Confessions of champions


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2021
Playing PCs that have only a "love tunnel" is just so satisfying to me and I don't know why. :iiam: (maybe it could be partially due to the fact that the H-game market is saturated with content that features a dick-wielding pc... hmm.)

There's Japanese games with female leads that actually fuck, but a)I don't know if they get translated, and b) you have to suffer through the same blushing virgin schoolgirl stereotype that just has things "done" to them instead of actively pursuing sex. :toot: (I do recommend the Phantom of the Opera one though, just for the sheer hilarity of the setting)

I am curious if the magicock piercings will change my attitude towards pure female champs, but I don't think it will, because making one a futa is less fun for me than giving the equine/salamander butthole tfs to a male champ. :colbert:
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Forget Me Knot

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2018
Through the Looking Glass
There's Japanese games with female leads that actually fuck, but a)I don't know if they get translated, and b) you have to suffer through the same blushing virgin schoolgirl stereotype that just has things "done" to them instead of actively pursuing sex. :toot: (I do recommend the Phantom of the Opera one though, just for the sheer hilarity of the setting)

asdfghjkl, omigod

you're kidding :eyepop:

and here I had this wild idea that men think that women have no sexual desire whatsoever :iiam:

I am curious if the magicock piercings will change my attitude towards pure female champs, but I don't think it will, because making one a futa is less fun for me than giving the equine/salamander butthole tfs to a male champ. :colbert:

I don't know you very well so, I can't say for certain but it might! I mean, you never know until you try, right? And I semi-agree with you on that one (only semi because I don't really care for playing male champs so, can't comment on the latter); female pcs are much more fun to play than futa pcs imo. with certain female npcs, I noticed that they have this tendency to treat a futa pc like a...guy with tits basically and that just makes me feel very uncomfortable. plus, it doesn't help that dicks lowkey repulse me tbh; like, vaginas aren't that much prettier either, granted, but dicks are just a whole new level of No Thanks for me. (and that's where I differ from my pc because she loves dicks of all shapes and sizes tbh.)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I do my absolute utmost to make sure that Champs without donguses have fun options for content, too - and not just magicock ones (although those are gonna be great when they show up). The whole reason I asked Savin to let me write some Ryn content was to make sure that FemChamp had a nice mutualism scene with Ryn, and it kinda snowballed from there.

I just hope it doesn't make me, like, obnoxious or anything to be that voice on the boards and in the #coc2 channel being all "make sure it's fun if you don't have a dick, too!" :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2021
asdfghjkl, omigod

you're kidding :eyepop:

and here I had this wild idea that men think that women have no sexual desire whatsoever :iiam:

I mean even playing the game that is literally a porn game made for women, they still act like the girl doesn't until some dude makes a move, then she's getting spitroasted by Raoul and his brother (I'm sorry; I just love that they made a PotO game), but it's kinda nice just knowing the whole genre exists - some of the milder ones are getting Switch ports now and I still can't believe this is the world we live in, lol.

plus, it doesn't help that dicks lowkey repulse me tbh; like, vaginas aren't that much prettier either, granted, but dicks are just a whole new level of No Thanks for me.

Ahh, see this is where our differences in taste probably start :p I like dicks, so the more the merrier! But I really appreciate the content without 'em, even if it's not for me.

Forget Me Knot

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2018
Through the Looking Glass
I do my absolute utmost to make sure that Champs without donguses have fun options for content, too - and not just magicock ones (although those are gonna be great when they show up). The whole reason I asked Savin to let me write some Ryn content was to make sure that FemChamp had a nice mutualism scene with Ryn, and it kinda snowballed from there.

I just hope it doesn't make me, like, obnoxious or anything to be that voice on the boards and in the #coc2 channel being all "make sure it's fun if you don't have a dick, too!" :(

And I appreciate you for that! ngl it's so cool to have someone that gets it. No shade to the other writers ofc because they're lovely in their own way but it just hits different when a writer shares your concerns, you know what I mean ?? Anywho, I can't wait to see the content that you'll write in the future. I'm rooting for ya! <3

Forget Me Knot

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2018
Through the Looking Glass
Ahh, see this is where our differences in taste probably start :p I like dicks, so the more the merrier! But I really appreciate the content without 'em, even if it's not for me.

