CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have a question, I have been waiting for the Halloween event is in play throughout the week, we are today 30 October and still no signs of such an event are, my question is, I is implemented or not exist? for the other events (Christmas, the Easter rabbit etc) they lasted approximately one week

31 Oct, not 30. You can also change your system's clock to force the events to start proc'ing.

Edit: just double-checked the Wiki, should be firing off by now and until 2 Nov (starts on 27 Oct). Not sure why it's not working for you.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
About the absense of Kaizo in Xianxia the reason should speak for itself as we are going to add several new zones absent from Kaizo such as beach and high sea with very high encounter levels such as Kraken. Lethice is hard enough to beat as it is witheout adding Kaizo especialy if she's to reach above level 50. Another thing I would like to mention is that Xianxia and revamp don't use the same type of ascension. Perhaps you didn't play the latest version Mario.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
It is a reference to Kaizo Mario World Mod back in the day. A hack that was so, so incredibly difficult, that completing it is still a feat of incredible skill and determination. It is what really started the 'Platform Hell' genre of games. In fact, it actually has a troped named after it. The Kaizo Trap. A trap that kills you during the victory cutscene of completing a level, forcing you to start all over again.

It's important to note that when Kitteh first announced the Kaizo mode. A lot of people did not like the idea at all. Through, not because of the increased difficulty. But due to the fact he was going to put walls between the different areas, AND the fact he was going to turn the bloodiness of the game up to 11, with a lot more evidence of war and battle.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016

It's not that I miss the Kaizo-Mod from Xianxia as such. I tried the c-built of that Mod at the latest with the new ascenion first iteration. Can't say I was very fond of the pearl approach that stuck me as needlessly complicated. New areas like Beach and Ocean were already included as well with a very female oriented set of enemies (and no males, whiich is in my POV a drawback) and the main reason why I prefer Revamp over Xianxia: Revamp is far more difficult, especially at low levels. Also it stay kind of dangerous at hight levels without the PC being able to dish out insane amounts of damage (like 2k+ wihout a crit). Thats just taking it too far for me. That said, I was only wondering aloud when Kaizo will enter the scene of Revamp because I am looking forward to it. My opionion about Xianxia with or without Kaizo would not change because I just find the balance between enemies and the PC far more entertaining in Revamp. Maybe Kaizo woun't be fun at all to play, but I rather try the challenge of it in Revamp then Xianxia because said reason of I like it more (even if Xianxia would someday include Kaizo, whether its possible or not atm).

Oh, and finaly: I dont know whether this was/is a bug or done on purpose and has since then been adressed, but gang fights in Xianxia switched from first round them having stats, then to NaN in the second round and then to a win, which was kind of ... odd. Probably should mention this in the thread of that mod, but I just remembered that stange behaviour and it was another thing I could not really get behind in that mod.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

It's not that I miss the Kaizo-Mod from Xianxia as such. I tried the c-built of that Mod at the latest with the new ascenion first iteration. Can't say I was very fond of the pearl approach that stuck me as needlessly complicated. New areas like Beach and Ocean were already included as well with a very female oriented set of enemies (and no males, whiich is in my POV a drawback) and the main reason why I prefer Revamp over Xianxia: Revamp is far more difficult, especially at low levels. Also it stay kind of dangerous at hight levels without the PC being able to dish out insane amounts of damage (like 2k+ wihout a crit). Thats just taking it too far for me. That said, I was only wondering aloud when Kaizo will enter the scene of Revamp because I am looking forward to it. My opionion about Xianxia with or without Kaizo would not change because I just find the balance between enemies and the PC far more entertaining in Revamp. Maybe Kaizo woun't be fun at all to play, but I rather try the challenge of it in Revamp then Xianxia because said reason of I like it more (even if Xianxia would someday include Kaizo, whether its possible or not atm).

Oh, and finaly: I dont know whether this was/is a bug or done on purpose and has since then been adressed, but gang fights in Xianxia switched from first round them having stats, then to NaN in the second round and then to a win, which was kind of ... odd. Probably should mention this in the thread of that mod, but I just remembered that stange behaviour and it was another thing I could not really get behind in that mod.

