CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
There ya go. New Mods and Resources section.

Posting permissions *should* let everyone who needs to make new topics in here, but see the Read First thing -- make sure discussion for any given mod stays in the right threads, please, lest things rapidly bloat. Cross-mod discussions and queries re: new mods are fine as new topics.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Savin Cool mods own realm within CoC realm you made. Best ever ADMIN here :p

Now let hope people CAN read and will post or talk about mods in this subsection.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Dragon patch update
RC2 is out including the new clawType property

GitHub Release: CoC-Mod 1.3.24b Dragon patch 0.9.2 RC2
Changelog: Commits @GitHub

Note: When you read NYI and/or example in it means that this may or may not be implemented later so please don't ask if or when this will be implemented and don't go to any assumptions.
However: If you have any other questions or suggestions about that, feel free, but I can't guarantee anything.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Say, how do I update my modded game? Do I just download the new file and use it instead of the old file, keeping all my saves intact and etc?

(And unrelated sidenote, still wondering how to acquire the "Urine Trouble" achievement if someone has the answer)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
For the achievement you need to have a little corruption and then swim in the river for an option.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Say, how do I update my modded game? Do I just download the new file and use it instead of the old file, keeping all my saves intact and etc?

I've designed my saves, so that they won't break your saves from Kitteh6660's Revamp mod. But, there may be issues with the new armType (ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR), the new skinType (SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC) and new eyeType's (EYE_TYPE_DRAGON, EYE_TYPE_LIZARD), while they shouldn't be game breaking, you may want to fix them using any TF, that TFs your arms, skin or eyes (e. g. Hummanus, Goo TF, Spider/Drider TF (arms and eyes), Harpy TF (arms) and Sand Trap TF (eyes)). For hummanus and a few other TF missing unusual arms I'll file a PR.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
For the achievement you need to have a little corruption and then swim in the river for an option.

Thank you! I will try this soon!

EDIT: What other conditions are there? I made a new character (because my main is pure, and thus really hard to gain corruption on), and even at 100 corruption, no option appears when I try to bathe in the river :(

EDIT2: Now tested with a vagina as well (just shoved some succubus milk on my male corrupted character), but no options appeared for him either. He's only got Rathazul in camp though, so maybe this option requires other followers? Or it's just incredibly rare and I haven't found yet, I guess.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
For hummanus and a few other TF missing unusual arms I'll file a PR.

Phew: Finally finished after almost 3 hours of writing and debugging: PR @GitHub. @Kitteh6660 wow, that was fast ^^

PS: I found out, that Hummanus, Goblin Ale, Kanga Fruit, Mino Blood, Equinum and Canine Pepper left Mander Arms intact. Since I doubt, that this was ever intended I see this as a bug, Tell me if I'm wrong, but I assume, that bug fixes like this go without asking @Savin.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
PS: I found out, that Hummanus, Goblin Ale, Kanga Fruit, Mino Blood, Equinum and Canine Pepper left Mander Arms intact. Since I doubt, that this never was intended and see this as a bug, Tell me if I'm wrong, but I assume, that bug fixes like this go without asking @Savin.


I intend for Hummanus to revert all aspects of body parts to human slowly. That includes arm types. But yeah, anything that would change arm types back to normal should apply to all arms.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
PS: I found out, that Hummanus, Goblin Ale, Kanga Fruit, Mino Blood, Equinum and Canine Pepper left Mander Arms intact. Since I doubt, that this was ever intended I see this as a bug, Tell me if I'm wrong, but I assume, that bug fixes like this go without asking @Savin.

Well if it change mander body part to other I not feel you need ask him. It' not like you changing something just letting people change from mander arms to others one. ANd yes there is like 4-5 TF items that would be changing most other types of arms (so for future additions you may want look some more over code to see what TF would mostl likely change also new added body part to this race versio that TF is for).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
heh, my first suggestion was with perk ideas... And my first submission was their implementation... Damn, that stuff is hooking people.