LOL, it's all coming together! :p

I personally don't get the hype but all of you dick-lovers out there: you're valid, okay. :)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
For my confession.... I can't seem to get past early game with a female champ. My male champs are generally bottomy af, but for some reason it's less fun slutting around with the parts I actually own irl. :iiam:
I thought I was the only one who did this lmao.

If I've gone to all the trouble of making the exact female avatar I want in a game then I feel a pressure to make her cool and responsible and all that - but then I get curious about content and think "oh whatever I'll just play a boy for a while and be a slut" and before I know it I've blown way past my progress with my 'serious' character.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
I'm the opposite. I don't have a dongus either, but I can't really get into porn where the player has one. It's just too weird to read.
For me it really depends on how the other characters are written.

Someone already brought up how a lot of the female protagonist japanese games treat sex as something that she's entirely ignorant of until she gets raped or something. That's...not fun? And then the scenes themselves are usually miserable too. But even otome games can feel way too innocent and passive. So even if there are real characters instead of faceless rapists it feels way too one-sided to be all that romantic. If she comes off sexless then I can't relate to her feelings all that well regardless of how appealing the boys might be. There's a big difference between hitting submissive notes and the whole thing feeling as if the characters take it for granted that the main character will be weirdly passive. I -really- like how Wsan's Evelyn content stirs up so many emotions in the PC (and me reading it), that sort of thing can hit the mark so much harder than making a bunch of weird assumptions about how the PC should be reacting based on their sex.

Along those same lines I only get taken out of male protagonist games if all the other characters are really blatantly treated as receptacles for lust. That just feels gross. If the characters draw me in though I don't really mind roleplaying a bit and going after girls in a way I wouldn't with a female character. ...And I do like making cute bottom boys and taking them through a gauntlet of dongs. Tales of Androgyny hits that weirdly specific note for me so hard.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
my confession is that the scene where kiyoko told my pc i had no say whatsoever in kinu's marriage (i was an orc) made me cry ngl
I confess that I deleted my save when I saw this dialog from Kiyoko, but later I regretted it.
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Magenta Needle

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
I developped a Hashat-tier elf love, making a new run involving a wyld elf character for more elf buttsex.
Also, I use too much dirty/dastardly trick, I like dick moves.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
I want to beat up Evergreen and get my daughter back so that Cait and I can raise her together. Would just like that experience with Cait in case her fertility stays the way it is and I'm not really feeling like leaving a Champ-lite in Evergreen's possession after how Kini turned out.
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Active Member
Feb 23, 2021
Couple things I'm guilty about

I save all the time. before TFs, boss fights, lvl ups, anything mildly risky, and every 3 minutes. I feel like a bitch, but whenever anything slightly inconvenient happens I just rewind.

My conception of my main futa character is very confident, pays no heed to what others think, so I try to roleplay and make decisions in line with that sort of personality. However, IRL I'm very non-confrontational so I struggle to do or say things that might bother other people (fictional or otherwise). About the extent of my arrogance is picking "chastise" in the tutorial when I would rather pick "investigate".

I don't really like ahmri, but I married her for the sick hoodie. And right after I got married to best wife Kiyoko :(.

I hate hyper anything really, but I like inflation so I gave my character 800-inch balls. If there were actual in-game illustrations of the PC I know I wouldn't be able to stand it.

I've done so many runs of the game at this point that I normally skip over all the text. I feel bad because it's so well done, but I seriously don't have time to read all that again. Especially since I refuse to free kiyoko until I get her nine-tails.


Active Member
Feb 23, 2021
There was a confession, then a debate, then more explanation. The only missing was someone posting Dickbutt.