Difficult at high level? Ahem... I dont recall revamp ever being difficult when you can double attack with a pair of overpowered pistols. Again thats just me but revamp combat Isn't any harder then Xianxia if you actualy using a min max build mainly because Xianxia ennemies HP is higher to compensate for the damage increase. As for the absence of male/gay content I'm not exactly the best writer when it comes to man action... Does it justify not making new zones with monsters even if it's just female monsters? Of course if anybody would show with some talent for gay smut or something more masculine we would sure put him at work to fill those zones with new male scenes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Difficult at high level? Ahem... I dont recall revamp ever being difficult when you can double attack with a pair of overpowered pistols. Again thats just me but revamp combat Isn't any harder then Xianxia if you actualy using a min max build mainly because Xianxia ennemies HP is higher to compensate for the damage increase. As for the absence of male/gay content I'm not exactly the best writer when it comes to man action... Does it justify not making new zones with monsters even if it's just female monsters? Of course if anybody would show with some talent for gay smut or something more masculine we would sure put him at work to fill those zones with new male scenes.

Even then its far more easy to just cruise through higher levelplay in Xianxia.

Its not that I demand there to be m/m content but I was just pointing out that new areas without said content don't lure me in to play the other mod because they dont feature mentioned content. Of course you may add new areas with new scenes as much as you like with only female enemies, but at the same time it does not convince me to try to encounter them if I have everything encounterwise in the other mod. I simply prefer Revamp, plain and simple. That does not diminish your effort on the other mod; its just a matter of taste/preference.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Mario I feel you may been too harsh in "critique" of others non Revamp mods. Well if one likes low numbers then I understand Revamp is more favorable here but to try be not nice to mods that allow player get higher and higher numbers.. that not sits well with me.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016

Small update: About 'hasFur': This will be the generic function for any furred skinType. If anyone adds different fur types later on (e. g. bristles), he/she should add the method 'hasNormalFur' to check for the already implemented fur type only and (for example) 'hasBristles' or 'hasBristleFur' or similar to check for that specific fur type. I'll state that in the commit and in the PR later on, unless I forget that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
@Mario I feel you may been too harsh in "critique" of others non Revamp mods. Well if one likes low numbers then I understand Revamp is more favorable here but to try be not nice to mods that allow player get higher and higher numbers.. that not sits well with me.

Sorry, I dont want to hurt your feelings. I fully respect the amount of effort, work and probably also emotional investment you took in creating your mod. It is an imense task and requires a lot of work and time and patience. I know full well how hurtful critique may be if you put so much of yourself in a project. However, its just personal preference to the mechanics in one mod over the other. I dont call one "better" than the other, I just state what is more to my personal preference. Anyone is free to play your mod as much as they like. I did that as well for a time and had fun. The recent changes/additions/mechanics are just something I cannot get behind and while I hope you keep working on it for many people to enjoy, I just won't be one of them because the road you are taking is not one I like to follow.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Mario Well yeah not feeling hurt yet here so you not need to worry. Would still work on my mod and maybe you would someday find something worthy in it too...or not, who knows.


New Member
Nov 4, 2016
Hi, I have been playing this mod version and am loving it so far! :)

I'm not sure if this is where to post a bug thing for this version of the game, so I'm sorry if it's in the wrong place, but I wanted to let you know that I bimboified pure Jojo, but Rathazul won't recognise it, and so therefore won't make the Debimbo in the Alchemy section of his interactions. The game says:

Rathazul sees no reason to make this. Maybe if someone's a bimbo in this camp...

It doesn't make any difference if I save the game via flash or to file.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016

Small update: About 'hasFur': This will be the generic function for any furred skinType. If anyone adds different fur types later on (e. g. bristles), he/she should add the method 'hasNormalFur' to check for the already implemented fur type only and (for example) 'hasBristles' or 'hasBristleFur' or similar to check for that specific fur type. I'll state that in the commit and in the PR later on, unless I forget that.

Ok, I've changed my mind again: 'hasFur' will check for SKIN_TYPE_FUR, 'hasBristles' (if implemented, of course) will check for SKIN_TYPE_BRISTLES (for example!) and 'isFurry' will be for any furred skinType.
However: I'll only implement 'hasFur', since there are no plans to add more fur types AFAICS.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You would need something to complie those files. FlashDevelop is one of such programs but keep in mind not always up to date files on github may be complied into a flawless working build.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think I seen Kitteh talking about slow work on next version so hopes for it before end of the year are still high.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ok, I've changed my mind again: 'hasFur' will check for SKIN_TYPE_FUR, 'hasBristles' (if implemented, of course) will check for SKIN_TYPE_BRISTLES (for example!) and 'isFurry' will be for any furred skinType.
However: I'll only implement 'hasFur', since there are no plans to add more fur types AFAICS.

I'm actualy adding a new fur/scale/chitin type called partial. In theory this means a pc can have scales chitin or fur yet not be entirely covered with it. Full skintype and partial will be worth the same amount of racial score point as the change is only on the esthetic level. Ever wanted to have a dragon girl that doesn't look like a ugly lizardman witheout forfeithing the armor bonus? Well now you can!

