CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Another idea for a money sink, hiring mercenaries behind-the-scenes to hunt certain monsters, thereby lowering the encounter rate for them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Lilium could also use some competition perhaps.

Off topic, anyone figured out how to just post with a link without this site turning it into a bloated preview box? I know I can use spoilers, but I thought I managed to accidentally do that somehow. And the double post I'm not sure what the hell happened, I clicked post, waited for several minutes (no exaggeration) for it to finally register, and when it did, I got redirected to a page with a captcha request to post on Like I said, this forum is buggy as hell sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Lilium could also use some competition perhaps.

Off topic, anyone figured out how to just post with a link without this site turning it into a bloated preview box? I know I can use spoilers, but I thought I managed to accidentally do that somehow. And the double post I'm not sure what the hell happened, I clicked post, waited for several minutes (no exaggeration) for it to finally register, and when it did, I got redirected to a page with a captcha request to post on Like I said, this forum is buggy as hell sometimes.

Only does it for youtube link, try high lighting a word then using the button right next to the underline button and inserting the link into the word,


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh good thought with that hunters. And now I thought: hiring hunters so for some set time specific mob encounters in specific location will be disabled. That way others encountes will more likely happen (and additionaly some people bored with fighting tons of mobs to meet specific npc/encounter in some location would be little more happy).

@Sacredferro: just post link with tags [img ] [/ img] and it will post pic in orginal size. I hope this one you meant to know.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thanks, Fisto and Ormael for the tips. As far as the hunters idea, the opposite could be true in hiring a tracker to track down certain enemies or NPC's, insuring the next time you visit that area, you're guaranteed to encounter that foe/NPC. Good stuff. Also, maybe stupid question because I cannot honestly remember if I'm thinking of another game, but...are condoms in the game, or am I loosing my shit? Anyways, gotta go, my niece is doing her first Halloween run (Mavis costume).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Thanks, Fisto and Ormael for the tips. As far as the hunters idea, the opposite could be true in hiring a tracker to track down certain enemies or NPC's, insuring the next time you visit that area, you're guaranteed to encounter that foe/NPC.
Hmm that wonderful idea too. Well would work wonders for NPC's as instead try meet say...Helia between all mobs we can found there it would be easy to have some fun woith her then. But as for npc's buying 100% chance in a row should be gated behind gradualy rising cost (best ad inifity) so if one want meet like only Helia each time cost would soon eat away PC gems sack and on top of allow people have it easy to meat some npc could be not so bad money sink - think each use in a row would add 100% base cost  as having it been 2x of previous cost would really fast make it impossible and with high enough cost made impossible to get more than 3-5 encounters. To that would be need some kind of timer when costs returns slowly to normal or maybe just reseting each night.

Anyways, gotta go, my niece is doing her first Halloween run (Mavis costume).

Mavis from FT or other chara named Mavis?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Mavis from Hotel Transylvania...

It's actually just a vampire costume, but my sister coined it that she looks like Mavis and so that's wait she went with. I swear, for a 1 year old, she has this whole cute-kid-charm down like a pro already -- My sister is definitely in trouble.

More on the theorycrafting: Come to think of it, it perhaps shouldn't be a 100% proc chance as that could get out of hand. That said, while we're bombarding Kitteh with ideas (sorry bro, can't help it), this could be an excuse to add a new couple of NPC's; maybe you meet a hunter in the forest who can help thin out a certain type of enemy in number so they are less likely to be encountered (could work off the Corrupted Glade mechanic, but without completely removing the target). Perhaps he/she can even set traps instead that give you an advantage against a particular foe (extra first-turn hit or small damage buff against a type of enemy). After a while, you'll have to find him/her again to set a new target as previous targets return to normal encounter rates and spent traps need replacing. Travel to the desert and find his/her partner, a tracker who can help track down individuals (Like named NPC's) or tip you off to where to locate specific enemies (raising their encounter rate). Again, after a while the trails will go cold and you'll need to find the tracker again to give him/her a new assignment. Unfortunately, while both are really good at their respective roles, such business bestows some level of notoriety and potentially serious risks. That notoriety and risk makes their activities increasingly dangerous and, to help keep their survival gear in top shape and quality (as well as good compensation for good work), the pay they expect will gradually climb the more you use their services. After all, they are a rare specialty and they're helping you out; the least you can do is to pay them well.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ahh this one..ok I know about her too.

On Hunters npc's (yeah I deeply sorry Kitteh that we throwing more burden at you) it would be at killing two birds with one stone this way as much as making more work to be done. Once it will be way to use gems that may gather and gather and other to fullfill need of some people that not wanna kill tons of imps to meet Tamari/Tamari daughters or tons of gnolls for one Helia/Sheila encounter. Stil it would require work to be balanced and not ends OP or out of control/broken.

We maybe not need to make specialy 2 new npc's - maybe some of npc's we already meet can be given a lil more stuff. Mostly in Tel'Adre I think we could find 1-2 npc that could have been expanded slight more over current stuff they have or at Bazzar.


