CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Killer news. As fenrir is behing coded im currently writing KRAKEN tf wich includes two new rape scenes bioluminescence and of course the scylla fight encounter.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
any chance the corrected text finds it's way into the next version?

and could you perhaps put the meeting scene with evangeline in the online doc so i can correct it?

Yes they would be included in next version.

On meeting evangeline scene yes I would put it back there. It was earlier looked over by other people but since you meantion it it mean something can be still changed. So it would be today or at least tomorrow put it there.

As Liadrit said aside rework of ascension that I DO work alongside fenrir TF (weel good thing since it makes me not feel burnout of keep working on one thing for hours day by day) will also due to need of giving certain charming kraken lady place to live and fight PC added three near areas. Beach (find during Desert exploration) that will have for now just slight stronger group of demons that PC can find in desert too (they goes by name of oasis demons enc I think ^^) and gorgon (she would be mostly feel like fighting naga but with slight bit of her petrification gaze mixed in), Ocean (Liadri personaly made scylla enc) that req. getting boat (I feel will make it easier to not play around with making it either having boat or some aquatic animals body parts from TF items - it does slight complicating fights intros when PC can be found by enemy in two different ways so why make thing comlicated) and lat location Deep Sea (here as meantioned before Kraken Lady, which is of the Venus size, will sit awaiting all those OP PC to wrestle over Sky Poison Pearl she hold (that pearl is quite interesting artifact so PC should at some point make a trip to get it ;) and once again Liadri hand written kraken normal enc).

Not sure where of those 3 locations but will also make sure shark girls showing up to try beat PC and...VC got new possible enemy enc after PC clear Phoenix Tower... so all of you should quest who that new enemy should be (it's not a bird, not an airplane but is surely on fire most of the time :p ).
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Aug 27, 2015
(Semi)Obligatory progress post ^^

Fenrir/WInter wolf TF going well similar like WInter Wolf encounter (it come now even with sex scenes - quite similar to some other encounter but still it's flavored to be fitting for larger than typical wolf). Other stuff for next version going...more sluggish and beach+other water areas I not even touched yet. Maybe tonight will touch it a lil bit...
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Sep 19, 2015
(Semi)Obligatory progress post ^^

Fenrir/WInter wolf TF going well similar like WInter Wolf encounter (it come now even with sex scenes - quite similar to some other encounter but still it's flavored to be fitting for larger than typical wolf). Other stuff for next version going...more sluggish and beach+other water areas I not even touched yet. Maybe tonight will touch it a lil bit...

I'm actually pretty hyped for this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Serathinian Those two TF's (well it can be called two as fenrir one req. been fully TF'd into wolf to proc scene in glacial rift) are quite close to been done Atm I got some troubles with winter wolf been too good. I mean enemy perma stunning/perma cc-ing PC till PC bleed out to the death (err I mean devoured to the bare bones) isn't good thing.

On other things...I slowly started poking at Beach/Ocean/Dee Sea. For now discovery scene for those three locations seems to be working fine and some crude encounterless exploration of the beach also seems to be working. So next days work... make ocean and deep sea explorable and start populating those locations with enemy encounters (my personal fav enemies I looking for are atm scylla (maybe later on will be replaced with kraken one enc) and shark girls that coud enter blood-frenzy state).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Yeah, I always was disappointed that you couldn't be a Wolf-Morph in CoC.

Now we get a SNOW WOLF option.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Oh! I completely forgot! I talked about this in the CoC revamp thread but I ran into the same problem in this version. I'm trying to play a femboy but the game keeps calling me a "dickgirl" and uses female pronouns. Could you please do something about it? It really bothers me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Serathinian Well it would be technicaly called as wolf TF thou final effect (before using Fenrir collar) wil be turning into race desc as winter wolf but well...using Chilyl Pepper to become fully wolf then change fur and hair color from glacial white will make PC normal wolf.

On femboy been called dickgirl by the game it's matter of changing a little bit code for recognizing and then showing up what gender PC is. Yeah I think it would be not much trouble. I think I seen somewhere someone writing about making small modification to CoC introducing it (well since I not remembe who it was maybe it was even you itself ^^) so would find it and then add to Xianxia code.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
@Serathinian Well it would be technicaly called as wolf TF thou final effect (before using Fenrir collar) wil be turning into race desc as winter wolf but well...using Chilyl Pepper to become fully wolf then change fur and hair color from glacial white will make PC normal wolf.