It will be refered to as "partialy covered with -color- fur/scale/chitin"


New Member
Nov 10, 2016
I'm having a bit of a problem with Raphael. I meet all of his requirements. I have D breasts, girly/flared hips, a small butt, normal human body, my character is 5'7" and I have no male parts. I've been sleeping in the red bodysuit but so far the only encounter I've gotten besides the initial meeting and the one where I get my bodysuit is the one where he hides from the guards in my camp. Is there a bug I'm missing? Because I know I got through his training on my old character


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm having a bit of a problem with Raphael. I meet all of his requirements. I have D breasts, girly/flared hips, a small butt, normal human body, my character is 5'7" and I have no male parts. I've been sleeping in the red bodysuit but so far the only encounter I've gotten besides the initial meeting and the one where I get my bodysuit is the one where he hides from the guards in my camp. Is there a bug I'm missing? Because I know I got through his training on my old character
The next encounter should happen after 3 days. The day is only counted if you have at least 5 gems on you (He likes money i guess)


New Member
Nov 10, 2016
The next encounter should happen after 3 days. The day is only counted if you have at least 5 gems on you (He likes money i guess)
Well see that's the thing. I have like 500 gems and it's been more than 3 days. I honestly don't understand what I'm doing wrong


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well see that's the thing. I have like 500 gems and it's been more than 3 days. I honestly don't understand what I'm doing wrong
In gameplay settings, you can toggle debug mode. After sleeping, you should then get a message saying RAPHAEL MET:, RAPHAEL DRESS TIMER: and RAPHAEL DISGUSTED:. MET should be 1, disgusted should be 0 and dress timer should be between 1 and 4.
If these are right, then i suggest posting your save.


New Member
Nov 10, 2016
In gameplay settings, you can toggle debug mode. After sleeping, you should then get a message saying RAPHAEL MET:, RAPHAEL DRESS TIMER: and RAPHAEL DISGUSTED:. MET should be 1, disgusted should be 0 and dress timer should be between 1 and 4.
If these are right, then i suggest posting your save.
Inevitably I turned on low standards mode and that seemed to do the trick. While I felt it was slightly cheating it seemed to do the trick


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Orthea Raphael Dress Timer after 2nd meeting (well actualy it would be called 3rd but is maked in code as follow up of 2nd and it happens next morning after PC got dress) if you not mess up should be -1 actualy not just 0. Plus typical choosing options to agree with him during this enc to get to Picnic scene. So if you not making it pass to get Picnic during 3rd meeting then you may have accidentaly pick the wrong option. So if you got some option to pick from either go for: Date, Accept of Fondle if you see them among possible option to choose from.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
I'm reporting a bug I noticed. Armor can sometimes be modified by NPCs to have a different name than usual. Exgartuan for example, has the ability to make most armors "crotch-hugging." If you were wearing slutty swimwear before, it will now be "crotch-hugging slutty swimwear" and will read as such in all instances. Modified armor names get stored in your save file under the string "armorName" and can be overwritten in Minerva to anything you want.

However, in the mod the "armorName" string seems to be ignored entirely for whatever reason. I'm not exactly sure what the issue is, but it prevents modified armor names from displaying; meaning you can never see if your armor has been changed or not. If Exgartuan has made your armor crotch-hugging you won't be able to tell anymore except by checking to see if you have the relevant perk, Bulge Armor.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2015
So how much does this mod add to already established characters? I know you can sleep with Ember and impregnate Isabelle but not much else


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not completely sure. Probably too many to keep track of. Short of running up and down the change log from the earliest version to 1.3.25 and CTRL+F'ing vanilla NPC's to see what's been added to them yourself, there isn't really a simple list going by that specification. At least, none besides the aforementioned change log.

If you're thinking of doing that, not that we'd want to stop you, then I've only one thing to say to you: Good luck! That'll take you a while to do, likely the very reason no one else has already. I tried to do that myself a while back and it would have driven me mad if I were more serious about the attempt. Thankfully, I wasn't.


Sep 13, 2015
  • Pure Jojo Romance Requirements?
  • This is a continuation after the player has unlocked Pure Jojo sex scenes.

At first, Jojo will be (Shy?) and any sex options will remain as they are in-game.

After PC has had sex (Any form) with Jojo more than >18 times, has trained >30 times, and has talked >15 times, Jojo’s dialogue/sex scenes will shift to Phase 2. (Assuming Phase 1 was Jojo being the shyish-guy he starts out as.)

Please help...