currently torch and previously firefox till I encountered a strange error in which now I can't access anything and even re-downloading can't solve it.
What browser you using?
currently torch and previously firefox till I encountered a strange error in which now I can't access anything and even re-downloading can't solve it.
Try clearing your cookies and check to see if it's up to date or not one of the beta builds of Firefox.. you don't have to delete them all just ones related to CoC. I use Firefox and usually have file saves instead of using the actual browser saves which is a great way to back up your stuff. That or if you haven't backed up, try CoCed and just rebuild your character in that.
This is jumping back a bit to the duel wielding weapons/combat overhaul. Perhaps after a certain height dual wielding 2h weapons becomes possible with the right strength stat to match. would be hard to determine what would qualify as the minimum height to do this but 15-16ft sounds about right. you would certainly have gigantic hands.
I tried but no mater what I can't get a edited file on the modded version it is always called corrupt even thought I just made it. Also it is not the cookies that is the problem it's the fact that firefox is still running even thought I uninstalled it.
Great so far, I do enjoy the fact that you have two choices in the matter. I'm not really good at editing already existing work, but either way it looks exceptional to me.
I could help write things depending on what it is.
Wow Rycharde I am very blessed! This is so fun!
First thing first you have this quest like it literally is a quest. It's so cool!
I've been reading this, and I have to ask, the requirements that you have had 6 minotaur sons, how does that work with a male PC that is not a herm? Just curious. Apart from that I like what I am reading.
Now, if it were based off of Satyrs, different story entirely, and DAAAHM!!! Brain grabbed hold of ANOTHER idea for game. *supersigh*
Um? If you are a Male (not Femaleor Herm) then you do not have any sons (which includes Elder and Mini)... and. I. see. what. you're. saying...
DAMN! Did not think of that. *sigh*
Kinda hard for a gay, male character to do this quest if he cannot kick it off. *facewall* *facewall* *facewall* *facewall* *facewall* *facewall* *facewall*
So much for a pure gay-oriented adventure. Guess you have to slap on a cunt for a few minotaur rapes and such till you drop 6+ minos.
Now, if it were based off of Satyrs, different story entirely, and DAAAHM!!! Brain grabbed hold of ANOTHER idea for game. *supersigh*
I for one wouldn't mind having satyr children as followers, even if mine would pop up from the frontBut that's a completely different story.
Essrayel could have a thing with Satyrs, they are found wandering in the glades..probably with Imps too! Imagine a line through this paragraph!
Btw how I think of the quest I literally.. Cannot wait.. I get a lady boner just thinking about it ^^ Ahem.. You're wonderful.
Going with Satyrs seems more logical. That and if you are aiming to add in gay content then gating it behind interaction with Scylla also seems a bit odd. It also poses some difficulty for hetero females that want to get at some extra male NPC content since Scylla herself is gated behind having a 12 in + penis for her initial appearance at least.
I'm Kitteh6660 in the wiki by the way.
And regarding Satyrs, they always check if you have a pussy. If not, it's anal.
However, Satyr Gang that will be included in the Black Cock will be able to impregnate you anally. I'll have to add a switch to toggle off rimjob. (It's gross in my opinion)
I'll have to add a switch to toggle off rimjob. (It's gross in my opinion)
According to a codex, fauns used to exist back then.
Um? If you are a Male (not Female or Herm) then you do not have any sons (which includes Elder and Mini)... and. I. see. what. you're. saying...DAMN! Did not think of that. *sigh*
Kinda hard for a gay, male character to do this quest if he cannot kick it off. *facewall* *facewall* *facewall* *facewall* *facewall* *facewall* *facewall*
So much for a pure gay-oriented adventure. Guess you have to slap on a cunt for a few minotaur rapes and such till you drop 6+ minos.
Goodness Rycharde you do have a lot on your plate, I can't imagine what the other contributors have on their plate..
I'll come up with something! Least of all many good nights of lovely sleep!
I keep messing up on the forum stuff!
Any word about the crashing Android version?
I've just seen two people bringing this up and a workaround which isn't going to work on Android since it's not supporting flash.
Here's a progress report.
The Black Cock is nearly done. All I have to do is to code a few of Andy's scenes and do a bit of testing. After that, expect a snapshot soon!
Rhino and Echidna TFs would come later though.
The codex entries have been coded and the number of codex entries will be brought up to 23.