On femboy been called dickgirl by the game it's matter of changing a little bit code for recognizing and then showing up what gender PC is. Yeah I think it would be not much trouble. I think I seen somewhere someone writing about making small modification to CoC introducing it (well since I not remembe who it was maybe it was even you itself ^^) so would find it and then add to Xianxia code.

Wonderful! Yes I removed the dickgirl thing myself.

I wanted to make it where instead it said "femboy" and used male pronouns but I couldn't figure out how it worked.

Yeah, I just changed one line of code.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Okay, so I didn't follow the mod up until now.

Aside from gameplay et cetera - What is the new content? Are there any new scnenes or NPCs?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
New content that isn't stricte gameplay changes is new location: Blight Ridge where PC can grind on few types of demonic enemies, new city with few shops and arena to spar with few enemies (as with rest of the city choices aren't large yet) and one npc possible to recruit to camp that is in very tubby shape atm aside few not found at Rath alchemy potion crafting options. Plus compared to Revamp mod few more TF items like phoenix, plant, mantis, gorgon, centaur/unicorn/alicorn.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Beach and Ocean exploration aside lack of actual enemy encounters already working. Deep Sea.... aside exploration scene unlocking also should work. Just need either to use current false/true for anemone gills or having Liadri been in such good mood to flesh out more that idea of her how PC can just remporaly breath underwater (the one which was meantioned in scyla sex scenes that are written ofc ^^). SO probably tomorrow I would make public code for Beach/Ocean/Deep Sea exploration and etc. (I would even throw in as bonus three new achievments conneced to 100+ times explored each of those new areas). As for encounters with enemies...well I myslef still working on it so it just generaly planned what enemies where will be encountered (aside this kraken boss from Deep Sea).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Currently writing a cathedral revamp as an extra addon to gargoyle tf. Stay tuned for more.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh so short msg. And Gargoyle TF, New locations, ... and revamp threads get way longer posts with descriptions what will be done -_-'

I feel Xianxia been so much forgoten and unworthy to even meantioning too much on this subject. No worry Gal I can copy paste on my own too ^^

So here below what this Gal forgot to add :D

Curently on my work desk is Cathedral revamp, this will include the fellowing options

Cathedral rebuilt (under construction)

1: Blessed Altar of Marae: The blessed Altar of Marae which had formerly been damaged beyond repair is a tool for religion focused PC that allow player to pray. After praying player will be given a +10% bonus to its magical power (white magic only) for a week. The player can come and pray again to regain the bonus once the blessing is gone. Cost 50 stones work time of 8 hour
2. Statue of Marae: The sacred statue at the bottom of the cathedral had been debased and damaged beyond recognition. Having met Marae it is in your power to repair the statue. the statue of ,Marae increase the sacred power in the church increasing the altar blessing to 20%. Repairing the statue will.

Cost 400 stones and a work time of 3 day, has to be done over several steps (require the Blessed altar of Marae to be repaired first)
3. Prayer bench: Repairing this will allow monks and priest in pilgrimage to regularly visit the cathedral again. Monks and clerics chanting their prayer will increase the potency of the Sacred blessing adding an extra +5% (25%) to magical power when praying.

Cost 200 woods 200 nails (require the Statue of Marae and the  to be repaired first)
4. Repairing the gargoyle on the walls: While there will never be any more gargoyles but you and your friend it is possible to add new gargoyle-like statue as decoration. Those statue are purely aesthetic but improves on the church outlook. As part of this maneuver you can build yourself a temporary piedestal to rest in the cathedral instead of the camp. Sleeping in the Cathedral grant the Sacred blessing effect as well as an additional +5% boost for a total of 30% (Yep gargoyle can feed on the ambient magic of the cathedral). While it's been clearly stated player needs a piedestal to rest player as part of the way he/she worded his ritual isn't linked to a particular piedestal but to any piedestal suitable for him/her to sit upon.

