CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To compile CoC builds, you need FlashDevelop and Java. FlashDevelop offers you to install standalone flash player.

Unfortunately, many scenes were built upon having no gender preferences. It would probably be time-consuming.
Oct 25, 2015
Hey guys, I have some questions. I'd like to know If it would be possible to bring back some of the old restorative items- ones that SLOWLY return you to a more human form, and ones that make you taller, skinnier, more or less buff ext.

Back in the old days of CoC, it was easy to return yourself to a more human form and thus remove body parts that might limit your options in game, like for example being a hermaphrodite. However this feature was removed for some reason, seemingly in this patch, which is annoying because for example you will be unable to talk to several NPC's due to things like excessive dick size, being a herm ext. Thankfully reducto can help with this greatly, though that is only encountered fairly late in the game (i started having easy access to it on my third day of play. And I don't mean third day in game- I mean literally, third day. 24 hours)

Another feature that was removed is the ability to manipulate your height- this was possible to do originally with things like Minotaur blood, lowering or raising corruption, eating imp trans formative items ext but it has since been removed, and there's literally no way in game to become taller; only shrink. So If you're experimenting with food items (as you should be, you can only advance the game this way) You'll wind up being a midget very fast.

If you could add back some of these things, i'd appreciate it. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Minotaur blood and LaBova can increase your height.

Rhino Steak can also increase your height up to a certain point.

If you need an easy way to become a human, you can buy hummus from Bakery in days that are multiples of 7 starting in a snapshot. Hummus is also rarely sold by Benoit. At the moment, hummus doesn't normalize your height but it will in next snapshot.
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Oct 25, 2015
Minotaur blood and LaBova can increase your height.

Rhino Steak can also increase your height up to a certain point.

If you need an easy way to become a human, you can buy hummus from Bakery in days that are multiples of 7 starting in a snapshot. Hummus is also rarely sold by Benoit. At the moment, hummus doesn't normalize your height but it will in next snapshot.

I've tried all of these things -minus rhino steak, which did not appear on the wiki- and nothing has seemed to change it. 

I'll keep trying Minotaur blood (because why not I suppose), is there a cap when it starts working? 

And in addition, I don't want to loose all my progress by using hummus! 
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Oct 24, 2015
To compile CoC builds, you need FlashDevelop and Java. FlashDevelop offers you to install standalone flash player.

Unfortunately, many scenes were built upon having no gender preferences. It would probably be time-consuming.

Oh I don't mind the no gender preferences. I just do it for myself and add futa / female pics c:.

But thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
One thing to remember is that CoC not outright asking if you're into guys/girls/this fetish/that fetish/etc is offset by the fact that, in moments when you should have any say at all, you are already often asked specifically what type of "interaction" you wish for that particular moment anyways. This excludes mostly loss scenes for the obvious reasoning that you wouldn't have a choice in the matter anyways. Unfortunately, there are some occasions where the options presented to the player are perhaps too vague or oddly abbreviated to understand what the option involves -- sometimes tooltips help -- but these are mostly rare, as is the non-loss scenes without an option. Having a setting to choose at a game's start could work to minimizing certain types of scenes of undesired nature from happening much like many other games do, but like Kitteh said, that would take a long time to set up I would think. It would likely mean at the very least that he would have to review each scene individually and tag them all depending upon their content, then set up a system to show or hide any scenes pertaining to said flags when toggle on and off by the player. I doubt there is a simpler way to do that, though I don't have the programming experience to know that for sure, just my guess. Maybe that could be a more long term goal, but I don't think it would be a simple or quick one.

As far as the whole hummus thing goes, the only alternatives I can think of are to saving often/using the autosave system, or using the save editor. Not as good as having a way to revert to formally human form in game, no, but they are available options nonetheless. I believe Fen stated at times that you are intentionally not suppose to be able to return to human form once you have begun the process of adding transformations to your body, hence why it's so hard to do so without good saves or the editor in the first place -- and why hummus was originally a debug item in vanilla CoC at least.

Sorry if I sound like a, "Suck it up, buttercup," sort of guy, but let's face it; you kind of have to accept potentially running into at least some if not most of the fetishes and scenarios contained within this game, otherwise I'd say this game is not quite your type. That's my two gems, anyways. Take it or leave it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There are two versions of hummus.

The regular hummus is a human TF item. The super hummus is the cheat version of the hummus. You can save-scum regular hummus.

Hummus isn't meant to be easy to get, you know.

I'm currently working on a bugfix snapshot.
Oct 25, 2015
There are two versions of hummus.

