One thing to remember is that CoC not outright asking if you're into guys/girls/this fetish/that fetish/etc is offset by the fact that, in moments when you should have any say at all, you are already often asked specifically what type of "interaction" you wish for that particular moment anyways. This excludes mostly loss scenes for the obvious reasoning that you wouldn't have a choice in the matter anyways. Unfortunately, there are some occasions where the options presented to the player are perhaps too vague or oddly abbreviated to understand what the option involves -- sometimes tooltips help -- but these are mostly rare, as is the non-loss scenes without an option. Having a setting to choose at a game's start could work to minimizing certain types of scenes of undesired nature from happening much like many other games do, but like Kitteh said, that would take a long time to set up I would think. It would likely mean at the very least that he would have to review each scene individually and tag them all depending upon their content, then set up a system to show or hide any scenes pertaining to said flags when toggle on and off by the player. I doubt there is a simpler way to do that, though I don't have the programming experience to know that for sure, just my guess. Maybe that could be a more long term goal, but I don't think it would be a simple or quick one.
As far as the whole hummus thing goes, the only alternatives I can think of are to saving often/using the autosave system, or using the save editor. Not as good as having a way to revert to formally human form in game, no, but they are available options nonetheless. I believe Fen stated at times that you are intentionally not suppose to be able to return to human form once you have begun the process of adding transformations to your body, hence why it's so hard to do so without good saves or the editor in the first place -- and why hummus was originally a debug item in vanilla CoC at least.
Sorry if I sound like a, "Suck it up, buttercup," sort of guy, but let's face it; you kind of have to accept potentially running into at least some if not most of the fetishes and scenarios contained within this game, otherwise I'd say this game is not quite your type. That's my two gems, anyways. Take it or leave it.