Repairing the gargoyles will cost so far the biggest amount of stone 1000
5. Tending the gardens: You can ask one of the pilgrim/cleric to attend the garden in front of the cathedral. doing so will improve the outlook of the cathedral entrance slightly.
6. Placing Marae Pearl and the blessed sword in the Cathedral: A holy relic such as Marae pearl or the Beautiful sword can massively empower the sacred power housed in the cathedral. The Beautiful sword once placed on the Altar will allow player to purge corruption at the rate of 10 point per day while having both the sword and Marae pearl will make it 20. Each artefact increase the magical bonus by 5% for a total of 40%. It is possible to retrieve the beautiful sword from its resting place and upon being charged with the holy power of the goddess of Mareth the blade will have improved into the Sacred sword, an empowered version of the Beautiful sword of which the base damage is equal to scar blade (yes this long quest allow to actually forge out Excalibur for pure characters. Beautiful sword main issue was in its terrible base damage. while it was intended as a low level weapon i find it sad that a weapon blessed by the goddess of mareth itself is weaker than the jeweled rapier let alone the scarblade which is its evil aligned counterparts)

You can retrieve a holy relic and place it back at any time in the game especialy of course for the ending.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Ohh so short msg. And Gargoyle TF, New locations, ... and revamp threads get way longer posts with descriptions what will be done -_-'


These changes sound awesome. Though if you're adding Excalibur I'd recommend looking into other legendary weapons like Balmung. Obviously I'm not asking you to add stuff like that now but I think you could go crazy with mythical weapons.


Astra is a good one for Soul Cultivators.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Serathinian Naturaly I meant Xianxia thread not those three others. Thou this one idea of Liadri getting even closer to Savin Graal than Gargoyle Tf so I slightly worried if we not get nuked form the orbit by doing this.

On Astra weapon...*hides feeling incoming Liadri tirade* you know there will be Archery expansion in 0.7d along with few other stuff like possible finaly X-pack 1 for Evangeline and maybe few more new npc to play around not to meantion slightly expanding some stuff related to Owca village (well anyone up to see how Vapula opens her own lab?) ALready now some stuff out of those gdoc I put in (well if it count giving actualy Vapula horde drops after PC keep beating them in pit...untill someone get hyped, no that badass weapon mentioned near end of this section that PC getting after finaly dealing with her horde threat to Owca isn't coded but I do like this weapon so it will be added in 0.7d).

If you want see some interesting concept of soul cultivators and etc. weapon I see quite often in various light novels gogle out Awl weapon. No matter how I look at it pics when it's used in novels desc sound so artistic almost to the point of making me thing it's not actualy awl used but some blunt weapon like club.

Adding some other mythical weapons...sure I not against. Just mind it's another idea that pills on my mountain of ideas to get in so it may take me some time to get there. Atm I fighting to make some not so boring enemy encounters for Beach/Ocean/Deep Sea. Beach for first iteration is in enough state to be ready go live after I put on this gorgon that paralize special too (yeah that also mean PC can normaly get drop of gorgon TF too not getting coned by Moga).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Most of cathedral rebuild can be now previewed on gargoyle doc. Still one or two texts missing.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Just throwing this out there, but what about a weapon development questline, possibly based out of the soul cultivator town.  Pivotal decisions (purity vs. corruption)(light vs. heavy) would be covered during the early stages, with later stages adding things like additional magic multiplier. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For weapons there will be made mechanic to upgrade most igame weapons/armors/shields/maybe even accesories (some of this items may be not following general set rules of upgrading) with use of soulforce to get something like BFG Sword +5 that would have some additional perks that PC getting when using it. I think it's something similar to your thoughts about weapon development questline.

Of other casual stuff. Done not much not little. Added stubs for few future unique named npc's. Two of them also made for now simple fight encounter versions. And mostly spend time to work on ascension changes. So no more carring over some inhuman body parts. When PC starting anew if not picked some special name will be always human. Also some of perks that was from events/choices between pure/corrupt paths will be possible to make pernament (similary like it's in revamp now) thou range of choices is slight different than in Revamp (few I noticed was forgoten there and few looked unneded for me to be possibel to make pernament if all it req. to get them was use certain TF items like 3-5 times).