The regular hummus is a human TF item. The super hummus is the cheat version of the hummus. You can save-scum regular hummus.

Hummus isn't meant to be easy to get, you know.

I'm currently working on a bugfix snapshot.

I'm aware, that isnt' really even the endgoal. I don't want to reset my stats, just regain path options.

Right now I'm locked out of talking with "Amily" because I'm "one of them, a demon" 

... Despite the fact that my corruption is 20, which it was the last time I impregnated her.

(The "pure Amily" route is now completely locked no matter how low I get my corruption, which is dumb, on both a story and gameplay level. That traitorous asshole!)

It's little annoyances like that, you know?

I'd like complete the game as a "champion" and get my revenge (or at least an apology) from amily without suddenly becoming darth vader.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm aware, that isnt' really even the endgoal. I don't want to reset my stats, just regain path options.

Right now I'm locked out of talking with "Amily" because I'm "one of them, a demon" 

... Despite the fact that my corruption is 20, which it was the last time I impregnated her.

(The "pure Amily" route is now completely locked no matter how low I get my corruption, which is dumb, on both a story and gameplay level. That traitorous asshole!)

It's little annoyances like that, you know?

I'd like complete the game as a "champion" and get my revenge (or at least an apology) from amily without suddenly becoming darth vader.

Once a demon always a demon :#
Oct 25, 2015
In addition to the other compaints I'd like to report that despite my efforts, I cannot get my height to increase at all.

After going to the mountains and killing no less than 15 minotaurs and drinking their blood (And nearly completely turning into a taur and getting a bad end) My height stubbornly stayed at a gargantuan... 

5 foot 2 inches. I'm cute and compact I guess.

To add to that I also decided to try to become a complete shark girl; for no other reason than it sounded cool. Sadly I was unable to to this; I got the teeth, the skin, the fin and the hair but at one point lost the tail and could never get it back.

In total I consumed exactly 31 shark teeth, both regular and from a married Izma, with no luck. After about 15 I only got the text.

"nothing happened. Weird."

I guess I have to accept life as a orange skinned, hooved, hermaphrodite dwarf Minotaur. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Perhaps you've had bad luck? You might as well give the rhino steaks a shot. Do some save-scumming.

Or free Vala from the deep cave and meet her in The Wet Bitch. There's a certain sexual activity that will increase your height, up to a maximum of 11 feet. The height increase is guaranteed.
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Oct 25, 2015
Perhaps you've had bad luck? You might as well give the rhino steaks a shot. Do some save-scumming.

Or free Vala from the deep cave and meet her in The Wet Bitch. There's a certain sexual activity that will increase your height, up to a maximum of 11 feet. The height increase is guaranteed.

Yup, gonna try the vala exploit next. Read that on the wiki, maybe it'll work?

Of course I've been stupidly playing in browser, so I'm gonna loose all my progress anyway (fuck, and I've allready romanced the gargoyle, both dragons, an ant, a shark, and some.. Titty thing)

Oh well, I guess that's one way to solve my height issue. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Admittedly, the height issue is, in effect, seemingly an issue. Personally, I've never really been one to consistently track that stat, though it does seem to be quite a few people's complaint of sorts.

Maybe a sort of "growth spurt" potion could help? Could even tie it to tone/thickness increases for masculine chars and hip/butt/breast size increases for feminine chars for shits and giggles, if possible that is. Better than the annoying, "eat, check appearance, load, rinse, repeat," method I suppose.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yup, gonna try the vala exploit next. Read that on the wiki, maybe it'll work?

Of course I've been stupidly playing in browser, so I'm gonna loose all my progress anyway (fuck, and I've allready romanced the gargoyle, both dragons, an ant, a shark, and some.. Titty thing)

Oh well, I guess that's one way to solve my height issue. 

Judgning by you not even once mentioning the Minerva save editor or the CoCEd(itor), I'm guessing you're trying to avoid save-editing your save file if at all possible, or as much as possible?

By the way, does anyone know if you can ascend more than once?
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Oct 26, 2015
Ok, after much getting rapped, doing rapping, and submitting willingly, I am convinced that Akbal's bad ending is not in the game.

Maybe I just bad luck but it seems highly likely it wasn't implemented or it requires an insane number of times to trigger.

Anyone else notice this?


Aug 27, 2015
I think rap music is a large threat facing society, I wouldn't willingly submit myself to it and so am unable to test it.
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Aug 29, 2015
Started a new save, with the 1.3 snapshot. I can't build a cabin, but the wall builds just fine. also couldn't access stash until I got either the weapon rack, or the armor rack, even though I already had the shield one.