Yeah gotta get them all (perks) is a funny game :p

Your first suggestion about perks? En you suggested that perks listed on trello card: perk galore for endgame? o_O
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
Yeah... when I played first saw this and saw that you were looking for writers. The main thought I had was perk suggestions as well. Not sure I actually ever MADE them however...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

heh so you even managed to spend time on looking how would those perks been codced? I recall long ago spending quite much time on trying to figure ot code changes for those perks to work. Only effects was implementation to Revamp Cold Fury and Juggernaut one perks ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
After those few perks at start how went tries to make code for rest of them?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
@Kitteh6660: I've just created a new branch in prep of a new PR to implement ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR and the new player props for claws: clawAdj, clawDesc, clawTone (mainly for player.claws() as a variant of player.skinFurScales(), but for claws ^^) and of course clawType. As of now, clawType is only for claw transition between dragon and lizan-claws. For starters I'll add an arm TF for dragons and lizans other predator arms may follow later.

After that I'm planning write a PR to add new eyeType's:

public static const EYES_LIZARD:int = 3;
public static const EYES_DRAGON:int = 4; // Slightly different description/TF and *maybe* in the future(!) grant different perks/combat abilities
public static const EYES_BASILISK:int = 5; // NYI! Example for now!!! Maybe later and probably with high affection from Benoit.

EYES_BASILISK is for later use. Imagine, that to can petrify defeated imps and decorate your wall with them to scare off imp raids even more.
Dragon eyes description is taken from Ember's appearance and lizard eyes look slightly different, than dragon eyes and maybe grant different bonuses (e. g. 3-6% more precision with precision perk) to dragons and lizans in the future.
Both eyes grant you the typical second set of eyelids (I'll update Ember's appearance for that)

For starters both PRs will only add fluff. Anything else needs discussion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
After those few perks at start how went tries to make code for rest of them?

I've moved to the LD after that, so not tried to do them. Also, not all of them are actually well thought. Selective pregnancy won't go well, as well as tentacle improvement (well, maybe in a way it is done in TiTS for a goo, manually controlled outside of the scenes). So I think really good ones are already done.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR PR filed and already accepted.
@Kitteh6660. I have tested everything, but I'm only one person. More testers would be cool ^^
PS: Gooey skin and predator arms gave me a headache. IMHO goo skin TF should revert them to be normal (gooey) human arms with normal fingernails, since by all means: gooey claws don't make any sense to me. Who do you want to scratch with them, anyway?!? Your opinion?
And about my eyeType's: Are you interested?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In this PR you made I see something that may be potentialy unneded line of code but without actualy checking it ingame I cant verify. But it not something that should mess up compiling code. Also I looked curiously what place in xianxia predator arms took....and it was bee ones ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Just point me to that line. I'll check it immediately :)

Ember file line 1771. Well you made that PC gain only dragon arms yet it gives also dragon claws. Thus next few lines of getting dragon claws are rended moot by this one line. And in text of gaining dragon arms are not meantioned getting drago claws too, which is do meantioned in next part in code.

Anyway I think you could make some more thoughts for claws that you wrote down in other thrwad. In 0.7b that will be started been worked on soon I will include arms+claws changes of yours too ;)


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
You're wrong: ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR is a generic armType. Disambiguation is done thorugh the claws.

  • ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR + CLAW_TYPE_LIZARD -> lizard/lizan arms
  • and so on ...

if (player.armType != ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR) --> TF arms along with claws
if (player.armType == ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR && player.clawType != CLAW_TYPE_DRAGON) --> arms already are clawed arms. TF only the claws.

Taking a look at the PlayerAppearance-part should make things clearer:

else if (player.armType == ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR)
outputText(" Your arms are covered by " + player.skinFurScales() + " from the biceps down and your fingernails are now " + player.claws() + ".", false);

Oh and now that I see it: I'll file a seperate PR to remove 'from the biceps down'. They're fully covered with scales or fur (and maybe skin). Should be a no brainer.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So giving PC the exactly same body part in two different TF scene is right? I still can't see reason why two different scenes giving PC dragon claws when only one of them actualy meantion PC getting those claws while other only is about getting dragon arms :/


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Let's assume, you are a lizan with no dragon parts and then you start drinking embers blood.
Since the arms are already scaly and predator arms you only need to TF the claws since only this is different. You don't shed your scales just to grow scales again. Only your claws become more dragon-like. :)
Just take a look at public function claws() in classes/classes/
PS: My fixed wording is now

outputText(" Your arms including your hands are covered by " + player.skinFurScales() + " and your fingernails are now " + player.claws() + ".", false);

"I'm Not Sure"™ about the final wording, so I'll wait a little with my PR till I finally decided.
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