New Member
Nov 1, 2015
Id like to say that  the reason i made an account on this forum is so that i can say thanms for making such a good moda


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
With the hunter idea, there could be a cheaper alternative of sending your followers out for hunting. Pay for their supplies (and because they deserve the money) and disable them in camp for a bit while they stay out for a certain amount of time. Has the bonus of making having a large camp harem a little more useful and not feeling like they're just hanging around your camp all day. Monsters they can hunt could be restricted by their own level or preference. Like no corrupt monsters for Amily, or even strong ones (she's trying to regrow an entire race on her own after all).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've got some good news. Version 1.3 is nearly here! You can test out the release candidate and any bugs will be fixed.

When things go well, I'll finally release 1.3!

Possible post-1.3 patches would include the ability to scavenge the Town Ruins.


Active Member
Sep 4, 2015
Savannah included in 1.3?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Savannah included in 1.3?

It isn't mentioned in the changlog, so no. Thought I'm sure it'll be in the next version, if all goes well.


By the way, are there any plans to do something about Marble's sister Clara just in case you decided to keep her locked up? Not that I would, but you know, you know... you know.
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2015
Scavenging is good, both thumbs up, folks. I'd like to go marauder, but will be any new TF items in upcoming patch?

No Savannah yet? Darn, that's sad. It would be awesome to get Lion transformation item or else.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Scavenging is good, both thumbs up, folks. I'd like to go marauder, but will be any new TF items in upcoming patch?

If you're talking about version 1.3, there's 4 TF items avaible.

If you're talking about AFTER version 1.3, however, I don't remember exactly...



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Scavenging is good, both thumbs up, folks. I'd like to go marauder, but will be any new TF items in upcoming patch?

No Savannah yet? Darn, that's sad. It would be awesome to get Lion transformation item or else.

Lion-morphs and TFs are part of Savannah.

Prob is, I've been having brain-oriented disabling pain (massive headaches, strong migraines, mind mush, brain misfiring and such) over past couple months. Kinda wipes out my normally active imagination. I'm disabled, these are but a few items on the laundry list of issues I deal with. :(  

I am trying to get the write ups completed, but... Would love it if I could get some help.

If you're talking about AFTER version 1.3, however, I don't remember exactly...
Quite a few to many if we get write ups.


Active Member
Sep 4, 2015
1. If it is simply writing,  I could lend a hand,  but if it is coding - it's easier to me to "go and jump to Baboon's mouth (c)".

2. What kind of TF's in 1.3?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
1. If it is simply writing,  I could lend a hand,  but if it is coding - it's easier to me to "go and jump to Baboon's mouth (c)".

2. What kind of TF's in 1.3?

1. Yep, just writing. Leave the coding to Kitteh.

2. Satyr TF (Satyr Wine); Rhino TF (Rhino Steak); Echidna TF (Echidna Cake); Deer TF (Golden Rind) are the four that have been implemented in the current snapshots. Couple others have been submitted though depends on the workload Kitteh has whether they will be added.


Active Member
Sep 4, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Indeed,  lad.

Well, now you know. And knowing is half the battle! Because you still need to acquire the TF items before you can go crazy, if you so choose to.

Speaking of going crazy, does anyone know how to go Hog Wild on Bimbo Sophie's tits? I've had the option at least once, but I don't know how I got it. I wouldn't ask about this if I hadn't already checked the forum once and tried to enable it via the Save Editor 3 times.
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2015


Oct 26, 2015

Thank you for looking into this again, or at least showing this to the rest of the people here. When I went searching for this online the only thing I got was a very selectively cached thread which while talking about making Akbal your slut, he was first and foremost created for those players that wanted to submit.

So with all this talk about adding content to make him your bitch into the mod, I figured it was probably time to revisit the other side of the equation... when I obviously found out it wasn't even in game.

My only suggestion, at a glance, is the game needs a way to warn you after the 4th loss that you are approaching a bad end. Maybe you feel an ache in your soul thats different from being made corrupt, and if this continues you have no idea what will happen. Or maybe you sense something is wrong some other way. Regardless, these endings would finish the submission chain that was the reason for his creation.


Thank you for looking into this again, or at least showing this to the rest of the people here. When I went searching for this online the only thing I got was a very selectively cached thread which while talking about making Akbal your slut, he was first and foremost created for those players that wanted to submit.

So with all this talk about adding content to make him your bitch into the mod, I figured it was probably time to revisit the other side of the equation... when I obviously found out it wasn't even in game.

My only suggestion, at a glance, is the game needs a way to warn you after the 4th loss that you are approaching a bad end. Maybe you feel an ache in your soul thats different from being made corrupt, and if this continues you have no idea what will happen. Or maybe you sense something is wrong some other way. Regardless, these endings would finish the submission chain that was the reason for his creation.

his submission path was supposed to be waaaaay more involved than this 

Changing submission scenes, special armor and a loyalty mission...

The submission path was supposed to be the longest and most involved and exciting part of Akbal. Then the community told me they hated him and I said fuck it until I realized that the descenters were just louder than the fans.