Just pointing out some things I noticed ^^ not sure if the cabin one is a bug or not.

EDIT: Err, scratch the cabin. I just got it xD forgot it's a month before you can build it.
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New Member
Oct 15, 2015
to all the champions complaining about not being able to increase their height might I direct you to the rizza root. this nifty little consumable can restore your normal human skin or give you some stylish elven ears. It also increases your height to a maximum of 108 inches tall (9 feet). defeat some phouka in the bog for a chance at this awesome item. great if you don't wanna sex vala constantly to put on those inches.

but seriously though, there really isn't a need for them to introduce a height increasing consumable when the job is being handled by stuff already in the game. this is just my two cent's please don't interpret it any other way. half the fun of the transformations is coming up with a combination of other items to get back your lost humanity  


Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
I'm making a suggestion for the mod. I'm not sure if there supposed to be made here or elsewhere but I'll put it here for now.

I recently read on the wiki that a sheep transformation item is planned to be added to the v1.3 release. I love the idea, although I noticed the Google Doc for it states it gives the user a human face rather than one of a sheep. I understand sheep people from Owca are designed to have human faces, therefore this makes sense; but I'd still prefer it if the item was a full transformative instead. Neon Pink Eggs always bothered me for a similar reason, they don't actually turn the consumer into a full rabbit-morph.

Is there anyway this could be changed? I would like to have the items effects modified to include giving the user a sheep face. Or alternatively, there could be an enhanced version that includes this transformation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
... Neon Pink Eggs always bothered me for a similar reason, they don't actually turn the consumer into a full rabbit-morph.

Is there anyway this could be changed? I would like to have the items effects modified to include giving the user a sheep face. Or alternatively, there could be an enhanced version that includes this transformation.

That could be done me thinks. Go to Lumi and have her enhance the Sheep-TF. Maybe enhancing the Neon Pink Egg for those who want to go all the way with bunny-morph (pun intended).

It also increases your height to a maximum of 108 inches tall (9 feet). defeat some phouka in the bog for a chance at this awesome item. great if you don't wanna sex vala constantly to put on those inches.

For those who are shoot for the 11' Achievement, it will take a LOT of sexxing with Vala. I was trying to figure out a pattern when I was building my height; figured it was a random occurrence whether you gain an inch or not.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For those who are shoot for the 11' Achievement, it will take a LOT of sexxing with Vala. I was trying to figure out a pattern when I was building my height; figured it was a random occurrence whether you gain an inch or not.

I think above 10" each step taking around 3-4 sex scenes with her. Or maybe sometimes 5 (I usualy was doing around that height series of 4-5 scenes in a row before checking in appearance if my PC gained anything), unless it was still lucky for me with so little tries for each gain :D


New Member
Oct 15, 2015
For those who are shoot for the 11' Achievement, it will take a LOT of sexxing with Vala. I was trying to figure out a pattern when I was building my height; figured it was a random occurrence whether you gain an inch or not.

gee no wonder I never went for that one. having to duck through doors and hit your head on ceilings would get old very fast



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think above 10" each step taking around 3-4 sex scenes with her. Or maybe sometimes 5 (I usualy was doing around that height series of 4-5 scenes in a row before checking in appearance if my PC gained anything), unless it was still lucky for me with so little tries for each gain :D

Luck was definitely on your side. I'd go through 5-10 sex scenes lucky to get 1-3"; sometime more, a few with no growth. Took me, hmm? 4-5 game-days bopping Vala when she was at bar to grow from... 7' 10" I believe. Memory failure kicking in as always.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Luck was definitely on your side. I'd go through 5-10 sex scenes lucky to get 1-3"; sometime more, a few with no growth. Took me, hmm? 4-5 game-days bopping Vala when she was at bar to grow from... 7' 10" I believe. Memory failure kicking in as always.

I start to visit Vala when Minotaur Blood was no longer giving me increase in height. And well for 1-3" gains it does took me few hours of each day. Somehow was it bug or intended thing I was been able in one hour proc like whole series of Vala scenes so only after doing them like 20 in a row or so was checking if I grown up at all. RNG can be a bitch sometimes of not giving height gain of Vala scene, right?


Oct 26, 2015
I think rap music is a large threat facing society, I wouldn't willingly submit myself to it and so am unable to test it.

Ok, I got to admit, that was well done.
I am going to blame the previous post on late night posting and not much thought.

Still, does anyone know what is required to trigger the Akbal Bad ending or if its even in the game or the Mod?