Would be almost forgot... as sometimes I throw some quesion toward you all to see what will be result (usualy result was that many of suggestions or most popular answers influenced some of my decisions). So to not bother all of you to death: I got quit well defined idea for npc combat encounter that put much emphasis on using lust combat to subdue it enemies. But that isn't another goblin just former human that took Tf ti became mix up of few races. And that the crux of question. Which one race aside demon one would be fitting for npc needing to be as much possible centred around libido and lust stats? Goblins may be a choice...salamanders and phoenixes also seems like a not bad choice. Harpies? Cow/Minotaur? Sharks? Sirens (shark/harpy one hybrids)?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Cathedral revamp text finished
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Today was a gorgon's day ^^

And then a little bit of sailing with 42th East Sea Copany of pirates xD

Still both of those more than slught far away from been called done but at least I made some nasty special for one of enemies that will make PC get quite weak if fight would continue for too long ;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey ormael go check the beach doc ends
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Eh... in theory yes... pure holy would be considered a sacred servant
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
just realized something.

You could call Pure Holli...

Holy Holli

Well Yes and No. In some places game use three terms when comparing corruption levels. Pure, Tainted, Corrupted. SO for sure Olf one Holli is uterly on Corrupted end of scale. But Pure Holli isn;t actualy so much pure herself. She not by nay chance on Pure end of spectrum rather somewhere in tainted range but still closer to pure side than corrupted one. As her texts saying Marae done a lil bit dick move conerning Holli here by dumping as much she could this all corruption stuff she suffered into her daughter that became Holli. So in compare to Old Holi that was soulless spawn of Marae (well Marae made her after loosing her soul so technicaly this on Holli could be called as umber powerful form of imp) the purer Holli still carry tons of corruption in her body despite been much considered as pure one.

Eh... in theory yes... pure holy would be considered a sacred servant

She's what Marae done to get rid of her own corruption (since we not interacts much with non corrupted Marae anyway I would assume that creating this one Holli Marae even futher purified herself of her taint due to demons actions) thus regaining even more of her former power. I wouldn;t say that may hav eused this newly recovered power similar like with Minerva case to actualy dispel some of taint in Holli seed before she planted it near PC camp. So she may been slight bitch toward her own offspring by not giving her choice if Holli want take bulk of her mother already build up corruption but then to live up been good godess used soome of her power to remove this corrpution so Holli is only in taintted not corrupted range.

And by game standeards pure is 0-33 corruption and corrupted 67-100 so pure Holli corrpution I would say is somewhere between 35-40.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Serathinian :staredog: :negative:

I'm dead now... *kicks myself back to life....*

Anyway since my peaceful convo with Savin revamp of cathedral itself not gonna happen in Xianxia mod. Well but that may lead to Liadri using this stuff written for...other purposes that will not touch cathedral content made by Savin (so he will not be mad at us as no touching his stuff happen so everyone should be happy then).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Who needs the dumb Cathedral when you got the temple of the divine? it doesnt mather if Savin wants his empty cathedral to stay empty as i said im adding a new worshiping spot for player. one that will allow worship for at least 3 of the original Marethian god. There space for Anzu and Ezekiel altars as well if Ormael ever care to add them.

Curently the writen gods for worship includes Marae, Taoth and Fenrir all of wich requires first to be helped by doing their respective questlines.

One new Npc Sapphire the Gargoyle will be availlable as a lover in the future. Keep in mind that she does not reside into camp altrought she can visit it for short period of time if you at least got Krystal/Onyx (the second gargoyle guard who can be crafted and customised as you wish) on the guarding job.

So in obvious but very bold therms.... the project WILL happen.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah it happening since we decided we not going to touch Savin work but do whole work somewhere else with other set of npc's.

Seems also that gave Liadri new wings. ^^

Well for now Anzu isn't ingame even in revamp but I will talk to Coalsack about this (not remember well if he still have god status after comming to Mareth). Anyway since there will be more than one god possible to worship there it would soon should be turn into Temple to worship Mareth Gods Pantheon ^^ Thus giving for future chance to hook up any new god-tier beangs that we may come with.
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