CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
There are many problems with Excellia.  The biggest is that the concept of a "minotaur queen", as minotaurs are portrayed in CoC, is laughable.  The entire concept of minotaurs is that they're a hypermasculine male-dominated race whose cum turns women into docile drug-addled slaves.  Even if you go "lol demons did it", the notion that the minotaurs somehow have a female leader is the definition of making a special snowflake.

Even putting that aside...look, if I write an original character do not steal and then I use her in a goofy two-month D&D campaign with my friends, that's one thing.  If I write that character and then cram her into a real game played by hundreds of people and that real people are paid actual money to develop, that's in poor taste to put it lightly.  Even if Excellia was originally created for CoC, by the time implementation was being even considered she had diverged so far from those origins that she was effectively her creator's OC, with no more connection to the setting than my fanfic character from when I was thirteen.  At that point she's about as jarring as the Team Fortress 2 cameo, except that's a comedy scene only accessed by doing something really stupid and Excellia's part of the final boss.



So basically the problem is that she contradicts 'The Lore' and 'doesn't make sense in the game'? And that's basically it? It's not like she's flagrantly disregarding the 'Too much lust and you cum your soul out' rule of the setting, she's basically just a cocksleeve with a name in the final dungeon.

Like, I totally get that she's someone's OC stuck in Mareth for no real good reason, but that's probably why she only shows up once, barely at all at the end of the game and not just randomly about in the early game like Essyrale.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
So ah... just got Joy/Bimbo Joj by asking him to try and catch the theif... but I also have Rathazul in the camp. Can't he make me a De-Bimbo Potion for Jojo?
He should be able to do this if you get Joy. So it probably for 99% bug as Joy can recover almost 100% of her int prior to becoming bimbo.

Actually, this is not implemented into the game. Unfortunately, Kitteh stated that he won't create a debimbofied Jojo/Joy, but you can restore her intelligence up to a maximum of 50. At the moment, Kitteh is creating more male/male scenes for PC/NPC followers, one of them including Pure Male Jojo, if I'm not mistaken.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Technicaly Rath doing de-bimbo potions that only reverting metal effect of bimbo/bromanization and allowing or npc or pc regain most/all lost int. But I agree that if we talk about de-bimbo potion as the one reverting metal and physical effects of becoming bro/bimbo that one not exist at all in any version of coc be it base or modded.

And Joy int isn't 100% of Jojo (looking at code showing JoJo have 60 int) so still she would be slight less brilliant than as her male version before.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
Well, I don't like Joy... so I'm gonna restart and make sure not to get her.

Only been a few days, so its not much of a loss.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Technicaly Rath doing de-bimbo potions that only reverting metal effect of bimbo/bromanization and allowing or npc or pc regain most/all lost int. But I agree that if we talk about de-bimbo potion as the one reverting metal and physical effects of becoming bro/bimbo that one not exist at all in any version of coc be it base or modded.

And Joy int isn't 100% of Jojo (looking at code showing JoJo have 60 int) so still she would be slight less brilliant than as her male version before.

Never payed to Jojo's natural inteligence, but yeah, debimbo only works for the PC and Sophie. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Never payed to Jojo's natural inteligence, but yeah, debimbo only works for the PC and Sophie. 

Debimbo works exacly the same way for PC, Sophie and Joy afaik. Each of them got their int back (well in case of joy PC need give her scholar tea in enough quantity) and for pc just need to gring int points back by whatever means.

Well, I don't like Joy... so I'm gonna restart and make sure not to get her.

As long PC not tell JoJo to try catch thief Joy won't show up.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
Yeah, learned that, but I need to restart to tell her that.

Only seven days. Sides, it lets me do a few more quests to get my AP points up. Wanna get Tolerance maxed out ASAP. Wonder if 7 Tolerance is high enough for the Phyilla-Incest Scene with zero corruption?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Debimbo works exacly the same way for PC, Sophie and Joy afaik. Each of them got their int back (well in case of joy PC need give her scholar tea in enough quantity) and for pc just need to gring int points back by whatever means.

As long PC not tell JoJo to try catch thief Joy won't show up.

No, what I mean is that Joy can NEVER be debimboed, hence, you can't give her the debimbo drink. You can only give her Scholars Tea's which increase her inteligence, but her speech patterns and what not can't be reversed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To clear up one thing about Joy.

I DO intend to add a way to restore her mentality with debimbo. However, she'll remain feminized. Fortunately, that means the option to dedick her will also be removed and she'll remain sexable. Debimbo only removes Bimbo Brains perk.


New Member
Jan 27, 2016
To clear up one thing about Joy.

I DO intend to add a way to restore her mentality with debimbo. However, she'll remain feminized. Fortunately, that means the option to dedick her will also be removed and she'll remain sexable. Debimbo only removes Bimbo Brains perk.