Confession... I want Miko and Mai to smugly tell Kinu they banged her parents.

Actually, I kinda wish there was a larger effect on interactions based on who you did or did not sex. I liked it when cait and etheryn got pissed in the winter city about me getting sexy with Kas. It doesn't have to be on the same scale as real life, but sometimes it feels a bit flat when everybody acts as if having sex with random people and monsters has the same ethical and social ramifications as picking a penny off the ground.

Like, you're telling me that the knowledge that everybody she's ever laid eyes on has probably had my dick in them at some point has had no effect on my fox-daughter?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
More a player confession but I missed seeing the initial patch notice and somehow failed to spot the addition of the Explore option into Hawkethorne for almost a month after it first appeared.
I hate hyper anything really, but I like inflation so I gave my character 800-inch balls. If there were actual in-game illustrations of the PC I know I wouldn't be able to stand it..
I did something similar with my Corruption-focused Champ. I liked the idea of being able to compete with Kasyrra in terms of hosing people down so I had her scarf down Ring Peaches until she got the Nuki Nuts perk. But she'd look so ridiculous with her build and attire with those enormous wrecking balls hanging down there if you actually tried putting it to art.
Like, you're telling me that the knowledge that everybody she's ever laid eyes on has probably had my dick in them at some point has had no effect on my fox-daughter?
Cait calls having sex with everyone she's laid eyes on 'Tuesday'. While she's a slightly different case since that's kind of her whole religious calling, Savarra in general is into open relationships. There are only a few characters who are monogamous and the ones who are that way with the Champion don't expect it in return. And Kinu's a kitsune, when you have to feed on life-force on a regular basis and the most common (though as Kohaku demonstrates, not the exclusive) way of doing so is sex, you're probably gonna develop a pretty casual attitude towards other people sleeping around, especially when you know that the relationship your parents have is deeper than most if not all the other ones the Champion has.

I mean, it would be sweet if you could play a Champion who only has sex with one other character and the game acknowledges it (which is how my Warrior is doing things with Ryn) but... I just don't see it happening.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Actually, I kinda wish there was a larger effect on interactions based on who you did or did not sex. I liked it when cait and etheryn got pissed in the winter city about me getting sexy with Kas. It doesn't have to be on the same scale as real life, but sometimes it feels a bit flat when everybody acts as if having sex with random people and monsters has the same ethical and social ramifications as picking a penny off the ground.

Like, you're telling me that the knowledge that everybody she's ever laid eyes on has probably had my dick in them at some point has had no effect on my fox-daughter?
Dude/t, rarely anyone wants to hear who there parents boned.
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Active Member
Feb 23, 2021
The only reason i accepted selling my soul though was because of floof family, which is what's been keeping me going with that decision. Haven't even sexed Keros after peeking at the scenes a bit, doesn't match my champion at all unfortunately. Not a fan of people who are too full of themselves (yes i know he's a god but that makes it even worse), i like his character though, he's pretty great.

Despite my love for best wife and best daughter, I was never tempted to become a kitsune. You know how Nanako said something along the lines of "you might become accepted here, but you'll never be one of us"? That pretty much sums it up for me. I like most of the floofballs individually, and there's no need to mention my adoration for kiyoko and kinu, but I dislike the kitsune as a people. It's because the more I interacted with them, the more I felt the cultural difference. The thing that brought it to my attention was when I went to kiyoko after finding out that kinu was engaged. When my champion asked if they get any say in the matter, I got a pretty flat "No" from kiyoko, which felt like a slap in the face. Granted my character asked in an unnecessarily bitchy way, but it was still something I never expected from someone as lovey-dovey as her. When I went around the Den after that asking about the engagement, the replies were mostly polite "don't care, didn't ask, plus you're human". I began to feel like there was a racial difference separating me and the foxes. Like how Kiyoko thought it was common sense for Kinu to become a den mother and go through all the brutal training associated, while I was there thinking "damn Honey, she's like, seven. just let her eat peaches and beat up her siblings". So in the end, I never felt tempted to fork my soul over to keros. As much as I like being friends with the foxes, we're too different for me to ever want to be one.

