Rycharde I have.. suggestions!
Technically they are the PCs sons so.. maybe it would be a good idea for the parent the PC to name them IF they win and take? Both elder or mini.
Not sure what you are saying. The way I have it set up, it is the PC who decides which to take under their wing. It is that mino who the PC names. Are you saying the PC should name them both? Not sure if that would put a bit of extra coding to have the other mino return to the group of brothers, still having the name you gave him.
And for Scylla hmm,
Maybe Scylla leaves a note or a message with urta or simply the bartender?
Good idea that. Nancy gets the note; passes it to Urta; Urta brings it to Champion.
with Scylla and her addiction either son, maybe it turns out she just needs a source to feed from, like a vampire. What Rathezuel could cook up helps enough, but not quite euphoric like getting it from the source.
A stated (I think) in the storyboard, Scylla is an unusual case. Going cold turkey or drinking purified mino cum does not work (info in note). Any mino gives the fix for her, so not particular mino(s). Rathazul says he needs a continuous source of cum to run tests and such. If Champion chooses mini, he will begin withdrawals (have not got that far in storyboard in my head to figure if being addicted has any bearing on Scylla issue, prob not).
The scenes I think should be different from the Minitaur and Elder Minotaur. Like the Minitaur would be submissive while the elder more..well simply a minotaur.
Exactly where I'm going to take this. The person who picks which mino to take on will know the difference. Elder a 'true' minotaur; a very submissive boy-toy in mini (thought just popped up in my mind: Champion could do the crossdress thing (like Rubi but obviously his maleness will be known sing he is mino).
One learns the most direct deposit of the minotaur cum is anal and the eldest Minotaur would have experience from beating the PC or simply any wanderer into the high mountains like harpys the.. effect they have and would surely take advantage of Scylla, I dunno about vaginal since she is a nun and takes being a virgin personally since she has a chastity belt, but the effects of the drugged cum from the minotaur plus the filth and scent would probably behave like people under narcotics? Possibilities.
She has three mouths plus an asshole, That SHOULD keep the minos happy since she does have the chastity belt.
The Minitaur has experienced the opposite, was used and abused. Scylla being empathetic since Minotaurs are addicted as well would show a lot more TLC and comfort so probably rimjob and urethra touching, I dunno about water sports but for both possible. All is possible for both I think!
Never said Scylla found Champion's sons. Be hard coming up with good reason/circumstance that she found them. I'm thinking another mino (mino's are known for their solitary lifestyle).
For the continue of the quest, could work for both? See Scylla gives this Opal Ring that I think in a way is like marriage, the PC becomes the sole cum provider, well..
Hm? That would mean she pretty much have to be a camp companion? That would mean I would be adding two companions in one quest.
It is pretty common that whoever you have sex with repeatedly either becomes a slave, lover or.. follower? Point is sex it up, well..
The reason for this is to bring in a male companion (slave for mini, haven't really settled on elder, slave or lover). There is nothing in the story that says the Champion is filling Scylla up, just has to have completed Demon Factory quest. (reread storyboard, 'working relationship' will be changed). This is primarily set up for the gay players. Others can run this quest, but the gay players I have spoken with complain there is not a harem of men. This will add one, but I may work on other quests in future. (I'm pansexual [think term bisexual on steroids] so I have a bit of experience and will be open for critiques and suggestion from the gay players as well).
Maybe Scylla could be the same for either minotaur? The coding of course would be a lot but to make it simple, the more she feeds from the mino the more dependent and attached, willing to do more so maybe sex seals the relationship? Like the pc simply meets her at the bar still but when speaking to scylla you simply have mino option and after that, boom.
Hm? That brings an idea to mind. Something that will remove the Champion from filling her up (and gives PC reason for naming both) She falls for the other mino. Elder if PC chooses mini, and vice versa.
I'll be sure to send some angels your way to take care of you! You could also ask them, with specificity :3
Be well my friend!
Amily is a Mouse, Rathazul is a Rat.Those two species can't breed with each other.
Besides, I don't think any concoction could make Rathazul attractive.
Um? Neither can human and horse, dog, cat, mouse, etc.