@Kitteh6660: I've just created a new branch in prep of a new PR to implement ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR and the new player props for claws: clawAdj, clawDesc, clawTone (mainly for player.claws() as a variant of player.skinFurScales(), but for claws ^^) and of course clawType. As of now, clawType is only for claw transition between dragon and lizan-claws. For starters I'll add an arm TF for dragons and lizans other predator arms may follow later.
After that I'm planning write a PR to add new eyeType's:
public static const EYES_LIZARD:int = 3;
public static const EYES_DRAGON:int = 4; // Slightly different description/TF and *maybe* in the future(!) grant different perks/combat abilities
public static const EYES_BASILISK:int = 5; // NYI! Example for now!!! Maybe later and probably with high affection from Benoit.
EYES_BASILISK is for later use. Imagine, that to can petrify defeated imps and decorate your wall with them to scare off imp raids even more.
Dragon eyes description is taken from Ember's appearance and lizard eyes look slightly different, than dragon eyes and maybe grant different bonuses (e. g. 3-6% more precision with precision perk) to dragons and lizans in the future.
Both eyes grant you the typical second set of eyelids (I'll update Ember's appearance for that)
For starters both PRs will only add fluff. Anything else needs discussion.