'm personally a fan of public use, walkies in coc is my favorite scene :). i'd like to see some stockades in use myself.


New Member
Dec 6, 2015
time tavel alternate timelines pairalle worlds and open world explation hyper pregnancy and hyper sized breasts and booty

you find a shard of a cristal trip and fall on a puddle the shard activate and sends you somewhare where you meat the native of 4 diffrent camp after you help one camp rule or peace between all camp they give you a cristal thats vary simmeler to the shard