So that would mean that a Debimbo'd Joy could/would only exist as a herm?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
To clear up one thing about Joy.

I DO intend to add a way to restore her mentality with debimbo. However, she'll remain feminized. Fortunately, that means the option to dedick her will also be removed and she'll remain sexable. Debimbo only removes Bimbo Brains perk.
So that would mean that a Debimbo'd Joy could/would only exist as a herm?

Neat. but what if you remove her dick prior to the update?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
Curious question. But is there anyway to increase the chance of finding the Corrupted Glades in the forest? As otherwise, trying to cleanse the forest of them is going to take days!

Actually, make that two questions. But has the Raphael paths been expanded at all? Either the 'Give Him Up' path or the 'protect him' and unlock the orphanage path?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Curious question. But is there anyway to increase the chance of finding the Corrupted Glades in the forest? As otherwise, trying to cleanse the forest of them is going to take days!

Actually, make that two questions. But has the Raphael paths been expanded at all? Either the 'Give Him Up' path or the 'protect him' and unlock the orphanage path?

1. You can have the glades cleared for you by Amily and Kiha if you have them as lovers, so you won't really have to lift a finger.

2. The Orphanage can only be accessed if you cover for him when Skoll and Hati interrogate you at Camp.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
Ah okay. Fair enough. I won't ask if the Forest is purified, I'll find out myself.

Know about the Orphange, but the Wiki says 'Currently, both paths are incomplete.', is that still the case?

I need to read the Version Histroy more and see what else has been added instead of asking questions...


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Ah okay. Fair enough. I won't ask if the Forest is purified, I'll find out myself.

Know about the Orphange, but the Wiki says 'Currently, both paths are incomplete.', is that still the case?

I need to read the Version Histroy more and see what else has been added instead of asking questions...

There are many parts of the game left incomplete, which is why writers are needed. The Orphanage is one of them, followed by the Cathedral (under development), Camp improvements, Tel'Adre Tower, Marble Quest 3 (rumored), and Dominica Quest.
May 29, 2016
Will there ever be an option for having Joy grow tentacles? like painting maraes lethicite dildo and giving it to her as a present and watching her materbate with it with her growing tentacles as a result and ending with tentacle sex?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Will there ever be an option for having Joy grow tentacles? like painting maraes lethicite dildo and giving it to her as a present and watching her materbate with it with her growing tentacles as a result and ending with tentacle sex?

I haven't tried it yet, but try raping Joy.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
So, I'm just gonna throw this idea out there... Amily and Joy threesome?
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
What do you mean by this? is there an html version of the mod? if so where can i get it?

Link to that thread is here, but content wise Kitteh hasn't caught up to the flash version just yet, and probably won't for a while, so you're probably better off sticking to the flash one for now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
To clear up one thing about Joy.

I DO intend to add a way to restore her mentality with debimbo. However, she'll remain feminized. Fortunately, that means the option to dedick her will also be removed and she'll remain sexable. Debimbo only removes Bimbo Brains perk.

Wait, so when you debimbo her, you can no longer remove her penis?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
There are many parts of the game left incomplete, which is why writers are needed. The Orphanage is one of them, followed by the Cathedral (under development), Camp improvements, Tel'Adre Tower, Marble Quest 3 (rumored), and Dominica Quest.

And from the Version Notes 'Sealed off any hints of pure and corrupted Ember, ending a cliffhanger.'[SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE], I'm guessing Pure and Corrupted Ember aren't finished either. If not fully disabled...Sealed off any hints of pure and corrupted Ember, ending a cliffhanger.'

Well, I think I might be able to help. Something like this might just be exactly what I need to get over my writers block elsewhere. Hell I'm already getting unrelated ideas... through that might be New Game+ only material...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Will there ever be an option for having Joy grow tentacles? like painting maraes lethicite dildo and giving it to her as a present and watching her materbate with it with her growing tentacles as a result and ending with tentacle sex?

Joy can't have tentacles. Only Jojo can get them. And I think kitteh said he not going add option of add tentacles to Joy. So we can or get Joy or tentacle JoJo.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2015
Could someone tell me what the cap on "White Fire" damage is? I have 105 int, and 415% inc spell damage, I feel "320 or less damage" is low.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
What are the chances of finding the Murky/Ornate Chests in the Bog and Rift respectively? As I've been searching both a lot, yet I cannot find them.


New Member
May 29, 2016
are there going to be anay updates to the prison? seems like mistress elly is in the same spot shes been for months


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Could someone tell me what the cap on "White Fire" damage is? I have 105 int, and 415% inc spell damage, I feel "320 or less damage" is low.

Highest amount of damage from white fire that I've dealt to enemies is 930. How many times have you cast magic attacks?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Really? You sure? Because I'm know I've been to both more than 10 times...

I didn't guarantee it was a 10% chance, besides, this game is pretty heavy on RNG when certain items are involved. You just have to keep going until they appear.