(that, and I'm waitng to see what kind of fancy powers and TFs the other gods have)


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
Couple of things : saving anytime i go into a dungeon / higher lvl area , cannot keep myself as a starting race no matter what , will always pick herms above plain fem/male champ (unless i am aware that there is something unique that is locked behind having only one set of tools) didn't touch charmer builds so far (are they worth it?) also anytime i go around the forest and the fountain event pops up it always is a bath time for my champ regardless of corruption level.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
didn't touch charmer builds so far (are they worth it?)
Their powers are great if you want to play the supporting role in the party, their natural boost to Presence makes your companions stronger, for the same reason they make a killer summoner and they're amazing at attacking Resolve (instead of Health) and can make a lot of enemies crumble into a quivering pile of fuck me please. So yeah, they most certainly have their uses if those kinds of options are your thing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
I feel very similar to you. Except my character turned into a kitsune because to them, becoming one would give the potential of them and Kiyoko coming closer together, and the fact that turning into a kitsune extends your life span to be similar than that of kiyoko afaik, so to become a kitsune = more time with floof fam to compensate for the time that was lost.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2021
To be fair, your first encounter with them wasn't exactly a peaceful one (I like to think they still hold a grudge about that sometimes), especially if you don't haven't found the Orb yet you even beat up Komari in the process which I regret doing on my first run since Granny Komari is amazing (one of the foxes you can truly call friend) and along with Mai and Kohaku.

And like you I also don't want to become a Kitsune (maybe in the future who knows depends on the other TF from the gods) I personally feel like the story is more emotional and impactful if I stay human and basically become living proof along with Kiyoko and Kinu that Kitsune and non Kitsune can live together and love each other as a family and if the Kitsune still don't respect you after saving the world than it's their loss.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
To be fair, your first encounter with them wasn't exactly a peaceful one (I like to think they still hold a grudge about that sometimes), especially if you don't haven't found the Orb yet you even beat up Komari in the process which I regret doing on my first run since Granny Komari is amazing (one of the foxes you can truly call friend) and along with Mai and Kohaku.

Then they've got to learn cultural differences, taking no for an answer, And talking problems out. Until then they can be as salty as they want while this "barbarian" helps them out. Plus it seems only Nakano really holds a grudge and probably because win or lose, his pride is hurt in some way and he can't touch you without risking Komari getting mad.

And like you I also don't want to become a Kitsune (maybe in the future who knows depends on the other TF from the gods) I personally feel like the story is more dramatic and impactful if I stay human and basically become living proof along with Kiyoko and Kinu that Kitsune and non Kitsune can live together and love each other as a family and if the Kitsune still don't respect you after saving the world than it's their loss.[/QUOTE said:
I've gotta agree on that. But seeing a kitsune saving the world from the big red demon would still help with their public image. I just don't trust that Keros guy. Seems like kind of an ass if you ask me. Dunno why though.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Forgive me forum, for I must confess my sin. I was playing a pure path and did the hive quest. At the end I kicked Azzy and the paladin into the corrupted honey just because I thought it would be funny and since my last save was so far back I just stuck with it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Forgive me forum, for I must confess my sin. I was playing a pure path and did the hive quest. At the end I kicked Azzy and the paladin into the corrupted honey just because I thought it would be funny and since my last save was so far back I just stuck with it.
Check the autosaves. Assuming you have that enabled, its its own separate thing in the game's save thing.

Saved my ass from going far far back in saves.


Active Member
Feb 23, 2021
I feel very similar to you. Except my character turned into a kitsune because to them, becoming one would give the potential of them and Kiyoko coming closer together, and the fact that turning into a kitsune extends your life span to be similar than that of kiyoko afaik, so to become a kitsune = more time with floof fam to compensate for the time that was lost.

No shame there, more fluff times are more good times.