Heh I feel like sooner or later Xianxia will get specific item to change taur/naga/scylla/drider lower body to bipedal with possible retaining legs appearenc so like taur to hoofes or naga to...well scales covered xD
Now ummm scylla one will be tricky to make since...making bipedal slippery or covered with sucking cups legs....that sounds a little bit odd.
Maybe a new recipe for Rathazul? Perhaps needing 2 Hummus and 1 Sweet Gossamer?
I like how this apearance for predator arm+dracon scales ooks in desc. Does it both req. to give PC point in dragon score? Also if PC would have jsut predator_arm will it give him/her point to any race score?
Not now, but I could possibly add that to dragons (requires arms + dragon scales) and/or lizans (requires arms + normal scales), but that may add to many points to these races. Opinions?
And I'll leave the salamaner firewater mutation unchanged for now. Think of a salamander with salamander arms, legs and tail, but the rest having human skin (or even fur?)
btw: I've just added the method hasPredatorArms() to my PlayerHelper-class. Looking at the code should give you ideas (points at the comments):
// As of now its just an alias for hasReptileArms()
// Maybe in the future you want to have different predator arms. e. g. ARM_TYPE_FELINE for cats with retractable claws or whatever

public function hasPredatorArms():Boolean
return [ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR, ARM_TYPE_SALAMANDER].indexOf(armType) != -1;
I'm not using it right now, but oh well ... meeeowwww
Another idea, that comes into mind would be ARM_TYPE_HARPY with taloned, avian fingers counting as predator arms. Think of a harpy like the harpy sisters from YGO. Anyway: I won't fiddle around with cats or harpys right now. Maybe later, since my patch is mainly for dragons and lizans.
And, since I hate to repeat myself, when it comes to coding I've added the method 'public function newLizanSkinTone():String'. Better this way than three times the same code in the scale TF part of reptilum and since I'm a follower of the DRY(=