@Savin once mentioned, that there are no credits displayed on scene pages and I wonder, if this could be added to CoC Revamp? A good spot would be in the lower left corner right above that small monster image (See screenshot below, the red border is just for highlighting)
As of writing I can't modify the layout, since I can't edit .fla-Files with FlashDevelop or whatever Adobe only files need to be modified, so I'm asking
@Kitteh6660 to do this for me, if so I'd write a class to modify the credits text. I'd probably call it Credits.as and it would be derived from Output.as.
Method examples (assuing that it has the varname '
- credits.clear() and credits.flush()
Well, that should be obvious. Can be called directly and is always called, when output.clear() (or clearOutput()), respectively output.flush() is called.
- credits.header(headLine:String = "Scene written by:")
very similar to output.header() (or displayHeader()), but with a default value.
- credits.text(text:String)
same basic functionality as output.text() (or outputText()), but it won't run the text through any parser, cuz theres absolutely no real reason to do so, or is there?
- credits.setAuthor(author:String) or just credits.author(author:String)
This would be a wrapper around:
credits.header(); // Always set the default header here!
// I'd probably use method chaining to reduce some noise:
Note, that the method names and the class-name may change and I guess, I'll document the methods with ASDoc-Comments.
@Kitteh6660 I need some methods to have access to the contents of the credits view, e. g.
creditsView.clearText() and so on, so I could work with it. The font should probably be the same, as the sidebar font. And I need access to a method to override the font size, if the default is too big or too small.